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Bound2Burst Movies by Model: Vonka Romanov
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Bound2Burst Movies by Model: Vonka Romanov

Vonka Romanov
Relief As A Reward
Relief As A Reward
Time: 13 minutes 41 seconds
In order to get chores done around the house, Vonka makes up her mind that she can only pee when they have been done, a reward system to motivate her. Of course, it does mean that she will have to wash dishes while struggling with a full bladder. She also applies a duster to several rooms, and only when this is done will she permit herself a trip to the bathroom for some much needed relief. When she does sit on the toilet and release, pee fours out in a rapid stream and Vonka releases a long sigh of satisfaction.

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 777.2 MB
Vonka Romanov
Desperate To Wet Her Panties
Desperate To Wet Her Panties
Time: 23 minutes 54 seconds
Vonka, wearing only her bra and panties, is desperate to pee but has her ankle chained to the wood stove, preventing her from reaching the bathroom. She must continue to wait until she is given a key to unlock herself, allowing her access to the wooden floor where she is allowed to pee. Until then, she must keep her panties dry! Having struggled through a stripping video while urgently needing to pee before even starting this one, she badly needed to go. When a key is finally thrown to her, she works out that it is the wrong one, but it might undo the padlock securing the chain to the stove. Too smart for our good. With the correct key now, she removed the leather strap from her ankle to avoid making a mess of it and hurried out into the dining area to wet her panties.

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,355.7 MB
Vonka Romanov
Vonka Romanov: Set 17
Vonka Romanov: Set 17
Time: 37 minutes 35 seconds

1. Relief As A Reward
2. Desperate To Wet Her Panties


Vonka Romanov
You Have To Let Me Pee (2K/4K)
You Have To Let Me Pee (2K/4K)
Time: 8 minutes 08 seconds
Vonka arrives home desperate to piss and finds a man trying to pick the lock on her front door. When she confronts him, he throws her over his should and carries her towards the woods. When he finds a suitable tree, he handcuffs Vonka to it despite her protestations that she badly needs to pee. As he walks away, she loses control and pisses in her jeans and her boots, soaking herself and making her situation even more uncomfortable. When the man comes back for her, she has to deal with the humiliation of having him see her in her wet pants.

2K: 1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 474.5 MB
4K: 3840x2160 pixels - MP4: 916.0 MB
Vonka Romanov
Time To Go With Vonka (MP4)
Time To Go With Vonka (MP4)
Time: 44 minutes 35 seconds
Vonka's first time participating in a "time to go" situation, where she discovers the horror of having to stop peeing each time she fills that tiny cup. Each time she releases some, the urge to pee gets a little worse instead of decreasing. Funny how that works. Vonka loaded up on fluids for this one, drinking several bottles en route to the shoot and two more after arrival. She drinks another full bottle on camera. What does not hit her now will certainly manifest itself later! She goes through a number of cycles of filling the cup until it is agreed that she can finish off using the vase. In conclusion, she transfers the pee from the vase to a graduated cylinder to measure the volume she released.

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Vonka Romanov
The Consultant (MP4)
The Consultant (MP4)
Time: 13 minutes 30 seconds
A man has suffered through a terrible vacation. In fact, it was so bad that he has filed a lawsuit against the travel company that provided it, seeking millions of dollars in compensation. In an effort to calm troubled waters and same themselves a lot of money, the company hires Vonka, a litigation consultant, to speak to the customer and try to mollify him with the offer of more exotic vacations, hoping he might drop the case. However, he is understandably wary of anything this company has to offer and remains firm in his intention to prosecute. While Vonka is trying to talk him into a better frame of mind, he fails to notice the way she is squirming and fidgeting. In fact, she is absolutely bursting for a pee! She dare not ask this irritable man if she can use his bathroom; he would probably say no anyway. She therefore tries to hold it in until the interview is over. When he concludes the conversation, it looks like she has succeeded, but then he calls her back to have a closer look at the final offer she made, compelling Vonka to continue standing there while he swipes through the details on her phone. To her horror, she loses control of her very full bladder, but does her best not to react as pee streams down between her legs and soaks her pants. Fortunately, the man does not seem to notice, not until she walks away at least.

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Vonka Romanov
Ordered To Wait (MP4)
Ordered To Wait (MP4)
Time: 17 minutes 35 seconds
Before embarking on a scenario where she is made to strip, Vonka needs to pee, quite badly. She is permitted to do so, but first she has to sit on the toilet for at least ten minutes before pulling her skirt up and sliding her panties down. She is cautioned that she must do this. Having no real sense of time and no clock to guide her, Vonka has to wait for as long as she thinks she must. She tries counting, but it only seems to make things worse. By the time she is compelled to pee, she clearly needed the relief very badly, based on the powerful stream that follows.

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Vonka Romanov
Vonka Romanov: Set 16 (MP4)
Vonka Romanov: Set 16 (MP4)
Time: 75 minutes 40 seconds

1. Time To Go With Vonka
2. The Consultant
3. Ordered To Wait

Chained to the Stove Highlights: Volume 3
Chained to the Stove Highlights: Volume 3
Time: 73 minutes 53 seconds
Our third collection of scenes from the chained to the stove series. Each excerpt is approximately 10 minutes long.
  1. Jasmine St James: Jasmine Holds It For Hours
  2. Alba Zevon: To The Point Of Panic
  3. Ramona Vixen: The Vixen Is Bursting
  4. Mura Suru: Mura's Holding Ordeal
  5. Carissa Montgomery: Her Absolute Limit
  6. Sinthia Bee: Made To Wait
  7. Vonka Romanov & Jasmine St James: A Taste Of Power

Part 1: 21 minutes 27 seconds - 1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,232.7MB
Part 2: 20 minutes 38 seconds - 1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,184.7 MB
Part 3: 31 minutes 47 seconds - 1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,814.1 MB
h265 complete version: 1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 2,217.7 MB


Vonka Romanov
Vonka Romanov: Vonka Holds It For Hours
Vonka Holds It For Hours
Time: 78 minutes 26 seconds
Vonka starts out rather recklessly drinking water at a fast pace, and not surprisingly, this catches up with her long before she reaches the two-hour mark, which is what we were aiming for. She begins with a fairly empty bladder, but has already been consuming liquids before "emptying out", so she also doomed herself there too. When her desperation began to dominate her thoughts, we held a quiz to keep her occupied, just as we did with Jasmine during her mammoth holding session, and it worked for a time. However, it became clear that Vonka was in trouble and was not going to last much longer. She decided she would pee through per panties when the time came, rather than go into a container, so those who enjoy seeing wet panties benefit from her choice. She lasted about 1 hour and 15 minutes (the peeing sequence is shown twice from different angles).

Part 1: 39 minutes 22 seconds - 1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 2,228.2 MB
Part 2: 39 minutes 04 seconds - 1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 2,190.2 MB

Compilation: Naked Desperation 13
Naked Desperation 13 (MP4)
Time: 74 minutes 44 seconds
A compilation of 12 excerpts showing 13 girls naked and desperate to pee. Each excerpt is approximately 6 minutes long, and derive from the following movies:
  1. Alba Zevon: Meet Alba
  2. Ramona Vixen: The Vixen Is Bursting
  3. Mura Suru: Mura's Naked Wait
  4. Cadence Lux & Juliette March: Permission To Pee
  5. Lydia Lael: Lydia Compelled To Wait
  6. Tilly McReese: Tilly's Naked Wait (2022)
  7. Claire Irons: You Will Just Have To Wait
  8. Vonka Romanov & Syenite: Holding Contest
  9. Carissa Montgomery: Her Absolute Limit
  10. Erin: Erin Needs The Bathroom
  11. Sinthia Bee: The Inquisitive Realtor
  12. Ramona Vixen: One On One With Ramona - Fail!
1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 3,861.7 MB


Jasmine St James & Vonka Romanov
Jasmine St James & Vonka Romanov: The Desperate Apprentice (MP4)
The Desperate Apprentice (MP4)
Time: 21 minutes 05 seconds
Jasmine has asked Vonka to train her to have better control of her bladder when it is full. Wearing only bra and panties, Vonka begins the first training session by laying it all out for Jasmine, how she needs to be strong and confident, and not give in to the urge to fidget when she is desperate to piss. Starting her training with a bladder already very full, Jasmine complains that she can't follow these instructions or she will wet her panties, but Vonka is a strict, no-nonsense girl who will be obeyed. She makes Jasmine stand up straight with her hands at her sides, and any time she shows signs of weakness, Vonka reprimands her. She is told that she is a weak girl and must exhibit more self control. By way of testing her further, Vonka hands her iced tea to drink, telling her to keep her composure while she drinks. Jasmine struggles to comply, but the pressure on her bladder is now immense, and the outcome is inevitable.

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Jasmine St James & Vonka Romanov
Jasmine St James & Vonka Romanov: A Taste Of Power (MP4)
A Taste Of Power (MP4)
Time: 47 minutes 53 seconds
Dave is taking the day off and hands over the role of shoot director to Vonka, much to Jasmine's surprise. They have two custom videos to produce, one with Jasmine solo chained to the wood stove to prevent her being able to pee, and one where they appear together in a holding content. Things proceed fairly smoothly at first, although Vonka does take advantage of her position and torments a desperate Jasmine by pouring water into the vase that will later be used by Jasmine herself. Jasmine becomes frantic to pee while this is going on and soon starts asking for the vase to be handed to her. Naturally, Vonka refuses. The real problem arises when Vonka herself becomes desperate to pee and wants to start the holding contest as soon as possible. She realizes that if she lets Jasmine end the first video by peeing into the vase, she will no longer need to go while Vonka herself will be bursting.

Vonka hits on a solution: Rather than let Jasmine relieve herself, she joins her on camera and announces that the holding contest has officially begun. Jasmine can't believe that she has to continue holding it into the second video. What about the end of the first one? Vonka doesn't care. Unable to stand still herself, she just wants to get on with her role. After less than ten minutes, Vonka decides that she is giving in and is going to use the bathroom. Jasmine is horrified and grabs Vonka's wrist, holding tight to stop the girl from running off and using the toilet. Eventually, Vonka proposes that if Jasmine lets her go, she will hand her the vase to pee in before running to the bathroom. Jasmine doesn't really trust Vonka at this stage, but she really has no choice. After she releases Vonka, she watches her so-called director run off to pee, leaving Jasmine pee dancing and bursting and still restrained! In the bathroom, we see Vonka pee. It comes out in a fast jet, making it obvious why she was so anxious to get to the bathroom.

Meanwhile, poor Jasmine is still struggling with a full bladder and no place to pee. She is furious when Vonka returns and demands the vase immediately. Vonka stall, playing with water a little more to bring Jasmine to the absolute brink. Only when she thinks that Jasmine might actually pee on the carpet does she hand over the vase. A hot and exhausted Jasmine finally gets to pee. To add insult to injury, when she has finished, Vonka comes over and looks at her volume and remarks that she can't have needed to pee that badly.

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Jasmine St James & Vonka Romanov
Jasmine St James & Vonka Romanov - Jasmine & Vonka: Set 2 (MP4)
Jasmine & Vonka: Set 2 (MP4)
Time: 68 minutes 58 seconds

1. The Desperate Apprentice
2. A Taste Of Power

Vonka Romanov
Vonka Romanov: Desperation Panic (MP4)
Desperation Panic (MP4)
Time: 16 minutes 31 seconds
Vonka has anxiety about being desperate to pee in public places, concerned that she might not make it to the bathroom in time and suffer the humiliation of wetting herself. She has sought advice from a counselor to help her overcome her panic attacks, and to help her learn to stay calm while needing to pee, he has asked her to load up on liquids before each session so that her bladder is fairly full. On this occasion, however, Vonka has over-prepared and has a very full bladder. She does her best to get through the session without panicking, but she really is so desperate to pee that she is seriously worried that she won't make it through until the end of her time. She knows the counselor keeps the bathroom door locked during her visits, and that he won't unlock it until the end of the session. Try as she may, Vonka just can't hold it this time, and wets herself in the man's office, thoroughly embarrassing herself. The video concludes with a brief behind the scenes sequence.

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Vonka Romanov
Vonka Romanov: The Struggle Within (MP4)
The Struggle Within (MP4)
Time: 9 minutes 25 seconds
Vonka sits on a stool with a full bladder, determined to put off a visit to the bathroom for as long as possible. She crosses and recrosses her legs, and rubs her thighs, trying to distract herself from her acute desperation. We hear her thoughts as her resolve starts to weaken, worrying that she will lose control, that she won't be able to wait much longer. Only when she feels she is in danger of losing control does she jump up and run to the bathroom. Sitting on the toilet now, pee explodes out of her and relief washes over her.

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Vonka Romanov
Vonka Romanov: Level Of Desire (MP4)
Level Of Desire (MP4)
Time: 28 minutes 06 seconds
Wearing jeans and starting out with a full bladder, Vonka talks about the levels of desperation a girl experiences, and how the frequency of using the bathroom will determine how much she will pee when she releases. Those who typically hold their pee for extended periods are more capable of a large bladder capacity, something she herself enjoys. While she is talking, Vonka is rocking back and forth, and then stands and unbuttons her jeans to ease the pressure on her expanding bladder. After almost twenty minutes of a rising desire to pee, Vonka was reckless enough to ask how much longer she had to hold it, and was told another ten minutes. The expression on her face suggests this is going to be a struggle, but the ultimate benefit is a soaked pair of jeans.

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Vonka Romanov
Vonka Romanov: Set 15 (MP4)
Vonka Romanov: Set 15 (MP4)
Time:54 minutes 02 seconds

1. Desperation Panic
2. The Struggle Within
3. Level Of Desire


Vonka Romanov
Vonka Romanov: Vonka's Jeans Wetting Collection
Vonka's Jeans Wetting Collection (MP4)
Time: 53 minutes 19 seconds
Five complete clips in one movie.

1. Constant Desperation - Scene 2
Vonka is sitting on the edge of a bed and made to drink it. She is then handcuffed her to a pole and her ankles are secured.She is desperate to pee, and it is only a matter of time before she has to piss her pants.

2. I Hardly Noticed
Vonka has lost an ear ring and goes out in the cold to search for it. She checks both vehicles as well as the woodpile where she did some work during the past week. As she hunts around, she needs to pee pretty badly. She gives no outward sign of her desperation, but before she has finished her search, she pees her pants, turning them a very dark shade of blue. Even when her jeans are soaked, and despite the col, she carries on with her search. After she gets back inside the house, Vonka admits that her legs are frozen. That was a lot of pee, and it cooled down rapidly in temperatures just below zero celsius.

3. Holding & Wetting
Vonka chats to you while holding a full bladder again, this time in tight jeans. At the end of video, she pees in them in a very spectacular way, turning them from light to dark almost all over. Along the way, she fights the urge to pee in order to get her bladder as full as possible. Her perpetual dancing around talks starkly to her advanced state of desperation. When she does finally lose control, Vonka is asked to stop and and wait for a bit longer, and she actually manages to do it. She is now squirming with a wet patch around her crotch. She manages to last a little longer then leaks again, cutting it off for a second time and asking aloud why she would even do that, because it is agony. When she lets it go, she says "you can't pay me enough" to wait any longer. When the volume of pee becomes apparent, it's easy to see why she would feel that way.

4. I Was Driving Fast Because I Need To Pee
Vonka has been speeding because she is desperate to get home to use the toilet - her bladder is full and she is worried that she will wet herself if she doesn't hurry. But then a cop pulls her over for speeding. When she can't give him all of her necessary driving credentials, he makes her get out of the car so that she can just drive away without alerting him, and warns her not to get back inside the vehicle while he is running her information. Vonka complies, but she badly needs to pee and stands there wiggling her legs, looking pained. When she starts to panic about how close she is to losing control, she calls out to the cop and asks him if they can continue this at a rest stop, but the cop merely tells her to remain standing where she is. As the minutes pass, Vonka becomes truly anxious; she is going to piss herself in front of the cop and passing drivers if she can't do something about her situation soon. She asks if she can at least pee in the woods, but the cop refuses. He tells her they are now waiting for details to come back from the police computers, a process slowed down by her missing documents. Now Vonka is extremely desperate to pee, and despite clamping off her muscles so tightly, she starts to piss her jeans. She watches in horror as the trickle quickly turns to a flood. After she has soaked herself, the cop returns to say there is a warrant out for her arrest owing to some unpaid parking tickets.

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Vonka Romanov & Syenite
Vonka Romanov & Syenite: Who Will Win - Part 1 (MP4)
Who Will Win - Part 1 (MP4)
Time: 56 minutes 11 seconds
Vonka and Syenite engage in a new kind of challenge. Each girl is given control of the other, and she can instruct her opponent to drink or remove her clothes, and wait until she is desperate to pee. When she judges the time is right, the girl in control can tell her opponent to go to the bathroom and sit on the toilet, but not pee! This is where things get interesting. The girl sitting on the toilet has an incentive to wait as long as possible, because the one who lasts the longest will receive a bonus payment of $200. Vonka is the first to go through this acute desperation, with Syenite making things as hard for her as possible to make her desperate and lose control, thereby reducing the wait time she herself will have to endure.

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Vonka Romanov & Syenite
Vonka Romanov & Syenite: Who Will Win - Part 2 (MP4)
Who Will Win - Part 2 (MP4)
Time: 49 minutes 14 seconds
In part 2, the roles are reversed, with Vonka instructing Syenite to drink and and hold her pee. Along the way, Vonka decides when Syenite must remove her clothes, then stand there naked trying to hold a full bladder. Eventually, it's time for Syenite to visit the bathroom and hold it. There is a little wrinkle this time though; because Vonka drank so much during her turn, she has to pee first, and Syenite has to sit and listen to her relieve herself while trying not to lose control. At last, Syenite gets her turn on the toilet where she struggles to wait as long as possible. Which one of them wins the prize?

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Vonka Romanov & Syenite
Vonka Romanov & Syenite: Set 3 (MP4)
Vonka Romanov & Syenite: Set 3 (MP4)
Time: 105 minutes 25 seconds

1. Who Will Win - Part 1
2. Who Will Win - Part 2

Syenite & Vonka Romanov
Syenite & Vonka Romanov: Vonka and Syenite's Capacity Challenge (MP4)
Vonka and Syenite's Capacity Challenge (MP4)
Time: 31 minutes 11 seconds
Vonka is an old hand at capacity challenges and we already know what she is capable of producing, but Syenite is new to this and therefore an unknown quantity. By her own admission, she has a fairly small bladder compared to Vonka, so she is clearly up against it. The truly entertaining aspect of this video is how desperately Syenite tries to hold her pee in the hope of even coming close to the quantity her friend might produce. She escalates from fidgeting to running in circles as she struggles not to lose control, putting off the release until the last possible moment. Only one graduated cylinder exists these days, so one of the girls pees into the vase. After determining the level in the cylinder contributed by one, they pour the other girl's pee in on top and then perform a simple calculation.

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Syenite & Vonka Romanov
Syenite & Vonka Romanov: I Can't Hold It Much Longer (MP4)
I Can't Hold It Much Longer (MP4)
Time: 22 minutes 44 seconds
Syenite has been taken for ransom, and she is kept prisoner handcuffed to a pole while her captor waits for the money to be delivered at the drop off point. Having been restrained for hours, Syenite is getting desperate to pee and asks Vonka, who is guarding her, if she can let her out for a few minutes to use the bathroom. Vonka points out that it is not her problem, and suggests to her prisoner that she hold it. Once the ransom is paid, she says, she can go free and do what she wants. Syenite does her best to wait, but she really is desperate and is continuously pee dancing. She warns Vonka that she can't hold it much longer and begs to be allowed to use the bathroom, but Vonka still refuses to let her go. At last, word arrives that the ransom payment has been made and Vonka sets about unlocking Syenite's cuffs... except she doesn't appear to have the right key. After trying all the ones on her bunch, she goes off in search of other keys, leaving Syenite struggling to wait until she returns. Vonka takes so long that Syenite has no choice but to wet her pants. (In fact, the customer wanted her to get free just in time, pull her jeans and panties down and pee on the floor. We were about two minutes away from freeing her when Syenite lost control. To conclude, Syenite pulls off her wet jeans and panties.

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Syenite & Vonka Romanov
Syenite & Vonka: Set 2 (MP4)
Syenite & Vonka: Set 2 (MP4)
Time: 53 minutes 55 seconds

1. Vonka and Syenite's Capacity Challenge
2. I Can't Hold It Much Longer

Syenite & Vonka Romanov
Syenite & Vonka Romanov: One Delay After Another (MP4)
One Delay After Another (MP4)
Time: 14 minutes 47 seconds
    set images
Syenite is washing dishes and squirming because she is putting off a visit to the bathroom until she has finished. Finally too desperate to carry on any longer, she hurries to the bathroom. She is just about to sit on the toilet and relieve herself when she hears someone knocking on the front door. She is very tempted to just pee, but because she is expecting a registered package, something she will have to sign for, she dare not ignore it. She redresses and hurries to the front door.

Standing there is Vonka. She says she has a package for Syenite but she is having problems with the tablet used to collect customer signatures. After trying to get it to work for a minute while Syenite struggles frantically to maintain control, Vonka says she'll go back to her truck and charge the device for a minute, then hopefully it will work. While she is gone, Syenite makes a second bid to use the bathroom. This time, she pulls her skirt down and off and is just about to sit down and pee, when the delivery girl knocks on the door again. Syenite curses as she struggles to maintain control, squirming back into her tight little skirt. When she returns to the front door, Vonka says she has managed to get the pad working. Just before she hands it to Syenite, however, she notices it has failed again.

Syenite is now going out of her mind with desperation, seriously concerned that she might wet herself in front of the driver. After trying to get the pad working again, Vonka says she'll try again with a slightly longer charge, and apologizes for using up Syenite's time. As Vonka walks away, Syenite runs back to the bathroom, fighting a terrible urge to release. She pulls her skirt down and, once again, is right on the point of release when the delivery girl knocks on the door yet again. How can this keep happening? Syenite re-dresses and hobbles back to the front door, almost pissing herself as Vonka goes through the same routine. Finally, Vonka says she will leave the package and come back the next day with a working pad to collect the signature. Syenite hurriedly agrees and heads for the bathroom, about to wet her panties. She manages to sit on the toilet just in time before pee gushes out of her, experiencing massive relief as the pressure on her bladder eases off. She inspects her panties, marveling that they are actually still dry.

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Syenite & Vonka Romanov
Syenite & Vonka Romanov: Syenite & Vonka Holding Contest (MP4)
Syenite & Vonka Holding Contest (MP4)
Time: 22 minutes 28 seconds
    set images
Pitting Syenite against Vonka in a holding contest is like comparing a tug to a tanker. The only way Syenite would stand a chance against a woman who has been known to hold over 1,200 ml is to give her a head start, which is to say, Vonka drank more than Syenite to put herself under more pressure. However, it turns out that Syenite has a clearly defined limit - two bottles of water (just under a liter) and wait a little while, and she is too desperate to hold it. The dynamic between the girls as they are waiting is fun to watch, and Syenite is even more demonstrative than Vonka when she is desperate to pee. While the result may be a foregone conclusion, the journey is still entertaining. Along the way, we learn some interesting anecdotes, including how Vonka first discovered that Syenite has a pee fetish.

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Syenite & Vonka Romanov
Syenite & Vonka Romanov: Denial Of Service (MP4)
Denial Of Service (MP4)
Time: 18 minutes 04 seconds
    set images
Vonka is a loans officer at a bank. That very day, she has declined an application made by Syenite for an extension on her mortgage which is in arrears, meaning Syenite will soon have her home foreclosed. As Vonka arrives home desperate to pee, she wants nothing more than to get to the bathroom to relieve herself, but as she enters the house, she comes face to face with Syenite. Vonka is alarmed by the ferocity of the girl's anger and decides to cooperate with her, to avoid things getting nasty. Syenite expresses her displeasure with the loans officer, while Vonka stands there desperately trying not to wet herself. It seems that the girl wants Vonka's refusal to give her a loan reversed, here and now, using a tablet to log into the bank's computers. Vonka says she doesn't think she can do it from here, and can she please be allowed to use the bathroom, but Syenite insists that Vonka approve her loan now. Wiggling her legs and bending forward, Vonka attempts to log in to the bank and gain access to her accounts, while Syenite looks on, enjoying the woman's desperation. In the hope of reaching the toilet as soon as possible, Vonka authorizes the extension, thinking that her ordeal is now over. Not so. Syenite decides to make her strip and then ties her wrists and ankles before departing, leaving Vonka to struggle to the bathroom, hoping to make it before she pees on the floor.

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Syenite & Vonka Romanov
Syenite & Vonka: Set 1 (MP4)
Syenite & Vonka: Set 1 (MP4)
Time: 55 minutes 19 seconds

set images

1. One Delay After Another
2. Syenite & Vonka Holding Contest
3. Denial Of Service

Vonka Romanov
Vonka Romanov: Desperate At The Disco (MP4)
Desperate At The Disco (MP4)
Time: 19 minutes 16 seconds
Vonka is seen getting ready to go out with a friend to a disco. She has trouble zipping up her jumpsuit and solicits the help of her house mate to do it. Cut to the disco in full swing, and Vonka needs to pee. She finds her way to the bathroom, only to find it occupied. She has to wait outside the door with a full bladder, starting to worry that she can't hold on much longer. Finally, she manages to enter the bathroom, and she is now in a bit of a panic. She desperately needs to pee but is having difficulty unzipping her jumpsuit. She calls her friend to ask for her help, only to learn that she has left the disco and Vonka is on her own. She continues struggling with the zipper until, in sheer desperation, she begins tearing at the jumpsuit, attempting to rip it off before she wets herself. She is able to tear it enough to wriggle out of it and tug it down. She removes her panties and drops onto the toilet just in time. Now she has the dilemma of leaving the bathroom with her jumpsuit showing a little more of her than she would like. The last 3.5 minutes of the video contains behind the scenes content, where we stop the action to discuss Vonka's state of desperation. She was not expecting this and struggles hard to contain herself, while at the same time impersonating me performing my delaying techniques.

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Vonka Romanov
Vonka Romanov: Holding Back The Flood (MP4)
Holding Back The Flood (MP4)
Time: 13 minutes 57 seconds
Vonka arrives home from work to find her housemate occupying the bathroom, which is unfortunate because she really needs to pee. She knocks on the door to hurry her friend along, meanwhile pee dancing to help her control herself. Her bladder is extremely full and she can't wait to sit on the toilet and release, but her friend is taking her time. Vonka grows steadily more anxious and irritable as the wait continues, now having trouble holding it. As with the previous video, she is made to break character to delay her a little longer, but the tension in her voice remains. She really is bursting. After delaying her for about a minute (which is shown at the end of the video), we move onto the scene where the friend emerges from the bathroom and Vonka is able to get in. She hovers over the toilet as she pees, revealing the powerful jet. Vonka pees for about 50 seconds. A little extra sequence was added at the end to satisfy the requirements of the custom, even though Vonka had already lowered herself onto the toilet. In this sequence, the camera travels from side view to front view to watch Vonka as she wipes herself.

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 654.7 MB
Vonka Romanov
Vonka Romanov: Set 14 (MP4)
Vonka Romanov: Set 14 (MP4)
Time: 33 minutes 13 seconds

1. Desperate At The Disco
2. Holding Back The Flood

Vonka Romanov
Vonka Romanov: Constant Desperation extended
Constant Desperation extended (MP4)
Time: 68 minutes 09 seconds
In this video, Vonka pees five times, wetting herself three times and peeing into a container twice. This version of "Constant Desperation" is 7 minutes longer than the original, and the "She Seriously Needs To Piss" addition/continuation of the story is about a minute longer than the original.

Exploring the scenario of a girl who has been taken by a man with a pee desperation fetish, his sole objective to keep her desperate to piss most of the time and enjoy it when she loses control. Having taken Vonka, he drives her bound and gagged in the trunk of a car for hours, so that by the time her gets her out she has an extremely full bladder and is bursting to pee. He makes her stand and wait, still in handcuffs, believing her might take her to the bathroom in time, but of course he doesn't. She pees in her panties and her skirt, and it all runs down her legs onto the floor. Her captor takes Vonka bag out of the trunk of the car and pulls out a pair of grey jeans. He tells her she can change into these after she cleans herself up.

Later, Vonka is sitting on the edge of a bed, and her captor hands her a bottle of water, ordering her to drink it. She manages to get through this, then is dismayed when he hands her a second bottle and tells her to drink that too. Vonka makes herself to consume the second pint of liquid. At this point, the captor handcuffs her to a pole and secured her ankles. He then sprinkles some crystals all around her feet. When she asks what they are, he takes one and pours a drop of water on it. It bursts into flames! He says, "Just think what will happen if you pee on that lot." He then goes out leaving Vonka trapped and unable to move. Her bladder is already full. Despite knowing what will happen if she loses control, she just can't hold her pee until the man returns. She wets her jeans with tremendous power after waiting for so long, and nothing happens. The bastard had just been playing her.

By evening, after being made to drink yet more water, Vonka is taken back to the bed wearing just her bra and panties. She is handcuffed and shackled to the frame to prevent her getting up in the night. Vonka insists that she is already desperate to pee and that she can't possibly wait all night, but she is told that she will have to hold on, warning her not to wet the bed. Left alone, Vonka tries talking herself to sleep, but she can't get her mind off her urgent desire to pee. After a while, there is nothing more she can do to control herself and pee leaks out through her panties and onto the bed cover. As she keeps urinating, the puddle around her butt pee gets deeper and deeper. Now she has to lie in her own urine all night. Anxious not to get pee on her hair, Vonka holds her head up, but she can't do this for hours. Sooner or later she will have to accept that she is going to have to sleep in her own pee.

The next day, after being made to put on the final item of clothing in her bag, a dress, Vonka is restrained using handcuffs, padlocked to a chain attached to an overhead beam. She can't lower her arms or sit down, and she certainly can't reach to pull her dress up or slide down her panties to relieve herself. She complains about having a very full bladder, but she is simply told to hold it. Vonka warns him that she can't. Finally, he produced a 20-ounce cup and tells her she can relieve herself into this. He slowly lifts her skirt, feeling her thighs as he does so, much to Vonka's disgust, then lowers her panties. Vonka is frantic to pee and urges him to hurry up. Finally, he holds the cup between her legs. It takes a few moments for Vonka to overcome her the embarrassment and humiliation, but finally she is able to release. She keeps going until she fills the cup. She is left restrained, with her captor promising to have more fun with her later. He seems that her desperation ordeal is far from over.

It is a week later and Vonka's captor has decided to let her out of the house for a while, allowing her to drive his car around the countryside while he sits next to her, ready to deal with any trouble she might start. Naturally, he did not allow Vonka to do this without first making her drink a lot of water. We join her where she is already desperate to pee and asking to be allowed to stop and relieve herself on the roadside. Naturally, the answer is no. She has to keep driving and holding it - no peeing in the car! As time passes, Vonka grows increasingly anxious and again asks if she can stop, pointing out that she will soon have an accident if she is made to keep on driving. Still her captor will not let her pull over. He gives her directions to follow, but Vonka is so distracted by her very full bladder that she keeps turning the wrong way, getting them hopelessly lost. Right on the verge of losing control, Vonka pulls into someone's driveway (fortunately for her, a long driveway) and stops. She begs for permission to piss and has finally received it. She pulls her dress up and removes her tights and panties. She then takes an empty coffee cup her captor has in the car, places it between her legs and almost fills it. She needs to go badly, so she opens the door, empties out the cup, and then resumes peeing She almost fills it for a second time. That had been so close; another few minutes and she would have wet herself all over the car seat. He captor allows her to dress herself before making her continue with the drive.

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Vonka Romanov
Vonka Romanov: Incriminating Evidence (MP4)
Incriminating Evidence (MP4)
Time: 12 minutes 18 seconds
Vonka is just arriving home when her phone rings. When she answers the call, she discovers that someone has recorded video of her committing a burglary the week before. She accuses the caller of bluffing, dismissing the claim as if there were no truth to it. When he sends her a brief sample of the video, Vonka realizes that he really does have evidence of her criminal activities. She asks him what he wants, expecting him to ask for a cut of her profits. To her surprise, he just wants her to stand outside of her door and not enter the house. At this point, Vonka is compelled to admit that she needs to use the bathroom and really would like to cog inside, but the caller insists that she stay where she is. With people around, Vonka does not want to find herself in a situation where someone sees her wet her pants, so she tries to talk the caller into changing his mind, but he refuses. As her desperation to pee grows, Vonka squirms, bending forward and holding her crotch to avoid leaking. She does not succeed, however, and soon a small wet patch appears on her jeans. A minute later, she leaks a little more. She pleads to be allowed into the house before it's too late, but her request is denied. Unable to hold it any longer, Vonka is made to stand there and wet her jeans, soaking her legs and filling her sneakers with pee. Humiliated now, she discovers that the caller has hung up. She decides to go into the house now, and hope for the best.

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 577.4 MB
Vonka Romanov
Vonka Romanov: I Have To Break Free (MP4)
I Have To Break Free (MP4)
Time: 19 minutes 56 seconds
A burglar has robbed Vonka and left her handcuffed and tied to a chair while he makes good his escape. As time passes, Vonka starts to feel the urge to relieve herself and needs to get to the bathroom somehow, before she wets herself and makes a mess of herself and the carpet on which the chair is resting. She works on the knots in the rope, trying to loosen them while struggling to maintain control of her full bladder. As she becomes very desperate, she redoubles her efforts and finally manages to undo a knot. Now she must unwrap the rope securing her to the chair, not an easy feat while wearing handcuffs. Eventually, she is free of the chair and drops to her knees. She had planned to untie her ankles, but she can't wait that long and begins heading for the bathroom on her knees. By the time she reaches the bathroom door, she has loosened the rope enough to step out of it. She stands, switches on the bathroom light, then struggles to pull her tights and panties down before she loses control. She manages to get herself onto the toilet before pee starts gushing out of her. The tension drains from her body as she experiences the relief of releasing all of that pent up pee, resting her head against the wall as she continues to go. Now she just has to wipe herself and attempt to flush the toilet.

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 932.1 MB
Vonka Romanov
Vonka Romanov: Set 13 (MP4)
Vonka Romanov: Set 13 (MP4)
Total time: 32 minutes 14 seconds

1. Incriminating Evidence
2. I Have To Break Free


Compilation: Just Made It 19 (MP4)
Just Made It 19 (MP4)
Time: 63 minutes 10 seconds
The nineteenth collection of Bound2Burst clips where the girls just make it to the bathroom or have to pee outside. Each excerpt is between 4 and 7 minutes in length. Some of the sequences have never been seen in their entirety before.
  1. Cadence Lux: Excerpt from "Too Many Girls" - previously unused
  2. Jasmine St James: Jasmine Just Makes It
  3. Erin: Desperate On Duty
  4. Tilly McReese: Excerpt from "Too Many Girls" - extended sequence
  5. Vonka Romanov - Desperate & Worried
  6. Cadence Lux: The Conference Call
  7. Lydia Lael: Excerpt from "Too Many Girls" - extended sequence
  8. Sinthia Bee: Twenty Minutes From Home
  9. Jasmine St James & Cadence Lux: Two Girls About To Wet Themselves
  10. Violet: Saving Her Job
  11. Claire Irons: Excerpt from "Too Many Girls" - extended sequence
  12. Jasmine St James: One Hour Wait

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 2,969.3 MB
Vonka Romanov, Kendra James & Carissa Montgomery
Vonka Romanov, Kendra James & Carissa Montgomery: Peeing On The Bed Collection (MP4)
Peeing On The Bed Collection (MP4)
Time: 41 minutes 49 seconds
The first two videos have been remastered from the original data, the third has been enhanced from the Quicktime version of the published video. Snowy sequences, owing to insufficient lighting, have been cleaned up with various filters.

1. Vonka Romanov: From "Constant Desperation"
By evening, after being made to drink yet more water, Vonka is taken back to the bed wearing just her bra and panties. She is handcuffed and shackled to the frame to prevent her getting up in the night. Vonka insists that she is already desperate to pee and that she can't possibly wait all night, but her kidnapper tells her that she has to hold on, warning her not to wet the bed. Left alone, Vonka tries to talk herself to sleep, but she can't get her mind off her urgent desire to pee. After a while, there is nothing more she can do to control herself and pee leaks out of her vagina, passing through her panties and onto the bed cover. As she keeps urinating, the puddle of pee gets deeper and deeper. Now she is forced to lie in it all night. Anxious not to get pee on her hair, Vonka holds her head up, but she can't do this for hours. Sooner or later she will have to accept that she is going to have to sleep in a puddle of her own urine.

2. Kendra James: The Lousy Lawyer
Dave has spent two years in prison for fraud, even though he was innocent of the crime. He was put away because his defense lawyer, Kendra James, did almost nothing to help him, and he suspects that she was on the take. He has had a long time to plot his revenge. When she arrives at his house at his request, ostensibly to discuss some new case, Dave holds her up and forces her to remove her clothes. Kendra explains that she has been busy all day and needs to use the bathroom, but Dave is unwilling to let her go. Instead, when she is naked, he makes her shackle and cuff herself to a bed. Completely helpless and urgently in need of the toilet, Kendra tries to talk him round, but he really is not in any mood to listen. He leaves her there to struggle with her full bladder, and she is seriously bursting. It is not long before Kendra can no longer maintain control and pissing on the bed. Her pee pools around her butt and travels up her back, but given that she can't get up, there is nothing she can do about that. (Filmed with two cameras with cleave shots between Kendra's parted legs).

3. Carissa Montgomery: Her Only Option
Carissa is chained to a bed, her bladder full. She's dying to pee but there is nothing she can do about it, other that wet herself. Her captor tells her she had better not pee on his mattress. When she keeps complaining about her desperation, the man offers her the choice of having him pull down her panties and let her pee into a portable urinal. Carissa feels humiliated but has no choice. When she releases, her pee hits the inside of the container with a roar. (The original version of this video contains a fairly long bondage struggling scene; this has been removed here owing to its marginal relevance).

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Vonka Romanov & Angelica Vee
Vonka Romanov & Angelica Vee: Angelica's First Time (MP4)
Angelica's First Time (MP4)
Time: 28 minutes 42 seconds
Vonka sent a text before she and Angelica arrived, to say that Angelica had been drinking steadily for hours and badly needed to pee. She had been advised to do this, but the drive is a long one, and her getting desperate en route was pretty inevitable. The camera was ready and rolling as they pulled up, and after a brief greeting, Angelica was anxious to get started. Vonka has other ideas, however, and plans to get her friend waiting until she loses control and pees in her jeans. This was Angelica's first attempt at peeing herself in front of someone, or several someones come to that, and as happens with so many of the girls, she finds it much harder than she anticipated. She struggles for some time before deciding that she is too embarrassed to go in front of me, at least this first time, and so Vonka takes the camera. Even now, Angelica has a terrible time trying to release and ease that huge amount of pressure she is feeling.

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,339.7 MB

Vonka Romanov & Angelica Vee
Vonka Romanov & Angelica Vee: Desperate Circumstances (MP4)
Desperate Circumstances (MP4)
Time: 12 minutes 08 seconds
In the second one of the day, the girls are being held prisoner by some nasty man who, after hours of this, is not considerate enough to let them use the toilet, despite their assertions that they can't wait much longer. They are handcuffed in such a way that they can't reach their jeans, so there is nothing they can do to spare themselves the embarrassment of pissing themselves in front of their captor. The put the moment off for as long as possible, but in the end, Vonka succumbs and completely soaks her jeans and legs. This sets Angelica off who loses control of her bladder too. No sooner does this happen when, wouldn't you know it, the bad guy gets a call to say that he is needed elsewhere, and he leaves the girls to it.

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 567.5 MB
Vonka Romanov & Angelica Vee
Vonka Romanov & Angelica Vee: Vonka & Angelica Holding Contest (MP4)
Vonka & Angelica Holding Contest (MP4)
Time: 33 minutes 09 seconds
A little more at ease now, Angelica goes up again the seasoned Vonka in a holding contest, knowing full well that it is fated to end badly for her. Loaded with liquids, the girls struggle to wait as long as they can, tormenting one another along the way and recounting a few stories of desperate situations they have found themselves in. Vonka's story describes a test she needed to have that required her to give a urine sample, so she went in with a full bladder. Anyone who knows her would realize what a dangerous condition that is, should she lose control in the waiting room. In fact, she almost did and had to plead for a cup to pee in before her appointment. All this talk about peeing does not help the current situation, and both girls are suffering now. When one of them loses it, the other does too, and a little towel throwing was necessary to stop the flood spreading too far afield.

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,556.0 MB
Vonka Romanov & Angelica Vee
Vonka & Angelica Set (MP4)
Vonka & Angelica Set (MP4)
Total time: 73 minutes 59 seconds

1. Angelica's First Time
2. Desperate Circumstances
3. Vonka & Angelica Holding Contest


Cali Logan, Hannah Perez, Cadence Lux, Jasmine St James & Vonka Romanov
Cali Logan, Hannah Perez, Cadence Lux, Jasmine St James & Vonka Romanov: Bladder Burst & The Chosen together (MP4)
Bladder Burst & The Chosen together (MP4)
Time: 45 minutes 56 seconds
1. Bladder Burst
A pub on the outskirts of town has a weekly feature called Bladder Burst. Basically, at the barman's discretion, he will announce: "Drinks are free until someone pees." Obviously, anyone who tries to use the toilets or attempts to leave is blocked from doing so, because as soon as either of those things occurs, everyone in the pub has to pay for their drinks again. Enter Cali, Hannah and cadence, all trying this pub for the first time and unaware that it is a Bladder Burst evening. This is very unfortunate for Cali who badly needs to pee. When the barman blocks her from visiting the ladies, explaining that letting her go would start a riot, Cali has no choice but to hold her pee or incur the wrath of everyone in the pub. She decides to make the best of the situation, saying to her friends, "It's okay. I can hold it. Let's get some free beers!" The barman obliges, bringing out three pint glasses brimming with beer. The girls drink and chat and have a great time. After a while, Cali starts to look very anxious. She had been hoping that someone else in the bar would need to pee more than she does and break ranks. However, no one has used the bathroom and now she is bursting. She decides to leave, but the barman blocks the exist, warning her that the last person who did that got handcuffed to a post outside and was left there for the entire evening. Cali complains about the conduct but has to yield and carry on waiting. She orders another beer, saying, "If I'm going to suffer, I might at least make it worth my while." She drinks a little more, but it's a mistake. She leaks a little into her jeans and her two friends gape in horror at the wet patch on the back of her jeans. Cali pee dances, desperately trying to hold on, but it's no good. She's forced to wet herself in front of the entire bar, a situation made even worse by the barman announcing, "We've got a pisser. Free drinks is over."

2. The Chosen
This video does have a storyline, although you would never know it. It contains around 6 minutes of what would normally be outtakes where the girls just lose the plot and start laughing. I decided it would be best to release the full 29-minute version with all the digressions, together with an edited 23-minute version for those who want to focus on the story and the desperation. Frankly, the girls laughed so much it's amazing they didn't wet their jeans in the first five minutes.

The story: Dave has made a lucrative movie deal with a foreign dignitary of middle eastern origins, but the only way the dignitary is willing to go forward with negotiations is if he gets three American girls to clinch the deal. He has even picked them from the social media profiles: their names are Jasmine, Cadence and Vonka. Dave dispatches his assistant, Asher, to track down the girls and bring them to the house where the dignitary will send his men to collect them. At the start of the movie, we see Asher leading the three girls through the snow, their hands bound behind their back to maintain control of them. Once at Dave's house, their hands are freed and they are made to stand together in a room. A call is made to inform the dignitary that the girls are ready for pick up. Naturally, the girls object to what is going on, but they are constantly watched and covered and can do nothing to improve their situation. They have all been in transit for hours and all claim that they need to use the bathroom. Neither Dave nor Asher is willing to let any of the girls out of their sight and keep them where they are. The girls squirm, getting really desperate to pee, but they are simply not allowed to use the toilet. Before the pick up occurs, the inevitable happens; one of the girls wets herself, setting off the other two. In the space of just a few minutes, they are all standing there in soaking wet jeans, unable to take them off or clean themselves up. That's when the dignitary's men arrive to take them away.

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Vonka Romanov & Sinthia Bee
Vonka Romanov & Sinthia Bee: Vonka & Sinthia Desperation Quiz (MP4)
Vonka & Sinthia Desperation Quiz (MP4)
Time: 25 minutes 40 seconds
The girls were asked to tank up on liquids before coming, and in fact started increasing their intake the day before. They arrived needing to pee, and yet we filmed a forced stripping video before getting started on this. By the time they were in the jeans, they were already desperate to go. Were it not for the quiz questions distracting them, they probably would not have lasted as long as they did. This is a great example of two women badly distracted by the urge to pee and trying to concentrate on answering questions. As the minutes pass, they start to become incoherent, barely able to answer any of the questions. We soon had to stop making them drink a cup of water each time they answered a question incorrectly because they were already on the verge of wetting themselves. With jeans unbuttoned to each the pressure just a little, they soldiered on for as long as they could. Of course, once one of them lost control, the other was subjected to the sound of someone gaining the relief they so badly desired, and they soon succumbed too.

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,200.7 MB
Vonka Romanov
Vonka Romanov: Laser Trap (MP4)
Laser Trap (MP4)
Time: 16 minutes 29 seconds
Vonka breaks into a house and looks for a hidden panel, behind which she believes there is a safe full of valuables. During her search, she trips and alarm and, suddenly, four laser beams cut across in front of her, preventing her from moving. She stands against the wall with little space to move without interrupting one of the beams and making her situation even worse. She keeps as still as she can, hoping the beams will shut off at some point, but hours pass and they remain active. By now, Vonka is desperate to pee, but she dare not even bend enough to pull down her jeans and panties. At the same time, she does not want to be discovered and having to face the humiliation that she wet herself, so she holds it, hoping someone will show up and let her out before it's too late. More time passes and no one comes, and Vonka just can't hold it any longer. She starts to wet herself, cutting it off when there is only a small wet patch visible. Very soon, however, the wet patch grows a little more, and finally she loses control. Just minutes later, a man arrives and switches off the beams. While Vonka may now move, she is held in place by the man who tells her to turn around and place her hands on the wall while he calls the police. Now he can see the back of her jeans, completely soaked. The only saving grace is that Vonka does not have to face him while they wait for the authorities to arrive.

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Vonka Romanov
Vonka Romanov: Embarrassing Mistake (MP4)
Embarrassing Mistake (MP4)
Time: 11 minutes 41 seconds
Vonka, driving and badly needing to pee, has been followed home by a cop who believes she has stolen the car. He asks to see her driver's documents and is informed that she does not have them with her. She says they are inside the house, and if she can just go instead (and pee!), she can retrieve them for him. He refuses to let her enter the house in case she has something nefarious in mind. Instead, he starts talking about taking her in. Vonka insists that the car is hers and persuades him to re-check his information. She gets a little bit rude so the cop makes her get out of the car and stand up. Now her bladder is really throbbing and Vonka starts to openly complain about needing to pee. The cop radios through for an update and makes Vonka stay where she is. When she still gives him attitude, he makes her place her hands on the roof of the car until he gets information back from the station. At this point, Vonka is bursting and can't control herself any longer. She pees in her clothes just as the call comes back that the alert had been issued in error. The cop apologizes and walks away from a now furious Vonka.

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Vonka Romanov
Vonka Romanov: Set 12 (MP4)
Vonka Romanov: Set 12 (MP4)
Total time: 28 minutes 10 seconds

1. Laser Trap
2. Embarrassing Mistake

Jasmine St James & Vonka Romanov
Jasmine St James & Vonka Romanov: Fashionably Late (MP4)
Fashionably Late (MP4)
Time: 23 minutes 27 seconds
Jasmine are Vonka have been selected to star in a live stream fashion show. They are running late owing to bad weather, and by the time they arrive, they have only two minutes to change before they gave to go on. Both girls are desperate to pee but there is no time to visit the bathroom. They will have to hold it as they parade in their outfits, trying to look elegant and sexy while struggling with a full bladder. Each time one of the girls come off stage, she squirms desperately and talks about quickly running to the bathroom, but the turnaround is so fast there is no hope of making it to the toilet and back in time. They just have to keep holding it. Finally, Vonka reaches the point where she is about to wet herself and rushes off to the bathroom, leaving poor Jasmine on her own. When Jasmine comes off stage to change, she sees that Vonka is gone and panics. The organizer tells her she will have to change very quickly and go straight back on. Jasmine is also bursting at this point, but she has no choice other than to carry on. During her next presentation, she loses control and wets herself on stage. The company hosting the show severs the transmission, but Jasmine is unaware she is no off-air and continues showing off her outfit, her feet squelching in her shoes as she walks. By this time, Vonka has returned and sees what has happened from off-stage. Jasmine is furious at her for abandoning the show and leaving her to suffer the ultimate humiliation.

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Jasmine St James & Vonka Romanov
Jasmine St James & Vonka Romanov: The Intern (MP4)
The Intern (MP4)
Time: 16 minutes 40 seconds
Vonka has turned up late at a house where her boss, Jasmine, is dealing with a lease renewal, and the company must address some complaints the occupant has before he will sign. By arriving late, Vonka has created a bad impression and Jasmine is annoyed with her. When Vonka insists that she must use the bathroom before they get started, Jasmine refuses to let her go and tells her to control herself and act like an adult. As their client shows them the various defects around the property, Vonka tries to hide her terrible desperation, and even tries to steer the conversation towards the bathroom with the intention of asking if she can just pop in there. Jasmine nixes this, ensuring that Vonka must continue without relief, taking notes as the client reels off the issues that need to be addressed before he renews. To teach Vonka a lesson, Jasmine hands things over to her at the end of the tour and says she is just going to use the bathroom, leaving her intern to struggle with a very full bladder while reading off the various issues that have been raised. As the client is signs the paperwork, Vonka can't hold on any longer and starts to wet herself. Jasmine, just returning from the bathroom, sees what is going on and interposes herself between Vonka and the client in the hope that he won't notice the intern disgracing herself all over his floor. (Features over 2 minutes of behind the scenes footage at the end of the story).

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 781.7 MB
Jasmine St James & Vonka Romanov
Jasmine St James & Vonka Romanov: Jasmine & Vonka Set (MP4)
Jasmine & Vonka Set (MP4)
Total time: 40 minutes 07 seconds

1. Fashionably Late
2. The Intern

Vonka Romanov
Vonka Romanov: Her First Performance Review
Her First Performance Review (HD & 4K)
Time: 14 minutes 11 seconds
This is a continuation of the video "The Newest Recruit".
Vonka has now been at the Corporation for six months and her first performance review is pending. She receives instructions to go immediately to the waiting area outside of the Director's Office while bringing a long teleconference session to a close. The summons seems imperative and may be bad news, so she does not want to keep the Director waiting. She forgoes a visit to the bathroom despite having a full bladder, and hurries to answer the summons, hoping that he is not about to dismiss her. When she arrives, Vonka is asked to wait because the Director has been briefly delayed. She sits down and focuses on maintaining her composure, trying not to panic at her urgent desire to relieve herself. She paces up and down for a minute, then sits again, rubbing her thighs and looking very anxious. Several times, the Director's personal assistant pops in to apologize for the continued delay, and promises that he will arrive momentarily. Reaching the point of extreme desperation, Vonka asks the assistant about her making a visit to the bathroom, but she is discouraged from doing so. Literally a minute later, the Director walks in, shakes Vonka's hand and says he wanted to squeeze in her review today before leaving for a meeting elsewhere. Feeling it might be impolite to sit down again without invitation, she remains standing, seriously struggling with the weight of her bladder and trying desperately not to lose control. Part of the old school, the Director struggles to use his iPad to conduct the review process, even though it's company policy to record everything electronically. While he battles with the necessary authorizations, he informs Vonka that her performance has been outstanding and that she will be receiving a pay rise as promised during the hiring process. Vonka looks happy and anxious at the same time, hoping for this evaluation to be over very quickly, but the Director seems to be having considerable trouble sending the necessary updates to human resources. Unable to wait any longer, Vonka quietly slips off her shoes and wets herself as discreetly as possible, hoping the Director will not notice. But of course, he does.

The 4K version has been created using HEVC 10-bit (or H.265) encoding. You may need to add a plugin to your video playback software to play it. I can't give you advice on doing this; just search on the Internet for a solution on your particular system.

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 661.7 MB

3840x2160 pixels - MP4: 1,607.1 MB

Vonka Romanov
Vonka Romanov: SWAT
Time: 21 minutes 16 seconds
Vonka has tried to convince her commander that a terrorist is hiding out in a remote wooded area and that they should move in to investigate. Her commander is of the opinion that the intel is bad and declines to pursue it. Determined to prove him wrong, Vonka launches a solo assault, planning to bring in the man herself. She pulls up outside the house, circles round and is trying to gain ingress via the garage when a voice tells her to freeze. Her arrival did not go unnoticed. Vonka is rendered unarmed and forced to stand where she is. The man she was hoping to capture now has the drop on her, and he says they are going to wait until some colleagues of his arrive, then they will deal with her. So single-minded had she been that Vonka had neglected to pee for some time, and the urge now assails her quite badly. She squirms where she stands and tries to convince the man that they would be more comfortable waiting inside the house, hoping that he might let her use the bathroom, but he seems happy to continue waiting where they are. Vonka desperation grows in leaps and bounds until she is struggling not to lose control of her full bladder. When she can no longer conceal her desperation, the man is amused by her predicament. He tells her that is she wants to avoid pissing herself, she will have to remove her outfit and squat in front of him. Vonka resists for a few minutes, but she now needs to go so badly that she tries to pull down her outfit and squat. Alas, it gets in the way, so now her only choice is to completely remove it and pee naked.

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 982.6 MB
Vonka Romanov
Vonka Romanov: The Newest Recruit (MP4)
The Newest Recruit (MP4)
Time: 16 minutes 49 seconds
About the be hired at a company that researches pathogens, Vonka is having a final, somewhat informal interview with the CEO. She had been running late all morning and only just made it to the interview in time, her tardiness forcing her to skip a visit to the bathroom when she arrived. Each time the CEO's back is to her, Vonka squirms in desperation, trying not to lose control of her very full bladder; when the CEO is facing her, she does her best to look calm and collected. The situation takes an unexpected turn for her when an adjacent lab initiates lockdown protocol while a particular test is in progress, meaning that no one can use the main exist until the all clear is given. Vonka is informed that this could be twenty to thirty minutes. Her desperation surges, aware that she cannot possibly wait that long. She does her best to beat the odds as the CEO continues to chat to her and ask her questions, until finally, she feels herself starting to wet her panties. She struggles to stop the flow, but she can do so only for a few seconds before urine gushes down her legs and streaks across the floor. At first, the CEO is unaware of what is going on, asking only if she can hear water running somewhere. Vonka looks mortified, aware that her job opportunity has probably just evaporated.

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 772.0 MB
Vonka Romanov
Vonka Romanov: An Impossible Situation (MP4)
An Impossible Situation (MP4)
Time: 15 minutes 39 seconds
Vonka has been used as a hostage by a thief he robbed a high street post office, making sure he made a clean getaway without the authorities too close on his tail. When he no longer has any use for the girl, and anxious to ensure she does not make a phone call to give away her location, he leaves her handcuffed to the door handles of a vehicle, her arms apart. Vonka has been dealing with a full bladder for a while now. and being abandoned like this has made her situation dire. She can't reach to pull down her jeans and panties, and she really is desperate to relieve herself. She hopes that someone will happen along and find her before it is too late, but she is reaching bursting point and can't hold on much longer. Then it happens - she feels warm pee between her thighs, then feels it running down her legs, spreading over the back of her jeans in a warm flood. Now she is more relaxed, but she is facing the acute of being found like this, when it is obvious to anyone that she has wet her pants. The video concludes with Vonka freeing herself and chatting about her situation.

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Vonka Romanov
Vonka Romanov: Set 11 (MP4)
Vonka Romanov: Set 11 (MP4)
Total time: 32 minutes 28 seconds

1. The Newest Recruit
2. An Impossible Situation

Vonka Romanov & Jasmine St James
Vonka Romanov & Jasmine St James: Vonka & Jasmine Holding In Jeans
Vonka & Jasmine Holding In Jeans
Time: 45 minutes 34 seconds
Dressed in bladder-compressing jeans, the girls try to out-wait one another as they drink and deny themselves the relief of releasing. They have fun with one another, holding on as they become increasingly desperate for relief. Vonka starts to wet herself in little squirts, leaving a wet patch on the back of her jeans, the sight of which makes things worse for Jasmine who so desperately wants to go. Neither girl wants to be the loser, but as always, only one can win.

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 2,097.9 MB
Vonka Romanov
Vonka Romanov: Vonka's Fatal Delay
Vonka's Fatal Delay
Time: 25 minutes 25 seconds
Vonka arrives home in a real hurry, bursting to pee and almost wetting her pants. She runs to the bathroom, only to pull up short as she realizes a man, an intruder, is hiding in there. Annoyed that she has interrupted his activities, he ties her to a chair, despite her protests that she needs to use the toilet. Once she is secure, he helps himself to her valuables and departs, leaving her tied up and on the verge of wetting herself, Vonka struggles to control herself as she works on the rope binging her wrists, It is gradually coming loose but it is taking too much time. He bladder feels like it is going to explode. Finally, her hands are free. Now she must endure bending forward to untie her ankles, squashing her full bladder and almost squeezing the pee out of her. Free at last, she jumps up and runs to the bathroom. With relief so close at hand, Vonka suddenly can't hold on, and just as she enters the bathroom, pee gushes out of her, jetting through her panties and soaking her pants. There seems no point in trying to save her clothes now so she simply stands there and relieves herself, watching her pee puddle on the floor after overflowing her sneakers. When it's all over, Vonka takes off her pants and looks at her soaking wet panties. Ruined. She strips and climbs into the showing to wash her legs and vagina.

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,171.5 MB

Vonka Romanov
Vonka Romanov: Vonka's Full Bladder (MP4)
Vonka's Full Bladder (MP4)
Time: 21 minutes 19 seconds
Vonka has a two-hour drive to reach us, and if she might normally be tempted to stop somewhere and relieve herself, she could not do so on this occasion because everything along her route was closed. She therefore turned up with a very full bladder, and began squirming as as soon as she entered the house. We put her in a tight dress and heels and switched on the cameras. What follows is quite a long struggle to wait, with Vonka badly wanting to give in and just pee herself. However, she promised to hold on as long as she could. Towards the end, she loses control for a second and makes her panties wet. We get to see that in closeup. She doesn't give in but continues holding it for another minute before the dam breaks and she pisses herself with obvious relish. In split screen, we see the pee streaming down the backs of her legs while also watching her expressions of relief.

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 981.5 MB
Vonka Romanov
Vonka Romanov: Desperate & Worried (MP4)
Desperate & Worried (MP4)
Time: 10 minutes 18 seconds
Vonka arrives home from work dying to pee, but before getting out of her car she has spotted a man hanging about nearby, someone she has seen there before. She is worried that if she gets out of her car, something bad may happen to her. Instead, she calls her partner and asks when he will be coming home. When she learns that he is going to be some time yet, Vonka worries that she may having trouble holding her pee for so long. Hoping the loitering man will just go away, allowing her to run to the bathroom and relieve herself, she tries to relax. Her bladder is throbbing for attention, however, and relaxing is far from easy. As time passes, Vonka becomes intensely desperate to pee and will soon wet herself in her car if she doesn't take action. The man is still visible, but she has no choice if she wants to avoid a total accident. She gets out of the car and hobbles to the house, wrestling with the keys to get in and finally hurrying into the bathroom. She sits on the toilet and empties her bladder, a look of enormous relief on her face.

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 476.3 MB
Vonka Romanov
Vonka Romanov: Vonka Left It Far Too Late (MP4)
Vonka Left It Far Too Late (MP4)
Time: 18 minutes 32 seconds
After a fairly long lunch break and a chat, during which she was drinking steadily, Vonka stood up and almost pissed herself on the spot. She suddenly realized that she had left things far too late and was concerned that she would not be able to control herself for the next video. Filming started a minute after her frantic discovery, and we watch her change out of her own clothes and into garments she can pee into, in this case, a pair of grey jeans. Because the camera is already in operation, Vonka also has to spend time positioning towels around furniture to make sure her pee flood does not reach them. She also has to bend down snd switch on the second camera herself. We are already more than five minutes into the video and she is on the point of bursting. Vonka just manages to hold it for about another five minutes before losing control and wetting her pants. This is seen from front and back simultaneously. It's quite the flood, and after she is finished she is asked to keep the jeans on for a while, allowing up to see how the pee spreads across the material and the wet areas join up on her outer calves. Vonka has fun with it, presenting she is going to work or shopping in piss-soaked jeans, pretending nothing is wrong.

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 858.3 MB

Vonka Romanov
Vonka Romanov Set 10 (MP4)
Vonka Romanov Set 10 (MP4)
Total time: 50 minutes 09 seconds
  1. Vonka's Full Bladder
  2. Desperate & Worried
  3. Vonka Left It Far Too Late
Vonka Romanov: Set 9
Vonka Romanov: The Warrant (MP4)
The Warrant (MP4)
Time: 9 minutes 10 seconds
Filming is left until Vonka is bursting. She is visiting a judge at home because she needs an arrest warrant signed immediately, authorizing a search of business premises belonging to Aleksander Kaminski, a known diamond smuggler. Vonka is in such a hurry that she hasn't stopped to pee in hours, and while the judge is reading through Vonka's report to decide if a warrant is justified, she sits squirming in desperation. When she asks if she can use his bathroom, he tells that it's not convenient and that he will only be another minute. Anxious not to antagonize the man and lose this opportunity to catch Kaminski, she does her best to hold on, but she really is bursting. The judge keeps asking questions about the strength of the evidence and the reliability of Vonka's confidential informant, taking so long that Vonka is in serious danger of pissing herself. She stands up, unable to stay seated any longer. She informs him of her desperation again but he is distracted by the paperwork and hardly seems to notice her mounting predicament. Realizing that she can't stop the flood any longer, Vonka kicks off her shoes to save them as she starts to wet herself.The judge seems blissfully unaware of the pee running down her legs, at least to begin with. When he does notice, he is furious, tears up the warrant and orders Vonka to leave his home.

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 421.9 MB
Vonka Romanov
Vonka Romanov: The Cab Driver (MP4)
The Cab Driver (MP4)
Time: 18 minutes 08 seconds
When a cab driver delivers Vonka to her home, she discovers that she has either lost her pure or it has been stolen and she is unable to pay him. The driver is understandably skeptical, convinced that she is running a scam, but Vonka insists that she is on the level. She sits fidgeting in her seat because she has a full bladder and was so looking forward to reaching a bathroom in the near future. The purse contains her house keys, preventing her from going inside two write him a cheque. Vonka offers to pay upon receipt of an invoice, but given that she has no form of identification on her either, the driver doesn't know if she is lying to him or not. He decides his only course of action is to involve the police. Vonka is very anxious that he should not do that, which makes him still more suspicious. Her squirming is now more frantic and she admits that she is bursting to pee. Her predicament seems to trigger the driver and leads him to make her a a proposal: He admits that he likes seeing women desperate to pee, and says if she is willing to sit there with him and hold her pee for a while, he will forget the fare altogether. Rather bewildered and mildly alarmed by this, Vonka nevertheless decides to play along, anything to keep him from involving the police. The problem is that he wants her to wait too long and she simply can't. She can feel herself leaking and tells him she can't hold it. When she opens the door, he warns her not too get out, but she does because she is already wetting herself. She stays by the door, suffering the humiliation of letting this man watch her pee in her jeans.

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 836.5 MB

Vonka Romanov
Vonka Romanov: Bursting in T-Shirt & Panties (MP4)
Bursting in T-Shirt & Panties (MP4)
Time: 13 minutes 25 seconds
Wearing only a t-shirt and a pair of panties, Vonka stands there doubled over with desperation. She has endured performing in a bondage video while needing to pee, and then just managed to struggle through a forced stripping video (Her Career Is On The Line)where she could not help crossing her legs as she acted out her part, finally bringing her to this moment of full bladder distress. Now she has been asked to hold it for a further quarter of an hour. She looks as if she won't even last for two minutes. Somehow, Vonka manages to control herself, keeping her panties dry. She does her absolutely best to last the course, but she can't make it to the end of the fifteen minutes, and wets her panties several minutes beforehand, and it turns out to be one serious stream of pee.

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 617.6 MB
Vonka Romanov
Vonka Romanov: Set 9 (MP4)
Vonka Romanov: Set 9 (MP4)
Total time: 40 minutes 43 seconds
  1. The Warrant
  2. The Cab Driver
  3. Bursting in T-Shirt & Panties
Vonka Romanov
Vonka Romanov: Second Call
Second Call
Time: 19 minutes 12 minutes
Vonka is an aspiring actress who has been to an audition for the lead part in a movie, just one hopeful among many. Being an ambitious sort of girl, she manages to wangle an appointment with the producer who is will have an important say in who is ultimately selected for the part. Vonka wants to paint herself as a real professional, willing to do whatever it takes. Owing to heavy traffic, her trip to the meeting was longer than she expected and she arrives without enough time to visit the bathroom before going in to the studio to talk with the producer. Standing under the studio lights, a green screen behind her ready for another project he is controlling, Vonka desperately tries to control herself during the conversation. When she finally breaks and admits that she badly needs to use the bathroom, the producer points out that facilities are often not immediately available when filming on location, and sometimes the production is pressed for time to finish filming in a particular locale, and suggests that Vonka needs to be able to control herself under these circumstances. A bathroom break at such a time could cost the company thousands of dollars per minute. Vonka sees his point and resigns herself to holding it until the meeting is over, except... she can't. The accident that follows is of catastrophic proportions. Has she blown her chances of getting a second audition call?

Prior to filming this, Vonka elected to perform for a forced stripping clip using the same premise, only here she needs to show that she is willing to undress in front of the producer to demonstrate her willingness to handle a nude scene in the movie. Vonka was dying to pee throughout this and does her best to suppress squirming, but she simply can't. This 9-minute clip is added as a free extra.

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Just Skirts 39
Just Skirts 39
Time: 61 minutes 29 seconds
This skirts compilation includes twelve 5-minute clips by seven different models.
  1. Jasmine St James: Restricted Visa
  2. Nikki Brooks: Impromptu Session
  3. Vonka Romanov: Awkward Situation With Her Professor
  4. Becky LeSabre: One Last Thing
  5. Jasmine Can't Wait Any Longer
  6. Nikki Brooks: Doctor Brooks' Dilemma
  7. Cadence Lux: No Pee Zone
  8. Becca: Transfer Of Ownership
  9. Vonka Romanov: This Is So Mean
  10. Amanda Foxx: Can I Go Yet?
  11. Jasmine St James: Wait For Further Instructions
  12. Nikki Brooks: Where Are You

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 2,825.3 MB
Vonka Romanov
Vonka Romanov: Trying To Make Her Wet Herself (MP4)
Trying To Make Her Wet Herself (MP4)
Time: 25 minutes 50 seconds
Vonka arrives home longing to pee, but she encounters an intruder. The man can see almost at once that the girl is very uncomfortable and can't stand still. He infers that she needs to pee, then gets to admit it. Instead of just committing a robbery, the guy can now have some real fun. He first orders Vonka to stand with her legs apart, watching the strain on her face as she has to rely on her muscles to keep from wetting herself. After a minute, he instructs the girl to take off her clothes, mainly to find out if this makes it harder for her to hold her pee. Evidently, it is. Vonka is made to stand with her legs apart again as water from a bottle is poured onto the floor in front of her. This is sheer torture but somehow the girl manages to hang on. Time to move the fun to the bathroom. Here, Vonka is made to stand in front of the toilet and keep holding herself. The man has more fun with her by suggesting this is so like waiting for a stall in the ladies room, and he proceeds to empty another bottle of water into the toilet to simulate the sound of someone using the toilet in the stall while Vonka waits. By now, the poor girl is bursting. She looks relieved when she is told she can sit on the toilet. True, he does make her hold her pee a little longer, but then she finally gets to go... at least for a few seconds. The doorbells chimes and the man makes Vonka stop peeing. With an agonized expression, she manages to cut off the flow. She is told to answer the door, but beforehand she is permitted to put her panties back on. She grabs a T-shirt left beside the sink and hurries to the door to deal with the caller, knowing the intruder is watching her every move. Vonka squirms as she persuades the caller to go away, then leans her back against the door, legs crossed, to recover herself a little. She thinks she will be allowed back to the bathroom to finish peeing, but the intruder has other ideas. He makes her walk back to the kitchen where he now pours cold water onto the front of Vonka's T-shirt, making is semi-transparent. Vonka is going frantic trying not to pee while this is happening. Only when she reluctantly agrees to remove the wet T-shirt is she permitted to head back towards the bathroom... not the closest one but the one in the master bedroom. The man is blocking her way, making her walk so slowly when all she wants to do is run.

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Vonka Romanov
Vonka Romanov: Awkward Situation With Her Professor (MP4)
Awkward Situation With Her Professor (MP4)
Time: 18 minutes 08 seconds
Vonka has a problem. She has failed one of her papers in her end of year exams, and this would mean she would miss an entire year of studies. In the hope of changing the situation, she goes to visit her English professor at home. She has traveled quite a distance and would really like to pee, but she finds the man intimidating, and she is after all asking a big favor of him, so she decides not to ask for the use of his bathroom. Besides, she is confident she can wait; the meeting should not take long than five minutes. When the professor goes off to make an important phone call, he tells her to wait and he will consider her situation. Vonka does as she is told, squirming as her desperation to pee increases. When the professor returns, it is hard for her to stop squirming, and if he were the noticing kind, he might observe that she does not look particularly comfortable. He says he has thought about giving Vonka a break on her paper, but points out that he will have to get the approval of the Dean before committing to anything. He leaves the room again, this time to call the Dean. He tells Vonka to wait and maybe she will get a definitive answer today. Vonka's bladder is very full now and she is becoming frantic trying to control herself. How much longer is this going to take! At last, the professor returns again. Bad news, the Dean is not in her office. Her assistant says she will be back shortly, so once again, the professor suggests that Vonka continues to wait (if only he knew what he was saying!) and she should soon have a answer, one way or the other. When the professor leaves the room for the third time, Vonka begins to pee dance and rub her thighs with her hands, rocking back and forth, a pained expression on her face. She is bursting! How much longer? She stands and paces, barely able to hold it. Then, the unthinkable happens: She loses control! Oh God, she's wetting herself on the professor's rug! No she has no hope of getting her paper passed. Without waiting for him to come back, Vonka quietly leaves his house, mortified by what she has done. Is there any chance that he won't notice that his rug is soaking wet?

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Vonka Romanov
Vonka Romanov: Not The Best Moment For A Full Bladder (MP4)
Not The Best Moment For A Full Bladder (MP4)
Time: 5 minutes 53 seconds
One of the most gratifying situations is when we are half way through filming a bondage clip, the girl is about to be tied up for the second time, and she announces that she needs to pee. Naturally, we want her to wait until the bondage clip is finished so that we can film some desperation action. They usually agree, but they don't always make it. In these behind the scenes excerpts, you see Vonka being tied to a table and acting out the role of damsel in distress, admitting that she really needs to pee when we check to make sure she is okay. When the end comes, and it did take a surprisingly long time to film this bondage sequence, Vonka hurries to untie herself. She is also wearing her own panties and wants to get them off to avoid wetting them. She struggles her way out of a pair of tights before she can remove the panties, and then runs outside in the rain and releases a powerful stream of pent-up pee. She is clearly relieved that she made it and calms down significantly once her bladder is empty.

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 271.5 MB
Vonka Romanov
Vonka Romanov: Set 8 (MP4)
Vonka Romanov: Set 8 (MP4)
Total time: 50 minutes 08 seconds
  1. Trying To Make Her Wet Herself
  2. Awkward Situation With Her Professor
  3. Not The Best Moment For A Full Bladder
Just Made It 17
Just Made It 17 (MP4)
Time: 54 minutes 45 seconds
Our seventeenth compilation showing 7 different girls desperate to pee and either using the toilet, just making it in time, or squatting down outside because they can't reach a bathroom and they simply have to go.
  1. Jasmine St James: Putting It Off
  2. Becca: So Many Obstacles
  3. Cadence Lux: Back In The Bathroom
  4. Vonka Romanov: One Last Time
  5. Jasmine St James: Key at Four
  6. Nikki Brooks: Quick Start
  7. Jamie Daniels: The Locksmith
  8. Rachael (Ten Amorette): Rachael Returns
  9. Jasmine St James: Hold It All Night
  10. Cadence Lux: You Need My Help
  11. Vonka Romanov: Why Do I Do This For You?
  12. Nikki Brooks: What Triggers A Need To Pee?
  13. Jasmine St James: Waiting in the Bathroom

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 2,526.0 MB

The Capacities: Volumes 1 & 2 (MP4)
The Capacities: Volumes 1 & 2 (MP4)
Total time: 2 hours 30 minutes
  1. Candle: Sheer Desperation
  2. Measuring Sarah
  3. Measuring Cadence
  4. Measuring Carissa
  5. Measuring Hannah
  6. Measuring Star
  7. Measuring Jasmine
  8. Linh & Tilly: Who Can Pee the Most?
  9. Candle: Mind Over Bladder
  10. Measuring Lea
  11. Measuring Jessica
  12. Measuring Maci
  13. Carissa: Mind Over Bladder
  14. Measuring Amanda
  15. Measuring Autumn
  16. Measuring Tara
  17. Measuring Lea & Vonka
  18. Measuring Tilly
  19. Carissa Tries For the Record
  20. Candle: Trying For the Record
  21. Jayne: The Record - Full Capacity

Volume 1: 1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 2,968.9 MB

  1. Vonka Romanov: Holding & Measuring
  2. Becca: The Last Possible Moment
  3. Cadence Lux: Just Out Of Reach
  4. Misty Lovelace: Measuring Misty
  5. Kendra James: Time To Go With Kendra
  6. Carissa Montgomery: Carissa Remeasured
  7. Jasmine St James: Jasmine Remeasured
  8. Monica Jade: Peeing in a Tube
  9. Nikki Brooks: Her Only Choice
  10. Jamie Daniels: Measuring Jamie Daniels
  11. Becky LeSabre: Becky's Got To Wait
  12. Vonka Romanov: Remeasuring Vonka
  13. Cadence, Vonka & Jasmine: Restricted Access
  14. Tara: Compelled To Hold It
  15. Rachael (Ten Amorette): Measuring Rachael
  16. Vonka Romanov: Did I Just Beat My Record?
  17. Dixie Comet & Carissa Montgomery: Capacity Challenge

Volume 2: 1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 3,963.9 MB

Vonka Romanov
Vonka Thank You (MP4)
Vonka Thank You (MP4)
Time: 52 seconds
Vonka acknowledges donations made to her for this shoot.

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Vonka Romanov
Vonka Romanov: This Is So Mean (MP4)
This Is So Mean (MP4)
Time: 30 minutes 33 seconds
It was suggested that another way to put Vonka to the holding test is to tie her to a chair, positioned on the living room carpet, offering her just two ways out of this predicament: Either she must get herself free, or get herself off the carpet onto wooden floor where she can wet herself without incurring the wrath of she who must be obeyed. There's just one catch. Each time Vonka works her way towards the wooden floor, some mean person will intervene and drag her back onto the carpet. This is an impossible situation for Vonka, and she must somehow come up with a solution to her problem before her bladder explodes! She tries repeatedly to get to the floor and repeatedly she is dragged back onto the carpet. Finally, she decides her only chance is to get to the floor before Dave can intercept her. As soon as he walks away, she propels herself forward... a little took fast. She does make it to the floor, but only by tipping the chair over and doing a face plant. In fact she managed to keep her face from getting hit. Whatever pain she might have felt in the moment was offset by being able to pee at last.

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,414.6 MB

Vonka Romanov
Vonka Romanov: Vonka's Record Breaker (MP4)
Vonka's Record Breaker (MP4)
Time: 18 minutes 08 seconds
We are always looking for ways to keep a girl waiting and holding her pee for longer, and more intensely. This way, we might get to expand her bladder a little and have her pee a greater volume when she releases. That's what we managed to achieve with Vonka this time, helped by the fact that she started from such a desperate place and quickly reached a point where she was convinced she would wet herself if she waited any longer. She still had to hold on some extra minutes because she was trapped over carpet with nothing to pee into, and going on the carpet is an absolutely no no. Even when she was given a vase in which to relieve herself, she had to undress slowly because she was in such discomfort and on the brink of losing control. She managed to get it all in the container though, and in so doing, achieved that new Vonka maximum.

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 838.0 MB
Vonka Romanov
Vonka Romanov: Pee From The Back (MP4)
Pee From The Back (MP4)
Time: 9 minutes 09 seconds
Vonka had just started her lunch, but squirmed in her seat because she was dying to pee and knew she needed to hold it for the next video. Trouble is, she could not wait that long! We had to stop eating and start filming. Vonka elected to do this one naked rather than look for an outfit to wear, a measure of her anxiety. She pee danced for as long as she could, then, just for a chance, she squatted down with her back to the camera, allowing us to watch her pee with her bottom visible.

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 422.0 MB
Vonka Romanov
Vonka Romanov: One Last Time (MP4)
One Last Time (MP4)
Time: 12 minutes 03 seconds
It's late in the day, almost time for Vonka to set off home. Her journey always involves several pee stops, and sometimes desperation in areas where she can't stop. She therefore wants to wait as long as possible before leaving before using the toilet. She chats on camera as she squirms around, waiting as long as she can before hurrying off to the bathroom and emptying her bladder. Even when she decides it's time, she camera follows her into the bathroom, and she is asked to wait until it is in position, forcing her to hold on just a little bit longer. Finally, she pulls her panties down and drops onto the toilet to let it all go. Was it enough to avoid having to stop on the way home? Reportedly not.

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 560.1 MB

Vonka Romanov
Vonka Romanov Set 7 (MP4)
Vonka Romanov Set 7 (MP4)
Total time: 69 minutes 53 seconds
  1. This Is So Mean
  2. Vonka's Record Breaker
  3. Pee From The Back
  4. One Last Time
Vonka Romanov
Vonka Romanov: I Hardly Noticed (MP4)
I Hardly Noticed (MP4)
Time: 9 minutes 08 seconds
The premise: Vonka has lost an ear ring and goes out in the cold to search for it. She checks both vehicles as well as the woodpile where she did some work during the past week. As she hunts around, she needs to pee pretty badly. She gives no outward sign of her desperation, but before she has finished her search, she pees her pants, turning them a very dark shade of blue. Even when her jeans are soaked, and despite the col, she carries on with her search. After she gets back inside the house, Vonka admits that her legs are frozen. That was a lot of pee, and it cooled down rapidly in temperatures just below zero celsius.

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 422.6 MB
Vonka Romanov
Vonka Romanov: Why Do I Do This For You? (MP4)
Why Do I Do This For You? (MP4)
Time: 8 minutes 13 seconds
This is a POV video: Vonka has arrived home from work. Having been delayed on route, she is bursting to pee, but her boyfriend clearly wants her to wait rather than running straight to the bathroom. She looks pained as she stops herself going and begins pee dancing to delay the moment of release, anything to make him happy. The thing is, she is desperate for relief and cannot keep this up for very long. When she reaches the point where she is about to piss herself, Vonka hurries into the bathroom, closely followed by her boyfriend who stands there watching her pee. She tells him: "that's the only one you get this week."

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Vonka Romanov
Vonka Romanov: What's Next? (MP4)
What's Next? (MP4)
Time: 15 minutes 31 seconds
Vonka has just finished filming for 30 minutes for a bondage video (called "Negotiation" if you're interested), during most of which she needed to pee. As she shifts her weight from foot to foot, she wants to know what's next. She may not have a lot of time and needs to get on with it. Rather than get into a storyline, she is asked to hold on a bit longer and pee into a vase. If the amount she releases looks respectable, she should then pour it into a cylinder and measure the volume. After squirming for a while and looking like she is approaching her limit, Vonka takes the vase, kneels over it in her now-customary position, and lets it all go. She does measure the amount and the result is respectable.

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Vonka Romanov
Vonka Romanov: Delayed in the Bathroom (MP4)
Delayed in the Bathroom (MP4)
Time: 12 minutes 11 seconds
We join Vonka in the bathroom at the start of this video, and she seriously needs to pee. She has been persuaded to wait for a while before using the toilet, something that she is finding hard to do. Standing there directly in front of the toilet is just torture that makes her squirm and moan as the urge to go gets so much worse. She makes herself keep waiting despite seriously wanting to lift her skirt and relieve herself (girls often start pulling up the hem of the skirt in anticipation of relief, even when relief may not be that close). When she worries that she is in danger off losing control, she finishes lifting her skirt and pulls her panties down as she sits on the toilet. This time, she is filmed from the front and she makes a display of urinating into the bowl.

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Vonka Romanov
Vonka Romanov Set 6 (MP4)
Vonka Romanov Set 6 (MP4)
Total time: 45 minutes 03 seconds
  1. I Hardly Noticed
  2. Why Do I Do This For You?
  3. What's Next?
  4. Delayed in the Bathroom

Just Jeans 26 (MP4)
Just Jeans 26 (MP4)
Time: 64 minutes 21 seconds
Collection of clips lasting 4-5 minutes each showing the last stages of desperation before each of these lovely girls pisses her jeans.
  1. Becca: The Author's Assistant
  2. Dixie Comet & Carissa Montgomery: Wet Welcome Back
  3. Jasmine St James: Error Of Judgment
  4. Vonka Romanov: Holding & Wetting
  5. Amanda Foxx: Prisoner Transfer
  6. Jamie Daniels: Letting It Go
  7. Lea Hart: Catch Her While She's Desperate
  8. Nikki Brooks: Mind Control
  9. Cadence Lux: Follow My Instructions
  10. Vonka Romanov: I Was Driving Fast Because I Need To Pee
  11. Becky LeSabre: Becky Pisses Her Pants
  12. Amanda Foxx: Amanda Pees Her Jeans
  13. Jamie Daniels: I Don't Need To Pee
  14. Becca: Casual Release
  15. Jessica: Squirming in Jeans
  16. Cadence Lux, Vonka Romanov & Jasmine St James: The Chosen

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The Capacities: Volume 2 (MP4)
The Capacities: Volume 2 (MP4)
Time: 86 minutes 57 seconds
It has been two years since the first capacities video, and the time has come to re-visit some of those ladies to find out if there is any change in their bladder volume. Some girls being measured for the first time also appear, such as Jamie Daniels, Misty Lovelace, Monica Jade, Kendra James, and of course Becca, who is now a close contender for the all time record. Each clip is between 4 and 5 minutes in length. Please note: the video is presented in two parts to avoid download problems. Please don't download both parts simultaneously.
  1. Vonka Romanov: Holding & Measuring
  2. Becca: The Last Possible Moment
  3. Cadence Lux: Just Out Of Reach
  4. Misty Lovelace: Measuring Misty
  5. Kendra James: Time To Go With Kendra
  6. Carissa Montgomery: Carissa Remeasured
  7. Jasmine St James: Jasmine Remeasured
  8. Monica Jade: Peeing in a Tube
  9. Nikki Brooks: Her Only Choice
  10. Jamie Daniels: Measuring Jamie Daniels
  11. Becky LeSabre: Becky's Got To Wait
  12. Vonka Romanov: Remeasuring Vonka
  13. Cadence, Vonka & Jasmine: Restricted Access
  14. Tara: Compelled To Hold It
  15. Rachael (Ten Amorette): Measuring Rachael
  16. Vonka Romanov: Did I Just Beat My Record?
  17. Dixie Comet & Carissa Montgomery: Capacity Challenge

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Cadence, Vonka & Jasmine
Cadence, Vonka & Jasmine: Restricted Access (MP4)
Cadence, Vonka & Jasmine: Restricted Access (MP4)
Time: 48 minutes 20 seconds
The video opens with a few minutes of behind the scenes footage. Vonka and Cadence are about to start filming a forced stripping video, so Jasmine, who already needs to pee pretty badly, has to just wait it out. She is squirming and almost seems to be looking for an excuse to visit the bathroom, so one of us has to keep an eye on her to make sure she doesn't give in. Vonka also declares that she needs to pee, but feels sure than she can hold it. We then pick up where Vonka and Jasmine are attached to the wood stove by locked ankle cuffs, and Cadence has one of her wrists handcuffed to one of Vonka's, making sure she can't go anywhere either. The girls are all in various stages of desperation, with Jasmine evidently the worst off. They are periodically tormented with a vase and a graduated cylinder, things that they would pee into if they only could. Along the way, Jasmine is allowed to have her cup of iced tea because she is thirsty, but we're all keeping a careful eye on her to make sure she doesn't use it for other purposes. Despite their need to pee, the girls are having fun with each other, clearly enjoying themselves as they face a common foe. When Jasmine puts a hand up her dress and begins pressing a finger against her pee hole, it is clear that she is not going to last too much longer. Both Cadence and Vonka are pee dancing now and starting to look anxious. Who will get to go first, and can the others bear to watch as the first of the group gains relief? Pee output is measured for all three. Care to take a guess at the volume for each, and consider if their collective output would fill that two-litre cylinder.

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Cadence, Vonka & Jasmine
Cadence, Vonka & Jasmine: The Chosen (MP4)
The Chosen (MP4)
Time: 29 minutes 07 seconds
This video does have a storyline, although you would never know it. It contains around 6 minutes of what would normally be outtakes where the girls just lose the plot and start laughing. I decided it would be best to release the full 29-minute version with all the digressions, together with an edited 23-minute version for those who want to focus on the story and the desperation. Frankly, the girls laughed so much it's amazing they didn't wet their jeans in the first five minutes.

The story: Dave has made a lucrative movie deal with a foreign dignitary of middle eastern origins, but the only way the dignitary is willing to go forward with negotiations is if he gets three American girls to clinch the deal. He has even picked them from the social media profiles: their names are Jasmine, Cadence and Vonka. Dave dispatches his assistant, Asher, to track down the girls and bring them to the house where the dignitary will send his men to collect them. At the start of the movie, we see Asher leading the three girls through the snow, their hands bound behind their back to maintain control of them. Once at Dave's house, their hands are freed and they are made to stand together in a room. A call is made to inform the dignitary that the girls are ready for pick up. Naturally, the girls object to what is going on, but they are constantly watched and covered and can do nothing to improve their situation. They have all been in transit for hours and all claim that they need to use the bathroom. Neither Dave nor Asher is willing to let any of the girls out of their sight and keep them where they are. The girls squirm, getting really desperate to pee, but they are simply not allowed to use the toilet. Before the pick up occurs, the inevitable happens; one of the girls wets herself, setting off the other two. In the space of just a few minutes, they are all standing there in soaking wet jeans, unable to take them off or clean themselves up. That's when the dignitary's men arrive to take them away.

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Cadence, Vonka & Jasmine
Cadence, Vonka & Jasmine Set (MP4)
Cadence, Vonka & Jasmine Set (MP4)
Total time: 77 minutes 27 seconds
Restricted Access
The Chosen
The Chosen Edited
Vonka Romanov
Vonka Romanov: Masturbate & Squirt (MP4)
Masturbate & Squirt (MP4)
Time: 13 minutes 32 seconds
By the time of filming, Vonka has consumed half a gallon of water plus a drink en route. She really needs to pee. She explains that she finds having a full bladder somewhat arousing, speculating that it might be because it is close to her G-spot. As her need to pee grows, she slips out of her clothes, spending a little time feeling her own breasts to distract herself from the intense urge to go. She removes her panties, squirms and pee dances a little longer, then gets down on the floor to masturbate. As her state of arousal increases, it suppresses the urge to pee, just a little. Just a very little, because very soon after, she starts to jet pee. She holds the rest back for a few moments as she approaches a climax, then squirts her pee across the floor, experiencing an orgasm as she does so. She looks a bit exhausted afterwards, and little wonder.

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Vonka Romanov
Vonka Romanov: Remeasuring Vonka (MP4)
Remeasuring Vonka (MP4)
Time: 20 minutes 25 seconds
It seemed like a good day to remeasure Vonka's bladder capacity. By the time this was filmed, Vonka had drunk six pints of water and peed out less than two. With so much liquid in her system, she was exceptionally hydrated and her bladder filled quickly. She delays making the measurement for as long as she can to achieve the maximum capacity possible, and spends the period leading up to it with her hand thrust firmly into her crotch. She jokes that the dress she is wearing lends itself perfectly to doing this. Vonka pee dances to help herself hold on, and in the last five or six minutes, she constantly asks for the vase because she is desperate to pee. She even makes angry cat noises as her frustration grows. When she finally gets the vase, her pee comes out in a powerful stream, and even though the room is not especially warm, she is clearly sweating from the effort of holding on so long. She transfer urine from vase to cylinder and reads off the measurement, while holding the tube up for the viewer to see.

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Vonka Romanov
Vonka Romanov: Loss Of Control (MP4)
Loss Of Control (MP4)
Time: 7 minutes 13 seconds
This is a familiar scenario, but it is one that is so feasible it is easy to return to it often. Vonka arrives home from a function where she has been drinking, bursting for a piss, and gets held up by an intruder in her house. She desperately pleads to be allowed to use the bathroom, but the intruder refuses to let her go. Vonka is absolutely frantic because she knows she is about to wet herself. It is only a matter of minutes before she starts to lose control. She clamps off the flow, but she can't keep this up for more than a few seconds before more pee gushes out of her and streams down her legs. Given that Vonka had consumed 8 bottle of water by this time, or an entire gallon, half of which was still in her system, we had faithfully reproduced the circumstances where a woman has a lot to drink at a party and ends up with a wickedly full bladder. The video was intended to be somewhat longer, but Vonka just couldn't wait. We therefore have just six minutes of sheer desperation followed by one minute of huge relief as she pisses herself.

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Vonka Romanov
Vonka Romanov: Set 5 (MP4)
Vonka Romanov: Set 5 (MP4)
Time: 41 minutes 10 seconds
Masturbate & Squirt
Remeasuring Vonka
Loss Of Control

Vonka Romanov
Vonka Romanov: Holding & Measuring (MP4)
Holding & Measuring (MP4)
Time: 24 minutes 30 seconds
Time for Vonka to have another go at beating her record of peeing 930 millilitres in one go. She dances around in desperation for a good twenty minutes, having started out with a very full bladder. A lot of the fun of these is persuading the girl to wait just a little bit longer, and chasing after that record they generally comply. Vonka holds on until she is literally bursting before removing her underwear and kneeling down with a vase between her legs. Her pee comes out with a lot of force, signifying plenty of pressure from her full bladder. Once she is finished, we measure the result in a graduated cylinder and check her performance. Did she make it?

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Vonka Romanov
Vonka Romanov: Holding & Wetting (MP4)
Holding & Wetting (MP4)
Time: 20 minutes 02 seconds
Vonka chats to you while holding a full bladder again, this time in tight jeans. At the end of video, she pees in them in a very spectacular way, turning them from light to dark almost all over. Along the way, she fights the urge to pee in order to get her bladder as full as possible. Her perpetual dancing around talks starkly to her advanced state of desperation. When she does finally lose control, Vonka is asked to stop and and wait for a bit longer, and she actually manages to do it. She is now squirming with a wet patch around her crotch. She manages to last a little longer then leaks again, cutting it off for a second time and asking aloud why she would even do that, because it is agony. When she lets it go, she says "you can't pay me enough" to wait any longer. When the volume of pee becomes apparent, it's easy to see why she would feel that way.

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Vonka Romanov
Vonka Romanov: Set 4 (MP4)
Vonka Romanov: Set 4 (MP4)
Time: 44 minutes 32 seconds
Holding & Measuring
Holding & Wetting

Lydia Lael & Vonka Romanov
Lydia & Vonka's Holding Contest (MP4)
Lydia & Vonka's Holding Contest (MP4)
Time: 27 minutes 52 seconds
Lydia makes her debut appearance on Bound2Burst in this contest between she and Vonka. The latter has held her pee many times and released copious amounts of urine, so she knows how it all works. Lydia is far less certain that she can do this. To make matters even more urgent, the girls are already far along in their desperation by the time we started filming; they insisted on chatting a lot beforehand and left it all rather late. The contest evolves quickly because Lydia badly wants to pee and can't; like many models before her she is pee shy when cameras are pointing at her. After a while, the girls are left to their own devices to make the process easier for Lydia, and what results is an unusual turn of events for a pee holding contest. If you've never seen anyone squatting and hopping while peeing, you'll find it here. Not a conventional contest, and not a conventional outcome. (Apologies for the slightly inferior picture quality; we were plagued by heavy rain reducing the natural light levels, coupled with artifical lights located both in front of and behind the subjects. There are days when I long for a conventional studio).

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Vonka Romanov
Vonka Romanov: Restricted Wait (MP4)
Restricted Wait (MP4)
Time: 38 minutes 05 seconds
Vonka is the subjected of the ankle restraint this time, attached to the wood stove, can't get to a bathroom, can't get to a non-carpeted area, and definitely needing to pee. She does anything she can think of to distract herself from her swelling bladder, and as with all the girls, the closer she gets to losing control, the more distracted she becomes. We wait for the moment when Vonka starts begging for something to pee into, a sure sign that things are now serious. There's nothing quite like the torment of having a vase, in which she can relieve herself, proffered and then withdrawn. It's sheer torture! When it looks as if the moment of loss of control is close, Vonka is finally given the vase. She sits on it and pee explodes out of her. In the interests of full disclosure, Vonka does not achieve a record breaking volume this time.

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Vonka Romanov
Vonka Romanov: Squirting Fun (MP4)
Squirting Fun (MP4)
Time: 16 minutes 06 seconds
Outside as the sun is sinking low in the sky, naked, and with a full bladder, Vonka performs a solo video where she talks only to you. She squirms as she holds on to her pee for as long as possible, flinching as insects fly by (she is scared of almost everything that flies, which doesn't help with bladder control). When she has held on as long as she can, Vonka starts to squirt pee with one leg up; while bending over with her butt facing the camera, and facing you with her legs apart. It's all just fun.

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Vonka Romanov
Vonka Romanov: Set 3 (MP4)
Vonka R omanov: Set 3 (MP4)
Time: 54 minutes 11 seconds
Restricted Wait
The Squirting Fun
One On One: Volume 1 (MP4)
One On One: Volume 1 (MP4)
Time: 53 minutes 13 seconds
All of the girls except Maci are sitting on the toilet as they chat to you about their need to pee, and most of them are naked. These excerpts show the last 5 minutes before they are forced to pee.

One On One With:

  1. Vonka Romanov
  2. Nikki Brooks
  3. Jasmine St James
  4. Monica Jade
  5. Maci Wilde
  6. Tara
  7. Cadence Lux
  8. Carissa Montgomery
  9. Jamie Knotts
  10. Rachel Lilly

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Vonka Romanov
Vonka Romanov: Feeling The Pressure (MP4)
Feeling The Pressure (MP4)
Time: 15 minutes 31 seconds
Agent Romanov is checking out a house where a suspected terrorist has been hiding. She has spotted what looks like a pressure plate on the floor and avoids stepping on it, assuming it to be a bomb. Having completed the search, during which she is on the phone to a colleague, she says she is heading out, but first she needs to use the bathroom. As she enters the bathroom, she comes face to face with a terrorist. He holds her up, disarms her and takes her phone. He marches her back to the kitchen and orders her to step onto the pressure plate. She does so, and he warns her not to move or she will blow herself up. He advises her to not even shift her weight because the trigger is that sensitive. After he leaves, Vonka stares longingly at her cell phone on the counter just out of her reach. She can't call for help, and she is terrified to pee in case the impact makes the bomb explode. She tries to hold it, hoping that one of her colleagues will come to find her when she doesn't show up back at the office. Of course, the wait is too long and she pees herself. Fortunately for her, this does not set off the bomb. Now she has to stand there in her wet clothes, still unable to move. Or does she?

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Vonka Romanov
Vonka Romanov: Did I Just Beat My Record? (MP4)
Did I Just Beat My Record? (MP4)
Time: 5 minutes 42 seconds
Seriously desperate to pee while filming a forced stripping video, and subsequently, while standing there naked, Vonka announces, "I have a really full bladder. You have to decide what to do next very quickly." There were no concrete plans just at the moment, so we decided, since she was clearly bursting, to have her run down to the basement, collect a graduated cylinder, bring it back up and pee into it. She got it as far as the top of the basement stairs, then pushed the cylinder between her legs and let go. She peed for quite a while, and when she held up the cylinder, wouldn't you believe it, she had actually broken her capacity record.

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Vonka Romanov
Vonka Romanov: Did I Just Beat My Record - entended (MP4)
Did I Just Beat My Record - extended (MP4)
Time: 14 minutes 25 seconds
This longer version includes the forced stripping video, for those who enjoy watching a girl who badly needs to pee and must do her best to hide it. You also get to see her strip of course.

Seriously desperate to pee while filming a forced stripping video, and subsequently, while standing there naked, Vonka announces, "I have a really full bladder. You have to decide what to do next very quickly." There were no concrete plans just at the moment, so we decided, since she was clearly bursting, to have her run down to the basement, collect a graduated cylinder, bring it back up and pee into it. She got it as far as the top of the basement stairs, then pushed the cylinder between her legs and let go. She peed for quite a while, and when she held up the cylinder, wouldn't you believe it, she had actually broken her capacity record.

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Vonka Romanov
Vonka Romanov: I Must Beat My Record
I Must Beat My Record
Time: 24 minutes 11 seconds
Vonka is back to have another go at beating her bladder capacity record. The video opens with Vonka sitting in lingerie explaining the situation, and how she plans to pee on the toilet (naked) to make sure she is through the mental block of peeing in front of a camera. She then starts drinking liquid in earnest and holding her pee. When she is desperate enough to go, we repeat the exercise of getting her to drive quite a long distance to help take her mind off of needing to go, helping her to wait as long as possible before driving back to the house to pee into the graduated cylinder. It is rather a long drive and Vonka does get very desperate to relieve herself, so much so that she stops and pulls her skirt and pantyhose down to remove some of the pressure on her aching bladder. At last, she arrives back and climbs out of the car, skirt and hose still around her thighs. She hobbles indoors, divests herself of all impeding garments, and releases into the cylinder, groaning as the pressure on her bladder subsides. The video concludes with an extra sequence showing Vonka back on the toilet and a summing up of her performance.

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8 girls
8 girls: Naked Desperation 10
Naked Desperation 10
Time: 53 minutes 51 seconds
Most of the clips in this collection are approximately 4 minutes long and show the last few minutes of desperation before each girl pees naked, some of them while sitting on the toilet and some while standing and letting the pee stream down their legs. The girl's name is listed below for each, accompanied by the name of the full clip from which these excerpts were taken.
  1. Nikki Brooks: One On One With Nikki
  2. Vonka Romanov: Vonka On The Brink
  3. Cadence Lux: Cadence's Naked Wait
  4. Kendra James: The Sadistic Burglar Returns
  5. Becky LeSabre: Becky Just Can't Wait
  6. Misty Lovelace: Meet Misty
  7. Vonka Romanov: Fully Exposed
  8. Desiree Lopez: Measuring Desiree
  9. Maci Wilde: One on One With Maci
  10. Becky LeSabre: Measuring Becky
  11. Cadence Lux: Strip Tease & Spray
  12. Kendra James: Naked Tale Of Desperation
  13. Misty Lovelace: Measuring Misty
  14. Vonka Romanov: Vonka Tries To Break Her Record

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Vonka Romanov
Vonka Romanov: One On One With Vonka
One On One With Vonka
Time: 18 minutes 02 seconds
POV video: Vonka takes her turn at sitting on the toilet when she desperately needs to pee and holding it. She has left it rather late and starts out in a very fidgety state. The strain in her voice where she is struggling not to pee is very evident. She shows you the bulge in her abdomen, and keeps rubbing her legs with her hands to help distract her from the urgency of her situation, but nothing really works, not when the desire to pee is this strong. As she feels herself getting close to losing control, Vonka removes her skirt, waits another minute then takes off her underwear. Even now, she does her best to delay releasing her pee, but it is so very difficult. Finally, holding onto the wall for stability, Vonka starts to pee. It is clearly a massive relief, and the stream jetting into the toilet is fast flowing, indicative of a very full bladder.

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Vonka Romanov
Vonka Romanov: Vonka On The Brink
Vonka On The Brink
Time: 16 minutes 51 seconds
Vonka decides to make another attempt at breaking her pee holding record, in terms of quantity released. This video is POV - she talks only to the camera, to you - and she expresses her feeling continuously as the time passes. She left it very late to start this video, so right from the beginning she is absolutely desperate and has trouble waiting. She tries to find ways to distract herself to make it a little easier to postpone the moment of being forced to pee, but she finds it hard to think of anything else other than her present condition. When she considers she is seriously in danger of wetting herself by accident, she peels off her skirt and panties and squats over the cylinder. She does actually surpass her previous record, but adds that in a few minutes she will need to pee more. She makes this point eloquently by adding a scene in the bathroom just fifteen minutes after the main part of the video ends, holding her pee while she explains her situation. She then releases, and it is surprising how much more pee she produced in such a short period of time. She considers that if she were more distracted, such as driving a car while hold it, she could last longer. Next time, we'll try a new approach.

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Vonka Romanov
Vonka Romanov: Bursting in Suspension
Bursting in Suspension
Time: 16 minutes 59 seconds
Vonka is being held prisoner and is being kept in suspension. With no way to touch the floor, she can't possibly get to the bathroom when she needs to pee, so she is forced to ask her captor to let her down for relief. That works out the first time, when she manages to hold it while he frees her. He even makes her take off her clothes before he will let her go, but despite it all, she gets to the toilet in time. When he puts her back in suspension in his basement, however, it's a different situation. Now she is left alone, and when she needs to pee she has no choice other than to wet herself. Pee gushes through her panties and through her dress, streaming down onto the concrete floor in a loud stream. She may no longer have a full bladder, but now she has to hand there in wet panties until her captor returns and lets her down again. (Filmed as part of a long bondage suspension video which is being released in our Beauties in Bondage wesbite).

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Vonka Romanov
Vonka Romanov: You Need To Wait Here
You Need To Wait Here
Time: 11 minutes 03 seconds
Vonka is at a construction site with her boss who is mad as a box of frogs. The contractors have not turned up, and other work is scheduled for when they are finished. He is so annoyed with everything that Vonka dare not tell him that she is standing there bursting to pee! She has been on the move with him all day and there just hasn't been time for a bathroom break, at least not without really pissing him off. She makes herself hold her pee, doing her best not to pee dance like a little girl and embarrass herself. The problem is, if this goes on for much longer, she is going to suffer the ultimate humiliation of wetting herself in front of this irate guy. Vonka offers to go back to the car where she left her phone, to call the contractors office to find out what is going on. It would give her a chance to relieve herself somewhere out of his site. She takes a few steps but then the boss tells her to stay put. He himself has other things to do and wants Vonka to wait there in case the contractors show up in his absence. Rather than argue with him, Vonka meekly agrees, hoping that when he has gone she can find something to pee into. She is just about to do something about her predicament when a door opens across the room and her boss asks if she can come in at eight the following morning. She says she will and he departs, but that last little delay is just too much for her distended bladder. She starts to pee in her panties, and quickly finds that she can't stop the flow.

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Vonka Romanov
Vonka Romanov: Fully Exposed
Fully Exposed
Time: 11 minutes 35 seconds
The storyline in this video continues the "Constant Desperation" story, and may be regarded as the fifth scene where Vonka is still being held prisoner by a man who has a pee desperation fetish and keeps making her drink water, then forbids her to pee. Finally, he has made her strip naked and has chained her up with her legs apart, then tells her he is going to get groceries and that she is not to pee on his floor while he is out. Vonka complains that he keeps making her drink water so she has no choice but to pee herself. That's just music to his ears. He warns her again not to pee while he is out and then departs, leaving poor Vonka with a full bladder and no means to help her control it. The urge to go is terrible, but she can't even cross her legs or press on her pee hole with a finger. She's stretched out, unable to sit, unable to do anything but stand there with her legs apart gasping with the effort of holding her pee. Inevitable, she is forced to release it, and the urine gushes out of her at a high rate of knots. Now her bladder feels relief, but she may be standing like this for hours, especially if her captor is annoyed that she pissed on his floor again.

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Vonka Romanov
Vonka Romanov: She Seriously Needs To Piss
She Seriously Needs To Piss
Time: 20 minutes 53 seconds
This video also continues the storyline of "Constant Desperation". Here, in the sixth scene, Vonka's captor decides to let her out of the house for a while, allowing her to drive his car around the countryside while he sits next to her, armed and ready to deal with any trouble. Naturally, he did not allow Vonka to do this without first making her drink a lot of water. We join her where she is already desperate to pee and asking to be allowed to stop and relieve herself on the roadside. Naturally, the answer is no. She has to keep driving and holding it - no peeing in the car! As time passes, Vonka grows increasingly anxious and again asks if she canb stop, pointing out that she will soon have an accident if she is forced to keep on driving. Still her captor will not let her pull over. He gives her directions to follow, but Vonka is so distracted by her very full bladder that she keeps turning the wrongff way, getting them hopelessly lost. Right on the verge of losing control, Vonka pulls into someone's driveway (fortunately for her, a long driveway) and stops. She begs for permission to piss and has finally recived it. She pulls her dress up and removes her tights and panties. She then takes an empty coffee cup her captor has in the car, places it between her legs and almost fills it. She needs to go badly, so she opens the door, empties out the cup, and then resumes peeing She almost fills it for a second time. That had been so close; another few minutes and she would have wet herself all over the car seat. He captor allows her to dress herself before making her continue with the drive.

(1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 805.8 MB)
Vonka Romanov
Vonka Romanov: I Was Driving Fast Because I Need To Pee
I Was Driving Fast Because I Need To Pee
Time: 10 minutes 39 seconds
Vonka has been speeding because she is desperate to get home to use the toilet - her bladder is full and she is worried that she will wet herself if she doesn't hurry. But then a cop pulls her over for speeding. When she can't give him all of her necessary driving credentials, he makes her get out of the car so that she can just drive away without alerting him, and warns her not to get back inside the vehicle while he is running her information. Vonka complies, but she badly needs to pee and stands there wiggling her legs, looking pained. When she starts to panic about how close she is to losing control, she calls out to the cop and asks him if they can continue this at a rest stop, but the cop merely tells her to remain standing where she is. As the minutes pass, Vonka becomes truly distressed; she is going to piss herself in front of the cop and passing drivers if she can't do something about her situation soon. She asks if she can at least pee in the woods, but the cop refuses. He tells her they are now waiting for details to come back from the police computers, a process slowed down by her missing documents. Now Vonka is extremely desperate to pee, and despite clamping off her muscles so tightly, she starts to piss her jeans. She watches in horror as the trickle quickly turns to a flood. After she has soaked herself, the cop returns to say there is a warrant out for her arrest owing to some unpaid parking tickets. He slaps her in handcuffs and marches the humiliated girl away to his police cruiser.

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Vonka Romanov
Vonka Set 2
Vonka Set 2
Fully Exposed
She Seriously Needs To Piss
I Was Driving Fast Because I Need To Pee

Time: 43 minutes

Vonka Romanov
Vonka Romanov: Constant Desperation
Constant Desperation
Time: 38 minutes 42 seconds
Exploring the scenario of a girl who has been kidnapped by a man with a pee desperation fetish, his sole objective to keep her desperate to piss most of the time and enjoy it when she is forced to lose control. Having abducted Vonka, he drives her bound and gagged in the trunk of a car for hours, so that by the time her gets her out she has an extremely full bladder and is bursting to pee. He makes her stand and wait, still in handcuffs, believing her might take her to the bathroom in time, but of course he doesn't. She pees in her panties and her skirt, and it all runs down her legs onto the floor. The kidnapper takes Vonka bag out of the trunk of the car and pulls out a pair of grey jeans. He tells her she can change into these after she cleans herself up.

Later, Vonka is sitting on the edge of a bed, and her kidnapper hands her a bottle of water, ordering her to drink it. She manages to get through this, then is dismayed when he hands her a second bottle and tells her to drink that too. Vonka forces herself to consume the second pint of liquid. At this point, the kidnapper handcuffs her to a pole and secured her ankles. He then sprinkles some crystals all around her feet. When she asks what they are, he takes one and pours a drop of water on it. It bursts into flames! He says, "Just think what will happen if you pee on that lot." He then goes out leaving Vonka trapped and unable to move. Her bladder is already full. Despite knowing what will happen if she loses control, she just can't hold her pee until the man returns. She wets her jeans with tremendous force after waiting for so long, and nothing happens. The bastard had just been playing her.

By evening, after being made to drink yet more water, Vonka is taken back to the bed wearing just her bra and panties. She is handcuffed and shackled to the frame to prevent her getting up in the night. Vonka insists that she is already desperate to pee and that she can't possibly wait all night, but her kidnapper tells her that she has to hold on, warning her not to wet the bed. Left alone, Vonka tries to talk herself to sleep, but she can't get her mind off her urgent desire to pee. After a while, there is nothing more she can do to control herself and pee leaks out of her vagina, passing through her panties and onto the bed cover. As she keeps urinating, the puddle of pee gets deeper and deeper. Now she is forced to lie in it all night. Anxious not to get pee on her hair, Vonka holds her head up, but she can't do this for hours. Sooner or later she will have to accept that she is going to have to sleep in a puddle of her own urine.

The next day, after being made to put on the final item of clothing in her bag, a dress, Vonka is restrained using handcuffs padlocked to a chain attached to an overhead beam. She can't lower her arms or sit down, and she certainly can't reach to pull up her dress or slide down her panties to relieve herself. She complains about having a very full bladder, but her kidnapper merely tells her not to pee on his floor. Vonka warns him that she is about to have no choice. Finally, he produced a 20-ounce cup and tells her she can pee into this. Since she is unable to reach, he slowly lifts her skirt, feeling her thighs as he does so, then lowers her panties. Vonka is frantic to go and just need him to hurry up.Finally, he holds the cup between her legs. It takes a few moments for Vonka to overcome her the embarrassment and humiliation, but finally she is able to pee. She keeps going until she fills the cup. (Vonka admitted that when she showered following this scene, she peed even more, so that was one very full bladder). She is left restrained, with her kidnapper promising to have more fun with her later. He seems that her desperation ordeal is far from over.

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Lea Hart & Vonka Romanov
Lea Hart & Vonka Romanov: Injection of Funds
Injection of Funds
Time: 29 minutes 31 seconds
Lea has been trying to get her start up business off the ground, but she keeps making mistakes and is forced repeatedly to go to Vonka for a loan. Since she has seen no return for her money to date, Vonka tells the girl that if she wants a further injection of funds, then she will have to do for Vonka first. While Vonka is deciding what that something might be, Lea asks if she can use the bathroom while Vonka thinks it over. At first, Vonka is prepared to let her go, then it hits her. This is the thing. She tells Lea that if she wants the money, she can't use the bathroom but will have to hold her pee for as long as possible, at which point Vonka may make her wet herself. Lea struggles long and hard not to lose control and embarrass herself, but a bladder is always filling and it can only be a matter of time.
Lea Hart & Vonka Romanov
Lea Hart & Vonka Romanov: Withdraw the Complaint
Withdraw the Complaint
Time: 12 minutes 20 seconds
Student Lea has filed a complaint citing misconduct by a teacher (Vonka) who humiliated her in front of the other students. Vonka faces possible dismissal unless Lea retracts her complaint, so she goes to see the girl in an attempt to persuade her to see reason and let the matter drop. Aware that her teacher needs to pee, Lea says the complaint stands unless Vonka is prepared to suffer some humiliation too, by standing there desperate to pee and not running off to the restroom. Vonka admonishes the girl, telling her this is highly inappropriate behaviour, but Lea insists that if she is to drop the complaint, Vonka must hold her pee until she can't wait any longer. Vonka, already dying to relieve herself, can only stand this for a short time before she loses control and wets herself, her pee streaming down her legs and then flowing across the ground at her feet. Lea says she must

Lea Hart & Vonka Romanov
Lea & Vonka Set 2
Lea & Vonka Set 2
Injection of Funds
Withdraw the Complaint
Time: 42 minutes
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Vonka Romanov
Vonka Romanov: I Need To Go Pee
I Need To Go Pee
Time: 14 minutes 54 seconds
Vonka is being held prisoner, sitting on a chair, handcuffed, her ankles zip tied, a tape gag over her mouth. She has been sitting there for hours and her bladder is now uncomfortably full. When her captor finally enters the room again and removes the tape from her mouth, he asks Vonka is she needs foot or water. She explains that what she really needs is to visit the bathroom. He doesn't seem interested in letting her relieve herself, so she tells him again, "I really need to pee." He tells her that he is not sure where the key the handcuffs is located, and asks her again if she needs something to drink. "If you're not letting me go pee, I don't think I should drink any more." Worried that she might become dehydrated, her captor insists. Vonka cannot resist as he pours water down her throat. She keeps trying to persuade him to stop, but he keeps going until she has consumed the entire bottle. Her bladder seriously twinging now, Vonka asks him to go to look for the handcuffs key. He tells her that he needs to get to work, and she pleads with him to let her use the bathroom first. She struggles after he leaves the room, then unexpecedly he returns with the key in his hand. Vonka experiences a rush of hope, until he places the key on the lap of her skirt and tells her to let herself out, knowing full well that she can't. He can't and leaves her sitting there with a very full bladder. Unwilling to just give in and wet herself, knowing she would have to sit in her own pee four hours, Vonka tries desperately to move the key close enough to her hand to grasp it. It takes a lot of time but eventually she manages it. She doesn't have much time left before she can't pinch off her urethra any longer. She fumbles with the key but the handcuffs are an unusual design and she can't find the hole for the key. In her frantic efforts, she drops the key and knows then that it's all over. She wiggles her body desperately to try holding her pee, but after less than a minute she gasps as she feels pee stream into her panties. Because her legs are secured together, the pee travels down between her thighs in a rivulet, streaming down from her knees into her shoes and the floor. (Vonka has a large bladder and she pees for 45 seconds, leaving a long stream of urine across the floor).
Vonka Romanov
Vonka Romanov: Girl Interrupted
Girl Interrupted
Time: 15 minutes 19 seconds
Vonka has just driven home from work and spend quite some time in heavy traffic. She enters the house with a full bladder, intent on nothing except getting to the bathroom to relieve herself. To her horror, there is an armed man standing in her kitchen, and he interrupts her as she hurries across the room. Startled and almost peeing in her panties, Vonka raises her hands and demands to know what the man is doing there. He seems reticent to explain, while she stands there wiggling her legs and desperately trying not to wet herself. She tells the man that is desperate to pee and needs to bathroom, but he refuses to let her go. As she stands there pee dancing and crossing her legs, Vonka tries to reason with the man, telling him he can take her to the bathroom, he can get plants and tools from her tool box to seal her in there to prevent her raising the alarm when he leaves, but this option does not seem to be acceptable to him. Indeed, he does not seem in any hurry to leave now that he understands the girl's predicament; it seems he wants to watch her struggle and listen to her plead for him to let her go pee. Realizing that she probably isn't going to make it now, Vonka asks if she can at least take off her shoes. The man allows her to do so, then watches as Vonka covers her face and wets herself in front of him. The sound of pee hitting the floor is loud; she really needed to go, and she can't seem to stop going for quite some time. Thoroughly humiliated, Vonka hopes her ordeal is almost over, but then the man tells her to remove her skirt and tights so that he can see her wet panties.

Vonka Romanov
Vonka Romanov: Vonka Tries To Break Her Record
Vonka Tries To Break Her Record
Time: 12 minutes 48 seconds
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Having peed 850 ml into the graduated cylinder on her first visit, we thought it would be fun if we got Vonka into a nice desperate state with a full bladder and then made her wait a while to see if she could exceed the amount already on record. We got her to hold it through a forced stripping and then a bondage video so that she would be ready to burst by the time we started filming. She was in a very desperate state, which is why this video is not as long as it might otherwise have been. Since Vonka was also naked, it made holding her pee in that much harder and she struggled to keep waiting. In the end, she just couldn't; if we didn't let her go her pee would have ended up all over te floor. So, she grabbed the cylinder and released the contents of her bladder into it. Did she exceed her first performance?
Vonka Romanov
Vonka Set 1
Vonka Set 1

I Need To Go Pee
Girl Interrupted
Vonka Tries To Break Her Record
Time: 43 minutes

Vonka Romanov & Lea Hart
Lea & Vonka: Measuring Lea & Vonka
Measuring Lea & Vonka
Time: 36 minutes 35 seconds
The girls have agreed to drink plenty and wait as long as possible before into our graduated cylinders to measure their capacities. Vonka already needs to pee quite badly as we get started since she can hold on a lot longer than Lea who has to pee frequently. Lea managed to pee around 600 ml on her first visit, so here we see what effect competition has on her ability to wait. As desperation to pee mounts, the girls get a little bit quieter (though not that much), and Lea sings her "I need to pee so bad" song, backed by Vonka. Now the girls are struggling to delay emptying their bladders and there is some tension in the air as they fight to hold on. As the moment draws near, both girls take of their panties to make sure they can grab a cylinder and place it between their legs in time to catch the pee. Vonka's output is pretty impressive.

Vonka Romanov & Lea Hart
Lea & Vonka: Vonka & Lea's Holding Contest
Vonka & Lea's Holding Contest
Time: 28 minutes 10 seconds
Lea and Vonka perform naked as they wait until their bladders are very full before they pee. To pass the time they spit water at one another (something which literally backfires for Lea) and play word games. There is even a little bit of juggling along the way. As always, the expressions become tense and the limbs start to fidget as the urge to pee gets worse and worse. Each one wants to outlast the other, a desire which drives them on even when they are bursting. The girls hold it until they just can't wait any longer, then let loose all over the floor. What a mess!
Vonka Romanov & Lea Hart
I Have to Pee First
I Have to Pee First
Time: 4 minutes 01 seconds
After drinking steadily throughout the day, both Lea and Vonka need to pee more and more. Here, as the shoot draws to a close, they both want to use the toilet at the same time, but of course one of them has to wait for the other. This time it's poor Lea who is left pee dancing and listening to the sound of her friend emptying her bladder into the toilet. Unable to wait much longer, Lea climbs into the bath just in case she loses control. Vonka remains sitting on the toilet, insisting that she is still peeing while Lea stands desperate and frustrated waiting, until she can't hold it any longer.
Vonka Romanov & Lea Hart
Lea & Vonka Set 1
Lea & Vonka Set 1
Measuring Lea & Vonka
Vonka & Lea's Holding Contest
I Have to Pee First
Time: 68 minutes

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