Change in discount limits in store

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Change in discount limits in store

Post by davidb2b »

Okay, so not everyone is happy about this, although it has remained unchanged for 10 years. I increased the threshold for getting the discount to $30 because Ramona's set was the work of several days of filming, and cost a great deal to acquire. I did not feel that releasing almost 2 hours of new videos should be done at less than $25, and other than setting the price at about $35 so that the discount brings it down near to $28 (a price that would have been even more off-putting), I decided to make the adjustment.

If you guys want the limit back at $25 to get a discount, then I think I would need to do away with the concept of sets. That way, if you buy, say, three videos separately, and they total over $25, which they usually would, then you get a 20% discount on your purchase. The sets are designed to offer a discount in themselves, usually dropping the cost by at least 20%. In the case of Ramona, it would have been more like 50%, which is too much.

As it is, sales have tailed off quickly. It's early days, but there used to be a lot more response. I dare say it's a combination of piracy and diminishing interest, but whatever the cause, it does mean that I have to think very seriously about acquiring new content. It's much better for me to recycle old content and make almost as much selling that as I would new. It certainly works very well on C4S.

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Re: Change in discount limits in store

Post by awg2013 »

I don't think eliminating sets would be that bad. I'm looking for very specific things as I'm sure most others are and it's very rare I'm interested in a full set of videos. It's much easier for me to just pick and choose and get what I actually want.

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Re: Change in discount limits in store

Post by chris2 »

I'm sure you're not alone in that view awg, but I think maybe that's the point of the sets. They are an upselling tool, a way to encourage people to buy more clips than they otherwise would. I certainly find myself buying a set sometimes because 'it's only a few dollars more than the clips I was going to buy individually'.

I'm less sure about the store-wide discount. Does it encourage people to buy more clips, or does it just encourage people to wait until there are a few they want then buy them togther to save some money? Honestly, I think B2B prices are competitive and they don't need to be discounted. Clearly removing the discount might be unpopular with some, but it's a price I'd willingly pay to keep new content coming along.

Dave - I get the impression from this and other posts that you feel piracy is costing you a lot of sales. I can't prove or disprove that, but I don't often see recent B2B movies on any of the sites I visit. Maybe they are out there in other places though, who knows.

I think the big change over the last twenty years has bee the rise of amateur content. Everyone has a phone now with a decent camera and there are lots of sites that let people sell clips. B2B clips are still the best out there in my opinion and for my tastes, but the gap narrows as the technology available to amateurs improves.

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Re: Change in discount limits in store

Post by davidb2b »

chris2 wrote:
Thu Jul 20, 2023 10:44 am
I'm sure you're not alone in that view awg, but I think maybe that's the point of the sets. They are an upselling tool, a way to encourage people to buy more clips than they otherwise would. I certainly find myself buying a set sometimes because 'it's only a few dollars more than the clips I was going to buy individually'.

I'm less sure about the store-wide discount. Does it encourage people to buy more clips, or does it just encourage people to wait until there are a few they want then buy them togther to save some money? Honestly, I think B2B prices are competitive and they don't need to be discounted. Clearly removing the discount might be unpopular with some, but it's a price I'd willingly pay to keep new content coming along.

Dave - I get the impression from this and other posts that you feel piracy is costing you a lot of sales. I can't prove or disprove that, but I don't often see recent B2B movies on any of the sites I visit. Maybe they are out there in other places though, who knows.

I think the big change over the last twenty years has bee the rise of amateur content. Everyone has a phone now with a decent camera and there are lots of sites that let people sell clips. B2B clips are still the best out there in my opinion and for my tastes, but the gap narrows as the technology available to amateurs improves.
Hi Chris,

I do get a load of links sent to me periodically showing what seems to be a significant amount of piracy, sometimes instigated by the very people who visit this forum! It is reassuring that you don't come across a lot of it though, so it may be less prevalent than I think.

I do have days when I feel a bit despondent, but overall, I get by and it's okay. I do appreciate the rise of amateur content, although really, since that's what I produce, I can't slam others for wanting to try it themselves.

I'll consider your comments are decide how to handle things going forward.

Thank you.

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Re: Change in discount limits in store

Post by davidb2b »

awg2013 wrote:
Thu Jul 20, 2023 1:44 am
I don't think eliminating sets would be that bad. I'm looking for very specific things as I'm sure most others are and it's very rare I'm interested in a full set of videos. It's much easier for me to just pick and choose and get what I actually want.
Yes, I realize sets are a mixed bag and many people do want to choose clips individually. That's why the discount was introduced. I'll have to see how it goes. Thanks for your feedback.

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