Niki Set 7

This forum is for users of Bound2Burst to discuss topics related to female desperation to pee.
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Niki Set 7

Postby Bound2Burst » 27 Mar 2016, 15:59

Niki Set 7

Nude & Desperate (22 minutes 04 seconds)
Niki has just arrived and has formerly been on the road for hours. She hates using public restrooms so she always holds her pee, which is why she turned up with a full bladder and wanted to get straight down to some desperation work. Since she didn't have an outfit selected to wear yet, the simplest thing was to have her take off her own clothes and hold in her pee while naked. This is always difficult to do because clothing creates a mental barrier against letting go, and without it the body is just saying, "Go, now!" Niki, never one to give in easily, struggled hard to wait. She talks constantly about her urge to pee throughout the video, mentioning road trips with some serious holding and near accidents, at the same time sipping liquids (we all know needing to pee makes you thirsty!) and making her situation worse. When Niki finally loses control, she starts out squatting down and pee for some seconds, then stands. Suddenly, a lot more pee explodes out of her. The look on her face is one of pure ecstasy.

B2B Store: $8.99 ... ct_id=1863

Clips4Sale: $12.99

Niki is Kept Waiting (19 minutes 06 seconds)
Niki needs to pee but has agreed to hold it for a while. The outfit she is wearing is for a forced stripping video which we will be filming shortly, while she still needs to pee. In order to ensure desperation a little later on, Niki is kept waiting for more than ten minutes before filming on the forced stripping video begins. This takes a further ten minutes, after which Niki is asked to put the same outfit back on for a bondage video. She clambers back into pantyhose, a leotard (where she needs help to do up and undo the zipper) , skirt, jacket and boots, and without thinking starts heading for the bathroom to relieve herself. When she is called back and ask to wait a bit longer, she winces and says she really needs to pee now. Nevertheless, she continues holding it, squirming around and talking fast, which is her way of dealing with the situation. Finally, she is told that she can pee, so we accompany her to the bathroom and watch her struggle out of all the clothes in order to relieve herself. This takes a while, longer than she would like, and Niki is becoming a little frantic. She needs help with the zipper on the leotard again, and finally manages to get everything off and sit on the toilet. She visibly subsides as the pressure on her taut bladder eases. Finally, she gets the relieve she required before getting on with the bondage work.

B2B Store: $8.99 ... ct_id=1864

Clips4Sale: $12.99

Forced to Piss Her Jeans (11 minutes 42 seconds)
Niki is being held prisoner, and while her captor is busy for a short time, he handcuffs her to the door handle of a Jeep. This might not be too much of a problem if Niki did not need to pee, but her bladder is very full and she can't wait much longer. With her wrists handcuffed to the door handle, she can't reach to unzip her jeans still less pull them down, and she seriously needs to pee! She pee dances, bending and crossing her legs, but she is finding it extremely difficult to control herself. After ten minutes of this she starts to leak, and then suddenly the floodgate open and Niki pisses her jeans and her boots. Now she is stuck standing there with pee-soaked pants and her captor seems to be nowhere in sight.

B2B Store: $6.99 ... ct_id=1862

Clips4Sale: $9.99

Niki Set 7 (zip file)

B2B Store: $19.99 ... ct_id=1865
Niki Set 7
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