Nina Alder: Set 1 (MP4) - 43 minutes

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Nina Alder: Set 1 (MP4) - 43 minutes

Post by davidb2b »

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1. The Job Interview
14 minutes 39 seconds - 1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 827.8 MB
Nina's first pee desperation video with Bound2Burst. She is very unsure how things are going to turn out, so we set things up as a job interview where she would sit and answer questions until the interviewer is called away, leaving her sitting there. The premise is that she is being interviewed for a job in a brand new garden center, but so far they only have male employees and no ladies toilet has been installed. While Nina asks about using the facilities, she is told none are available because the male toilet is in a disgusting state. Assure that the situation will be rectified before she starts work, she is left sitting there needing to pee with nowhere to go. Once the interviewer disappears, she does her best to maintain her composure but she is feeling a very strong urge to pee. Eventually, she can't fully contain herself and starts leaking, leaving a small puddle on the floor. In fact, Nina badly needed to pee but found herself unable to release it, even though she was left alone for that sequence. She laughs about it in the behind the scenes sequence at the end, and promises to do better going forward. She more than makes up for it with the huge outpourings in the other two videos in this set.
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2. Desperate Situation
11 minutes 40 seconds - 1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 659.1 MB
Nina has been on the phone for some time talking to a friend she has not heard from in several years. She is bursting for a pee but does not want to bring the call to a premature close. Barely able to hold it, Nina decides to go and use the bathroom while on the phone to her friend. As soon as she starts to walk out of the living room in the direction of the toilet, however, the signal, weak to begin with, drops out. She hurries back before the call cuts off completely and continues waiting as her friend tells her about her own situation. After a minute, Nina, seriously bursting, makes a second attempt to reach the bathroom but the same thing happens. She has no choice but to try ending the call, but her friend doesn't want to hang up just yet. When Nina finally admits that she needs to pee, her friend tells her to hold it. She does her best but she is about to wet herself and makes her friend end the call. Nina dashes to the bathroom and just gets there in time. When she sits on the toilet and starts to go, pee rushes out of her and keep coming for more than a minute, signifying that he has an extremely full bladder. (In fact, Nina was incredibly desperate and struggling hard to control herself, the result of over-preparing. Some behind the scenes footage is included at the end to show what it was like for her).
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3. The Yoga Instructor
17 minutes 21 seconds - 1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 985.2 MB
Nina is taking a small yoga class and finds herself needing to pee. Part way through, she starts to get up, saying that she needs to use the bathroom and that she will return in a minute. However, one of her students, one she badly embarrassed the week before, has other ideas. He holds up the proceedings and tells Nina to sit back down, instructing her to carry on with her yoga exercises with a full bladder. Reluctantly, Nina does as she is told. The student soon takes over, telling her what exercising to do, such a lying on her side and lifting and lowering one leg, putting an enormous strain on her already stretched bladder muscles. Nina points out that these exercises are not actually yoga but he does not care. He even makes her stand up and performing jumping jacks on her mat. Nina is clearly concentrating hard to avoid losing control of her bouncing bladder and is relieved when she is allowed to stop. She is put through several more exercises designed to make it difficult for her not to lose control of her full bladder. Finally, she is made to stretch her legs wide apart and just stand there. The urge to pee is so powerful now that Nina cannot stop it, snd she wets her yoga pants in front of everyone. She is not allowed to move until she has finished peeing, which takes rather a long time. Once she is done, the student makes her lie down in her own pee before he gets up and leaves the class.

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Re: Nina Alder: Set 1 (MP4) - 43 minutes

Post by awg2013 »

I loved Desperate Situation and hope we will be seeing more just made it content like that from Nina in the future. Gorgeous woman. She’s going to be tied with Vonka as my favorite soon.

I really like that you’re including more behind the scenes in videos. I thoroughly enjoy it. There are times I’d say I’d pay for a video of almost nothing but behind the scenes as I find it as good as the finished product sometimes as it’s genuine desperation content as opposed to dramatized.

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Re: Nina Alder: Set 1 (MP4) - 43 minutes

Post by davidb2b »

I appreciate what you're saying. Some behind the scenes would be great to include, but too often things are being said which are of a private nature and can't be aired publicly. I'll try to capture more extra content though.

Desperate Situation is by far the best seller of the set, both in the Bound2Burst store and on Clips4Sale. More like that is certainly called for. Nina will be returning in March.

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Re: Nina Alder: Set 1 (MP4) - 43 minutes

Post by RoyalBlueMoose »

I just bought the yoga instructor and I love it. When she starts to leak before she loses control *chefs kiss* perfect! I can't wait for her to come back

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Re: Nina Alder: Set 1 (MP4) - 43 minutes

Post by davidb2b »

Of Nina's three videos, by far the most popular is "Desperate Situation" which has sold in the kind of numbers of I have not seen in years. Unexpected but gratifying. The next most popular is "The Job Interview". I didn't think this one would do much, but again, pleasantly surprised. I did expect "The Yoga Instructor" to do well, but it comes in a distant third. Deduction: The pee dancing is key.
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