Measuring Tilly & Second Measure (2K upscaled) - Tilly McReese

A place to discuss female desperation
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Measuring Tilly & Second Measure (2K upscaled) - Tilly McReese

Post by davidb2b »

measuring_tilly_and_second_measure_upscaled_800.jpg (70.22 KiB) Viewed 1860 times
1. Measuring Tilly
Tilly volunteered to measure the amount of pee she released when extremely desperate to relieve herself. To make sure she was at full capacity, she drank water and a caffeine-laden drink before doing a bondage session. Towards the end of this, she was going frantic because she needed to pee so badly while tied to a chair. Freed at last, Tilly quickly changed outfits and went to stand beside our fountain which just gurgles water right behind her. This, of course, is sheer torture for a nearly-bursting woman. Tilly struggles to hard to hold her pee but she is so very, very desperate. She grabs the graduated cylinder just before pee explodes out of her and captures it all.

2. Second Measure

Since Tilly's first capacity measuring video was rather short, owing to her somewhat dire circumstances at the time, we thought we would create a second one where things moved along at a more measured pace, so to speak. She starts off in a fairly relaxed state but with a pretty full bladder. She chats and drinks until, suddenly, she really needs to go and the squirming and gasping really get underway. Tilly removes her panties when she feels she is getting close to having to release, then finally relieves herself in the graduated cylinder for a second time. How does her volume compare with the day before? How much difference does the level of desperation make?

30 minutes 26 seconds - 1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,728.9 MB

Store: $8.99 ... ct_id=2181

Teaser: ... scaled.mp4

Tilly's Page:

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