Violet: Set 6 (MP4) 17 minutes

A place to discuss female desperation
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Violet: Set 6 (MP4) 17 minutes

Post by davidb2b »

unable_to_hold_800.jpg (89.86 KiB) Viewed 6648 times
1. Need To Go
8 minutes 15 seconds - 1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 434.8 MB
Violet arrives home desperate to pee, but discovers at the front door that she does not have her key on her. She thinks she has locked all of her keys inside her vehicle, so she begins searching for a hidden key to let herself in. After turning over pots and stones, she decides she just go and pee in the woods. Before she gets far, she hears the sound of sticks breaking. People? She decides not to risk it and decides to go back to searching. She tries the doors of her vehicle but they are all locked. When she does finally locate a hidden key, she is on the verge of losing control. She hurries to the door and inserts the key into the lock, squirming in desperation. She enters the house and hurries to the bathroom, lifting her dress and pulling her underwear down just in time

Store: $4.99 ... ct_id=2046

Teaser: ... _to_go.mp4

2. Unable To Hold
8 minutes 50 seconds - 1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 445.9 MB
Violet arrives home desperate to pee, but discovers at the front door that she does not have her key on her. She thinks she has locked all of her keys inside her vehicle, so she begins searching for a hidden key to let herself in. After turning over pots and stones, she decides she just go and pee in the woods. Before she gets far, she hears the sound of sticks breaking. People? She decides not to risk it and decides to go back to searching. She tries the doors of her vehicle but they are all locked. When she does finally locate a hidden key, she is on the verge of losing control. She hurried to the door and inserts the key into the lock. The lock is stiff; the key won't turn. She jiggles it around, trying to free it, but now it's too late. The first jet of pee shoots into her jeans. Unable to hold back the rest for long, she quickly removes her boots to save them before the pee gets that far. She dare not pull her jeans and panties down in case she is seen, leaving her no choice but to piss in her pants. Still unable to get the key to turn the lock, she sits and waits for her partner to arrive. When he shows up and asked what happened to her, her response is less than patient.

Store: $4.99 ... ct_id=2045

Teaser: ... o_hold.mp4

Violet: Set 6 (17 minutes)

Store: $8.99 ... ct_id=2047

Violet's Page:
need_to_go_800.jpg (102.81 KiB) Viewed 6648 times

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