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behind_with_her_work_4k_upscaled_800.jpg (50.68 KiB) Viewed 35286 times
Cadence has been arriving late all week and has fallen badly behind with her work. She is now up against a hard deadline, so her boss, Hannah, decides to come into her office and stand over her until the work is done. Cadence sits squirming and complaining about how badly she needs to pee, saying that she has been holding it for hours because of the pressure of work, and that she desperately needs to visit the bathroom. Hannah tells her that she is going nowhere until the task at hand is finished, and while she does not actually say so, it is implicit in her voice that cadence will lose her job if she fails yo meet the deadline. Poor Cadence sits wiggling frantically as she types, distracted by her full bladder. She tries to reason with Hannah but her boss is in no mood to negotiate. Rather, she picks Cadence up on several mistakes she has made. Finally, unable to control her muscles any longer, Cadence scoots to the edge of her chair just as pee gushes through her panties onto the floor. Hannah tells her that the janitor has gone home by now so Cadence will have to clean up the mess herself, but not before finishing her work!