Server at capacity

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Joined: Fri Jun 26, 2020 3:21 pm

Server at capacity

Post by davidb2b »

We have finally reached the point where the server being used to store Bound2Burst videos is at capacity. I now have to start deleting videos from the server which have not sold especially well in order to post new ones in the future. These will be removed from the store listing, but in some cases there may still be a link on the main website which points to a missing video. At least no one can buy something that isn't there. I'll do my best to update pages to reflect the current state of play, but I'm sure I'll miss a few.

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Joined: Thu Aug 27, 2020 6:00 am

Re: Server at capacity

Post by awg2013 »

Is there any way we can find out ahead of time what’s being deleted in advance? I know it’s stuff that never sold well, but there have been times I want to get older clips that I found out are gone.

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Joined: Fri Jun 26, 2020 3:21 pm

Re: Server at capacity

Post by davidb2b »

Not really, but if you find something you want has disappeared, let me know and I can sell it to you via PayPal and send it via TransferNow.

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