by Bound2Burst » 25 Feb 2013, 10:26
Here we are on day 9 of the problems with Files Forever, and we don't seem to be making much progress. Some people are being told that FF is working but that some data have been lost, and that they should contact the person selling them files for help. One may wonder how this can happen when Dreamhost made a promise to store files "forever" (and they've charged me thousands of dollars to do so). Do they not keep backups? I can't get a straight answer. Even if I replaced missing files, those who purchased those titles in the past still would not have access to them because now they would all have different ID numbers.
I think, under the circumstances, that I need to focus my attention more on Clips4Sale to distribute my movies. It is, ultimately, the only reliable outlet for such content that won't one day just disappear (they make far too much money for that, and "porn" is their business after all). I suggest that if you're holding out for a Files Forever fix and a return to normal business, that you might consider purchasing from Clips4Sale instead. I will do my best to keep the prices as reasonable as I can, within the constraints imposed by C4S software which controls minimum pricing for a given length of movie. One area where things would not change quite so much is with movie sets: by combining the files into on big file (not a zip file) I have more control over pricing, and I can charge a price only a few dollars above what I would have asked via Files Forever. This means I will make less because the overhead will be 40% instead of 20%, but I guess I shall just have to live with that.
This change will mean a drop in income for me, and probably quite a significant one. That being the case, I will have to reduce the number of shoot in the months ahead to compensate. This could be the start of a vicious cycle (less new movies, still less income), but we'll just have to see how that goes. Unless customers can embrace buying from Clips4Sale, less new content may become a way of life.
I know some people, upon reading this, will write and suggest other ways to collect payment, such as PayPal. Please note that PayPal banned us 3 years ago so that's out. Almost all shopping carts one might choose have a ban on adult content, so none of those systems would last very long. And no, I will not make Bound2Burst a membership site, ever. I will not accept wire transfers, cheques or cash, all of which mean giving out bank information or geographical information.
If we do get Files Forever back, I will continue using it to sell movie files, but on the understanding that you can't expect the files to stay stored for you indefinitely. Clearly, that's one promise Dreamhost will not keep. You will need to download them and then store them safely on your own equipment, backing everything up to guard against accidental loss.
As for those who have made purchases and can't download them, I will address each of these in the weeks ahead, uploading the files to Bound2Burst for you to download them. That's not an invitation to use FF now, however, because I have no intention of spending all my days uploading files to fix download problems. For now, DO NOT buy anything from Files Forever. If you deliberately do so after this date (25th February 2013) on the assumption that I will bail you out, you're going to be disappointed.
When, or indeed if, I get more information and some kind of solution from Dreamhost, I will let you know via a message on the front page of the website.