Running Late (2K upscaled) - Star Nine

A place to discuss female desperation
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Running Late (2K upscaled) - Star Nine

Post by davidb2b »

running_late_upscaled_900.jpg (70.96 KiB) Viewed 2278 times
Star is going as a guest to a friend's wedding. She arrives home from work behind schedule. She enters the house and rapidly change from her business suit into a nice dress. She needs to pee but she is running so late there just isn't time. She dashes to her car, starts it and beginning to depart when, in her haste, she realizes she has forgotten the wedding present. She turns around and returns home, dashing back to the house to retrieve the gift. She climbs back into her car and is about to depart when she discovers that she has put her keys down somewhere. Cursing and now extremely desperate to pee, she rushes back to the front door, only to find it locked. Unable to waste more time looking for a spare key, she decides to enter through the garage to collect her keys and pay a visit to the bathroom, realizing that she can't possibly make it to the church in time anyway. She struggles with the garage door which seems jammed, wiggling her legs and she frantically tries to gain entry. Finally, the door moves and she steps inside, switching on a light before hurrying to the basement door. She can't believe it! This door is stuck too, and her bladder is by now ready to explode. Suddenly, the door opens with a jolt and Star staggers backward. the shock making her lose control of her full bladder. She hastily pulls up her dress to prevent it getting wet, but there is nothing she can do about her tights and panties and shoes. She releases a powerful stream of pee, looking hugely relieved as her desperation abates. Still short of time, she grabs a towel and wipes her stockinged legs, empties and wipes her shoes, and dashes upstairs. At last we see her departing for the wedding, hoping to arrive in time to see her friend walk down the aisle.

10 minutes 12 seconds - 1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 575.1 MB

Store: $5.99 ... ct_id=2194

Teaser: ... scaled.mp4

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Re: Running Late (2K upscaled) - Star Nine

Post by davidb2b »

All the delays mean that no new desperation material was filmed this month. In order to stop the B2B store on Clips4Sale sliding into obscurity, I have been locating videos from the 2015-16 era where the original data have been lost, and upscaling them from the best version available, usually Quicktime, and publishing them. It's good to enhance these earlier videos and give them a new lease of life. When I think it's worth it for you guys, I will include them in the B2B Store, while removing the lower quality original to save disc space.

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