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Bound2Burst Movies by Model: Jynx
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Bound2Burst Movies by Model: Jynx

Jynx: Bursting Business Girl Remastered
Bursting Business Girl Remastered
Time: 23 minutes 55 seconds
to pee. The store has no public restrooms, so Jynx is compelled to drive on. She makes several stops at promising looking places to use a bathroom, but one establishment is locked, and in the other, the bathroom is out of order. Bursting now, Jynx looks for a spot to relieve herself. She leaps out of the car and hurries along a track until she thinks she is out of sight of the road. She is about to lift her skirt and pull down her panties and pantyhose when she loses control and wets herself. All she can do is stand there and let it go. After she has emptied her bladder, she removes her hose to make herself slightly more comfortable before climbing back into the car to finish her journey.

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Jynx: Public Humiliation Remastered
Public Humiliation Remastered
Time: 30 minutes 24 seconds
Jynx wets her jeans in public. We watch Jynx driving and walking around in public in her tight jeans and boots, longing to empty a full bladder. In preparation for filming, Jynx had to cope with an uncomfortable bladder for three hours - 1.5 hours driving to us, half an hour getting her to top up on liquid (35 fl oz. of coffee and a bottle of water) followed by a forty-minute drive and twenty more minutes walking around in a state of desperation. As Jynx says herself: "I've been holding it for three hours and it's really starting to hurt. My pants feel really tight. Since it was my first time, I decided to make it impossible for me to hold it." During filming, when Jynx was absolutely bursting and ready to let it all go in her jeans, we had to keep waiting while people walked by. In the end, we had to move to the edge of the parking lot before Jynx's bladder actually exploded! Oh my, she was so desperate. And even after she was final able to release, she had to face the prospect of driving home in wet jeans. Along the way, we had to buy fuel for the car, and someone else kindly pumps the gas to spare Jynx the potential humiliation of displaying her wet jeans in public, again.

1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,683.6 MB
Jynx (with Cyndie)
Jynx (with Cyndie): Out of Time Remastered
Out of Time Remastered
Time: 24 minutes 24 seconds
This was a day when Jynx in particular had consumed a lot of liquid. Even at the start of this one, she was bursting for a pee, and struggled to hide the fact to begin with. As time passed and Cyndie drove to various places, including a filling station and a post office, Jynx’s extreme desire to piss grew to a point of acute urgency. She was beginning to panic that she might actually lose control in Cyndie’s car. As we continue on, it turns out that Cyndie is now desperate to pee as well, motivating her to look for a place where they could get out and relieve themselves. Jynx keeps pleading with her friend to hurry up, and at one point even contemplates getting out of the car and squatting down, regardless of who may be around. At last, they come across boss a municipal building. It looks empty so they drive around the back and park close to a number of yellow buses. They get out and finally get to pee, Jynx through her underwear in a curtain of urine. This moment was earned a little more than is apparent, because they had to perform this scene twice owing to moving out of line of sight with the camera, and we called back to the car to do it again. While not ideal, the second take was a lot better than the first.

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Jynx Holding In Jeans Remastered
Jynx Holding In Jeans Remastered
Time: 25 minutes 14 seconds
Jynx, wearing a pair of tight jeans, is just holding it while drinking water and chatting about past desperation incidents. She squirms as she tries to resist the urge to release. There is no structure to this video other than watching Jynx's desperation and trying to delay her until her final struggle to unlock her muscles and relieve the pressure on her very full bladder. It was the first one of the day, always the most difficult.

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Jynx: The Model Remastered
The Model Remastered
Time: 17 minutes 42 seconds
Jynx goes through the ordeal that all photographic models have to endure from time to time. The photographer is paying a lot of money to the model for photographs and every minute counts. Little wonder he does not want the model going off to the bathroom when she needs to pee. Ever the professional, Jynx tries to hold it until the end of the photo shoot, even though her bladder is now very full and making her abdomen bulge. When she is asked to pose with her legs apart for several minutes, the strain on her muscles becomes too great and very soon after she loses control of herself. She is shocked when the photographer says they will just Carry on, with her posing in her wet clothes. This version is interspersed with some of the photos taken on the day.

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Jynx Remastered
Jynx Remastered
Total time: 2 hours 1 minute

  1. Bursting Business Girl Remastered
  2. Public Humiliation Remastered
  3. Out of Time Remastered
  4. Jynx Holding In Jeans Remastered
  5. The Model Remastered

Jynx: Holding Techniques Remastered
Holding Techniques Remastered (MP4)
Time: 19 minutes 55 seconds
It took a little bit of persuasion to get Jynx to do this one because, contrary the personality she tries to project, she's a very shy person. When she worked on the nine-model shoot in 2009, she barely uttered a word to anyone and tried to hide away whenever she could. We had worked together for a few years and she trusted me, so not at all sure she could see it through she agreed to give it a try. In the end, she did rather a good job.

Original description: Jynx needs to pee. Her jeans are very tight. How is she to hold on? She takes us through some techniques for fighting off the urge to release, which include rubbing herself on the back of a chair and on a hand rail. She even massages her own breasts and rubs the lips of her vagina through her tight jeans to help take her mind off her desperation. When she does finally give in and pee herself, she makes those tight jeans lovely and wet.

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picture aspect ratio 4x3 - - MP4: 911.1 MB
Jayne, Tabitha, Lola, Nyxon, Madison
Danielle, Rachael, Jynx & Beverly

Lola Lynn: Bursting In The Boardroom Remastered (MP4)
Bursting In The Boardroom Remastered (MP4)
Time: 27 minutes 47 seconds
The original version was 22 minutes long. The additional time comes from the inclusion of almost all behind the scenes material, and serves to illustrate that, no matter how well a shoot may be planned, it is unlikely to turn out as expected, even with just one girl. This uncertainty was increased by an order of magnitude by having eight women present. It transpires in the add-on sequence, where the girls are all using the toilet, that every one of them needed to pee to a greater or lesser extent, and yet, in the boardroom sequence, only two of them managed to let loose. The others, for one reason or another, could not do it. This is particularly surprising in the case of Nyxon (who peed for a very long time on the toilet) and an old hand like Jayne, but the presence of so many others really changed the dynamic. The BTS material shows how the story is being adapted on the fly to accommodate the necessary plot changes. Here particularly, Beverly demonstrates why she was selected to be the company boss; her ability to ad-lib loads of dialogue is truly amazing, given that she started with just a few paragraphs and an outline prepared by me. The one thing she would never be able to do, however, is to pee in front of everyone else, which is why she did not stick around for the afternoon shoot.

Original description: Beverley is the CEO of a fashion magazine whose profits have been falling, and she summons her staff for a stern dressing down in the board room. Bev's rant goes on and on and some of the ladies around the table would really like a visit to the bathroom, but given the mood the boss is in at the moment it seems unwise to mention it. As her desperation grows, Lola finally asks for permission to leave for a visit to the bathroom. Beverley delivers a scathing speech about how they are all acting like children, telling them "there is no P in fashion." As Lola tries to hold it, Tabitha is also clearly in trouble. As section heads, they have to set an example and must try to maintain control. Both women fail miserably, and Beverley is so incensed by their conduct that she dismisses them both. Seeing that others in the room are fidgeting, she tells them to take a break and visit the bathroom to "empty your tiny bladders!" while she keeps Jayne and Rachael behind to discuss their promotion to section heads. (We witness Madison, Danielle, Nyxon, Jynx, Rachael and Jayne all using the toilet at the end.

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Jayne, Tabitha, Lola, Nyxon, Madison
Danielle, Rachael, Jynx & Beverly

Line at the Ladies Remastered (MP4)    
Line at the Ladies Remastered (MP4)
Time: 22 minutes 51 seconds
To re-present this 2009 classic featuring 9 models (Lola, Nyxon, Madison, Tabitha, Jayne, Rachael, Jynx, Danielle, and just a glimpse of Beverly), we went back to the original tapes and re-imported everything. The event was recorded by two cameras, and this new edit (while containing all of the original material) presents different angles for some of the sequences. The color and sound have been balanced between the two cameras, and the finished product was exported at 1280x960 pixels. This version also contains several extras sequences: The video opens with an introduction from Jayne filmed the day before the main shoot, followed by a 7-minute sequence not previously published where the girls all stand in a line and each recounts a desperation anecdote. This was originally filmed for a gentleman named Paul as a reward for donating the largest sum of money towards making this nine-model shoot happen. After all these years, we're sure he won't mind sharing this unique line-up of desperate ladies with the rest of the world. The storyline itself shows a lot of girls waiting in line for the use of a toilet: Some make it, some wet themselves and one even runs away because she can't stand it any longer. Voyeuristic sequences of three of the girls peeing in the Porta-Potty are filmed from above. The light levels are low during these sequences because they were not staged afterwards but filmed in real time while the remaining ladies waited outside to relieve themselves. The last seconds of the 7-minute sequences also makes it clear why Nyxon could not participate in the bulk of the movie; she was bursting and just could not wait so we had to let her pee almost right away, and that's why she only appears briefly at the start of the story.
WMV: $9.99

The Model
The Model
Time: 22 minutes
Jynx goes through the ordeal that all photographic models have to endure from time to time. The photographer is paying a lot of money to the model for photographs and every minute is worth maybe ten photos. Little wonder he does not want the model going off to the bathroom when she needs to pee. Ever the professional, Jynx tries to hold it until the end of the photo shoot, even though her bladder is now very full and making her abdomen bulge. When she is asked to pose with her legs apart for several minutes, the strain on her muscles becomes too great and a very large accident ensues. Unphased, the photographer wants to go on taking pictures and asks Jynx to resume her pose.
WMV: $14.99
Nosy Neighbour
Nosy Neighbour
Time: 12 minutes
Jynx arrives home desperate to pee, then discovers that she doesn't have the key to the front door of the house. She calls for someone to come and help her, aware that her nosy neighbour is looking from his window about a hundred yards away, and probably filming her (something she had caught him doing before now), so she does her best to retain her composure and not betray her desperation. This includes not running off into the woods to relieve herself, and giving him the satisfaction of knowing that she was bursting to pee. Jynx tries the garage doors, and hunts for a spare key to get into the house, occasionally glancing towards her neighbour's house to see if he is still watching her. She paces as she waits, doing her best not to wiggle ger legs around too much, but her desire is becoming extremely urgent. When pee races down between her legs, she does her best to look nonchalant in the hope that the neighbour will not see what is going on. The movie concludes with Jynx looking straight towards her neighbour's window, letting him know that she is aware of what he is doing.
WMV: $10.99
Bathroom Break
Bathroom Break
Time: 18 minutes
Jynx is a busy secretary who is very tired, and his drinking coffee to keep herself awake to finish her job before she leaves for the day. Of course, drinking coffee leads to a need to empty her bladder, but she has been told that a repairman is in the lavatories sorting out a blocked pipe. She therefore has to wait until she can gain access to the ladies. The repairman turns out to be a woman who has designs on committing a robbery, and needs to immobilize the only employee still working. She overpowers Jynx, and when the hapless secretary recovers, she finds herself tied to a chair and her bladder is fuller than ever. She calls for help, but no one is left in the building. Not sure what else to do, Jynx inches her chair from the office into the bathroom, searching the cupboards for something to cut through her bonds before she is forced to wet herself. Naturally, poor Jynx can't free herself in time and pee streaks down her legs. She then has to sit there in her pee-soaked skirt and panties until someone finds her. It could be a very long night.
WMV: $13.99

Holding Techniques
Holding Techniques
Time: 19 minutes
Jynx needs to pee. Her jeans are very tight. How is she to hold on? She takes us through some techniques for fighting off the urge to release, which include rubbing herself on the back of a chair and on a hand rail. She even massages her own breasts and rubs the lips of her vagina through her tight jeans to help take her mind off her desperation.
WMV: $14.99
Bound, Gagged, Desperate
Bound, Gagged, Desperate
Time: 13 minutes
The movie opens with Jynx already bound and gagged. She has been left there by some cad for reasons unknown. All we do know is that she is bursting to pee and can't get the ropes off her wrists. During her struggles, she does manage to free her legs, allowing her to pee dance and cross her legs, squeezing her thighs together to hold on as long as possible. Jynx was tied up when in the advanced stages of desperation so that she would not have to stand there for too long. Some of the sequences are filmed with stationary cameras so that Jynx could really be alone some of the time.
WMV: $10.99
Bursting Business Girl
Bursting Business Girl
Time: 23 minutes
Business girl Jynx is running late. She receives a call from the office telling her to collect some printer paper on her way in. She stops off at a well-known stationary store, and by now she is desperate to pee. The store has no public restrooms, so Jynx is compelled to drive on. She makes several stops at promising looking places to use a bathroom, but one establishment is locked, and in the other, the bathroom is out of order. Bursting now, Jynx looks for a quiet spot to relieve herself, but it may already be too late!
WMV: $12.99

Jynx in Shorts
Jynx in Shorts
Time: 28 minutes
We put Jynx in some tight shorts, got her to drink plenty of liquid and asked her for some desperation stories. She relates her tales as her discomfort grows, and we cross fade several times to advance the movie and keep it to a reasonable length. Despite her growing urge to pee, Jynx just can't seem to let go. She asks if we might let her use the bathroom, and take a camera in with her to film the action. She is allowed to go provided both cameras accompany her. The scene in the bathroom was therefore filmed from two angles, and both sequences are included at the end of the movie. Jynx really was bursting, and as soon as she sits on the toilet, pee explodes out of her. You witness the enormous relief on her face as the pressure on her bladder subsides. All the while, she is talking to you about how she will be desperate on the drive home. We don't do many movies with a girl wearing shorts, favoring jeans and skirts for the most part. However, we found a nice, tight pair for Jynx and got her to squeeze her rather full bladder into them. They squashed her, as anticipated, and made it difficult for her to concentrate of talking for very long. In the end, this proved to be too much for Jynx and made her muscles lock up, which is why we ended the movie in the bathroom watching her use the toilet.
WMV: $12.99
Jynx: Waiting
Time: 25 minutes
Jynx, wearing a pair of tight jeans, is just holding it while drinking water and chatting about past desperation incidents. She squirms as she tries to resist the urge to pee. There is no structure to this clip other than watching Jynx's desperation and her final struggle to unlock her muscles and relieve the pressure on her full bladder.
WMV: $12.99
Jynx (with Cyndie)
Out of Time
Out of Time
Time: 23 minutes
This was the third movie of the day, and the girls had consumed plenty of coffee and water. We went off for a little drive to play out a scenario where Cyndie is on her way to work and is giving the unemployed Jynx a lift. Jynx is running late and didn't get time to use the bathroom before starting out, so now she's bursting. Truly bursting! Trust me. She was going frantic. Cyndie stopped for gas (she really did need to fill the tank, so Jynx just had to hold on since there were no restrooms - she even went to ask and was told no). Back on the road and all that liquid is catching up with Cyndie too. Now they're both bursting and looking for somewhere to go. At one point when the camera stops, Cyndie pulls over as says that we have to find somewhere right away because it's her car and she doesn't want to pee all over the seat, or have the desperate Jynx let loose either. They are out of time and there really isn't anywhere. They're panicking and have to risk driving around to the back of a little bus depot, hop out and... oh my. Now you can see how close poor Jynx was to exploding! Apart from Jayne, I don't think I've ever seen a girl release such a powerful torrent of pee before, and after all these movies that's saying something. Cyndie's stream is less rapid but goes on and on and on, so that in the end she has to cut it off and hold some for fear of being discovered.
WMV: $12.99

Jynx (with Cyndie)
Tickling Jynx
Tickling Jynx
Time: 12 minutes
Jynx allows Cyndie to tie her in a standing, spreadeagled position, then Cyndie gets hold of a couple of peacock feathers to use for tickling. Jynx is pretty ticklish so we had to be a bit gentle with her, but even so she had to call a stop several times. Cyndie also applied so fingertips to arms and knees. Throughout all this, Jynx needed to pee but couldn't cross her legs. The tickling made her want to go even more, but she couldn't release it until after the tickling had stopped. Once she had wet herself, we didn't hurry to untie her so Jynx did her best to get free, without success.
WMV: $10.99
Jynx & Cyndie
Holding Contest 5
Holding Contest 5
Time: 80 minutes
Jynx & Cyndie start out in a fairly (though not entirely) relaxed condition, drinking water, chatting, and recounting a few real-life desperation experiences they have suffered. Jynx recounts the tale of her desperate drive home after her first Bound2Burst shoot while Cyndie regales us with a few amusing tales. To ensure that holding on is not too easy for them, we arranged for a certain gentleman named Bill to make cameo appearances at various points in the proceedings, wearing amusing outfits which send Jynx and Cyndie into paroxysms of laughter. This, not surprisingly, impairs their abilities to maintain control.
MP4: $12.99
Jynx (with Cyndie)
Jynx & Cyndie: Face to Face
Face to Face
Time: 30 minutes
Jynx and Cyndie are two office clerks who share a house. Arriving home, both desperate to pee, they encounter a burglar to takes them down to the basement and ties them together, face to face and arms around one another. The movie: We see the two girls being threatened by Bill the burglar who wants to know where they stash their valuables. For most of the time, the girls are alone in the basement, trying to get free and trying not to pee all over one another, but it has been a long day and they can only hold out for so long.
WMV: $13.99

Jynx: Relief at Last
Relief at Last
Time: 21 minutes
This movie was the last one of the day for Jynx. She had already endured the long Holding Contest 5 and spent almost an hour in the basement tied to Cyndie and dying to pee as we filmed Face to Face. Jynx paces a lot when she is desperate, but seldom grabs her crotch. Cyndie and Bill thought it would be a good idea to tie Jynx to a chair before they left, and naturally this was done while poor Jynx needed to pee again. Left alone with the cameraman, she sits and struggles for a while, and is then told that if she can get free of her bonds she can use the bathroom. Jynx, highly experienced with bondage shoots, is quite an escapologist and was soon free, so we gave her the camera and told her to use the bathroom and film herself having a pee. (Jynx couldn't believe there wasn't a catch, but we really did just let her use the toilet, a rare occurred at Bound2Burst! When Jynx lets go, you can hear from the force of the torrent that she had been holding a very full bladder).
WMV: $13.99
Ready to Explode
Ready to Explode
Time: 81 minutes
We take Jynx shopping to buy clothes at our expense, an invitation no self-respecting girl can resist. The only problem is that she has to make the whole trip with a full bladder: a 40-minute drive to the stores; 5 minutes looking for somewhere to park; 30 minutes shopping; 5 minutes to pay; 10 minutes to find the rental vehicle (we could neither of us remember what it looked like, or exactly where she parked it); 15 minutes more driving, 5 minutes pumping gas at a fuel station (no visit to the ladies allowed), and then the remaining 25 minutes to get home. During a conversation while on the road, Jynx explained that she had not emptied her bladder since the previous evening. She became a little dehydrated the day before, and so did not feel an urgent need to go when she got up on the morning of the shoot. She drank coffee on her way up, a journey of almost two hours, and reported that she stopped drinking when she started to squirm. From that point on, it was another three and a half hours before she climbed out at the gas station to refuel. She was desperate and certainly ready to explode!
WMV (part 3): $13.99
Overnight Secretary
Overnight Secretary
Time: 23 minutes
Imagine bringing your secretary home with you for some after-hours work, then deciding that she should spend the night chained up in the basement. Dressed in her office suit, she looks both formal and vulnerable at the same time. Of course, after a night on hold, her bladder has filled and she is in urgent need of a visit to the little girl's room. The question is, will you let her go before going into the office for work, where, naturally, you will tell the other staff that your secretary has called in sick. This was the premise of this little story. We only acted out part of it because Jynx really was very desperate to relieve herself. The movie is comprised of the following: You see Jynx hopping around before we start the story, obviously having trouble holding on as she is handcuffed, gagged and tied to a pole. Jynx keeps urging us to get on with the story because she really can't wait much longer. Rather than go back to the story, we just film her struggling to hold on until the urge to go overwhelmes her, and she wets that nice business suit.
WMV: $15.99

Stand & Deliver
Stand & Deliver
Time: 21 minutes
In this informal clip, we asked Jynx to just cope with a full bladder as long as could and then wet her jeans when she had to let it go. The opening sequence shows Jynx chatting to an off-camera female and pacing up and down as she fights to hold on. After a while, more room is cleared for her to continue her pacing and squirming. It's the last movie of the day - she has been filling herself up with liquids and holding for extended periods for the past 7 hours and her muscles are very tired (mainly as a consequence of the major holding session while we filmed Ready to Explode). She warns us here that this movie will not be a long one. We see her spasm when her muscles give way and she wets her jeans. Afterwards, we follow Jynx downstairs where she moves clothes she soaked earlier from the washing machine to the drier, before taking off the jeans she is wearing (sans underwear) and putting them in for the wash.
WMV: $15.99
Public Humiliation
Public Humiliation
Time: 26 minutes
Jynx wets her jeans in public. We watch Jynx driving and walking around in public in her tight jeans and boots, longing to empty a full bladder. In preparation for filming, Jynx had to cope with an uncomfortable bladder for three hours (1.5 hours driving to us, half an hour getting her to top up on liquid - she drank 35 fl oz. of coffee and a bottle of water - followed by a forty-minute drive to the mall, and then twenty more minutes walking around in a state of extreme desperation. As Jynx says herself: "I've been holding it for three hours and it's really starting to pants feel really tight. Since it was my first time, I decided to make it impossible for me to hold it." During filming, when Jynx was absolutely bursting and ready to let it all go in her jeans, we had to keep waiting while people with rug rats walked by. In the end, we had to move to the edge of the parking lot before Jynx's bladder actually exploded! Oh my, she was so desperate. And even after she was final able to release, she had to face the prospect of driving for another forty minutes in wet jeans. Along the way, we had to buy fuel for the car, and someone else kindly does this to spare Jynx the humiliation of getting out and showing even more people that she has wet herself.
WMV: $12.99
The FBI Agent
The FBI Agent
Time: 35 minutes
Agent Jynx has found the location of one of America's most wanted. She radios base to say she is going in, refusing to wait for backup. Overpowered by an aerosol spray, Jynx is first tied to a chair then made to stand as she is interrogated. She if forced to drink water and is jabbed with an electrified rod (not real) but she refuses to talk. Jynx complains about having a full bladder but is denied a visit to the toilet. This movie spends a lot of time focusing on Jynx all tied up and struggling not to lose control of her full bladder. Her austere performance is befitting a trained agent who refuses to give into torture, no matter how desperate she is to relieve herself. Naturally, in the end, she has no choice but to wet her skirt and pantyhose.
WMV: $13.99

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