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Carissa & Lavender Holding Contest Remastered (MP4) - Carissa Montgomery & Lavender

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2021 6:36 pm
by davidb2b
carissa_and_lavender_holding_contest_remastered-800x450.jpg (70.95 KiB) Viewed 2474 times
We teamed up Carissa, the reigning holding contest champion with a record holding time of 3 hours and 25 minutes, with Lavender, the first model to try the holding it for hours format. Lavender is after the holding contest title and is determined to give Carissa a run for her money. Both models empty out at the start, something they really needed to do because they both turned up rather desperate to pee after their long drives to the shoot, then the girls change clothes before the clock starts ticking at 12 noon. Unlike earlier contests, the girls drive one bottle of water every 45-50 minutes so that their bladders fill without that bloated sensation that comes from drinking all the liquid up front. This also enables them to wait longer, at least in theory. The movie is being sold in two formats, the full version including the liquid drinking and desperation stories the girls relate while they are holding it, plus the difficult game of having one model pour water into a glass cylinder while the other has to watch and deal with the urges this induces.

86 minutes 25 seconds - 1920x1080 pixels
Part 1: 1,847.7 MB
Part 2: 2,216.6 MB

Store: $13.99 ... ct_id=1414

Teaser: ... stered.mp4

Carissa's Page:

Lavender's Page: