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Bound2Burst Movies by Model: Maria

Bound2Burst Movies by Model: Maria

Madison & Maria
Madison & Maria: M & M Remastered (MP4)
M & M Remastered (MP4)
Time: 21 minutes 50 seconds
This was the first pee desperation shoot for both Madison and Maria. It includes behind the scenes material that highlights how difficult it can be to pee in one's clothes while being filmed by someone who is almost a stranger, especially for the first time. We learn from this movie that Madison has a very small bladder and that she needs to pee frequently. She is, she confesses, always having to stop on the roadside and relieve herself, especially on interstates where there is absolutely nowhere to pee for miles and miles. She got in touch the day after working with us to say that, because of filling up with liquids during the shoot, she had a very difficult drive home which involved some protracted desperation and a little bit of wetting on the car seat. Maria did not fare much better.

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,027.1 MB
Madison & Maria
Madison & Maria: Sidewalk Cafe Remastered (MP4)
Sidewalk Cafe Remastered (MP4)
Time: 17 minutes 16 seconds
Two women meet for lunch at a new establishment called The Sidewalk Cafe. One is working, the other unemployed. Madison arrives first and is seated at her table when the movie opens. She needs to pee, but has been informed by the cafe staff that the ladies is out of order owing to a blocked lavatory that flooded the floor. Workmen are attending to the problem, and in the meanwhile she has to sit and hold it. When Maria shows up, it transpires that she hurried to rendezvous with her friend and has neglected to use the bathroom, so the pair of them sit struggling to wait as they chat about jobs, the menu, wine, and so on. The girls both order quiche and salad, and a glass of wine each. They sip at the wine and try to concentrate on their meals, but their desperation is very distracting. They ask both the cafe owner and the waitress when the bathroom will be free, and keep getting told that it will be just a few more minutes. Ready to burst by this time, the girls are faced with the very real prospect of wetting themselves in a public place. The video runs on a little at the end, allowing one to hear what is said off-camera.

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 813.1 MB
Madison & Maria
Madison & Maria: Stopped By A Cop 2 Remastered (MP4)
Stopped By A Cop 2 Remastered (MP4)
Time: 18 minutes 37 seconds
Madison and Maria make their Bound2Burst debut as the two naughty girls who are driving home after a night out. Backstory: Madison is speeding because both she and Maria seriously need to pee, and can't wait to get to a friend's house to relieve themselves. Of course, there's always a cop around when you don't need one and he follows them to their destination. The Movie: - opens with the cop pulling up alongside the girls' vehicle and making them step out. Convinced that they have been drinking, he takes their drivers licenses to run a check, leaving the girls standing there struggling not to lose control of their full bladders. Alas, neither Madison nor Maria can maintain control and wet themselves before the cop returns. Madison has only released some of her pee and still needs to go, so she remains distressed. The cop comes back to inform them that they have several outstanding violations, and that he is going to take them in. He tells Maria to handcuff Madison, then he handcuffs Maria. He then goes to call for a female officer to come and collect them, leaving the girls shivering in their party dresses outside their vehicle. Unable to wait any longer, Madison wets herself for a second time. The story part of this clip is about 11.5 minutes; the remaining time is behind the scenes where the girls go into the house still handcuffed, their panties and legs wet. Maria is freed and given the job of releasing Madison from her cuffs, a task that takes a surprisingly long time!

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 873.3 MB

Madison & Maria
Madison & Maria: Roadside Relief Remastered (MP4)
Roadside Relief Remastered (MP4)
Time: 11 minutes 17 seconds
Madison and Maria are on their way to a friend's house in the country. Maria is dying to pee, and when she can't hold on any longer, Madison has to pull over and let her out before she wets her jeans. Maria pulls down her jeans and you get to watch her empty her bladder, the stream of urine clearly visible. Back on the road, and soon Madison needs to go to. They arrive at their destination, but unable to hold it until she gets inside, Madison runs into the woods, pulls down her jeans and pees, a look of huge relief on her face as she lets it all go.

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 529.3 MB
Madison & Maria
Madison & Maria: Burglary Practice Remastered (MP4)
Burglary Practice Remastered (MP4)
Time: 22 minutes 06 seconds
Madison and Maria start out discussing a recent spate of burglaries in the area where the burglars have left home owners bound and gagged after robbing them. Concerned that this might happen to them, the girls wonder how easy it might be for them to escape from their bonds if this fate were to befall them. Maria ties Madison to a chair, gags her and leaves her for several hours while she pops into work. Madison already needs to pee when her friend leaves her. Furious, she sits struggling to hold it until Maria returns. Things don't go well for Madison because Maria, finding that her friend has been unable to escape, decides it might be fun to take off Madison's shoes and tickle her feet. Madison goes frantic, demanding to be freed before she wets herself. But Maria seems in no hurry to help. Additional comments: It was a toss-up as to who would end up tied to the chair. Madison needed to pee the worst, so she became the inevitable choice. You can see at the start of the movie that she is already wiggling her legs in a rather urgent manner, and it was a nice touch when Maria tied Madison's legs in the crossed position. It does look really good too, especially with Madison's fantastic legs.

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Madison & Maria
Madison & Maria: Two Incompetent Secretaries Remastered (MP4)
Two Incompetent Secretaries Remastered (MP4)
Time: 32 minutes 13 seconds
This video contains all the behind the scenes material in chronological order. It highlights just how chaotic these shoots can be. The main problem was that Madison did not manage to grasp the concept of playing a secretary who needs to pee, and believed that it was a contest between her and Maria to see who could pee first. While all this is going on, Maria is getting really desperate to pee and wants to get on with the storyline, and she keeps asking when she can go. With the storyline in tatters, we just go with whatever happens.

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 849.0 MB

Madison & Maria
Madison & Maria Remastered (MP4)
Madison & Maria Remastered (MP4)
Total time: 2 hour 03 minutes
The 4x3 aspect ratio of the original recordings has been preserved. The remastering process includes the use of AI enhancement software which completely transforms the original 720x480-pixel footage, massively improving the definition and upscaling the videos by 225% to 1080p. These enhanced sequences are then edited together to create the finished products.

  1. M & M Remastered
  2. Sidewalk Cafe Remastered
  3. Stopped By A Cop 2 Remastered
  4. Roadside Relief Remastered
  5. Burglary Practice Remastered
  6. Two Incompetent Secretaries Remastered
Madison & Maria
Madison & Maria: Bursting to Pee in an SUV Remastered
Bursting to Pee in an SUV Remastered
Time: 52 minutes 04 seconds
set images    
This 2009 video has been re-imported from the original tapes, re-edited (this version is approximately 5 minutes longer than the original), enhanced (color and sound), and finally exported at 1280x960 pixels at a bitrate of 5 Mbps. The result is a vastly improved picture (plus a lot bigger since the original was only 640x480 pixels), and a clearer soundtrack. A few snippets of behind the scenes material have been left in this version, while other additional material that was deemed unnecessary in the 2009 release has now been left in. Maria actually peed herself four times during the filming session, while Madison managed to release two relative small amounts inside the moving vehicle (she was always pee shy), and a major release came at the end when she was able to get out and squat down in the snow. This is the point where Maria was wetting her jeans again and slipped on the ice, almost going down and sitting in her own urine. It was certainly an adventuresome trip, especially when Maria wet herself while driving. She even sped up and passed over vehicles while wetting herself, a girl clearly capable of multi-tasking. Madison pulled her jeans down during the sequence when she sat in the back, mainly to make things feel less restrictive. She couldn't make herself release but she was in agony, something you can hear in her voice in one behind the scenes moment where she says, "I'm dying." As you might imagine, with two wet front seats and a twice peed on floor in the back, the SUV took a bit of cleaning up before it was returned to the rental company. This release includes both Quicktime and WMV formats.
WMV: $10.99
Madison & Maria
Girls Will Be Girls
Girls Will Be Girls
Time: 19 minutes 28 seconds
Maria has Madison handcuffed to a chair. Madison needs to pee, but Maria will not release her until she drinks some more beer. In addition to feeding her beer through a tube, Maria gropes Madison playful, tormenting her as her desperation grows until she is finally forced to wet herself on the chair. She threatens to get Maria back for this, and does so in the accompanying movie called Payback.
WMV: $13.99

Madison & Maria
Watering the Garden
Watering the Garden
Time: 15 minutes 28 seconds
Maria is enjoying the garden, sniffing the flowers, walking about, sitting on stone walls... There is just one problem - she would really like to pee because her bladder is full. She held in her pee during the journey over, and didn't even want to spent the time changing her clothes. We switched on the camera and took her outside to enjoy the spring weather, and the sound of running water. Maria badly needed to pee but was feeling a little bit shy - hard to imagine :-) Happily, the fountain and a chill wind made short work of her holding it.
Madison & Maria
It Doesn't Pay to Complain
It Doesn't Pay to Complain
Time: 6 minutes 02 seconds
Madison has come to complain about the noise her neighbour Maria is making. There is a party going on, and Madison is trying to get some rest after a long day at work. In her haste to complain, Madison neglects to use the bathroom before leaving her house, and by the time she is standing on the porch and talking to Maria, she badly needs to pee. However, she has no wish to admit to her predicament and tries not to wiggle around during the conversation. As she turns to leave, Madison's desperation gets the better of her and she hurries back before Maria closes the door ans asks to use the bathroom. While Maria is explaining that there is a problem with the bathroom and her guests are having to go out in the woods, Madison loses control and wets herself. She is utterly humiliated, and changes her attitude completely.
WMV: $6.99
Madison & Maria
I Can't Wait Any Longer
I Can't Wait Any Longer
Time: 3 minutes 50 seconds
Madison is employed by Maria and Maria is something of a slave driver. She makes Madison keep working even when the woman is dying to pee. Madison makes several attempts to run to the bathroom but Maria intercepts her. Only when she is truly frantic just Madison just keep going, knowing that if she stops again she will wet herself.

Madison & Maria
Dancing Queen
Dancing Queen
Time: 7 minutes 43 seconds
Madison has paid to have an exotic dancer perform for her one on one. The session is going really well, but Maria, the dancer, needs to use the bathroom. Madison persuades her to put off going for a little longer, and in the middle of her performance, Maria loses control. She is humiliated, but Madison takes it well. Perhaps she secretly enjoyed watching the dancer wet herself?
WMV: $7.99
Madison & Maria
Time: 9 minutes 15 seconds
After torturing Madison, Maria now finds herself on the receiving end. Handcuffed to a partially-fallen tree in the woods, Madison taunts her friend by pressing on her bladder and making her stand there until she wets her jeans. After she is good and wet, Madison applies duct tape to Maria's mouth and leaves her in the woods for the bears to find!
WMV: $8.99
Madison & Maria
Two Incompetent Secretaries Remastered
Two Incompetent Secretaries Remastered
Time: 32 minutes 13 seconds
In their first movie of the day, Madison and Maria don the mantles of two gossipy, incompetent secretaries who are so far behind with their work that the boss forbids them to leave their desks until they have finished what they are currently working on. They have been working all morning and both need a visit to the ladies room, but they are simply not allow to go. Wiggling and complaining about their situation, they carry on working until, unable to contain herself any longer, Madison has an accident. The boss returns, sees the mess under Madison's chair and tells her to go and clean herself up. At the same time, he orders the desperate Maria to keep working. Maria does as she is told, but her bladder is ready to pop now. She struggles on for a few more minutes before losing control and releasing a huge amount of pee that runs across the floor and merges with Madison's puddle. It looks as if these two are not going to be keeping their jobs!

Madison & Maria
Pee Talk
Pee Talk
Time: 23 minutes
The girls sit and chat while Maria drinks wine, both feeling the urge to pee. Rather than make Madison wait too long, we suggest that she pays a visit to the bathroom, and she is then filmed relieving herself on the toilet. She lifts her dress and pulls down her panties, so you see everything. Maria continues to sip wine and stare out of the window, chatting until she wets her panties. There is a shot up her mini-skirt as she finishes peeing, giving a clear view of her wet inner thighs.
Madison & Maria
M & M
M & M
Time: 20 minutes
We welcome new models Madison and Maria to the fold, and naturally we get them to recount some stories of personal desperation while they sit on chairs holding full bladders. It's the very first time either of them has done anything like this and they are a little pee shy. The important thing is to get them through the barrier as quickly as possible. Maria manages this fairly early on, but for Madison it's more difficult and requires a visit to the bathroom, with the camera, to watch as she pees through her jeans. Additional comments: Madison is a highly energetic person and pretty much ran us ragged all day! We got a lot done, buy by the end of it, poor of Dave was thoroughly exhausted. He put the girls through their paces, however, and made sure they had plenty to drink to keep things fluid. We learn from this movie that Madison has a very small bladder and that she needs to pee very frequently. She is, she confesses, always having to stop on the roadside and relieve herself, especially on interstates where there is absolutely nowhere to pee for miles and miles. She got in touch the day after working with us to say that, because of filling up with liquids during the shoot, she had a very difficult drive home which involved some protracted desperation and a little bit of wetting on the car seat. She seems like an ideal candidate to take on a long shopping trip sometime!
Madison & Maria
Stopped By a Cop 2
Stopped By a Cop 2
Time: 16 minutes
Madison and Maria make their Bound2Burst debut as the two naughty girls who are driving home after a night out. Backstory: Madison is speeding because both she and Maria seriously need to pee, and can't wait to get to a friend's house to relieve themselves. Of course, there's always a cop around when you don't need one and he follows them to their destination. The Movie: - opens with the cop pulling up alongside the girls' vehicle and making them step out. Convinced that they have been drinking, he takes their drivers licenses to run a check, leaving the girls standing there struggling not to lose control of their full bladders. Alas, neither Madison nor Maria can maintain control and wet themselves before the cop returns. Madison has only released some of her pee and still needs to go, so she remains distressed. The cop comes back to inform them that they have several outstanding violations, and that he is going to take them in. He tells Maria to handcuff Madison, then he handcuffs Maria. He then goes to call for a female officer to come and collect them, leaving the girls shivering in their party dresses outside their vehicle. Unable to wait any longer, Madison wets herself for a second time. The story part of this clip is about 11.5 minutes; the remaining time is behind the scenes where the girls go into the house still handcuffed, their panties and legs wet. Maria is freed and given the job of releasing Madison from her cuffs, a task that takes a surprisingly long time!

Madison & Maria
Sidewalk Cafe
Sidewalk Cafe
Time: 16 minutes
Two women meet for lunch at a new establishment called The Sidewalk Cafe. One is working, the other unemployed. Madison arrives first and is seated at her table when the movie opens. She needs to pee, but has been informed by the cafe staff that the ladies is out of order owing to a blocked lavatory that flooded the floor. Workmen are attending to the problem, and in the meanwhile she has to sit and hold it. When Maria shows up, it transpires that she hurried to rendezvous with her friend and has neglected to use the bathroom, so the pair of them sit struggling to wait as they chat about jobs, the menu, wine, and so on. The girls both order quiche and salad, and a glass of wine each. They sip at the wine and try to concentrate on their meals, but their desperation is very distracting. They ask both the cafe owner and the waitress when the bathroom will be free, and keep getting told that it will be just a few more minutes. Ready to burst by this time, the girls are faced with the very real prospect of wetting themselves in a public place.
Madison & Maria
Burglary Practice
Burglary Practice
Time: 20 minutes
Madison and Maria start out discussing a recent spate of burglaries in the area where the burglars have left home owners bound and gagged after robbing them. Concerned that this might happen to them, the girls wonder how easy it might be for them to escape from their bonds if this fate were to befall them. Maria ties Madison to a chair, gags her and leaves her for several hours while she pops into work. Madison already needs to pee when her friend leaves her. Furious, she sits struggling to hold it until Maria returns. Things don't go well for Madison because Maria, finding that her friend has been unable to escape, decides it might be fun to take off Madison's shoes and tickle her feet. Madison goes frantic, demanding to be freed before she wets herself. But Maria seems in no hurry to help. Additional comments: It was a toss-up as to who would end up tied to the chair. Madison needed to pee the worst, so she became the inevitable choice. You can see at the start of the movie that she is already wiggling her legs in a rather urgent manner, and it was a nice touch when Maria tied Madison's legs in the crossed position. It does look really good too, especially with Madison's fantastic legs.
Madison & Maria
Time: 11 minutes
Ever been stopped on the street by somebody with a clipboard. They're conducting some lame survey and want a few minutes of your time. And why does that always happen when one needs to pee? We film Maria walking into this situation and having to stand there answering questions and she dances around trying to hold a bladder full of pee. Madison prattles on, asking question after question, and Maria's answers are not especially coherent because she really can't concentrate on what the woman is saying. All she can think about is finding a bathroom. At the end, you see Maria hurry off to find a ladies without actually wetting herself.

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