Bound2Burst Movies by Model: Cali Logan
Lea Hart, Cali Logan & Jasmine St James
Wait Until
Time: 53 minutes 12 seconds
1. Wait Until One
Lea has just finished a bondage video in which she was restrained for about 30 minutes. A girl with a fairly small bladder, she needs to pee often, especially when some evil person
persuades her to drink bottle after bottle of water, and the occasional caffeine-laden drink to really get things moving. It's 12:30 and Lea is asked to hold her pee until one. She
says she doesn't think it's possible for her to wait that long but she will try. She pee dances around the living room, kneels down, lies down, and then stands up again, wiggling her
legs constantly to keep from wetting herself. A little more than half way through the half hour wait, Lea declares that she can't wait any longer and makes a dash for the bathroom.
The cameraman has to run after her in order to capture her relieving herself on the toilet. She really wasn't going to wait!
2. Wait Until Three
Cali has been locked in a house wired with cameras and told not to try to leave. Her step-sister is being held hostage and Cali must follow instructions if she ever wants to see her
again. Her tormentor wants to have some fun with Cali because she clearly needs to pee. The time is two p.m., and Cali is instructed to wait until three before using the bathroom. Cali
protests that she can't possibly wait that long, but her tormentor insists. Cali moves around the house as she struggles to control the urge to pee. She even tries the leave via the
front door but it is locked. She also receives a phone call telling her she is being watched and not to do that again. Later, Cali finds a bathroom and dashes in, pulling her skirt up
and just starting to tug her panties down when her phone beeps again. She is ordered not to use the toilet, so reluctantly and with a pained expression, she has to pull her panties back
up and let her skirt fall back into place. Cali struggles desperately to hold on, but as her wait enters the final fifteen minutes, she is frantically desperate to go and runs to use
the bathroom anyway, leaving her phone on the kitchen table. She barely makes it, and her relief is clearly enormous. As she finishes, her phone beeps again. She runs to answer it and
is told that, for disobeying instructions, she will now have to go through all that again.
3. Key at Four
Jasmine, who is well hydrated by this time, has one wrist handcuffed to a bed frame and she is told that, even though she needs to pee, she will have to wait until four o'clock before
she will be handed the key to the cuffs, and wait of nearly half an hour. She is also warned that if she pees on the mattress, that she will be paying for it to be dry cleaned. Jasmine
enters into the game playfully but soon begins to squirm as her bladder fills, and fills fast. She holds her crotch with her free hand and tightly crosses her legs, but it isn't helping
all that much. A sense of real urgency develops as the minutes crawl by. Jasmine's agitation increases as she waits to get her hands on that key, knowing that she can't relieve herself
until she can unlock herself. Just when she thinks she can't wait any longer, the key is thrown to her. Now she just has to get herself out of the cuffs in time and run to the bathroom.
She does just make it, and naturally the camera is there to record her pee.
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Cali Logan, Hannah Perez, Cadence Lux, Jasmine St James & Vonka Romanov
Bladder Burst & The Chosen together (MP4)
Time: 45 minutes 56 seconds
1. Bladder Burst
A pub on the outskirts of town has a weekly feature called Bladder Burst. Basically, at the barman's discretion, he will
announce: "Drinks are free until someone pees." Obviously, anyone who tries to use the toilets or attempts to leave is blocked
from doing so, because as soon as either of those things occurs, everyone in the pub has to pay for their drinks again. Enter
Cali, Hannah and cadence, all trying this pub for the first time and unaware that it is a Bladder Burst evening. This is very
unfortunate for Cali who badly needs to pee. When the barman blocks her from visiting the ladies, explaining that letting her
go would start a riot, Cali has no choice but to hold her pee or incur the wrath of everyone in the pub. She decides to make
the best of the situation, saying to her friends, "It's okay. I can hold it. Let's get some free beers!" The barman obliges,
bringing out three pint glasses brimming with beer. The girls drink and chat and have a great time. After a while, Cali starts
to look very anxious. She had been hoping that someone else in the bar would need to pee more than she does and break ranks.
However, no one has used the bathroom and now she is bursting. She decides to leave, but the barman blocks the exist, warning
her that the last person who did that got handcuffed to a post outside and was left there for the entire evening. Cali complains
about the conduct but has to yield and carry on waiting. She orders another beer, saying, "If I'm going to suffer, I might at
least make it worth my while." She drinks a little more, but it's a mistake. She leaks a little into her jeans and her two friends
gape in horror at the wet patch on the back of her jeans. Cali pee dances, desperately trying to hold on, but it's no good. She's
forced to wet herself in front of the entire bar, a situation made even worse by the barman announcing, "We've got a pisser. Free
drinks is over."
2. The Chosen
This video does have a storyline, although you would never know it. It contains around 6 minutes of what would normally be outtakes
where the girls just lose the plot and start laughing. I decided it would be best to release the full 29-minute version with all the
digressions, together with an edited 23-minute version for those who want to focus on the story and the desperation. Frankly, the girls
laughed so much it's amazing they didn't wet their jeans in the first five minutes.
The story: Dave has made a lucrative movie deal with a foreign dignitary of middle eastern origins, but the only way the dignitary is
willing to go forward with negotiations is if he gets three American girls to clinch the deal. He has even picked them from the social
media profiles: their names are Jasmine, Cadence and Vonka. Dave dispatches his assistant, Asher, to track down the girls and bring
them to the house where the dignitary will send his men to collect them. At the start of the movie, we see Asher leading the three
girls through the snow, their hands bound behind their back to maintain control of them. Once at Dave's house, their hands are freed
and they are made to stand together in a room. A call is made to inform the dignitary that the girls are ready for pick up. Naturally,
the girls object to what is going on, but they are constantly watched and covered and can do nothing to improve their situation. They
have all been in transit for hours and all claim that they need to use the bathroom. Neither Dave nor Asher is willing to let any of
the girls out of their sight and keep them where they are. The girls squirm, getting really desperate to pee, but they are simply not
allowed to use the toilet. Before the pick up occurs, the inevitable happens; one of the girls wets herself, setting off the other two.
In the space of just a few minutes, they are all standing there in soaking wet jeans, unable to take them off or clean themselves up.
That's when the dignitary's men arrive to take them away.
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Cali Logan & Jasmine St James
Cali's Stuck Zipper
Time: 12 minutes 57 seconds
Cali arrives home desperate to pee, only to find her jeans zipper is jammed. She can't pull her jeans down, nor can she find anything to free it.
In desperation, she runs to visit her neighbor Jasmine and asks if she has anything that might free the zipper. Jasmine looks through her tool
cupboard to find some pliers while Cali pee dances, complaining that she is about to piss her pants. Jasmine tells her not to go on her floor.
Jasmine tugs at the zipper, trying to move it in either direction, but the zipper teeth are bent and the slider is jammed. Cali is frantic because
the jeans are too tight to pull down without unzipping them, and she really doesn't want to pee in them. Cali takes the pliers and tries tugging at
the zipper tab herself, but she can't move it either. When Jasmine tries again and pulls the zip upwards instead of down, Cali panics and asks why
she did that. Cali just wants to hold her crotch to keep in the pee, but she is too desperate to go now and it is barely helping. The girls try to
think of some other way to undo the zipper, but it's too late anyway; Cali pisses in her jeans in front of Jasmine, and furious that she peed on her
basement floor, Jasmine storms off and leaves Cali to it.
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Cali Logan & Jasmine St James
Test of Character
Time: 10 minutes 52 seconds
Jasmine has been angling for a promotion at work at the clothes retailing company where she works for some time, but things are not that hopeful since
her latest menial task is to tidy up the storage area where they keep racks of clothing for the local store. She is therefore very surprised when her
boss Cali walks in and raises the subject of promotion. Jasmine needs to pee but tries to hide this fact while her boss is talking to her. She is
naturally excited by the prospect of a promotion, but then Cali drops an unexpected bombshell. She tells Jasmine that she only wants store managers who
can think outside the box and can handle unusual requests. Jasmine is slightly bewildered by this statement, and listens in growing incredulity as Cali
explains that in order for her to get the job, Jasmine is going to have to stand there in front of her and piss her jeans. After a few seconds of
processing this information, Jasmine laughs, assuming it to be a joke. But Cali is not laughing. It seems the boss as a predilection for this kind of
thing and she is completely serious. "What's the problem?" she asks. "It looks like you already need to go." Jasmine tries to think her way through this
situation, and when it looks as if she will not comply, Cali turns to leave. Jasmine stops her, so desperate for the promotion and so desperate to pee.
She stands there in front of her boss and releases her pee into her jeans. When she is finished, Cali departs, calling back, "See you Monday morning."
Jasmine bounces around in excitement in her pee-soaked jeans.
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Cali Logan
Measuring Cali
Time: 23 minutes 23 seconds
We have Cali standing around holding her pee with a view to emptying her bladder into a graduated cylinder to measure how much she was holding. Cali
chats as she waits, some of which is about needing the bathroom when in situations where she can't go. Each time she says she thinks she is there, that
she needs to pee, that she can't hold it much longer, she is instructed to wait "just another minute". As this goes on it becomes the recurring joke of
the movie, culminating in Cali asking how many times she was asked to wait just another minute. She pee dances and does her knee bending stork
impersonation as she delays releasing her pee, and it is clear she is feeling very desperate to go. Towards the end, she removes her panties in readiness
for peeing into the cylinder, knowing that the final wave of pressure might occur at any moment. When she does finally pee, well, to be fair, she does
not pee a lot, even though she felt very desperate. Clearly she needed even more to drink than she had. For comparison, a brief clip from last year's
"Pregnancy and Desperation" is included. Clearly, Cali can hold way more that what we measured, which means we are going to have to bring her back,
seriously load her up on liquids and get her to do this again. It has to be said though, that watching this beautiful woman pee dancing while wearing a
cute little black dress is alluring enough in itself.
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Cali Logan & Jasmine St James
Cali & Jasmine Set
Cali's Stuck Zipper Test of Character Measuring Cali
Time: 47 minutes
Cali Logan, Hannah Perez & Cadence Lux
Holding Contest
Time: 41 minutes 20 seconds
We bring together three of the best models in the business to compete against one another in a holding contest. It's not the first time
they have competed, but they have not done so in those sexy fishnet dresses which allow the breasts to be clearly seen. All three girls
need to pee as we get started, but it's not serious yet. They've loaded up on liquids and they continue to sip as things get underway,
ensuring that in less than half an hour we will have three very full bladders. The girls spend the first half of the video sitting and
chatting and their urge to pee increases and they start to fidget. Just when things are starting to get bad, they all stand and pee dance
as they struggle with the growing need for relief. They talk a lot about needing to pee in various situations. Cali recounts at some
length a very desperate and extended drive where she was stuck in traffic for hours and bursting to pee. She filmed some of it with her
iPhone and posted the results on Clips4Sale. It's called "Traffic!!" and can be found by clicking here. Back to the contest, and things are becoming very serious for the girls
- lots of leg bending, crotch holding and gasping as they get close to peeing their panties. Who will be the first to lose control, and
who will hold on the longest? (Technical information: 1920x1080 pixels - 5 Mbps bitrate - 1,602.1 MB; MP4: 1,590.0 MB).
Cali Logan, Hannah Perez & Cadence Lux
Bladder Burst
Time: 17 minutes 15 seconds
A pub on the outskirts of town has a weekly feature called Bladder Burst. Basically, at the barman's discretion, he will announce: "Drinks are
free until someone pees." Obviously, anyone who tries to use the toilets or attempts to leave is blocked from doing so, because as soon as either
of those things occurs, everyone in the pub has to pay for their drinks again. Enter Cali, Hannah and cadence, all trying this pub for the first
time and unaware that it is a Bladder Burst evening. This is very unfortunate for cali who badly needs to pee. When the barman blocks her from
visiting the ladies, explaining that letting her go would start a riot, Cali has no choice but to hold her pee or incur the wrath of everyone in
the pub. She decides to make the best of the situation, saying to her friends, "It's okay. I can hold it. Let's get some free beers!" The barman
obliges, bringing out three pint glasses brimming with beer. The girls drink and chat and have a great time. After a while, Cali starts to look
very anxious. She had been hoping that someone else in the bar would need to pee more than she does and break ranks. However, no one has used the
bathroom and now she is bursting. She decides to leave, but the barman blocks the exist, warning her that the last person who did that got handcuffed
to a post outside and was left there for the entire evening. Cali complains about the conduct but has to yield and carry on waiting. She orders
another beer, saying, "If I'm going to suffer, I might at least make it worth my while." She drinks a little more, but it's a mistake. She leaks a
little into her jeans and her two friends gape in horror at the wet patch on the back of her jeans. Cali pee dances, desperately trying to hold on,
but it's no good. She's forced to wet herself in front of the entire bar, a situation made even worse by the barman announcing, "We've got a pisser.
Free drinks is over." (Technical information: 1920x1080 pixels - 6 Mbps bitrate - 799.0 MB; MP4: 798.0 MB).
Cali Logan
Pregnancy & Desperation
Time: 20 minutes 01 seconds
Cali is three months pregnant at the time of filming, and the baby is now large enough to put pressure on her bladder, compelling her to pee at more
regular intervals. Naturally, this makes waiting more difficult, and in this one Cali waits until she is so very desperate to pee. It begins with
Cali's arrival after a two-hour drive and her need to use the bathroom. She pees into the toilet (while being filmed) before we get started. Later,
during the filming of a bondage story, there is a break and Cali immediately crosses her legs and begins wiggling around. She says she is ready for the
next scene, meaning a desperation scenario, but we have not filmed much of the bondage story yet. She says she will hold it to make her desperation more
spectacular, so we resume. It takes about twenty five minutes to complete the bondage movie, and we re-start this one with Cali still tied to a chair
but being released. She remarks on how badly she needs to pee now that freedom is imminent, except of course she won't be allowed to pee. Cali is just
kept waiting and she is clearly struggling to hold her pee. She tries to urge things forward, but it is enough to just keep her there and watch her pee
dancing and desperate expressions, not to mention the little gasps and moans as she keeps waiting. Towards the end, Cali is encourages to lock her wrists
in handcuffs hanging from the ceiling, set up for a later bondage scenario, and she agrees to do so only if the cameraman goes to fetch the key. Cali then
stands with her arms above her head, no longer able to bend forward to ease the pressure on her full bladder. She rubs her legs together and squeezes up
her features as she tries to keep holding her pee, but she can't. She wets herself, and does she ever pee gallons! The act of release goes on for quite
some time as Cali lets go. The pee running down her legs is filmed in its entirety.
Cali Logan
Open House
Time: 14 minutes 38 seconds
Cali is a realtor and her company's representative for an open house. It's a Sunday afternoon and things are very quiet. Cali has been standing around
in the kitchen for hours and hardly seen anyone, and now she really needs to pee. She has been holding it because the moment she runs to the bathroom,
someone will show up, and her company has a strict policy regarding a representative actually being there to greet the potential buyers when they walk
in. Besides, she reasons, this is someone else's house and she should not be using the facilities which have been especially cleaned for the showing.
Cali paces around, longing for her three-hour stint to come to an end because she is dying to pee, but there is still half an hour to go! She pee dances
to help her control the urge the empty her bladder but she really does need to go so badly. At last, with less than twenty minutes to go, she says,
"screw it" and makes a dash for the bathroom. She is only half way there when she hears the kitchen door open. She grimaces in frustration, so on the
verge of wetting herself, and hurries back to greet the visitors, do her best to look calm and professional. When the guy says they want to look around
on their own, Cali is relieved, but at the same time she is now stuck back in the kitchen, frantic to pee and with nowhere to go. She does everything she
can to hold on but the pressure on her bladder is enormous. She feels her muscles give way and stands there mortified as she feels pee running down her
legs and soaking the back of her skirt. She dare not move or do anything to attract attention to herself. Before she can decide how to handle the situation,
the guy comes back into the room, saying her has a question for her. Cali hastily grabs her phone, saying that the open house is over, just as she dashes
out the door, thoroughly embarrassed and aware that the guy will now notice the puddle she left on the kitchen floor. (The peeing sequence is filmed in
close up on the back of Cali's legs, and includes an insert showing the expression on her face as she wets herself).
Cali Logan
Wait Until Three
Time: 13 minutes 48 seconds
Cali has been locked in a house wired with cameras and told not to try to leave. Her sister is being held hostage and Cali must follow instructions if
she ever wants to see her again. Her tormentor wants to have some fun with Cali because she clearly needs to pee. The time is two p.m., and Cali is
instructed to wait until three before using the bathroom. Cali protests that she can't possibly wait that long, but her tormentor insists. Cali moves
around the house as she struggles to control the urge to pee. She even tries the leave via the front door but it is locked. She also receives a phone
call telling her she is being watched and not to do that again. Later, Cali finds a bathroom and dashes in, pulling her skirt up and just starting to
tug her panties down when her phone beeps again. She is ordered not to use the toilet, so reluctantly and with a pained expression, she has to pull her
panties back up and let her skirt fall back into place. Cali struggles desperately to hold on, but as her wait enters the final fifteen minutes, she is
frantically desperate to go and runs to use the bathroom anyway, leaving her phone on the kitchen table. She barely makes it, and her relief is clearly
enormous. As she finishes, her phone beeps again. She runs to answer it and is told that, for disobeying instructions, she will now have to go through
all that again.
Cali Logan
Cali Set 2
Pregnancy & Desperation Open House Wait Until Three Cali Needs To Pee Again
Time: 51 minutes
Cali Logan & Cadence Lux
Battle of the Bladders
Time: 48 minutes 11 seconds
This is another documentary-style video which culminates in a holding contest. As with Carissa and Jasmine, it shows Cali and Cadence soon after they
arrived, drinking liquids and relaxing in preparation for the ordeal that is to come. We film a forced stripping scenario, at the end of which the girls,
now naked, are seen drinking more liquid and both needing to pee. It's time to break the seal. The camera accompanies them to the bathroom as they sit on
the toilet and empty their bladders. They continue to drink and soon we start work on a bondage movie which involves Cali being tied up twice. By the time
we get to the end of the first part, Cadence is very restless and again needs to pee, so once again she is filmed using the toilet. During filming of the
second part of the bondage video, Cali tells her captor: "I need to pee!" It wasn't just an act; she was informing us that she really did need to pee. By
the time the scene was over Cali was extremely anxious to get the ropes off and run to the bathroom. She partially frees herself as part of the bondage
video, then she is filmed finishing the release during which she is extremely anxious. When asked how she is doing she replies, somewhat shortly, "I need
to pee." Cadence, never one to pass up a bit of fun, moves around behind Cali and briefly tickles her while Cali is frantically trying to get loose. Things
don't improve much when the cameraman blocks her way to the bathroom, but not for long because she is getting a bit short. She really does need to pee, and
the relief on her face when she does so tells it all. Finally, it is time for the contest to begin. Someone used the phrase "battle of the bladders" which
certainly makes for an apt title. By now, the girls have been here for three hours. They had peed twice and consumed a lot of fluid. Cadence is already in a
fairly desperate state as the contest gets underway, and while Cali seems to have things under control at first, it is not long before she begins wiggling
her legs and squirming around as her bladder fills too. The desperation body language grows more acute as the minutes slip by and it is soon clear that both
girls are bursting to pee.
Cali Logan & Cadence Lux
Desperate & Cold
Time: 5 minutes 16 seconds
To finish off the day, knowing that the girls would very soon need to pee again, they are asked to get dressed and , after a little delay to ensure that
their bladders are again full, they are asked to stand outside where it is freezing cold and hold it. They agree reluctantly (it really is cold and this
makes the need to pee suddenly acute). They endure the cold and the sound of melting ice dripping for several minutes, then Cali decides she is going back
inside to use the toilet. Her plans almost go awry when the boots she is wearing slip on the steps and she almost falls, and of course the shock almost
makes her pee herself. Cadence stands behind her laughing which does nt help her to hold her pee either. Inside, the girls are delayed in the foyer. Cadence
is pee dancing in the background and Cali just looks pissed at being delayed again. Ironically, when they reach the bathroom door, it is Cali who grabs and
delays Cadence, saying that she wants to use the toilet first. Cadence breaks away, tugs donw her jeans and starts to pee while a desperate Cali is left
looking on. She pulls up her dress and hooks her thumbs in the top of her pantyhose and panties in order to pull them down as quickly as possible when she
can get to the toilet. When Cadence delays, Cali threatens to pee on her if she doesn't get out of the way, so Cadence has to stop going and get out of the
way, allowing Cali to sit and relieve herself. One can only imagine how many more times this must have happened on the drive home.
Cali Logan & Cadence Lux
Cali & Cadence Set
Battle of the Bladders Desperate & Cold
Time: 53 minutes
Cali Logan & Tilly McReese

May I Pee?
Time: 30 minutes 31 seconds
Cali and Tilly both need to pee, but it's not simply a case of run to the bathroom and go. Each girl needs permission from the other to pee, and naturally
permission is withheld over and over again. What the other girl can do is instruct her friend to drink more liquid and hold her pee, and if she reaches a
point where she really can't drink anything more, then she can start peeling off articles of clothing instead. So it is that, over time, the girls become
more scantily clothed until they have virtually nothing to remove. Now what do they do? A peeing accident or two may be imminent!
Cali Logan (with Cadence Lux & Hannah Perez)

Desperation Challenge 4
Time: 47 minutes 31 seconds)
Cali, Cadence and Hannah all need to pee as they engage in a quiz where each of them in turn asks the other two girls a question; if one gets
the answer right she doesn't have to drink any liquid, but the girl who didn't answer in time or did not know the correct answer had to consume
a shot of water from a cup. The girls rotate their positions as they take turns in posing questions and hence making their opponents drink water.
As time passes, concentration becomes harder as bladders fill and the girls begin to squirm as they play. Soon, signs of real desperation start
to appear as more and more water is drunk until the girls feel they really can't consume any more; the only solution to that is to answers all
of the questions correctly... except, of course, they can't! Watch as these three beauties each struggle not to be the first to wet
herself and lose the challenge.
Cali Logan

Cali's First Time
Time: 23 minutes 11 seconds)
Cali Logan has not tried pee desperation before and she did it spectacularly well. She is very physical when desperate to pee so there
is no hiding it, and has the advantage of putting on a great show for those who like to watch a woman squirm in desperation. To enhance
things still further, Cali has a lot of desperation stories to share, many of which she recounted during this first movie, naturally while
dying to pee. It's hard to concentrate on talking about pee desperation when one is actually desperate to go! Towards the end, Cali peels
off her black dress to reveal a Hustler fishnet dress underneath, and after struggling to hold on for a few more minutes, it is in this
revealing dress that she makes her way to the bathroom and gets to use the toilet. It is clear from her body language and the speed of
release that she badly needed the relief.
Cali Logan

Cali's Dying to Pee
Time: 30 minutes 24 seconds)
Cali has several more desperation stories to recount as she squirms with her bladder rapidly filling. She has now put away three pint
bottles of water, and she probably released less than half that when using the bathroom earlier. There's a lot of leg crossing and knee
bending, and Cali keeps drinking water throughout the video, making herself more and more desperate to pee. When her need to go is clearly
becoming urgent, Cali sits for a few minutes and crosses her legs, revealing the tops of her fishnet stockings. For those who like to see
"double crossed legs" (as it is known), Cali does quite a lot of this in all three videos. With some encouragement, Cali manages to hold out
for nearly half an hour although she is very obviously bursting. When she does finally wet herself, she just pees and pees and pees. Cali
peels off all her clothes at the end of the video.
Cali Logan

Stopping the Flow
Time: 23 minutes 26 seconds)
In the final movie of the set, Cali pees into a little cup numerous times, a bit like a time to go situation but with only a few minutes
between uses. Apart from a little loss of control during which she sprayed some pee on the floor, she manages to empty her bladder into
the cup with repeated squirts, and empties all the contents into a cylinder so that she can see how much pee she was holding during the
movie. In case you're after the usual graphic shots here, be warned that Cali didn't want to pee into the cup head-on to the camera, so
she does so at an angle that is more discrete. The effect is still great since the sound of her releasing into the cup each time, coupled
with her agonized squeals as she tries repeatedly to cut off the flow, make it clear that this is another case of Cali being very desperate
to relieve herself, hardly surprising after 4.5 bottles of water and a coffee!
Cali Logan

Cali Set 1
Cali's First Time Cali's Dying to Pee Stopping the Flow
Total time: 77 minutes