Shauna's older clips

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Shauna's older clips

Post by chris2 »

I was going to buy a couple of Shauna's older clips but they only seem to be on C4S. Is there any chance they'll come across to your store at some point?

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Re: Shauna's older clips

Post by davidb2b »

I do plan to continue remastering older videos, or at least enhancing them if the original data no longer exist. I'm not sure when I'll be working on her content. Indeed, I need to go through and identify videos in the store which have not been selling (zero or just one copy in the four years this iteration of the store has existed) to make more space for newer content. The server, which only has B2B videos on it, is now 95% full. The only other solution would be placing old videos on a different server with a new store just for them. For now, I think I'd rather just kill items that no one is interested in.

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