Beverly Remastered: Volume 2 (MP4) - 1 hour 55 minutes

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Beverly Remastered: Volume 2 (MP4) - 1 hour 55 minutes

Post by davidb2b »

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1. She Forgot Her Key Card Remastered
6 minutes 31 seconds - 1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 360.8 MB
On her way to work, Beverly suddenly realizes she left her key card at home, so she calls ahead to security, asking them to buzz her in when she arrives because she urgently needs to use the bathroom. When she gets to the side door of the office block and waves up at the security camera, however, the door remains locked. Beverly paces up and down in desperation, trying not to wet herself as she waits to be noticed and admitted to the building. She tries calling the number for security again, but this time it goes to voicemail. With nowhere to go and a bursting bladder, poor Beverly is unable to hold it and has a serious accident right outside the door. She can't go into the building now, even if security does not her; she must go home first to shower and change her clothes, especially her panties and skirt. (Pee scene filmed from two angles).

Store: $3.99 ... ct_id=2080

Teaser: ... stered.mp4

2. Victim of Circumstances Remastered
20 minutes 50 seconds - 1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,154.0 MB
Beverly is a receptionist/booking clerk for a restaurant. Apart from calls from potential customers making table reservations, she also deals with walk-ins. On this afternoon, one of those walk-ins presents her with a big problem - he plans to keep an eye on her while his partner robs the safe upstairs. This way, the thieves ensure that business continues as usual during the robbery and no one tips off the police. There is just one little snag - Beverly has been so busy she has been putting off a visit to the ladies room, and now she really needs to go. She asks for permission to relieve herself, even offering to let the man accompany her, but he tells her she must stay put and deal with phone calls, promising to let her go when he is ready to leave. Beverly continues fielding phone calls, trying to sound normal despite the urgent squirming of her full bladder. Her struggles grow more pronounced as she starts to panic; she is desperate to pee and knows that she won't be able to hold it in for much longer. She pleads with the man to let her go but he remains steadfast, and she has no choice but to go on sitting at her desk and trying not to wet herself. Finally, the pressure is too great and Beverly loses control, making a huge puddle on the flood beneath her seat. (Pee scene filmed from two angles).

Store: $6.99 ... ct_id=2081

Teaser: ... stered.mp4

3. The Locked Door Remastered
14 minutes 42 seconds - 1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 813.5 MB
Beverly arrives home desperate to pee and finds that the workman she has engaged is occupying the only bathroom. Made to hold her full bladder, she squirms and moans, intermittently pounding on the bathroom door and pleading with the man to hurry up. He tells her he won't be long, but Beverly is going frantic. Trying to concentrate on work she sits in her swivel chair, legs crossed, heels tapping, gasping with the strain of holding on just a little longer. She tries the bathroom door again, a pee accident now imminent. Suddenly, Beverly starts to wet herself, her red trousers soaking up nearly all her pee. Relieved but annoyed, she goes into her office and sits in her chair. No sooner has she done so when the toilet flushes and the workman emerges. An angry Beverly thanks him for nothing and tells him he can clean up the mess she made.

Store: $5.99 ... ct_id=2082

Teaser: ... stered.mp4

4. Robbed Remastered
17 minutes 27 seconds - 1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 966.5 MB
Beverly is arriving home with a bursting bladder. Before she can get out of her car, she is held up and robbed. The thief makes her handcuff herself to the steering wheel. Struggling not to wet on her dress, not to mention the car seat, Beverly tries to reach her cellphone to call for help. As her desperation increases she even considers urinating into an orange juice bottle, but it's a difficult thing to do, especially with one's hands cuffed to a steering wheel. With her bladder ready to explode Beverly is running out of time to find a try solution to her problem.

Store: $5.99 ... ct_id=2083

Teaser: ... stered.mp4

5. Power of Suggestion Remastered
17 minutes 57 seconds - 1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 994.6 MB
It is the morning after Beverly went to a show and was hypnotized on stage. What she doesn't know is that the power of suggestion has not been entirely removed, and that her boyfriend has a key trigger word that will make her feel a desperate urge to pee. Unfortunately for Beverly, every time she runs to the bathroom, the urge to go vanishes. How is she going to empty her full bladder before it bursts? This was Beverly’s first movie of the day, and as usual she arrived full to bursting point, but had a lot of trouble letting go. We finally discovered the secret of getting her to perform at her best. What it comes down to is that no one can be in the room with her at the time; just the camera. Then, it really is a case of "here comes the flood!"

Store: $5.99 ... ct_id=2084

Teaser: ... stered.mp4

6. Fountains Remastered
22 minutes 00 seconds - 1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,219.2 MB
It was time to really make use of that new fountain with its loud, trickling water sounds. This plays havoc on girls whose bladder is full. Wearing her favorite denims, Beverly started the movie by standing next to the fountain, but she looked tense and concerned almost at once. After standing still next to the flowing water for a few minutes, Beverly wanted to move away from the fountain. Can't imagine why! We took a little stroll around the house, in no particular hurry, but Beverly soon found herself back within earshot of that wretched fountain. We got her to recount her manicurist desperation story which really didn't help, and finally, she asked David to leave so that she could perform without him watching. She's so sensitive for a heavy-duty chick!! When he prevaricated, she said, "Come on! I'm dying here!" Tempting to make her wait a little longer, but anyone who has stood close to Beverly when she's a tiny bit tense knows what that right hook is capable of, so she got her wish. For a minute, we had two fountains in the garden, and Beverly was happy again. Well, sort of.

Store: $6.99 ... ct_id=2085

Teaser: ... stered.mp4

7. Desperate Travel Agent Remastered
15 minutes 59 seconds - 1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 885.3 MB
Beverly works for a very small travel agency; it's just her and her colleague Paul, plus a part-time secretary who works up on the next floor. Stuck on the phone with a client and really feeling the urge to use the bathroom, Beverly is horrified when Paul pokes his head into her office to say that he is just off to lunch, and that she can watch the shop in his absence. Beverly tries to stop him leaving without letting the customer on the other end of the phone realize what is going on, and fails hopelessly. Beverly tries to last the hour until Paul returns, taking call after call and becoming increasingly rude to her customers. She even calls the secretary and asks for her to come down and take over for five minutes while Beverly runs to the bathroom, but the secretary refuses on the grounds that she does not know what to do. Beverly is naturally furious because she is now close to bursting. As the phone calls continue, Beverly does her best to maintain her composure, but before her colleague returns from his lunch break, she has a catastrophic accident in her skirt. Pee streams onto the floor between her feet as she tries to hold a normal conversation over the phone with the latest customer. When Paul returns, there will be hell to pay for this!

Store: $5.99 ... ct_id=2086

Teaser: ... stered.mp4

Beverly Remastered: Volume 2 (MP4) - 1 hour 55 minutes

Store: $24.99 ... ct_id=2087

Beverly's Page:

Remastered 4x3 Videos Page: ... ing_2.html

Posts: 18
Joined: Thu Jul 09, 2020 9:39 pm

Re: Beverly Remastered: Volume 2 (MP4) - 1 hour 55 minutes

Post by TWTB68063 »

Judging by the trailer, you did manage to capture the peeing sequence in Robbed after all. I just assumed you didn't get it on tape. It's odd that you left it out of the original.

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