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Bound2Burst Movies by Model: Paisley Prince
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Bound2Burst Movies by Model: Paisley Prince

Paisley Prince & Tilly McReese
Naked Holding Contest (4K upscaled)
Naked Holding Contest (4K upscaled)
Time: 41 minutes 51 seconds
Tilly and newcomer Paisley strip off their clothes for a holding contest to see which of them can hold her pee the longest. Both girls Tilly and Paisley from a fairly advanced stage so that things get moving fairly quickly. Each girl has her own style of squirming as she holds on to the contents of a filling bladder, and they discuss their different techniques with one another. There is friendly rivalry throughout, and the normal decrease in conversation as more and more concentration is required to avoid losing bladder control. Naturally, one of the girls must lose, but instead of the second one giving in, she is encouraged to go on waiting while the loser gets down on her hands and knees and cleans up the mess she has made. After seeing and hearing someone pee, continuing to hold it is even harder and the survivor struggles desperately to keep waiting. The result when she can no longer hold on is a dramatic jet of pee coming out under pressure. (This is Paisley's very first time with pee desperation, having done it with no other producer, and she took to it remarkably well).

Part 1: 21 minutes 20 seconds - 3840x2160 pixels - MP4: 2,444.0 MB
Part 2: 20 minutes 31 seconds - 3840x2160 pixels - MP4: 2,339.4 MB

Paisley Prince & Tilly McReese
Remedial Measures (4K upscaled)
Remedial Measures (4K upscaled)
Time: 17 minutes 45 seconds
Tilly is Paisley's boss and she feels that the girl has been performing below par in her job recently, and that she must now take remedial action before Paisley's attitude spreads to other employees. She asks Paisley to meet her in the staff room where she asks the girl what the problem is. Paisley, who seems a little tense, says there is nothing wrong. "In that case", Tilly explains, "I'm going to have to let you go." Paisley pleads to keep her job and asks if there is anything she can do to make things right. When she tries to hurry Tilly alone, admitting that she needs to pee rather badly, Tilly decides that if the girl really wants to keep her job, she will succumb to a test of her commitment to the company. This test takes the form of making Paisley stand there with a full bladder and hold her pee. Paisley wants to know why her boss would do such a thing to her, but as far as Tilly is concerned it's that or leave. Paisley agrees to wait and stands there squirming in desperation for as long as she can. At last she can't take any more and walks towards the staff room door, saying she is going to use the bathroom. Tilly tells her that if she goes through that door it's over. Paisley obedients comes back but she can't wait any longer and wets herself in front of her boss. (Shot is from the back with Tilly in the background so that one may see the pee running down Paisley's legs).

3840x2160 pixels - MP4: 2,037.8 MB

Paisley Prince & Tilly McReese
Paisley Prince & Tilly McReese: Paisley Seriously Needs To Pee
Paisley Seriously Needs To Pee
Time: 17 minutes 10 seconds
Paisley has been working for hours on a long bondage video, followed by a 30-minute handcuffs video, and throughout it all she has been holding her pee. Now she seriously needs to go, but she's not allowed to just release it. That would be far too easy. Tilly is there to make sure that Paisley holds her pee as long as she can, while at the same time doing things to torment the poor, desperate girl, such as poking her in her bulging abdomen and trying to tickle her. Paisley is pee dancing and looking tense as she battle the urge to void her bladder, and Tilly really is not helping. Just when Paisley seems to be reaching her limit of endurance, the cameraman quietly suggests to Tilly that she give her friend a bear hug. Now, waiting is no longer an option.

Paisley Prince & Tilly McReese
Tilly & Paisley: Naked Holding Contest
Naked Holding Contest
Time: 41 minutes 56 seconds
Tilly and newcomer Paisley strip off their clothes for a holding contest to see which of them can hold her pee the longest. Both girls Tilly & Paisleyt from a fairly advanced stage (6 or 7 on a scale of 1 to 10) so that things get moving fairly quickly. Each girl has her own style of squirming as she holds on to the contents of a filling bladder, and they discuss their different techniques with one another. There is friendly rivalry throughout, and the normal decrease in conversation as more and more concentration is required to avoid losing bladder control. Naturally, one of the girls must lose (not telling which one but the force of her pee stream suggests she held on as long as she could), but instead of the second one giving in, she is encouraged to go on waiting while the loser gets down on her hands and knees and cleans up the mess she has made. After seeing and hearing someone pee, continuing to hold it is even harder and the survivor struggles desperately to keep waiting. The result when she can no longer hold on is a dramatic jet of pee coming out under pressure. (This is Paisley's very first time with pee desperation, having done it with no other producer, and she took to it remarkably well).
Paisley Prince & Tilly McReese
Tilly & Paisley: Remedial Measures
Remedial Measures
Time: 17 minutes 49 seconds
Tilly is Paisley's boss and she feels that the girl has been performing below par in her job recently, and that she must now take remedial action before Paisley's attitude spreads to other employees. She asks Paisley to meet her in the staff room where she asks the girl what the problem is. Paisley, who seems a little tense, says there is nothing wrong. "In that case", Tilly explains, "I'm going to have to let you go." Paisley pleads to keep her job and asks if there is anything she can do to make things right. When she tries to hurry Tilly alone, admitting that she needs to pee rather badly, Tilly decides that if the girl really wants to keep her job, she will succumb to a test of her commitment to the company. This test takes the form of making Paisley stand there with a full bladder and hold her pee. Paisley wants to know why her boss would do such a thing to her, but as far as Tilly is concerned it's that or leave. Paisley agrees to wait and stands there squirming in desperation for as long as she can. At last she can't take any more and walks towards the staff room door, saying she is going to use the bathroom. Tilly tells her that if she goes through that door it's over. Paisley obedients comes back but she can't wait any longer and wets herself in front of her boss. (Shot is from the back with Tilly in the background so that one may see the pee running down Paisley's legs).
Paisley Prince & Tilly McReese
Tilly Delays Paisley in the Bathroom
Tilly Delays Paisley in the Bathroom
Time: 4 minutes 37 seconds
This fun little video is once again the result of a girl getting desperate to pee while tied up. Tilly and Paisley spent some time in zip ties, and all the while Paisley needed to pee. Once they got themselves out and "escaped", Paisley tried making a dash for the bathroom. Aware of her situation, Tilly decided to intercept her and delay her getting there. Once this action Tilly & Paisleyted, the camera naturally went on and was positioned in the bathroom to watch the outcome of this struggle. Tilly does everything she can to stop Paisley sitting on the toilet, and after pee dancing and holding her, Paisley physically pulls Tilly off the toilet and tries to take her place. Tilly does all kinds of things to make her friend wait, but in the end Paisley is able to pee. She does so with legs wide apart, allowing the camera to see the flow while she groans in relief.

Paisley Prince & Tilly McReese
Paisley Prince & Tilly McReese Set
Paisley Prince & Tilly McReese Set
Paisley Seriously Needs To Pee
Naked Holding Contest
Remedial Measures
Tilly Delays Paisley in the Bathroom
Time: 81 minutes

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