Just Out Of Reach & Confined Without A Bathroom (MP4) - Cadence Lux

A place to discuss female desperation
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Just Out Of Reach & Confined Without A Bathroom (MP4) - Cadence Lux

Post by davidb2b »

Because it is not possible to group movies on Clips4Sale, I fairly often republish past videos in pairs, or maybe even as a set of 3 or 4. However, for their platform, the videos have to be combined into one big file, not something that works well with OpenCart. These two movies have just been published together on C4S, and I'm making them available here too, together but as separate videos.
just_out_of_reach_and_confined_800.jpg (101.74 KiB) Viewed 33090 times
1. Just Out Of Reach
After the success of taking Jasmine to a very desperate place in "She Must Not Pee", it was perhaps inevitable that a similar dire situation would be arranged for Cadence. Like Jasmine, Jasmine is shackled to the wood stove, but there the similarities more or less end. Cadence is naked rather than clothed, and she is not going to receive a key to release herself at any point. What she does have is a large vase into which she can pee, or at least she could if she were able to reach it. Alas, even at full stretch on the floor, the vase is just out of Cadence's reach. And so the wait begins. In fact, Cadence's bladder was already in a pretty full state when we started; prior to this, while needing to pee, she performed a strip tease which turned into being tied to a bed for about fifteen minutes. The moment Cadence was restrained, she reported that the urge to pee had suddenly become much worse. The opening minute of this video shows her on the bed after the strip tease/bondage video is finished, waiting top be let out. She is definitely anxious to get started. Fast forward to her present situation, and things rapidly become serious. Cadence really wants to pee but she knows she cannot, so she continues waiting. The effort this takes is writ large in her features, and culminates in her begging for the vase to be moved within her reach. She announces that she is getting very nervous, afraid that she will lose control and pee on the carpet. She is reminded that she can't do that, which does nothing to help her continue waiting. At last, the vase is handed to her and she hurriedly grabs it; it looks like there was little time to spare. She thrust it between her legs and released more pee than we have ever seen her do before (she wondered if it might be the most she had ever done, period). Because the quantity was clearly well above her normal amount, we decided to get a graduated tube to measure it precisely.

2. Confined Without A Bathroom
Cadence is being held prisoner in a locked room without facilities. She is being watched via a security camera to ensure that she does not make any attempts to get out. She is restless from the start because her captors have not given her a chance to use a bathroom, and now she needs to pee quite badly with nowhere to go. As she grows increasingly desperate, Cadence fidgets and paces up and down, trying to control herself as her bladder sends signals that it needs attention. Finally, in desperation, she starts writing messages and holding up to the camera explaining her predicament. No one comes to help her, so she finally has no choice - she pulls up her skirt and squats down... before pulling her hose and panties down, however, she realizes that she is visible on the security camera. She needs to cover it but has nothing with which to do so. Her only recourse is to remove her shirt and drape it over the camera for some privacy. The only problem is that she is not wearing a bra, so for some seconds, anyone watching can see her exposed breasts. It's a sacrifice Cadence is willing to make to gain relief, and when she squats to empty her bladder this time, pee gushes out in a powerful stream. She has barely finished when one of her captors enters to find out why the camera has stopped working. He removes her shirt and tells her not to mess with the camera again, leaving her with no top to wear and the embarrassment of a huge puddle of pee on the floor.

Store: $12.99
https://www.bound2burststore.com/store/ ... ct_id=2016

https://www.bound2burst.net/movies/clip ... nfined.mp4

Cadence's Page:

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