A Quick Casual Pee (Fiction)

A place to discuss female desperation
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A Quick Casual Pee (Fiction)

Post by Calling_Card »

A/N: New fiction story, little shorter than the other one. Feel free to critique, or comment with any ideas you may have

Pushing past the occasional family and other mall shoppers, Christina followed her sister Sophie towards the meeting spot. They stopped near a wall, a corner store to their right and a shoe store down the hall to the left. Behind them was a break in the wall that created a small alleyway towards the bathrooms. Christiania didn’t notice her sister’s discreetly crossed legs, the only thought on her mind was hope that her sister would want to visit the restroom too.

“Mom said to meet her here, right?” Sophie asked

“Yeah. Oh, there she is.” Christina pointed and waived.

Their mother, clad in dark jeans and a white sleeveless top waived back. Carrying a shopping bag on the arm opposite of her dark purse, she was also sporting a new belt.

“Why’d you waive you dork?”

“Why not?”

“This is why you’re not cool.”

The girls mother approached them, a pleasant smile on her face.

“You two find anything you like?”

Sophia happily showed off her new bracelet, which her mother complemented, and Christina offered her new phone case. The girls mother showed them inside her bag. A new shirt, some pants and shoes. Clearly a successful trip.

“Should we head for home?”

Taking her opportunity, Christina brought up a more pressing need

“Actually, can we go to the bathroom? I…kind of have to pee.” She was still slightly embarrassed admitting it to her mother

Without hesitation their mother agreed, and led the two down the small ally towards the restrooms. Sophie, who was walking right beside Christina leaned towards her sister and whispered

“Thanks for saying something.”

The two followed their mother into the clean, large restroom. A number of stalls were on their right, and a row of sinks and mirrors were to the left. The girls were the only ones in the room.

Their mother took the first stall, closest to the door. Christina skipped the one closest to her mother and instead took the third stall. Sophie filled in the gap, taking the stall between her sister and her mother.

Despite reaching a stall first, the girls mother was busy putting her shopping bag and purse on the hooks inside the stall. The first to drop her pants was Christina. Unbuttoning and wiggling out of her high-waist yellow shorts, she stuck her thumbs in the waistline and pulled down her shorts and panties in one motion.

In short order, Christina’s stall was the first to erupt with a loud splash. Forcefully, her fresh urine splashed hard into the toilet bowl below her. As a smile crossed her face, an audible hiss accompanied the fast moving pee that was spraying out of her. It moved at a slight arc, wetting her young labia and soft genitals before splashing into the toilet below her. Oddly, she almost took pride in her assumption that her hissing snatch and loudly splashing toilet water would dominate the sounds of her family members. Christina heard the jingle of her mother’s belt and the rustle of her parent pulling down her jeans and panties

Whatever pride Christina could have taken in the strength and sound of her impressive stream was quickly dashed by the loud splashing stream emanating from her mother’s stall next to her. After letting out a sigh, Christina’s mom contracted her bladder muscles, and the strong stream of clear piss shooting out from her increased in speed.

Unlike her daughters, Christina’s mother didn’t sit down on the toilet seat. Instead, she was crouched in a partial squat, her butt hovering over the toilet bowl. Relief washed over. Having her daughters also going with her was good for her anxiety, though she’d never admit it. The force at which she was emptying her bladder caused fresh droplets of pee to splatter onto her thighs. Some of the clear liquid droplets had enough momentum to fall into the toilet seat below her, but most of them stuck to her soft skin. What the girls didn’t know, was that their mother shaved her privates, giving the splattering, spraying piss room to soak her mature womanly lips.

“Wow mom!” Christina commented “you were really waiting awhile, huh?”

Her mother chuckled at the awkward question, the sound of her and Christina’s stream still rushing as they spoke.

“Honey, we were shopping all afternoon.”

“Yeah but you didn’t even ask to stop. Were you just going to hold it all the way home?”

Her mother didn’t respond. While it was hard to hear over the impressive splashing and hissing sound emanating from Christina and her mother’s stall, Sophie was also starting to pee.

With her forearms resting on her thin thighs, the current sound in the room was as amplified with the addition of the sound of Sophie’s hot pee slipping past her labia and dripping into the toilet water. Quickly the dripping sound of her urine splashing into the toilet was replaced with the the constant splatter as it started to rush out of her. As Sophie peed, she looked at her phone. Not at anything in particular, but it helped pass the few seconds it was going to take to relieve herself. The sound of the splashing water in the toilet bowl was lost in the sounds . Below her, the water itself started to adopt a yellowish hue as Sophie’s pee added to the liquid already in the bowl.

The roaring stream of her Mother and Sister’s was finally starting to dissipate, giving way to the gentle trickle of Sophie’s stream could be heard. Sophie’s friend sent her a text, and rather than responding with a text of her own, she sent a quick video. First of the stall wall next to her, to highlight the noise of her Sister and Mother, then to her own pussy with piss still arcing out of it, before turning the phone around to her face. Making the peace sign with her fingers, she smled for the camera before sending the clip with a caption

Pee break!

“Sophie, are you nervous or something? It doesn’t seem like you had to go that bad.”

“Why are you listening to us pee?”

The fact of the matter was, Sophie was more interested in texting than rushing through her relief. But she wasn’t enjoying the feeling of her deflating bladder any less than her Mother or Sister.

“Just making small talk.”

“This is why you don’t have any friends.”

“Sophie!” Their mother exclaimed, the sounds of her flowing piss cutting off immediately “You don’t talk to you sister like that!”

Sophie rolled her eyes as her mother resumed peeing for another second or so before she was finally done.

Christina had also just finished, and was quietly dapping herself dry with bits and squares of toilet paper. Her mother was doing the same, though she chose to shake dry first. Her butt jiggled slightly as she did so.

Sophie was the last one of the trio to finish peeing. Her phone buzzed, and she opted to sit on the toilet instead and drip into the bowl while she got a video back.

Same :)

Her friend also showed herself using the toilet before blowing the camera a kiss. Sophie couldn’t help but smile. It had been a good day.

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