Bound2Burst Movies by Model: Tabitha
Caught in the Act Remastered
Time: 20 minutes 23 seconds
Tabitha is a burglar who needs to pee while loading her bag with valuables, but just as she decides to use the bathroom she hears a key
in the front door. Someone is home! She quickly goes down to the basement and hides in a cupboard where she stands struggling to control
her full bladder. Unfortunately for her, the house owner has heard her and makes her come out of the cupboard with her hands in the air.
Tabitha does her best to stand there a comply with the man's wishes, but at the same time she is bursting for a pee. She asks for permission
to use the bathroom but the owner refuses, telling her to stand still while he calls the cops. Tabitha keeps pleading to use the bathroom
but each time her request is declined. In the end, as you might expect, she wets her jeans all over the guy's basement floor.
1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,129.5 MB
Tabitha & Sienna
Occupied Remastered
Time: 4 minutes 56 seconds
Sienna has arrived home bursting for a pee to find the bathroom door locked. Inside the bathroom, her house mate Tabitha is taking a bath
and is listening to music via ear-pods. Unable to hear her desperate friend's pleas for access, she continued her luxurious soaking while
Sienna is in danger of soaking her panties. In the end, Tabitha emerges just in time and Sienna pees into the toilet through her panties!
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Doctor's Appointment Remastered
Time: 16 minutes 53 seconds
Tabitha arrives at the clinic for her doctor's appointment ten minutes early and settles down to wait. Since she has a little time to spare,
she pops along to the ladies room, only to find it occupied. After standing outside the door for a minute, she returns to the waiting room and
reads a magazine. The time for her appointment comes and goes, and now her need for the bathroom has intensified. She tries the ladies room again,
only to find it occupied once more. She grits her teeth and goes back to the waiting room, no longer able to relax as she reads and sends text
messages. More time passes and she asks the receptionist if the doctor is running late. He says that she is the next person on the list and can
go in as soon as the current patient leaves. Growing really desperate to pee now, Tabitha goes back to the restrooms only to find the door to the
ladies is still locked. She taps lightly on the door but no one answers. Back in the waiting room, she mentions to the receptionist that the ladies
has apparently been occupied for more than half an hour. A check is made and it seems there really is someone in the ladies. Tabitha tries waiting
a little longer but now she is very desperate to pee. She goes to the reception desk and tries to set up another appointment, but before this can
be set, the phone rings and the receptionist answers it, leaving Tabitha standing before him in a frantic state. Unable to control her bladder any
longer Tabitha wets her jeans before picking up her bag and departing, embarrassed and humiliated.
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Time To Go 5 Remastered
Time: 24 minutes 13 seconds
It's Tabitha's turn to try releasing her pee into a small cup and cutting off the flow when the cup is full. She then has to wait for five
minutes before releasing another cupful. This stopping and starting plays havoc with the mind and the muscles, and there are some agonized groans
from Tabitha each time she has to stop. As usual, the peeing sequences are mostly filmed in close up.
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Trying to Cork It Up Remastered
Time: 11 minutes 01 seconds
Tabitha arrives home with her husband in a frantic hurry for the bathroom. She is horrified to find workmen are still in there working on the
plumbing, so she is compelled to hold it. She tells her husband to go and talk to them and ask them to leave, but instead he asks them how much
longer they expect to be. It seems there is a little more work to do before the system is working again, so in the meantime Tabitha will just
have to hold it. She tries pacing, watching TV and texting, much of the time pressing a hand hard into her crotch to hold back the flood. As she
gets close to having an accident, she goes to peek around the bathroom door to see how things are progressing, but there is still no hope of
gaining relief for her aching bladder. So very desperate, Tabitha wets herself in the kitchen, and is in the act of mopping up her mess when her
husband comes through to say the workmen are leaving. She orders him to take them out the other way so that they will not see that she has wet
1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 610.6 MB
Tabitha & Sienna
Desperate For Work Remastered
Time: 24 minutes 06 seconds
The girls on their way to work at Bound2Burst. As per their standing instructions, they do their best to time things so that they arrive with
full bladders, but not so desperate that there isn't time to make the first movie. Barring delays in traffic, they usually manage to make it
without an accident in the vehicle or a squat on the roadside, but today Tabitha has forgotten her GPS units and they are lost. Anxious not to
lose control of their bladders before reaching their destination, they struggle to hold on as they drive around and look for familiar landmarks.
Rapidly approaching their limits, they finally find the correct road, only to find a truck blocking the way. They have to wait a little longer,
and literally run to the front door when their arrive at Mr. North's residence. Unfortunately, he doesn't seem to be around and the girls are left
struggling to hold themselves as they wait for him to turn up. (Additional comment: It seemed like a fun idea. The only problem was that the girls
had already arrived with full bladders, only to be told that they were going back out on the road for another half an hour. Their eyes widened,
and while various gasps and moans punctuated their protests, they argreed to see if they can give a repeat performance. The camera runs continuously
inside the vehicle, so you witness the situation as it unfolds).
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The Novice Remastered
Time: 14 minutes 13 seconds
Playing the role of a novice detective only just promoted, Tabitha is participating in her first raid. She has been told to wait for the signal
to move in, and to be ready because things inside the house might get ugly. Left alone, Tabitha plays with the handcuffs, locking her wrist to
a tree branch. When the call comes to move in a little sooner than she expected, Tabitha grabs for the key to her handcuffs and drops it.
The key is out of her reach. When her superior officer returns after the raid, he is furious with her for playing about; her absence meant that
one of the perps got away. As punishment, he says he will leave Tabitha handcuffed to the tree until the team has finished going over the house.
Tabitha explains that she needs to pee, but her boss is in no mood to care. Tabitha is compelled to stand there, squirming in desperation until
she can't hold on any longer. She then lifts her skirt and empties her bladder, releasing a huge amount of pee. Now she is stuck in this
humiliating predicament until someone comes to free her.
1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 787.9 MB
Tabitha Remastered: Volume 4
Total time: 1 hour 56 minutes
- Caught in the Act Remastered
- Occupied Remastered
- Doctor's Appointment Remastered
- Time To Go 5 Remastered
- Trying to Cork It Up Remastered
- Desperate For Work Remastered
- The Novice Remastered
Discipline Remastered
Time: 17 minutes 43 seconds
Tabitha has been summoned to the headmaster's study, not for the first time. A recalcitrant student and a repeat offender, she has been disciplined and
threatened with expulsion on numerous occasions. This time, however, she might have gone too far. The headmaster is furious and exerts discipline right
then and there, making Tabitha stand still in front of him even though she has explained that she is desperate to pee. As far as the head is concerned,
she can hold it. Except, she can't. After Tabitha pisses herself and makes a mess on his floor, the head instructs her to remove her skirt and mop up the
pee with it. When this proves inadequate, she is ordered to remove her sweater and continue mopping the floor with that. Eventually, she has to resort to
her underwear, leaving her naked in front of the head.
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Left Helpless Remastered
Time: 15 minutes 14 seconds
Tabitha has been left bound and gagged and left on the floor by the decorator after complaining one too many times. She struggles to free herself
because she has been there a while and her bladder is full, and if she doesn't escape soon, she will piss her jeans. Secured with zip ties makes
escape almost impossible, and her partner will not be home for hours yet. There just isn’t a way out of this one without the embarrassment of
wetting her pants.
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Bursting During Detention (MP4)
Time: 14 minutes 15 seconds
Tabitha has been a bad student and has been kept behind after school in detention to work on an overdue essay. She makes so many excuses
to get out of doing her work that the professor does not believe her when she says that she is desperate to use the bathroom. Convinced
that this is nothing more than a ploy, he makes her sit there and continue with her work. Tabitha squirms and complains under her breath,
and asks several times to be allowed to go before it is too late. The professor leaves her alone for a while, and as tempting as it is for
her to run to the bathroom, Tabitha, already in enough trouble, decides not to go. She does not know what to do, however, because she is
bursting and afraid that she might actually wet her panties in front of her teacher. When the professor returns, she makes another attempt
to convince him of her urgent situation, but he still refuses to release her from detention, even for a minute. Finally, Tabitha is at her
bursting point and gets up from her desk, insisting that she must be allowed to visit the bathroom now! When the professor says no, she
stands there and wets her panties, peeing on his classroom floor. Now she is in more trouble than ever.
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The Planning Inspector Remastered (MP4)
Time: 27 minutes 42 seconds
Tabitha is a planning inspector who has received a report that Mr. North has been building a structure on his property without first
seeking permission from the local council. The inspector gives him a lot of grief for building a shoddy and unsafe deck, annoying him so
much that when she admits that she is in dire need of a visit to the bathroom, he refuses to let her go. Tabitha soldiers on with her job,
struggling to control herself until the inspection is over. Despite several more requests for the use of a bathroom, she is compelled to
keep holding it. When the inspection is finally concluded, she starts towards her vehicle but does not get far before the flood gates open.
Tabitha was so desperate for this one that the camera recorded the sound of her pissing herself from several meters away, and the back of
her skirt gets much wetter than is usually with a skirt wetting. She said it herself - her bladder was literally about to explode!
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Wonder Woman & Supergirl Remastered (MP4)
Time: 30 minutes 03 seconds
Wonder Woman and Supergirl have not been busy of late, and Supergirl is extremely bored. Wonder Woman reprimands her and ends up snared by her
own lasso of truth just before she can make a dash to the bathroom. Supergirl makes Wonder Woman stand with her legs apart until she is made to
piss herself. At this inopportune moment, a caller reports that Veronica Cale has been spotted entering a nearby warehouse. Supergirl wants to
rush off, but Wonder Woman has to change her panties first. So embarrassing. In the warehouse, the super heroes overpower Veronica and handcuff
her to a table, even though the woman claims that she is desperate to pee. It is not long before Veronica pisses herself and vows revenge on her
captors. She manages to wriggle free of one of the cuffs, and is ready when Wonder Woman and Supergirl return for her. She immobilizes the girls
with a suppression field and makes them stand there until Supergirl pees in her outfit. She threatens to call the press to take photos of the pair
looking so ridiculous. How would the duo holds their heads up in public after such humiliation? (This was a custom movie and was very difficult to
film, especially with three women who needed to pee all the time. They frequently forgot their lines and improvised, sending the plot along tangents
from which it would never recover. But hey, it’s all just good fun anyway.
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The Frantic Secretary Remastered (MP4)
Time: 34 minutes 42 seconds
Tabitha is a busy secretary who is burst ing for a pee, but she can’t find enough time to visit the bathroom to relieve herself. Her boss is
attending an important meeting and keeps calling for information which he requires sent via faxes and e-mail, so she dare not leave the office.
She calls for a colleague to ask if they could cover for her, just for two minutes, but the colleague says she can’t. Tabitha even asks her
boss to arrange for someone to help her out during one of his calls, but he doesn't have time to worry about her predicament. He keeps Tabitha
working continuously while she squirms and struggles not to lose control of her full bladder. In the end, she mutters to herself that this is
what he gets for being so selfish, and parting her legs, she pees on the office carpet.
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The Desperate Interview Remastered (MP4)
Time: 27 minutes 56 seconds
Poor Tabitha is late for an interview. She has been sick and is flustered because she knows she is giving a bad impression. The trouble is,
she's dying to pee, but she doesn't feel she can ask for the use of the bathroom after keeping her potential employer waiting for an extra
twenty minutes. She therefore sits and squirms, trying to pay attention to the questions she is asked and doing her best to construct sensible
answers. Alas, she becomes increasingly distracted as the interview progresses, and at one point when the interviewer leaves her to deal with
another matter, she just can't wait any longer and sits on the edge of her seat so that she can discretely pee on the floor.
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The Receptionist Remastered (MP4)
Time: 13 minutes 50 seconds
abitha works as a receptionist for a company where everything they sell is colored red. They can only afford one receptionist at a time and she
has instructions never to leave the front desk or the telephones unattended. On occasion, this is obviously going to be a problem when she needs
a visit to the ladies room and cannot wait until her working day ends. Well, today is just such a day. Despite negotiating with her boss for a few
minutes' break, Tabitha is compelled to remain at her station no matter what. As the time passes, her desperation rises to an urgent pitch until
the inevitable happens, just fifteen minutes before her shift comes to an end. (Tabitha looked good in red, so it was decided to make use of a pair
of shorts that Lola and Madison have both worn. The boots were left over from Tabitha's role as Supergirl, and completed the red ensemble.
They did get rather full of pee this time and will need to be retired. Tabitha took the shorts home with her).
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Tabitha Holds It For Hours Remastered (MP4)
Time: 88 minutes 14 seconds
Tabitha tries her hand at holding it from empty until she is bursting to pee, and then trying to hold it a bit longer. She drank two bottles of
water and 1.5 glasses of Martini to fill herself up, a lot of liquid for someone so tiny in stature. An hour into filming, Tabitha went for a
short walk outside and was clearly in trouble. It is at this point that the questioning begins - Tabitha had to answer questions correctly or take
off an article of clothing for each wrong answer. After about fifteen minutes of fielding questions, a few of which she got right despite the
difficulty of the questions and her highly distracted state, she ends up completely naked, and remains so until the end of the movie. Tabitha is a
small girl (her U.S. jeans size is 1 compared to Jayne's 7) so it is little wonder that she has a small bladder and has to pee often. While she
could not hold it for more than about 80 minutes, by the end of this time, she was truly frantic to go, a condition made abundantly clear by her
distracted behavior. She spent the last 15 minutes of the movie squirming with her hand jammed into her crotch in a display of desperation as only
Tabitha can do it. When she emptied out, however, she peed less than 500 ml. Just five minutes later she needed to go again and pees almost as
much as the first time. (Supplied in 2 parts).
Part 1: 1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 2,200.0 MB
Part 2: 1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 2,212.1 MB
Tabitha Remastered: Volume 3 (MP4)
Total time: 3 hours 56 minutes
This set of movies has been remastered from the original footage, then upscaled with Topaz Video AI software from the original
720x480 pixels to 1472x1080 pixels.
- Bursting During Detention Remastered
- The Planning Inspector Remastered
- Wonder Woman & Supergirl Remastered
- The Frantic Secretary Remastered
- The Desperate Interview Remastered
- The Receptionist Remastered
- Tabitha Holds It For Hours Remastered
Technical Difficulties Remastered
Time: 19 minutes 44 seconds
This video has been remastered from the original recording and upscaled using Topaz AI software.
Tabitha is the techie on duty the weekend all hell breaks loose on the company's computer system. She is frantically trying to identify
the problems and sort them out, but the phone rings continuously as one irritated user after another is demanding her attention. She could
really do with a visit to the bathroom to empty her very full bladder, but each time she tries to leave her work area, the phone rings again,
or a computer alarm goes off warning of yet another system problem. Tabitha pee dances and crotch grabs as she tries to keep everyone happy
while fighting the urgent desire to pee. Her desperation grows worse and worse but she still can't take that badly-needed break. Her
concentration starts to wander and she approaches bursting point, and finally, while on the phone to a user, she loses control and soaks her
pantyhose in pee. Urine streams down her legs and pours into her boots as she stands there trying to do her job in a professional manner.
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Stopped by a Cop Remastered
Time: 30 minutes 08 seconds
This video has been remastered from the original recording, then enhanced and upscaled.
Tabitha is speeding to get home as quickly as possible because she is desperate to pee. Suddenly, she hears the whoop-whoop
of a police siren. She doesn't stop because she is very close to home and extremely anxious to reach the bathroom. The cop follows
her as she pulls into her garage and blocks her escape. The cop asks to see Tabitha's driving credentials, refusing to let her go
into the house to use the toilet on the premise that she may have a weapon in there. He points out that the license plate is missing
from the back of her vehicle, and that the insurance paperwork she has handed him is out of date. The cop orders Tabitha out of the
vehicle and handcuffs her, telling her to stay put while he checks out her license and other documents. Tabitha pleads with him to
let her use the bathroom, but he orders her to stay beside her vehicle. There follows a long delay during which Tabitha paces and
squirms, struggling not to wet her skirt and panties. The cop seems to be taking a very long time, and she starts to complain. When
the cop finally returns he says that he believes she has stolen the vehicle and that she is going to be arrested. Tabitha is outraged
as he explains that he has called for back-up and a female police officer to take her in. Again, she begs to be allowed to visit the
bathroom, but the cop won't let her go. (At the end of the video, we chat to Tabitha and she strips down to her underwear).
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The Naked Realtor Remastered (MP4)
Time: 30 minutes 15 seconds
Tabitha reprises her role as the real estate agent. Things are not going so well for her; sales are hard to make,
and no sales means no commission. Ironically, Tabitha is doing so badly that she is in danger of losing her own
home to foreclosure. She is therefore delighted when a client from several years earlier expresses an interesting
in buying a property she has shown him before, which is now back on the market. She assures the client that the
property has been fixed up and he will be delighted with it. She herself wants to get there as soon as possible
because she needs to pee, and wants to get that out of the way as soon as possible. When they arrive, however, it
soon becomes apparent that the property has not been improved at all, and in many ways it is in a worse state than
before. The client is ready to pull out, but the desperate realtor will do anything to keep his interest. Realizing
that she really is desperate to make a sale, the client says he will reconsider if Tabitha will show him around the
property again, but this time naked. Tabitha is mortified by this suggestion and protests vehemently, but when the
client threatens to leave without buying, she reluctantly complies with his wishes. By now, her bladder is full and
she needs to visit the bathroom, but the client tells her that he wants her to hold it throughout the tour. Tabitha
pee dances her way around the house, even climbing the steps to the roof space, her need to pee growing more and more
acute. The client takes his time considering the property while Tabitha continues to pee dance and plead for the use
of the bathroom. Delayed too long, she finally loses control of her bladder and pee streams down between her legs,
much to her embarrassment.
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Holding Cell Remastered (MP4)
Time: 12 minutes 29 seconds
Tabitha has been a bad girl. She has urinated on the street right in front of a police cruiser and has landed up in
jail in a holding cell that has no facilities. The policeman who speaks to her in the opening scene is not convinced
that she needs to pee, and that they will wait for the bloodwork to come back before taking action. Tabitha is left
alone in the cell to pace back and forth and pee dance, trying to suppress the urge to pee again. As time passes and
the cop does not return, Tabitha becomes increasingly desperate to go, holding herself as she squirms and struggles to
wait. Finally, she has no choice but to wet her jeans - pulling them down is not an option with CCTV.
1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 577.2 MB
Late Home Remastered (MP4)
Time: 15 minutes 22 seconds
Tabitha has been out on the town once too often, and her partner is tired of her never calling to say she will be late.
He decides that it's time she was taught a lesson in being more responsible and ties her up, leaving her lying on the bed
like this where she will stay until she has learned her lesson. Tabitha calls out that she needs to pee but no one comes
to help her. She holds on as long as possible then gives the bed a thorough wetting, giggling and saying that it isn't her
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Tabitha (with Lola Lynn)
The Bargain Remastered (MP4)
Time: 31 minutes 48 seconds
Tabitha owes Lola a lot of money but she cannot afford to pay it back. Lola offers to write off half of Tabitha's debt
if she will agree to being tied to a bed and tickled. Tabitha is surprised but agrees, saying that she had first better
visit the bathroom. Lola refuses to let her relieve herself, and despite further protests, Tabitha finally agrees to being
tied up while needing to pee. Once the tickling begins, Tabitha discovers that the only way to stop Lola tickling her is
to allow the woman to remove an article of her clothing. Each time she needs a break from her torment, Tabitha has to lose
another garment, each of which has to be cut away because of her bonds. As the tickling continues, Tabitha's bladder grows
fuller and fuller and she struggles hard not to wet the bed. By the time she is left wearing nothing by a thong, Tabitha
is bursting for relief, but still Lola will not stop tickling her or untie her. At last, there is no holding it any longer
and Tabitha wets her thong and the bed sheet. Only now will Lola allow her to go free to clean herself up. The movie
concludes with Tabitha peeling off her wet thong and heading for the bathroom.
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Just Holding Again Remastered (MP4)
Time: 13 minutes 51 seconds
The original Just Holding movie (ordered as a custom) proved very popular, so it seemed like a good idea to put Tabitha back
on the spot, and in a short skirt again. She's more playful in this one, which is her natural disposition.
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Desperation Difficulties Remastered (MP4)
Time: 15 minutes 20 seconds
It's another one of those bondage movies where the model ends up feeling the urge to pee while in a compromising position. Here,
Tabitha is firmly bound to a chair, the filming of a bondage video officially over and she would like to make a visit to the bathroom.
She apparently forgot where she was for a moment! The two devilish henchmen who put her in this situation seem reluctant to grant her
freedom, and one of them even goes to the lengths of dragging her chair to a safe area in case she loses control of her bladder while
still tied up. Tabitha complains as the critical moment approaches, then, oops! She wets her panties (which are bikini bottoms that
contain most of the damage, at least until she bounces up and down and squashes it out onto the chair and floor). Since there is no
urgency to release her now, the lads decide to head out for a while and leave Tabitha still tied up and sitting in her soaking-wet panties.
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I Can't Wait Much Longer Remastered (MP4)
Time: 22 minutes 43 seconds
Tabitha boyfriend has left her tied to a chair (her wrists secured by inescapable zip ties) with only her bluetooth to stay in touch with
him. She has been sitting there for quite some time waiting for him to come home, but he seems to be getting delayed at every turn. It has
been so long that Tabitha's bladder has filled and is now distended to the point where she can't wait much longer. She pleads with her
boyfriend to hurry home, becoming irritable as the urge to pee escalates. She declares that she is ready to explode, and soon afterwards,
she wets herself. Pee streams through her underwear and onto the seat of the chair. Unwilling to sit in all this mess, Tabitha slides
herself off the chair and squats down in front of it, her wrists still secured. She will simply have to stay there in her wet panties
until someone arrives to free her.
1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,051.9 MB
Tabitha Remastered: Volume 2 (MP4)
Total time: 2 hours 22 minutes
This set of movies has been remastered from the original footage, then upscaled with Topaz Video Enhance AI software from the original 720x480 pixels
to 1472x1080 pixels.
- The Naked Realtor Remastered
- Holding Cell Remastered
- Late Home Remastered
- The Bargain Remastered
- Just Holding Again Remastered
- Desperation Difficulties Remastered
- I Can't Wait Much Longer Remastered
The Uncomfortable House Agent Remastered
Time: 32 minutes 38 seconds
Dressed in a smart business suit, Tabitha is a house agent who arrives on the doorstep of a house that is soon to go
on the market, ready to offer advice about getting the property ready for sale, and taking a few photographs as she
walks around for her own records. There is just one problem: She has had such a busy morning that she didn't make time
to visit the bathroom, and now she is longing to empty her full bladder. The owner explains that the plumbing has just
been renewed with a view to helping the sale, and that a new resin has been used on the joints which is not supposed to
come into contact with water for at least twenty-four hours. Tabitha asks when the 24-hour-period will be up, and is
told not for several more hours. Resigned to having to hold her pee until she can get back to the office, Tabitha begins
the inspection. When it starts raining, however, Tabitha's predicament becomes even more excruciating. Knowing that she
will soon be forced to wet herself, Tabitha again asks if she can use the bathroom but the owner is adamant, telling that
the plumbing job cost a lot of money and he doesn't want to risk ruining it.
1920x1080 pixels - bitrate 6 Mbps - MP4: 1,519.1 MB
Tabitha (with Sienna)
Holding Contest 4 Remastered
Time: 70 minutes 19 seconds
Tabitha and Sienna start out drinking wine and telling desperation stories. They already need to pee, but the situation
is not urgent for either of them. That soon changes. Holding Contest 4 contains some new features suggested by visitors
to the bound2Burst message board. One of the suggested ideas is the use of a bag containing instruction cards - the girls
have to dip in, pick a card and then do whatever it says. They may have to drink water, press on their opponent's bladder,
or stand with their legs apart. It all adds to the pressure! Half an hour into this contest, Tabitha and Sienna are
instructed to go for a little drive, followed by a five-minute walk along a residential street. No sneaking off into a
public toilet for them! Even before they climb out of the vehicle, they are complaining about their bladders being full,
and after the walk, they are becoming seriously desperate. Tabitha, who was driving, found it hard to concentrate on the
way home. Back on the set, and the girls are now pacing restlessly. They drink more and continue drawing cards, following
the instructions with increasing reluctance. As usual, a financial incentive is offered to the girl who can hold on the
longest, just to make sure they don't give in to temptation.
1920x1080 pixels - bitrate 6 Mbps - MP4: 3,207.2 MB
I'm Never Going To Make It Remastered
Time: 18 minutes 00 seconds
The hardest movie to correct because of frequent over-exposed sequences.
Tabitha would really like to just get home because she is dying for a pee, but her friend wants to go to the liquor
store first. It's late Saturday afternoon, the store will soon close and will not open on Sunday. Reluctantly, she
agrees to hold it while he buys wine and beer, but it's a difficult struggle. Tabitha sits squirming and wiggling,
holding her crotch and trying not to wet the seat. The trip into the liquor store takes a surprisingly long time,
and there is still the journey home. Will Tabitha make it, or will the floodgates burst open along the way? Tabitha
was extremely desperate to pee in this one. We started the journey when she was already very fidgety, and then the
long delay while booze was purchased in the liquor store really made the situation serious for her. Her acute
desperation makes her antics as she struggles to hold it all the more compelling.
1920x1080 pixels - bitrate 6 Mbps - MP4: 838.8 MB
The Pleasure Of Holding Remastered
Time: 14 minutes 21 seconds
Arriving home from a horrible day at work, tied and with a full bladder from being stuck in traffic, Tabitha sits down
and tries to unwind. She enjoys the feeling of a full bladder because it makes her feel horny. She tells you all about
it as, over some ten minutes, she slowly performs a strip tease and then rubs herself until she has an orgasm. This only
makes her want to pee more, so she runs to get a jug and then stands there, legs apart, peeing into it and savoring the
relief of emptying her bladder. Finished, she lays on the floor to relax.
1920x1080 pixels - bitrate 6 Mbps - MP4: 664.8 MB
Tabitha Remastered: Volume 1
Total time: 2 hours 15 minutes
- The Uncomfortable House Agent Remastered
- Holding Contest 4 Remastered
- I'm Never Going To Make It Remastered
- The Pleasure Of Holding Remastered
Tabitha & 8 more
Bursting In The Boardroom Remastered
Time: 27 minutes 47 seconds
The original version was 22 minutes long. The additional time comes from the inclusion of almost all behind the scenes material,
and serves to illustrate that, no matter how well a shoot may be planned, it is unlikely to turn out as expected, even with just
one girl. This uncertainty was increased by an order of magnitude by having eight women present. It transpires in the add-on
sequence, where the girls are all using the toilet, that every one of them needed to pee to a greater or lesser extent, and yet,
in the boardroom sequence, only two of them managed to let loose. The others, for one reason or another, could not do it. This is
particularly surprising in the case of Nyxon (who peed for a very long time on the toilet) and an old hand like Jayne, but the
presence of so many others really changed the dynamic. The BTS material shows how the story is being adapted on the fly to
accommodate the necessary plot changes. Here particularly, Beverly demonstrates why she was selected to be the company boss; her
ability to ad-lib loads of dialogue is truly amazing, given that she started with just a few paragraphs and an outline prepared by
me. The one thing she would never be able to do, however, is to pee in front of everyone else, which is why she did not stick
around for the afternoon shoot.
Original description: Beverley is the CEO of a fashion magazine whose profits have been falling, and she summons her staff for a
stern dressing down in the board room. Bev's rant goes on and on and some of the ladies around the table would really like a visit to
the bathroom, but given the mood the boss is in at the moment it seems unwise to mention it. As her desperation grows, Lola finally asks
for permission to leave for a visit to the bathroom. Beverley delivers a scathing speech about how they are all acting like children,
telling them "there is no P in fashion." As Lola tries to hold it, Tabitha is also clearly in trouble. As section heads, they have to set
an example and must try to maintain control. Both women fail miserably, and Beverley is so incensed by their conduct that she dismisses
them both. Seeing that others in the room are fidgeting, she tells them to take a break and visit the bathroom to "empty your tiny bladders!"
while she keeps Jayne and Rachael behind to discuss their promotion to section heads. (We witness Madison, Danielle, Nyxon, Jynx, Rachael
and Jayne all using the toilet at the end.
1920x1080 pixels - bitrate 6 Mbps - MP4: 1,292.6 MB
Jayne, Lola Lynn, Beverly, Madison, Danielle Nyxon, Jynx, Rachael & Tabitha
Line at the Ladies Remastered
Time: 22 minutes 51 seconds
To re-present this 2009 classic featuring 9 models (Lola, Nyxon, Madison, Tabitha, Jayne, Rachael, Jynx, Danielle, and just a
glimpse of Beverly), we went back to the original tapes and re-imported everything. The event was recorded by two cameras, and
this new edit (while containing all of the original material) presents different angles for some of the sequences. The color and
sound have been balanced between the two cameras, and the finished product was exported at 1280x960 pixels. This version also
contains several extras sequences: The video opens with an introduction from Jayne filmed the day before the main shoot, followed
by a 7-minute sequence not previously published where the girls all stand in a line and each recounts a desperation anecdote. This
was originally filmed for a gentleman named Paul as a reward for donating the largest sum of money towards making this nine-model
shoot happen. After all these years, we're sure he won't mind sharing this unique line-up of desperate ladies with the rest of the
world. The storyline itself shows a lot of girls waiting in line for the use of a toilet: Some make it, some wet themselves and one
even runs away because she can't stand it any longer. Voyeuristic sequences of three of the girls peeing in the Porta-Potty are filmed
from above. The light levels are low during these sequences because they were not staged afterwards but filmed in real time while the
remaining ladies waited outside to relieve themselves. The last seconds of the 7-minute sequences also makes it clear why Nyxon could
not participate in the bulk of the movie; she was bursting and just could not wait so we had to let her pee almost right away, and
that's why she only appears briefly at the start of the story.
Lola, Nyxon, Madison, Jynx, Tabitha Jayne, Danielle & Rachael
Going Up (Remastered)
Time: 20 minutes 04 seconds
We have re-imported the raw data from the original tapes and re-edited. Two cameras were used during filming, and the viewpoint switches
between the two to gain the best shot of each scene. The color has been matched between the two cameras and the color and sound have both
been enhanced. This new version has been exported at 1280x960 pixels, although this is not true HD because the cameras recorded at SD. The
bitrate has been set to 6 Mbps to make the movie run as smoothly as possible, minimizing any imperfections in the original.
Original Description:
After a birthday lunch at the pub involving plenty of drinks, eight women return to work and step into an elevator with a man who works in
the same building. The elevator breaks down between floors, and it isn't long before the effects of all that alcohol begins to play havoc with
the girls' bladders. As time passes and no help comes, the interior inside the elevator grows warm. At least, the girls start complaining about
feeling hot, perhaps because of the effort required to resist the urge to pee. The situation for most of the girls soon becomes desperate, and
a number of them suffer the humiliation of wetting themselves in front of this male stranger. Others continue struggling the hold on in the hope
that the elevator will soon start to move again and they can make a dash to the bathroom before it is too late. When the elevator does move again
and the doors open, the girls all make a run for it, leaving the man to step over puddles of pee in order to exit.
(Technical information: 1280x960 pixels - 6 Mbps bitrate - WMV: 928.1 MB; MP4: 929.9 MB).
Tabitha Wets Her Panties
Time: 5 minutes
Tabitha arrives home desperate to pee and accidentally locks her keys in the car. She tries the front door while pee dancing,
then goes back to the car to try the doors. She can see the keys inside the car but cannot get to them. She grabs her crotch a
number of time to help her hold back the flood, and holding herself like this she runs to the back of the house to try the door
there. It too is locked. Longing for relief and unwilling to go on holding it, Tabitha parts her legs, lifts her skirt and lets
her pee stream through her panties. She then peels off her wet panties and throws them on the ground before departing to scene
of the accident. (This is one of those very few "deliberate wetting" sequences on Bound2Burst. The peeing sequence is filming from
just a few feet away, and Tabitha's panties are viewed at close range before and after she takes them off).
Birthday Treat
Time: 10 minutes
Tabitha has a birthday treat lined up for her boyfriend when he arrives home from work - he likes to see her in handcuffs, and
she has attached a pair to the light fixture in the kitchen so that she can lock her wrists and have him find her when he walks
in the door. To make sure she will not be stuck there for too long, she phones her boyfriend to find out what time he will be home.
Having established that she won't have to wait too long, Tabitha handcuffs herself and begins the wait to deliver her treat. However,
when a phone call comes in from her husband's secretary to say that he has been called into an unexpected meeting and that he will
be several hours late getting home, Tabitha realizes she is in trouble. As the time passes and her bladder fills, she finds herself
standing there wiggling her legs as she tries not to lose control and wet herself, which is not something her boyfriend would wish
to see. As she becomes desperate for the bathroom, she even tries to retrieve the key to the handcuffs by using her feet. It soon
becomes clear that this is a hopeless quest, and ultimately Tabitha can do nothing to extricate herself before she loses control of
her bladder.
Broken Down & Bursting
Time: 12 minutes
Tabitha's car has broken down, so she walks to the nearest habitation and asks if she can use their phone to summon help
(her cell is not getting a signal). The occupant agrees, but asks her to wait for a minute while he finishes working on his garden.
Tabitha has not mentioned that she needs to pee so she has to be content with pacing and crossing her legs while she waits to be
let into the house. The occupant is about to let her in when he realizes that he has accidentally locked the front door and he
doesn't have his keys on him. He explains that his wife will be home shortly and that Tabitha can use the phone then. Tabitha admits
that she needs to pee and resorts to holding her crotch to suppress the urge to go. It is not long before even this cannot save her,
and she wets her jeans in front of the man. Embarrassed, she walks back along his driveway without looking back.
The Affair
Time: 24 minutes
Tabitha is an unfaithful wife who even now is on the phone to her lover, arranging a rendezvous now that hubby has departed on a two-day business trip. She needs to pee, and as soon
as the conversation is over she heads to the bathroom. She is just about to pull down her panties and gain relief when she hears a sound outside and realizes someone is at the door.
She decides to hold it while she finds out who this is... it turns out to be a privative investigator hired by her husband to collect any evidence of infidelity on her part. At first,
Tabitha tries to shrug it off, but when the PI threatens to call her husband there and then and reveal all, she invites him in and asks what she can do to make the evidence of her
misdeeds just go away. The PI says he would like to see her strip off in front of him. Tabitha objects, but when he starts to punch out her husband's number on his cellphone, she
capitulates. However, she explains that she needs to use the bathroom first. The PI tells her to hold it and get on with taking off her clothes. Tabitha does so reluctantly, constantly
trying to change the man's mind, but he is adamant. When she is naked and squirming to keep from wetting herself on the chair, he agrees to let her use the bathroom... provided he can
come along and watch.
Roadside Emergency
Time: 6 minutes
Tabitha is driving home with a bursting bladder and is frantically gasping, moaning and holding her crotch, hoping to get to the bathroom before she wets her jeans. Her desperate
is so serious, however, that she has no choice but to stop short of home with the intention of getting out of the vehicle, pulling down her jeans and squatting on the verge. Her plan
goes horribly wrong when the catch on the seatbelt won't release, and she is stuck sitting on the driver's seat on the very verge of wetting herself. After struggling for about a
minute to release the buckle, she finally gives up and hangs her bottom out of the vehicle and lets go a torrent of pee through her jeans. Her relief is palpable.
Desperation Difficulties
Time: 16 minutes
It's another one of those bondage movies where the model ends up feeling the urge to pee while in a compromising position. Here, Tabitha is firmly bound to a chair, the filming is
ostensibly over and she would like to make a visit to the bathroom. She apparently forgot where she was for a moment! The two devlish henchmen who put her in this situation seem
reluctant to grant her freedom, and one of them even goes to the lengths of dragging her chair to a safe area in case she loses control of her bladder while still tied up. Tabitha
complains as the critical moment approaches, then, oops! She wets her panties (which are bikini bottoms that contain most of the damage, at least until she bounces up and down and
squashes it out onto the chair and floor). Since there is no urgency to release her now, the lads decide to head out for a beer and leave Tabitha still tied up and sitting in her
soaking-wet panties.
Ready to Start
Time: 15 minutes
Sometimes when a model says she is sufficiently desperate to start filming, it is wise to make her wait a little longer, just to be sure her desperation is acute enough to lead to
a good payoff at the end of the movie. This was done with Tabitha who admits at the start of filming that she only needs to go a little bit. She has been drinking water, however,
and it is not long before the urge to go becomes more urgent. Tabitha begins pacing and holding herself, waiting for the next movie scenario to get underway. The wait seems a little
too long, however, because she wets her dress. It's not a huge flood, but ten, as we have already established, Tabitha has a small bladder. She is a girl who feels the urge all of a
sudden and just can't wait very long once it sets in. That's why she couldn't hold on for more than about 80 minutes in the "Tabitha Holds It For Hours" movie.
Tabitha (with Lola)
Time: 17 minutes
Lola and Tabitha have left a function in their evening dresses, but before they can get to their vehicle, they are kidnapped by the evil Bruno who takes them at gun point to his
mountain hideaway. The girls would both like a visit to the bathroom, but Bruno is not interested in their pleas for relief and orders them to shut up. At their destination, Bruno
makes the girls stand in a corner while he contacts an accomplice to say that he has them, and that he will wait for further instructions. The girls both squirm in desperation,
pleading again and again to be allowed to use the bathroom, but Bruno will not yield. Lola is the first to lose control of her full bladder, wetting herself and soaking the back
of her dress and her pantyhose. Tabitha continues to cross her legs and hold herself with her hand, still struggling to last until their captor relents and lets her use the toilet.
Finally, she can't wait any longer and lifts her log dress as she pees on the concrete floor. Both women now have to stand their in their pee-soaked clothes, waiting to see what Bruno
will do with them now. (The opening sequence of this movie shows Lola in a really advanced state of desperation being tormented by Tabitha whose need is a lot less pronounced at this
stage. In order to introduce as much urgency into their performances as possible, the girls are leaving it even later than usual so that they are really desperate when filming begins).
In a Bit of a Rush
Time: 20 minutes
Tabitha turned up squirming like mad, as she so often does (it's a long drive and she does her best not to stop). Her condition was
so far along there wasn't much time for anything structured, so the camera was switched on while she was getting ready. She does not
object to being seen without her makeup, and indeed she finds it very difficult to apply makeup since she can't stand still for a
second. As her desperate becomes acute, she quickly changes into a pair of jeans for the first movie, but it is clear she is not
going to last much longer. She continues getting ready anyway, but it is not long before she starts leaking and a small wet patch
appears on the back of her jeans. Over the next minute or two, this gradually increases in size until, at last, she pees herself
completely. At least her long wait while driving did not go to waste.
Playing the Game
Time: 16 minutes
Tabitha works for a man who likes her to hold it when she needs to pee. He sends her on errands with a full bladder, and if she can
carry out all the errands and make it home at the end of the day without wetting herself, he gives her a big bonus. On this particular
day, things are made difficult for Tabitha by pounding rain which makes her desperation even more acute. She has to keep getting out
in the rain, and standing just makes her situation even worse. Several times, Tabitha talks to her boss on the phone, trying to
persuade him to let her off at least one errand since she is bursting for relief. He refuses, so she has to keep working. When she
does finally get home, she has to make a mad dash for the bathroom, crossing her legs tightly as she unlocks her front door. She runs
into the bathroom, tears down her skirt, pantyhose and panties and JUST makes it! Her look of relief is priceless.
Bound to Make It
Time: 9 minutes
Tabitha tries getting to the bathroom while bound with duct tape. It is a little harder than she expected, but she does manage to
wriggle her way there and get herself up onto the toilet. Pulling down panties and pantyhose is a bit of a challenge. (There is
no plot here, and Tabitha chats to the viewer as she makes her way to the bathroom. The movie is just for a bit of fun since we have
not done any bondage-based desperation for a while. Naturally, Tabitha waited until she really needed to go before having the tape
applied to her wrists and ankles. She also thought she would be able to stretch the tape enough to get free, but in this she was
mistaken. In the end, it was necessary to cut it for her while she was still sitting on the toilet).
Pee Dancing
Time: 9 minutes
Tabitha arrives home and manages to lock her keys inside her Jeep. Unable to gain access to the house, a big problem since she is
desperate to pee, she hurries around the building looking for an open window or an unlocked door. She has not luck and is too
desperate to hold it any longer. Unwilling to pull her jeans down because she has company, she ends up wetting herself. (This
scenario is very similar to Losing It On A Ladder featuring Ginger. One may ask why the girl doesn't just run off into the woods
to do something about her full bladder, so one must conclude that she does not like peeing in the open. The scenario would work
better in a town where buildings are all around and the risk over being seen is great. Sadly, these very same circumstances are
what would make it impossible to film. One must therefore suspend disbelief in order to play out this popular scenario at all).
Delayed Again
Time: 10 minutes
Tabitha arrives late, delayed on the road coming out of New York, and really needs to pee. Instead of going inside, she is kept holding
it out in the snow for a while. She paces and squirms with her hand held against her crotch some of the time, shivering with cold and
just about ready to wet herself. It doesn't take long for the cold air to work its effect and Tabitha loses control. (The jeans Tabitha
wore in this clip were her own and she had never peed in them before, so she was surprised to discover that they hardly showed the
wetness at all. Only when she held them up in the bathroom after changing her clothes could one see that she had indeed peed in them.
Outside, all thr camera could see were little yellowish beads of liquid seeping through the material. Reassured by this, Tabitha started
referring to these as her "safe" jeans, a pair she could wear out without fear of being too embarrassed in the event that she had an
accident in public).
I Can't Wait Much Longer
Time: 15 minutes
Tabitha has been left tied to a chair (her wrists are enclosed in zip ties) with only her bluetooth to stay in touch with him. She
has been sitting there for quite some time waiting for him to come home, but he seems to be getting delayed at every turn. It has
been so long that Tabitha's bladder has filled and is now distended to the point where she can't wait much longer. She pleads with
her boyfriend to hurry home, becoming irritable as the urge to pee escalates. She declares that she is ready to explode, and soon
afterwards, she wets herself. Pee streams through her underwear and onto the seat of the chair. Unwilling to sit in all this mess,
Tabitha slides herself off the chair and squats down in front of it, her wrists still secured. She will simply have to stay there
in her wet panties until someone arrives to free her.
I Don't Want to Get Up to Pee
Time: 14 minutes
Tabitha arrives home late from working at Santa's grotto in a local department store. She is too exhausted to do more than kick off
her shoes and lie down on top of the bed covers where she immediately falls asleep. As the night wears on, Tabitha is troubled by an
urge to empty her bladder, but she really has no desire to get up and visit the bathroom. She therefore tries to go back to sleep,
holding her crotch and squirming around as she attempts to put off the moment when she has to get up for as long as possible. After
a long time, she is ready to burst and no longer has a choice: she staggers out of bed and into the bathroom where she tugs down her
panties and relieves herself. The expression on her face shows her relief. She washes her hands and returns to bed and more welcome
Holding in the Cold
Time: 10 minutes
t's late afternoon; the temperate is 23F (-5C). Tabitha, with three desperation videos behind her and with her body well hydrated,
sits on a metal bench holding a full bladder. She is asked to sit there for a few minutes with the cameras running (ostensibly to
acclimatise them to the cold) while the cameraman heads off to do something or other. She believes she is holding it for a scenario
where she will be walking up the road to collect the mail, but in reality she is just being left to sit them and wet herself when
she can't hold it any longer. (Tabitha has worked with us too many times to believe anything that is told to her anymore. When she
saw the second camera set up at a low angle she knew what was going to happen, but she went along with it. The cameras are, of
necessity, stationary, so you don't get to see a lot of the wetting from the one focused on Tabitha's upper body. The second camera
does capture the flood when she lets go, but there is no examining the back of her jeans in this one. After she had peed, she waited
only about 30 seconds before hopping up and running inside. She was frozen).
Tabitha (with Lola & Nyxon)
Three Pairs of Wet Jeans
Time: 14 minutes
Imagine having three women turn up on your doorsteps, all desperate to pee, and you keep them talking Three Pairs of Wet Jeans outside until they
are forced to wet their jeans. That was the simple premise of this unedited movie. We watch the girls squirm as they try to hold on, but it's a
foregone conclusion that they won't be allowed into the house in time to avoid wetting themselves. (This one was staged. Tabitha was late arriving,
and both Lola and Nyxon really needed to do something about their bladders before we started work on one of the customs, owing to the amount of time
those projects would take. Tabitha called to say she was coming in pretty full, so we sent Lola and Nyxon out to meet her, then had them drive in
together. It worked fairly well, but none of them produced a big flood - it's the first pee of the day on camera, and those are seldom serious gushers,
so don't buy the movie expecting huge floods and then end up disappointed. On the plus side, it is not that often that we have three models pee
their jeans in the space of ten minutes).
Tabitha (with Lola & Nyxon)
Urgent Call Desperation
Time: 20 minutes
Lola and Tabitha are out shopping for party dresses when an urgent call comes through from Lola's husband. His car has broken down Urgent Call and
he needs her to come home at once so that he can borrow her car to get to work, before he is fired for repeatedly showing up late. Lola persuades
Tabitha to leave at once, quickly paying for the dresses, but not leaving time to either change back into their casual clothes or even buy shoes to
go with the dresses. They have to run from the store in their sneakers and boots. The down side of all this rushing is that they both need to pee,
but now there will have to wait until they get home and hand over the car keys to Lola's husband. This accomplished, the two women rush into the
house, peels off their boots and make a dash for the bathroom. Their trouble are still not over, however; the skirt of Lola's dress is too tight to
lift, and she is having a hard time unzipping it. Tabitha tries to help, but then Lola accidentally head butts her and leaves Tabitha clutching her
nose. Tabitha loses control and wets herself, leaving Lola making a last, frantic bid to get out of her new dress before it is too late. But it's no
good - she can't hold it any longer and is forced to let go, turning the bathroom floor into a small lake. Both in a mess now, the two women finally
manage to undress themselves and climb into the shower together top clean themselves up. Arriving home, Lola finds the skirt of the dress is too tight
to pee and allow her to use the toilet. Tabitha, also bursting to pee, is trying to help her remove the dress, but in their panic the zipper jams.
Both women wet their dresses, then undress and shower together.
Locked in the Basement
Time: 14 minutes
It was high time we kept Tabitha waiting to make sure she was in a bladder-bursting state ready for filming her in
Locked in the Basement scenario. She agreed to be locked in the basement with two cameras running to watch her
struggle to hold it until filming is scheduled to begin. She does a lot of pee dancing and crotch-grabbing, and
talks to the cameras in true Tabitha style about her predicament. The viewpoint switches back and forth between
the two cameras depending on where Tabitha is in the room. (A caution for those who love seeing the pee stream in
close-up: you won't find that here! The cameras are stationary throughout this video (because Tabitha is alone),
and while you do see her pee herself and the stream is indeed visible, it is viewed from a distance of about two
metres (7 feet). The puddle on the floor is not visible at all).
Looking For Relief
Time: 19 minutes
Back on the road again. Tabitha is a business woman on her way to deliver an item, but she can't find the
road she is looking for. The situation is dire because she is absolutely bursting to pee and desperately
wants to find somewhere to pull over and relieve herself. There is nowhere to stop, no sign of a pub of a
public lavatory. All she finds is traffic and more traffic which causes her delays. Even her breathing
becomes erratic towards the end of her struggle because she is on the very brink of losing it in the car.
(We really did get Tabitha to hold it until she was already dying for a pee before filming each video in
this set, so there is not all that much acting towards the end of each situation. This one is certainly
no exception! We witness Tabitha peeing herself while standing outside the car, skirt lifted. While she
may be wearing black tights, the pee soaks through them and leaves a glistening trail).
Time: 12 minutes
Tabitha has just arrived and was badly in need of a visit to the bathroom. Rather than just give in and go,
she decided to film a short scenario where she and Mark turn up in their vehicle and she manages to shut to
zipper tab in the door so that she can't move or wriggle out of her jacket. The keys have been left inside
the Jeep, and Mark is dispatched to find the spare set which is somewhere in the house. While he is searching,
Tabitha has to just stand there, unable to sit down or turn around, or doing anything really other than wiggling
her legs and press on her urethra to help her hold it. When Mark returns, the news is bad - he can't find the
spare set of keys. He offers to get a knife to cut Tabitha out of her leather jacket, and loathed though she
is to do this, she is forced to agree. The only alternative is to remain stuck and pee in her jeans. Mark
departs again, leaving her in a state of spiralling desperation. She really can't hold on much longer, and she
calls out to ask him what is taking so long! Overwhelmed by the urge to pee, Tabitha starts to wet her jeans.
She stems the flow for a short time, but she has reached her limit and cannot hold it any longer. Only then does
Mark return, having finally located the spare set of keys.
Bedroom Games 2
Time: 13 minutes
Tabitha and her boyfriend are playing a little bondage game in the bedroom when Mark receives a call from
the fire station. He cannot ignore it and leaves Tabitha handcuffed to the bed, After a while, she needs
to pee and has no choice but to lay there and hold it until Mark returns. When he does reappear, she is
bursting. He releases her and she just makes it to the bathroom in time. The powerful gush of pee
demonstrates how close she had been to wetting the bed. (During breaks in the filming, Tabitha was lying
on the bed wiggling her legs - this was captured by the stationary camera when the mobile one was on pause,
so no acting here! - and in the sequence where she runs to the bathroom, there is a break where the camera
had to be set up to film her using the toilet. While this was going on, she was pacing up and down the house
trying to hold it just another minute. The force of her stream when she finally gets to use the toilet is
powerful and fast. She was there! One more minutes' delay, and she would probably have lost control before
we were ready for her).
Tickled on a Full Bladder
Time: 11 minutes
The final movie of the session. Tabitha is tied to a railing over an opening doorway and told that if she
can hold her pee for fifteen minutes, she will get to go on a two-week vacation to Hawaii. She agrees
readily enough, but unfortunately, Mark had forgotten to mention that he would be tickling her for the
fifteen minutes she had to hold it. This made things a great deal worse for Tabitha, but she still put up a
valiant struggle to keep the holiday. Luckily for Mark, she couldn't stay the course and his savings are safe...
for now at least. Tabitha will surely exact revenge somehow or other. (Tabitha is extremely ticklish and Mark
knows exactly where to strike. He was a little lenient on her though, otherwise she might not have lasted more
than two minutes and we would have had a very short movie indeed!).
Tabitha (with 8 models)
Dicing With Desperation
Time: 21 minutes
For the final movie of the set, we sat all the models around a table in the garden, gave them a cup with
two die, and a number of little paper cups to use for drinking water. The game: the first player throws
the die and tries to throw the number set by the referee. If she fails, she must drink a cup of water,
pass the cup and die to the next player and tell her which number she must throw. If the player throws
the correct number, of throws snake eyes, she gets to leave the table and visit the bathroom; if not,
she drinks a cup of water and continues playing. The game continues until the last one holding it at the
table is the winner.
Birthday Champagne
Time: 16 minutes
It really was Tabitha's birthday, so when she turned up we needed to go and buy her a bottle of champagne to
celebtrate. There was just one problem - the liquor store would soon be closing and we had to hurry. Naturally,
we made sure that Tabitha did not have time to use the bathroom first. She dashed in to choose the champagne,
and we film her returning with the bottle, already holding her crotch on the street! The drive back home was a
bit fraught, and it soon became clear that Tabs was not going to make it. She stuffed a couple of plastic bags
beneath her bottom in an attempt to spare her seat (it was her vehicle we were using), but they really didn't
do much good. Let's just say that the seat needed a good clean after we got back.
 Foreign Aid
Time: 25 minutes
Based on an idea suggested by Mr. Baker, Tabitha plays a Spanish girl who has lost her way. She pulls up outside
a house in the middle of nowhere, aware that she is being watched from the window as she answers her cell phone.
She stands squirming next to her vehicle, making it obvious that she badly needs to pee. Unable to get any help
via phone, she calls at the house, only to find that the occupant doesn't speak Spanish, while she herself knows
hardly any English. She struggles to ask for directions while trying to conceal the desperate situation with her
full bladder. She is unable to make herself understood when she asks to use the bathroom, and finally, as she
starts to wet herself, she has to run off into the woods to finish relieving herself.
 Secretarial Duties
Time: 17 minutes
Tabitha is working as a secretary for Mr. North at Bound2Burst, and as usual he is keeping her too busy to
visit the bathroom. Just we he judges that she is squirming enough in desperation, her sends her up the road
to collect the mail. Dressed in high heels, Tabitha has trouble hurrying and is compelled to hold herself as
she walks. When the mailbox turns out to be empty, her frusatration at performing this errand grows. On the
way back, bursting for relief, she kicks off her shoes and runs across the stones (ouch, ouch, ouch!) and
dashes into the bathroom, tearing her panties down and releasing a powerful stream into the toilet bowl.
The wet patch on her pink panties shows that she didn't quite get there in time. She takes the panties off
and, at the end, holds them up to the camera and utters in a plaintive voice: "I've wet my panties!"
 No Such Thing as a Free Lunch
Time: 21 minutes
Tabitha has spent the weekend with us, and we have fed her. But, as we all know, there really isn't any such thing
as a free lunch, and before you know it, we've got Tabitha washing up. She needs to pee rather badly, and part of
the way through the movie, she peels off her skirt and runs around in panties and fishnets, grabbing her crotch at
every opportunity. The moment of truth comes when she is asked to empty out the champagne glasses that have been
soaking since the previous evening, an act which weakens her muscle control and the flood begins. This time, Tabitha
releases a long stream through her panties, and then makes a token effort to mop up the mess before leaving for the
shower. She maintains a playful-if-challenging attitude throughout.
 Another Inspection
Time: 43 minutes
Tabitha reprises her role as the ill-tempered planning inspector. After a disastrous inspection
of a property last year, where she arrived with a full bladder but could not use the bathroom,
she has been careful to turn up in better shape this time. The house owner so enjoyed her antics
last time around, however, that he has decided to put her on the spot with the aid of a diuretic
in her tea, so that as she inspects the improvements he has made, no doubt complaining the whole
time, her bladder will rapidly fill. Sure enough, it isn't long before Tabitha is squirming and
clearly in need of relief, but when she asks for the use of the bathroom, the house owner says
she must sign an approval of the work he has carried out. When she refuses to do this, he refuses
to let her use the bathroom, and Tabitha is forced to carry on with a nearly-bursting bladder.
The League of Desperate Ladies 5
Time: 26 minutes
The fifth contender for the honour of lasting the three hours with this particular client. Tabitha starts out seated on the couch like her predecessors,
but rather than just leave her there in relative comfort, we decided to put her to work, stacking wood, sweeping the garage floor, carrying old boxes to
the site of an unlit bonfire. Throughout it all, Tabitha has to keep sipping at a bottle of water. It's not long before her need to pee becomes acute, and
she doesn't even come close to lasting the 3 hours. With the League losing its $1,000 fee yet again, one wonders what steps they might take to remedy the
situation in the future? Perhaps they will send multiple contenders next time, on the understanding that only one of them has to last the three hours to
collect the fee.
 Urgent Rendezvous
Time: 13 minutes
Tabitha is waiting for a friend to pick her up from a parking lot, but he is late and she is longing for
a pee. She paces up and down and uses her phone to call him, asking him to hurry. Her desperation is so
great that she is forced to wet her jeans where anyone driving in to park or returning to their car will
see her. For all we know, there were people in the RV you see in the background!
Tabitha (with Sienna)
Drunk & Desperate to Pee
Time: 21 minutes
Tabitha and Sienna arrive home drunk, both dying to pee, but they have a lot of trouble getting to the bathroom.
Tabitha is particularly wasted and has trouble standing. Confused, she goes back into the cold, snowy world outside
and pees in her dress and underwear. Sienna gets her back inside before she freezes in her tight minidress, and asks
Tabitha to help her get to the bathroom. During all this, Tabitha's left boob keeps popping out of her low-cut dress,
and she makes a number of abortive attempts to tuck it back in. Sienna spends a while struggling on the floor in
front of the toilet, during which time the helpful Tabitha squeezes her bladder as she tries to help her friend stand,
then resorts to riding Sienna like a horse. Sienna finally manages to rise and seat herself on the toilet. She makes
a play of not being able to pull down her panties and relieves herself through then, partially standing so that you
see the long, long torrent of pee and her it cascading into the bowl.
Tabitha (with Sienna)
Back On The Corner
Time: 25 minutes
Having made a serious error in the custom movie Meet Me On The Corner, we offered the client a sequel,
and this is the result. Tabitha and Sienna are back on the street corner for the first few minutes of the movie,
reprising their roles as hookers, one dressed in modern-day clothes, the other fashioned in the style of the
nineteen-eighties. They are engaged in their usual cat fight when a client drives up and offers to take them both
home. At his house, they both ask to use the bathroom before getting started, only to discover that the client,
rather than seeking sex, actually wants to make them both hold their pee. The girls complain, but faced with the
threat of not getting paid if they leave or pee before being given permission to do so, they dutifully hold on.
As the pressure builds, the girls make several attempts to leave and use the bathroom, but they are repelled each
time. Finally, they are both forced to wet themslves. They gave in too soon for the client's tastes, so he says he
will not pay them. Feeling they have nothing to lose, the girls rush him to get their money.
Tabitha (with Sienna)
Friendly Torment
Time: 46 minutes
We had planned a fairly structured movie to end the day, but the girls had consumed so much wine by this point that
it was hard to get them to behave, so we gave up and let them play. Tabitha torments Sienna by trying to coax her
out onto the deck, the plan being to lock Sienna out into the cold until she pees her jeans. Unfortunately, Sienna
quickly realized what her friend was attempting to do and refued to go outside, no matter how many taunts Tabitha
threw at her. As the time passed, Tabitha began signalling off camera that she really had to pee. She was told to
hold on, so she fought to maintain control. Sienna is desperate now too, but the pair are still messing with oner
another. In the end, Sienna concedes to go out onto the deck, but only if Tabitha goes first to make sure she does
not close and lock the door. She had not anticipated that the cameraman might lock them both outside. In the closing
minutes of the movie, both girls are stuck out in heavy snowfall, freezing cold, bladders ready to burst, and before
they can get back in, they both have to wet their jeans.
Time: 28 minutes
Tabitha is the presenter of a live TV show for a low budget infomercial channel. The studio is
very basic and the restrooms disgusting, so Tabitha has not relieved herself since arriving in
the studio. With just a few minutes left before she goes on air, she asks the director/cameraman
if she can run out to a nearby pub to use their facilities. He says no because there is not enough
time before the show begins. Poor Tabitha has to soldier through her presentation with a very
full bladder. Even the commercial breaks are not long enougb to allow her to go and find relief.
As the minutes crawl interminably by, there is an inevitable outcome to her urgent situation.
Time: 26 minutes
This movie belongs to the filming session that included The Frantic Secretary and Infomercial,
and was Tabitha's first movie that day. She arrived with a full bladder as she always does,
and in order to break that all important seal, we made the movie a somewhat playful one. We
watch her change her jeans, squirming because she really needs to pee; we get her to handcuff
one wrist to an overhead phone line in the basement, and finally take her outside where she
gives her jeans and panties a good soaking. Tabitha is very vocal about how badly she needs
to pee and about the state of her bladder. She also does a lot of crotch holding throughout
the movie. She must be quite an accomplished dancer when she goes clubbing!
Tabitha (with Sienna)
Meet Me On The Corner
Time: 34 minutes
Tabitha and Sienna play a pair of competing hookers, one dressed in 1980s-style clothing, the other
modern day. They both lay claim to the corner they are working, and the insults soon start flying.
It soon becomes clear that both girls need to pee, but neither is prepared to reliquish her pitch,
so they both wait it out, each hoping that a client will pick her up and take her some place where
she can empty her full bladder. They both ultimately wet themselves trying to outstay each other.
Sienna says she can't stay any longer with piss-soaked jeans, but Tabitha, still determined to make
some money this evening, strips down to her wet lingerie and tried again to get a customer to stop.
Not surprisingly, she succeeds! The girls both had a lot of fun with this one, despite the need to
perform with full bladders. It was pretty cold, so they had a hard time trying to wait long enough.
Tabitha (with Sienna)
Under Arrest
Time: 14 minutes
Tabitha has been working for a shady bank that has not been filing complete tax returns.
FBI Agent Sienna Aldridge greets a desperate Tabitha as the latter arrives home, hoping to
make a quick dash to the bathroom to do something about an extremely full bladder. Agent
Aldridge has other ideas, however, slapping the handcuffs on the argumentative Tabitha and
making her wait outside her house as she is interrogated. Distracted by her situation,
Tabitha answers don't make a lot of sense, making her look even more guilty. Her repeated
pleas to be allowed access to the house and the toilet are ignored and the questions keep
coming. Finally, the pressure is too great for poor Tabitha...
Turning Up Desperate
Time: 13 minutes
The day started with a phone call from Tabitha when she was still about twenty minutes away from us.
"Hi David. I thought I should let you know that I need to pee really, really bad. What do you want to
do?" It was like pouring gasoline on a flame. I told her I would have the camera ready to roll
when she arrived, and we'd do a quick movie. She didn't seem sure that she would last out, but she
was game. She came onto the property driving quickly, and as soon as she climbed out of her Jeep,
she was hopping and squirming. I asked her to do a few things in the garden as I filmed her desperate
efforts to hold on. She only got as far as wheeling some dead plants into the woods. This short,
very informal movie captures Tabitha as herself, no character acting. She really did need to pee
badly, and I thought that might be the most desperate I would see her that day. I could not have
been more wrong.
Time: 23 minutes
Tabitha is an agent who went dark for a few days in Kazakhstan. On returning to her agency,
she is the subject of grave suspicion. Did she sell out her country and her fellow agents
still under cover? The Controller wants her thoroughly debriefed, but she is trained to
lie and resist interrogation. Treated as a hostile, Tabitha is kept restrained, awaiting
the arrival of The Controller. After an extended wait secured to a chair, she needs to visit
the little girl's room. The agent guarding her refuses to let her go, aware that she could
overpower him and escape if given the slightest chance. Tabitha complains so much that he
gags her and watches her struggles as she fights not to wet her jeans. Tabitha was exhausted
by the time we stopped filming. She called it a real workout. It was certainly that, both
on the outside and inside of her body!
Just Holding
Time: 9.5 minutes
This is a short custom movie of Tabitha sitting and squirming in desperation with a full bladder.
She held this for most of her journey to the shoot, and topped up with a coffee on arrival. She was
extremely desperate to pee. She stands for the final struggle and you see the pee jet down legs
that are pressed together and slightly bent at the knees.
Tabitha (with Sienna)
Holding Cell
Time: 16 minutes
Back story: The girls have been out on the town, but as they return to their vehicle to go home,
Tabitha can't wait to pee and squats down on the sidewalk. She starts to relieve herself, but
doesn't get far before cops turn up and arrest them both for urinating in public.
Locked in a holding cell where there are no facilities, and still linked together by handcuffs,
the girls have to wait for relief until their lawyer arrives... if they can.
(This movie was filmed using two cameras, one looking through bars at the girls standing
against the wall. The movie cuts back and forth between the two viewpoints).
Bursting at the Seams
Time: 14 minutes
Tabitha's desperate drive for the shoot nearly involved an accidental wetting for her. She managed to
find somewhere to pee just in time, but mindful of the need to turn up at B2B with a full bladder, she
immediately began drinking again. The rain continued and the traffic moved slowly, so by the time she
finally made it she was once again in a desperate state. We chat to Tabitha for a minute shortly after
her arrival, where she describes how much she needs to pee. We then move her out into the woods and
handcuff her to a tree where she has to stand and try not to wet her brand new, tight jeans. She chats
to the viewer as she struggles to hold on, but all her dancing makes it clear that her need is pretty
urgent. Sadly, no one was prepared to let her go in time.
An Interview With Tabitha
Time: 22 minutes
We take Tabitha out on the deck where she drinks wine and talks about her desperate journey that
morning, where she is forced to drive slowly in heavy rain while bursting to pee, and pulling into
a rest stop where there were no toilets. She regales us with a few more stories of real-life
desperation as she paces up and down, holding a full bladder and anxious to let it all go.
End of a Wet Day
Time: 2 minutes
Tabitha playfully holds it for a minute then runs to the bathroom to pee. To download this free clip,
hold down the right mouse button as you click the link below and select from your browser's dropdown
menu Save File As, Save Link As or Save Target As, or similar (the exact phrase is browser dependent).