Bound2Burst Movies by Model: Paige Erin Turner
Jasmine, Scarlett, Candle, Dixie, Constance Shauna, Paige, Becky & Kylee

The Wettest Link Remastered
Time: 112 minutes
Features Jasmine, Scarlett, Candle, Dixie, Constance, Shauna, Paige, Becky & Kylee. Eight models battle it out answering
multiple-choice questions to win a cash prize, with the penalty of being asked to drink an 8-ounce bottle of water each time they answer
a question incorrectly. The girls all needed to pee to some extent before starting. The entire game is like a real quiz show with the
added component of having a lot of women all desperate to pee as they try to concentrate on the questions being posed. Inevitably, there
are a number of wrong answers as concentration drifts which results in a lot of water being consumed (some 30 pints altogether) and a
lot of squirming and fidgeting. Most of the girls are vocal about the state of their filling bladders, and standing still as they drink
the next bottle becomes more and more of a challenge as the game unfolds. The ways in which the models cope with their mounting discomfort
are many and varied, with some happy to overtly show how badly they need to pee, while others present a cool facade as if nothing is wrong.
The girls have a wonderful time despite experiencing full bladder discomfort and good humour abounds.
Paige Turner
Paige Gets Naked While She Waits
Time: 16 minutes 44 seconds
Paige starts out fully clothed and as she talks and holds a full bladder, she gradually undresses until,
by the time she can't hold her pee any longer, she is completely naked.
Paige Turner
Naked Wait 13
Time: 10 minutes 37 seconds
Paige arrived absolutely bursting to pee, having lost her way on her journey to us, and she wanted to do
something right away before she lost control. She stripped off her clothes and stood holding her pee
completely naked. She talks about a serious desperation event which happened to her recently, her voice
shaking as she fights the urge to urinate. Paige tries sitting and crossing her legs tightly but this does
not seem to help. She gets back up and squirms frantically until pee just erupts out of her in a powerful
and prolonged stream. The tension drains out of her as she gains relief at last.
Paige Turner
Humiliation at Work
Time: 22 minutes 29 seconds
Paige and a male colleague are trapped in a room at their place of work. The male colleague accidentally snapped
off the key in the lock. He called the janitor to attend to the problem and explains the situation just before
his cellphone battery dies. The two wait for the janitorial staff to get the door open, even if it means taking
it off its hinges, but while there is intermittent sound from outside there seems to be little or no progress.
Paige becomes very tense and distracted because she urgently needs to pee but does not want to admit this to her
colleague. As time passes and her bladder expands to capacity, however, she has no choice but to mention her
dilemma. She chastises her colleague for trapping them in the first place, and then threatens to file a report
of sexual harassment if he ever tells a living soul that she was forced to pee herself in front of him.
Paige Turner
Hostage Dilemma
Time: 15 minutes 06 seconds
Paige has been taken hostage and is waiting for her husband to pay the ransom demand. In the meantime,
she is kept handcuffed to a chair. She tells her captor that her husband doesn't have any money, that
they have been putting up a good front, but he doesn't believe her. Paige has been secured to the chair
for quite a long time and her bladder has filled, making her desperate to pee. She asks for the use of
the bathroom but her captor says that will only happen after her husband has paid up. Paige says that
her bladder will burst before her husband can raise the money, but still she can't persuade her captor
to let her go. Paige fights hard not to wet herself, knowing that she will be left there to sit in her
own pee if she loses control. With her bladder distended to its limit, she really can't hold it any
longer and finally the pee starts flowing - through her panties and tights before streaming over the
edge of the chair seat onto the floor.
Paige Turner
Paige Turner: Set 1
Paige Gets Naked While She Waits Naked Wait 13 Humiliation at Work Hostage Dilemma
Total time: 65 minutes
Becky LeSabre & Paige Turner

Becky's Bursting
Time: 10 minutes 32 seconds
Paige and Becky turned up for their second shoot with Bound2Burst, having followed instructions to drink plenty en-route so
that filming can begin straight away. Paige certainly needs to pee fairly badly, but her situation was as nothing compared
to Becky's. Becky was dying, bursting, ready to explode! She could barely stand still at all, and when she lost control, she
positively soaked her jeans, all over, leaving very few dry patches. The pee ran down the back of both legs, saturating the
jeans right down to the cuffs. The front had a nice big wet patch around the crotch. Had this happened in a public place,
Becky would have been absolutely mortified. (Yes, Becky is wearing one of those famous B2B pairs of jeans. She needed to
change her clothes before we started, although Paige was fine wearing her own jeans. Given how desperate Becky was to go,
she had a difficult time getting into those jeans and doing them up while her bladder was bulging (to see how much it bulges
when she is dying to pee, take a look at the screencaps from "Strip or Drink")).
Becky LeSabre & Paige Turner

Strip or Drink
Time: 47 minutes 27 seconds
This is a hybrid of a holding contest and a permission to pee movie, with the extra element added that the girls
must either drink a small bottle of water or take off an article of clothing. When all the clothing is gone, they
have no choice but to carry on drinking. Becky, who arrivd in a truly desperate state, was back in one at the start
of this challenge, and had to go to the bathroom to let a little about before things got underway. The camera
accompanied her to make sure she really did only release a little. The girls then start drinking in earnest and
tormenting one another, at times by talking about flowing water, and at others by poking one another in the abdomen,
or even with a hint of tickling here and there. Paige is the first to begin disrobing because (as she explains)
being desperate to pee and not being able to go makes her hot. Each time one of them reaches a point where she just
can't wait any longer, they pee into one of the graduated cylinders. When Paige reaches this point of acute desperation,
it comes upon her very suddenly and she simply has to go. She peed into her cylinder twice, the second time after
squirting a little pee onto the floor because Becky would not let her have the cylinder. Some of the peeing in this
movie is quite explosive as urine jets into the cylinders. The girls both end up naked, as one might expect as their
desperation grew and they wanted to avoid further drinking. There isn't exactly a winner; it's all just a lot of fun
and ends with the girls playfully comparing how much they released.
Becky LeSabre & Paige Turner

Climbing the Wall
Time: 8 minutes 09 seconds
Several bondage movies were filmed during the afternoon, one of which took a long time because it was quite involved.
By the time she was finished with this, paige was hopping around and declared that she was very close to wetting herself.
We had to film a desperation scenario quickly or it would be too late. Paige quickly changed her clothes and dahsed
outside so that we could film the traditional arriving home and being locked out scenario. The difference here is that
Becky is inside and not answering the door, leaving poor Paige dancing frantically on the front step. Paige's incredible
desperation is apparent in her body language. She performs some excellent pee dances, and when she wets herself
(after just a few minutes because she couldn't wait any longer, the pee gushes out of her and onto the door mat, a
powerful stream that just goes on and on. One can practically feel her relief as she empties her bladder, soaking the
back of her skirt in the process. When Becky finally answers the door, she has a good laugh at Paige's wet clothes, and
after giving her a towel she backs off, saying how gross Paige is to pee on the door mat. Paige undresses and we follow
her into the bathroom to watch her washing off her legs and crotch.
Becky LeSabre & Paige Turner

Paige Denies Becky the Toilet
Time: 5 minutes 28 seconds
Soon after Paige's urgent need for a quick movie, Becky started complaining that she was getting very, very
desperate to pee, and also wanted to do something short and quick. Like Paige, this happened soon after the
end of the long bondage movie which in turn followed on from "Strip or Drink" where the girls each drank more
than four pints of liquid. Becky had to somehow hold on until Paige had finished in the shower, struggling
to get into a dress ready to start filming. She then had to hold it while Paige got dressed and we located the
pistol so that Paige could keep Becky at gun point. The premise here is that Becky is being kept out of
circulation while her place of work is being robbed, using her access code to commit the theft, and Paige is
making sure her prisoner can't raise the alarm. This means making her sit on a chair and wait for the call to
say the job is finished. Becky squirms and writhes on the chair, barely able to keep from wetting herself as
Paige orders her to stay still, saying, "Put your big girl panties on and hold it." Very soon, Becky simply
can't hold it and pee jets between her legs, streaming onto the floor for an amazing length of time as a disgusted
Paige looks on. Becky's performance, one of distress followed by looking and sounding as if she were crying, is
Becky LeSabre & Paige Turner
Paige & Becky Set 2
Becky's Bursting Strip or Drink Climbing the Wall Paige Denies Becky the Toilet
Total time: 71 minutes
Becky LeSabre & Paige Turner
Dying To Go
Time: 7 minutes 01 seconds
Paige and Becky arrive having searched a little while to find us. A text message appeared before their arrival saying that they were both dying to pee and
asking if we could film something right away. This is a familiar situation, so of course a camera was loaded and recording as their car came down the driveway.
The girls were keep talking as they squirmed around trying to hold it, but they had both been holding it for quite some time and couldn't control themselves
for very long. Becky was the first to lose control, closely followed by Paige. Indeed, Becky pees her jeans several times in the space of a few minutes, and
as the day advances it becomes clear that this repeated peeing is something she does often, indicating a very significant bladder capacity. With bladders
finally empty, the girls head for the house and take off their soaking wet jeans on the doorstep, revealing that neither one of them is wearing panties - they
were pretty much baring all just a few minutes into the session. They were then shown into the bathroom where they would be paying regular visits during the day,
but never to actually use the toilet.
Becky LeSabre & Paige Turner
Meet Paige & Becky
Time: 23 minutes 22 seconds
After a little time to relax and meet us properly, and naturally drinking some more liquid, Paige and Becky began the process of trying on some outfits while once
again feeling the urge to pee. All the bending as they pull on and take off skirt and pantyhose plays havoc with their bladders, and they are soon in a state of
serious discomfort as they continue holding it. There is plenty of friendly interplay between them, even when they are struggling not to wet themselves.
Becky LeSabre & Paige Turner
Permission to Pee 5 Remastered
Time: 42 minutes 06 seconds
This 2011 video has been re-imported from the original tapes, re-edited and exported at 1280x960 pixels and at a bitrate of 6 Mbps. The result is a vastly improved picture
(plus a lot bigger since the original was only 640x480 pixels) and a clearer soundtrack. At time 14m 46s, a 1m 7s sequence has been inserted from camera 2 to replace a
damaged sequence on the camera 1 recording. This recording has been cropped to remove bright sunlight and is therefore poorer in resolution that the remainder of the movie,
but I think this is preferable to having the sequence missing altogether. The lighting is highly variable throughout the video because of sunlight encroaching on the scene as
it was being recorded, always a problem without a proper studio, but the effects have been minized as much as possible. I'd forgotton just how much fun these to had with this
challenge, indicating an easy friendship.
Original description:
We arranged for Paige and Becky to drink various liquids until they were again in a desperate state, then we began filming them in a permission to pee situation. As most of
you know, the rules for this are as follows: (1) each model can order her companion to either drink liquid, hold her pee, or pull down her panties and urinate into a small cup
which barely provides any relief from the pressure on her full bladder. The constant stopping and starting plays havoc with the model's mind set, not to mention placing a huge
strain on her sphincter muscle. The girls really get into torturing one another as the battle it out for almost an hour, each of them frequently withholding permission for
partial relief from her opponent. They go through a lot of water as they torment one another, and as the time passes, the amount of leg crossing and foot tapping increases as
they both become more and more desperate to go. At one point, Paige gives permission for Becky to pee a little, but just as Becky is pulling down her panties, Paige changes her
mind and tells her friend to finish a bottle of water first. The look on Becky's face and the groan that escapes her speak volumes about her state of desperation. Finally, one
of the girls loses control and a lot of pee ends up on the floor, although a lot also ends up in the glass cylinder. Just how much they were holding between them is a matter
of conjecture, but it was probably upwards of two litres.
Becky LeSabre & Paige Turner
Bursting Airline Stewardesses
Time: 9 minutes 57 seconds
Paige and Becky are airline stewardesses arriving home after a long flight, and after encountering a long line at the ladies in the airport, so they both are dying
for the bathroom. As the enter the house, however, they are held up by an intruder to makes them stand where they are while he tries to decide what to do with them.
Both women squirm and explain their predicament, but the intruder does not wish to let them out of his sight. Within minutes, a truly bursting Becky loses control of
her very full bladder, and pee pours down her legs, onto her boots and onto the floor between her feet. She has barely finished going before the intruder tells her
to clean up her own mess. Meanwhile, Paige is still squirming and holding it, but she can't wait much longer. Becky asks if she can go and clean herself up, and the
intruder agree, keeping Paige as collateral to ensure that Becky doesn't try running away or calling for help. Paige is now ready to explode and shouts to Becky to
hurry up so that she can go to the bathroom while Becky is kept hostage. With her left knee pressed against her right thigh, it is obvious that Paige is not going
to make it. She pleads to at least be allowed to go outside rather than pee on her floor. The intruder relents and follows her outside, making her pull down her
tights and panties and urinate in front of him. Paige is embarrassed, but seizes the opportunity to empty here tortured bladder. Relief softens her features as she
releases a long stream and the pressure on her bladder eases. When she has finished, the intruder takes Paige back indoors where they are soon joined by Becky wearing
on a bra and a towel. No he must decide what to do with them before he leaves...
Becky LeSabre & Paige Turner
Paige & Becky Set 1
Dying To Go Meet Paige & Becky Permission To Pee 5 Bursting Airline Stewardesses
Total time: 82 minutes