Bound2Burst Movies by Model: Cadence Lux
Cadence Lux
The League of Desperate Ladies: Cadence (2K upscaled)
Time: 26 minutes 30 seconds
After CEO Niki's disastrous failure to hold out for three hours in the presence of the undefeated client, league girl Cadence is sent in to see if she can go the course.
Like all of the girls from his agency, she seems confident at first that she can make it, but as the time passes and her bladder fills, she starts to look distinctly
worried. Three hours is a very long time when you are being made to drink on a regular basis, and way before the first hour is up, Cadence is bursting. She struggles to
hold on, trying to convince herself that she can do, but she really can't. Despite all her efforts to hold it, she wets herself and loses the league its fee yet again.
1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,510.3 MB
Niki Lee Young, Cadence Lux & Hannah Perez
The League Of Desperate Ladies (2K upscaled) Set
Time: 89 minutes 37 seconds
1. The League of Desperate Ladies Reborn (2K upscaled)
2. The League of Desperate Ladies: Cadence (2K upscaled)
3. The League of Desperate Ladies: Hannah (2K upscaled)
Jasmine St James and Cadence Lux
Jasmine and Cadence - Two Desperation Quizzes
Time: 1 hour 43 minutes
1. Cadence & Jasmine Desperation Quiz (2021)
While Cadence and Jasmine have worked together a number of times, this is the first time they have gone up against one another in a quiz. They really get into
the game no matter how much water they have to drink. Consuming a gulp of liquid every minute or so, and having recently finished "Confined Without A Bathroom:
Part 2" (their first video of the day where they both came prepared and were in a hurry to get started), their bladders filled rather quickly. They shows signs
of needing to pee early on, and this casual fidgeting grows a lot more intense as the questions unfold and quite a few of the answers are wrong. Soon, they are
dying to pee and trying hard to concentrate on the questions, but a full bladder is a huge distraction. Jasmine is enjoying the game so much, despite her
increasing discomfort, that she asks for it to continue, despite the risk of having to drink more water. The object of the quiz is to see who can hold it the
longest, and that tends to be the person who gets most of the questions right.
46 minutes 38 seconds - 1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 2,191.8 MB
2. Jasmine & Cadence Desperation Quiz (2023)
The girls are back together again to participate in their favorite type of desperation, holding it while answering questions in a quiz and wearing only bra and
panties. Naturally, there is a penalty for getting an answer wrong, which is to take a sip of water. Over time, this means a lot of sips and some very full bladders.
Jasmine and Cadence find it increasingly difficult to concentrate on providing answers as the urge to pee takes over their concentration, until they finally can't
cope any longer and one of them gives way, peeing in her panties. Which of them folds first?
56 minutes 45 seconds - 920x1080 pixels - MP4: 2,661.1 MB
Cadence Lux
Bound To Pee Herself (2K upscaled)
Time: 11 minutes 46 seconds
Cadence needs to pee and is facing filming a bondage clip before she can do a pee clip and relieve herself. She is not at all sure she can hold it
that long but agrees to be tied to a chair while her bladder is full. There are two problems with this: Her legs are tied apart so that she can't
squeeze her thighs together to help her hold it, and rope is tied across her waist/abdomen, applying additional pressure to her full bladder.
Filming of the intended bondage clip begins, but within a matter of minutes Cadence is trying to speak through her gag to say that she can't wait
much longer. A few minutes more and she loses control and pees her pants. Still tied to the chair, all she can do is sit there as her pee soaking
into her pants and panties. Towards the end, Cadence is freed so that she can show off how wet the back of her pants are.
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Cadence Lux
One Squirt At A Time (MP4)
Time: 23 minutes 31 seconds
Cadence tries to release pee in short spurts into a pair of jeans, not sure that she can stop each time (it's a bit like a time to go
situation). She starts with a wet patch that grows a little bigger with each spurt until, eventually, the jeans are saturated. Stopping
the flow grows increasingly difficult with each release, but Cadence manages to control herself, taking around twenty minutes to completely
soak her jeans.
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Cadence Lux
She Left It Too Late (MP4)
Time: 9 minutes 37 seconds
Cadence is an assistant to a successful author. She types up his manuscripts, applies edits as needed, and generally manages the nuts and
bolts of his small business. On this particular day, two things are happening. One is that the current manuscript is almost finished and
Cadence is anxious to complete the final draft before she finishes work, and the other is that bathroom in the house is out of order and a
plumber is expected later in the day. Cadence has not been able to relieve herself all morning and is getting very desperate to pee, but if
she chooses to do something about it, it will mean driving to her home to use the bathroom and then driving back, something she would rather
avoid if possible. And so she chooses to hold it as she continues working. Before the manuscript is done, however, she reaches a point where
she is bursting for relief, and tells the author she will have to make that run home after all. She hurries from the office and hobbles to her
car, frantically desperate. Just as she reaches the car and tries to unlock the door, however, she feels herself lose control and pee streams
down her legs. She moans with embarrassment and disappointment. There hardly seems any point in leaving now, so she walks back to the house,
hoping the author will not mind if she carries on working in this messy state.
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Cadence Lux
Cadence Lux: Set 20 (MP4)
Time: 33 minutes 08 seconds
1. One Squirt At A Time
2. She Left It Too Long
Cadence Lux & Laci Star
Just Too Late (4K upscaled) (MP4)
Time: 6 minutes 38 seconds
Cadence and Laci are driving along roads in the middle of nowhere. They are both desperate to pee but they can find no gas station, convenience
store or public toilets where they could stop to relieve themselves. Both at bursting point, they start looking for somewhere to pull off the
road where they can dash into the trees and go without making puddles on the car seats. At last they find a place to stop and both jump out.
They run towards the woods but they just can't hold on - both girls start to wet themselves only a few steps away from the road; any passing
driver would see them wetting their pants. Relieved but anxious not to be seen, the girls return to the car and peel off their wet jeans. Cadence
resumes driving with nothing on her bottom half while Laci sits wrapped in a towel. They'd better hope no truck driver decides to pass them!
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Cadence Lux and Hannah Perez
Caught by Customs (4K upscaled) (MP4)
Time: 20 minutes 59 seconds
Cadence and Hannah have been detained by customs after arriving on a flight from Colombia, suspecting that they may be smuggling. The girls
are locked in a featureless cell to await processing. While they are waiting, it becomes clear that both girls need to pee, having put it off
during the flight and then holding it throughout the long wait at immigration. The room has no facilities so they assume their wait will not
be very long, but that is not how things turn out. As the minutes pass, the girls grow increasingly desperate to piss until they can no longer
stand still. They call out for attention but no one comes. Certain that they are under supervision, they refrain from pulling up their skirts
and squatting down, electing instead to wait until someone comes to let them out, but the wait is too long. Cadence is the first to lose control,
and she does so spectacularly. The sight and smell of urine sets Hannah off and she too wets herself. Now when the officers arrive to examine
them, they will have to deal with two girls with wet panties and wet legs.
3840x2160 pixels - MP4: 2,424.8 MB
Cadence Lux & Hannah Perez
Behind With Her Work (2K/4K upscaled) (MP4)
Time: 8 minutes 01 seconds
Cadence has been arriving late all week and has fallen badly behind with her work. She is now up against a hard deadline, so her boss, Hannah,
decides to come into her office and stand over her until the work is done. Cadence sits squirming and complaining about how badly she needs to
pee, saying that she has been holding it for hours because of the pressure of work, and that she desperately needs to visit the bathroom. Hannah
tells her that she is going nowhere until the task at hand is finished, and while she does not actually say so, it is implicit in her voice that
Cadence will lose her job if she fails to meet the deadline. Poor Cadence sits wiggling frantically as she types, distracted by her full bladder.
She tries to reason with Hannah but her boss is in no mood to negotiate. Rather, she picks Cadence up on several mistakes she has made. Finally,
unable to control her muscles any longer, Cadence scoots to the edge of her chair just as pee gushes through her panties onto the floor. Hannah
tells her that the janitor has gone home by now so Cadence will have to clean up the mess herself, but not before finishing her work!
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Cadence Lux
Just Out Of Reach & Confined Without A Bathroom (MP4)
Time: 36 minutes 35 seconds
1. Just Out Of Reach
After the success of taking Jasmine to a very desperate place in "She Must Not Pee", it was perhaps inevitable that a similar dire situation
would be arranged for Cadence. Like Jasmine, Jasmine is shackled to the wood stove, but there the similarities more or less end. Cadence is
naked rather than clothed, and she is not going to receive a key to release herself at any point. What she does have is a large vase into which
she can pee, or at least she could if she were able to reach it. Alas, even at full stretch on the floor, the vase is just out of Cadence's reach.
And so the wait begins. In fact, Cadence's bladder was already in a pretty full state when we started; prior to this, while needing to pee, she
performed a strip tease which turned into being tied to a bed for about fifteen minutes. The moment Cadence was restrained, she reported that the
urge to pee had suddenly become much worse. The opening minute of this video shows her on the bed after the strip tease/bondage video is finished,
waiting top be let out. She is definitely anxious to get started. Fast forward to her present situation, and things rapidly become serious.
Cadence really wants to pee but she knows she cannot, so she continues waiting. The effort this takes is writ large in her features, and culminates
in her begging for the vase to be moved within her reach. She announces that she is getting very nervous, afraid that she will lose control and pee
on the carpet. She is reminded that she can't do that, which does nothing to help her continue waiting. At last, the vase is handed to her and she
hurriedly grabs it; it looks like there was little time to spare. She thrust it between her legs and released more pee than we have ever seen her
do before (she wondered if it might be the most she had ever done, period). Because the quantity was clearly well above her normal amount, we
decided to get a graduated tube to measure it precisely.
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2. Confined Without A Bathroom
Cadence is being held prisoner in a locked room without facilities. She is being watched via a security camera to ensure that she does not make any
attempts to get out. She is restless from the start because her captors have not given her a chance to use a bathroom, and now she needs to pee quite
badly with nowhere to go. As she grows increasingly desperate, Cadence fidgets and paces up and down, trying to control herself as her bladder sends
signals that it needs attention. Finally, in desperation, she starts writing messages and holding up to the camera explaining her predicament. No one
comes to help her, so she finally has no choice - she pulls up her skirt and squats down... before pulling her hose and panties down, however, she
realizes that she is visible on the security camera. She needs to cover it but has nothing with which to do so. Her only recourse is to remove her
shirt and drape it over the camera for some privacy. The only problem is that she is not wearing a bra, so for some seconds, anyone watching can see
her exposed breasts. It's a sacrifice Cadence is willing to make to gain relief, and when she squats to empty her bladder this time, pee gushes out
in a powerful stream. She has barely finished when one of her captors enters to find out why the camera has stopped working. He removes her shirt and
tells her not to mess with the camera again, leaving her with no top to wear and the embarrassment of a huge puddle of pee on the floor.
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Cadence Lux
Another Naked Realtor (MP4)
Time: 22 minutes 58 seconds
Cadence is scheduled to show a house to a prospective buyer but she is running very late. She's desperate to pee, but she dare not waste any more time
looking for a restroom. She meets the client at the front door and lets him in, wishing she could just run and use the bathroom, but company policy
forbids it. She therefore must conduct the tour of the house with a full bladder. As she shows the client around, he is less than enthusiastic about
the property and begins making somewhat negative noises, culminating in a decision to leave it. Cadence pleads with him to reconsider (apart from being
desperate to pee, she is also desperate to make a sale because her commission has almost dried up), but he is still ambivalent. When she persists in
trying to persuade him, he hits up[on the idea of having her conduct the tour again, but this time doing it naked. Cadence is very uncomfortable about
this, but facing the prospect of another failed showing, she relents and undresses, despite her obvious embarrassment. Her bladder is seriously urging
her to relieve herself now, a situation made worse by having no clothes on. Cadence shows him around the house again, including a climb up the loft
ladder into some very cold air that almost makes her lose control. Finally, he asks to see the deck again, another very cold experience, and almost as
soon as she steps outside, Cadence pisses herself in front of the client. Mortified, and worried that he will now go back on the deal, she apologizes
profusely. Will she make the sale in spite of everything? (Filmed without studio lighting).
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Cadence Lux
Thwarted At Every Turn (MP4)
Time: 14 minutes 02 seconds
A custom video where the instructions have a desperate Cadence repeatedly attempting to find somewhere tom pee, and constantly being thwarted by circumstances -
a nearby vehicle starting up when she is outside, someone in the bathroom when she enters the house. She considers trying to pee in the sink, or even in a vase,
but the latter is high up on the top of the cupboards and she can't reach it. She runs outside and goes to the apartment downstairs, but she can't get in. She
spends time sitting and crossing her legs, and running back to the bathroom door. She even tries going out onto the desk to piss, but the door is locked. Finally,
unable to hold it any longer, Cadence wets her pants. This sequence is filmed with two cameras. There is a postscript scene where Cadence peels off the jeans to
reveal her wet panties.
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Cadence Lux
I'm Starting To Panic (MP4)
Time: 22 minutes 16 seconds
Cadence badly needs to pee but she has been persuaded to hold it unless she is given permission to go and use the bathroom. She struggles to control herself
and keeps asking if she can go. Repeatedly being told no sends her into a bit of a panic because the urge is powerful and she is getting very close to losing
it. When she is finally given the green light, she dahses into the bathroom and enjoys a very powerful pee.
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Cadence Lux
She Just Can't Wait (MP4)
Time: 5 minutes 58 seconds
A just made it situation where Cadence attempts to enter a lock house after arriving home from work. She is unable toi get in and unable to wait any longer, so
she pulls down her panties and squats to pee. She releases quite the torrent. She was really desperate to go.
1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 350.1 MB
Cadence Lux
Cadence Lux: Set 19 (MP4)
Time: 65 minutes 14 seconds
1. Another Naked Realtor
2. Thwarted At Every Turn
3. I'm Starting To Panic
4. She Just Can't Wait
Naked Desperation 13 (MP4)
Time: 74 minutes 44 seconds
A compilation of 12 excerpts showing 13 girls naked and desperate to pee. Each excerpt is approximately 6 minutes long,
and derive from the following movies:
- Alba Zevon: Meet Alba
- Ramona Vixen: The Vixen Is Bursting
- Mura Suru: Mura’s Naked Wait
- Cadence Lux & Juliette March: Permission To Pee
- Lydia Lael: Lydia Compelled To Wait
- Tilly McReese: Tilly’s Naked Wait (2022)
- Claire Irons: You Will Just Have To Wait
- Vonka Romanov & Syenite: Holding Contest
- Carissa Montgomery: Her Absolute Limit
- Erin: Erin Needs The Bathroom
- Sinthia Bee: The Inquisitive Realtor
- Ramona Vixen: One On One With Ramona - Fail!
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Cadence Lux
Cadence's Jeans Wetting Collection (MP4)
Time: 61 minutes 37 seconds
A compilation of 12 excerpts from Cadence's jeans wetting videos. Featuring Laci Star, Jasmine St James, Vonka Romanov and Juliette March.
- Just Too Late (with Laci Star)
- Cadence's Stuck Zipper
- Countdown
- Potential Thief
- Confined Without A Bathroom: Part 2 (with Jasmine St James)
- No Reception
- Held Without Compassion (with Jasmine St James & Juliette March)
- Cadence Gets Herself Desperate
- Holding Contest (with Juliette March)
- The Chosen (with Jasmine St James & Vonka Romanov)
- Follow My Instructions
- Security Breach
1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 2,967.6 MB
Cadence Lux
Security Breach (MP4)
Time: 18 minutes 32 seconds
Cadence has broken into a house where sensitive industrial data are being stored. She no sooner begins her search for these data when an alarm sounds
and laser beams fill the air around her. An electronic voice warns her that she has been detected and informs her that the police have been summoned.
Cadence is afraid to interrupt any of the beams in case it triggers an even more dire predicament, so she stands still waiting for security to come and
switch them off. Now she has another problem. She badly needs to pee, but there is not enough space between the beams to pull down her jeans and squat.
She realizes she will have to hold it until help arrives. She really is desperate to go, however, and unless someone comes soon, she knows she is going
to soak her jeans in pee, and then have to face the acute embarrassment of being discovered after pissing herself. Cadence struggles hard to hold it,
but her bladder is just too full and she can’t. Maybe the relief is worth the humiliation.
1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 927.6 MB
Cadence Lux
Bank Clerk's Dilemma (MP4)
Time: 25 minutes 19 seconds
Cadence is a bank clerk who happened to be at work when a robbery occurred. The thief decided to take her along as security to ensure his escape, if the
authorities came close to catching him. He drives Cadence’s vehicle, with her handcuffed to an over-the-door handle, out to where he has parked his getaway
car. He climbs out, collects the bag of money from the back seat and leaves Cadence restrained to prevent her calling for help. Cadence is furious at the
prospect of being left secured like this, not least because the drive was a long one and her bladder is full. Left in this position, she can’t reach to pull
up her skirt and slide down her panties. Seeing that the thief neglected to take her phone when he left, she works on retrieving it from the dash and eventually
succeeds, only to find that there is no signal and the battery is almost flat anyway. Her mind fully returns to her dilemma of needing to pee, and tries to
control herself for as long as she can. Realizing it is unlikely that anyone will find her before she is compelled to piss herself, she manages to get the door
open and climbs out. At least now she can wet herself without going all over the seat. (This one is done with Cadence narrating everything as she goes along, a
less usually approach for Bound2Burst).
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Cadence Lux
Desperate And Naked (MP4)
Time: 13 minutes 55 seconds
Cadence chats to the viewer while desperate to pee, and naked, struggling to hold it while she discusses how it feels as she gets closer and closer to losing control.
Two cameras are used to create a front and back view as she pees, presented as split screen towards the end of the video.
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Cadence Lux
Cadence Lux: Set 18 (MP4)
Time: 57 minutes 46 seconds
1. Security Breach
2. Bank Clerk's Dilemma
3. Desperate And Naked
Cadence Lux
Got To Keep Holding It (MP4)
Time: 28 minutes 54 seconds
Cadence starts the day with a fairly full bladder, so we get her to dress herself in a chosen outfit and drink some more.
Now all she has to do is hold it, and keep holding it. She can wander any place she likes and do things to distract her,
but she must not pee. As her desperation grows, she holds herself using her hands, and squirms desperately to maintain control.
After waiting for almost half an hour with the camera continuously running, Cadence can’t wait any longer, so she lifts her
skirt and lets us see her peeing through her panties. After she finishes, we take a close look at the wet panties, back and
front, before allowing Cadence to head back indoors for a clean up.
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Cadence Lux
Potential Thief (MP4)
Time: 25 minutes 09 seconds
Cadence is observed emerging from a house and is just walking away when the owner intercepts her, asking what she was doing
inside his home. Cadence tells him she thought it was the house of a friend of hers, but the man is not buying her story. Aware
that there have been a number of burglaries in the area lately, he decides to prevent this girl from leaving. He makes her
handcuffs herself to an overhead chain in his garage, where she can wait until the cops arrive to deal with her. Cadence explains
that she badly needs to pee and asks for the use of a bathroom, but thinking this a mere ploy to attempt an escape, the man
refuses to let her go. When she learns that the cops will be about half an hour in coming, Cadence warns that man that he will
make her piss her pants, but he still does not relent. Left stuck with her wrists secured about her head, Cadence has no choice
but to try to hold it until the cops arrive, but in the last few minutes, her desperation has increased alarmingly. She squirms
and pee dances in an effort to control herself, but she knows she definitely won't make it.
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Cadence Lux
Troublesome Reporter (MP4)
Time: 16 minutes 27 seconds
Cadence is an investigator I’ve reporter who always manages to get to crime scenes early, and often gets too close and contaminates
the evidence. This leads to numerous run ins with the police who, more than once, have taken her into custody and taken her clothes
for forensic testing, partially to eliminate her from their inquiries, and part tally in case she is somehow involved. Having been
through this several times, Cadence is hardly polite to the officer who puts her in a holding cell. As punishment, he does not provide
a temporary suit for her to wear after he has taken all of her clothes. To make her stay even less pleasant, he decides to place her
in handcuffs so that she cannot cover herself, and leaves her unattended in the cell. Cadence has been in police custody for several
hours by this time, and she needs to pee. She announces this for everyone to hear but no one comes to help her out. As a consequence,
she is left struggling with a full bladder, trying to control herself until someone returns and can escort her to a bathroom. The wait
is long, however, and Cadence becomes extremely desperate for relief. Finally, she loses control and pisses on the floor of the cell.
(I had not planned on using the cell again so soon, but in the middle of a made to strip video, Cadence started squirming because she
needed to pee, so we decided to incorporate it into the story).
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Cadence Lux
Cadence Lux: Set 17 (MP4)
Time: 70 minutes 30 seconds
1. Got To Keep Holding It
2. Potential Thief
3. Troublesome Reporter
Jasmine St James & Cadence Lux
Jasmine & Cadence Desperation Quiz 2023 (MP4)
Time: 56 minutes 45 seconds
The girls are back together again to participate in their favorite type of desperation, holding it while answering
questions in a quiz and wearing only bra and panties. Naturally, there is a penalty for getting an answer wrong, which
is to take a sip of water. Over time, this means a lot of sips and some very full bladders. Jasmine and Cadence find
it increasingly difficult to concentrate on providing answers as the urge to pee takes over their concentration, until
they finally can't cope any longer and one of them gives way, peeing in her panties. Which of them folds first?
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Jasmine St James & Cadence Lux
She Who Caves First Goes Last (MP4)
Time: 22 minutes 05 seconds
Jasmine and Cadence both need to pee badly, but they are holding it in to see who can last the longest before caving
and running to the bathroom. There is also another reason for not succumbing first; the first person who gives up will
be the last to pee, and the other will get to use the toilet in from of them while they struggle to continue waiting.
Cadence looks the most desperate to pee, but she manages to resist the urge, making Jasmine cave first. The result is
that Cadence is able to pee in the toilet while Jasmine, hearing her go, loses control and pees herself on the bathroom
floor. Now there is some seriously cleaning up to do!
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Jasmine St James & Cadence Lux
Jasmine Takes Revenge (MP4)
Time: 16 minutes 34 seconds
After Cadence made Jasmine pee herself on the bathroom floor, Jasmine decides to take revenge. She waits until Cadence
is desperate to pee again and torments her for a while before taking her into a bathroom and compelling her to stand
there and hold it. Jasmine even sits on the toilet to prevent Cadence being able to use it, making her wait even longer.
Ultimately, Jasmine lets her use the toilet, but only just in time.
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Jasmine St James & Cadence Lux
Jasmine & Cadence: Set 3 (MP4)
Time: 95 minutes 24 seconds
1. Jasmine & Cadence Desperation Quiz 2023
2. She Who Caves First Goes Last
3. Jasmine Takes Revenge
Cadence Lux
Cadence's Just In Time Collection (MP4)
Time: 48 minutes 16 seconds
Five complete clips in one movie.
1. The Conference Call
With everyone in the company working from home, Cadence is responsible for managing a conference call with her staff,
due to begin at two o'clock. Busy with other work, she has both forgotten the time and has been putting off a visit to
the bathroom. Finishing her task, she stands up to go and relieve herself when an alarm sounds. The conference is
scheduled to begin. There isn't time for a bathroom break now, so Cadence hurries to set up the link. Once online, she
does her best to hide the fact that she is bursting to pee, holding herself under the table while trying to present a
calm demeanor as she listens to the input from her staff. The call is plagued by a bad connection, and Cadence loses her
signal twice. She manages to get it back on her computer the first time, but when it goes down again, she resorts to
using her cell phone to finish the conference. Almost at the point of wetting herself where she sits, Cadence finally
puts the conference video stream on pause but is still able to hear what the others are saying through her headset. She
hurries to the bathroom snd stands her phone on a table, the conference stream still on pause. She is made to undress
because, today of all days, she chose to wear a leotard underneath her office clothing. When she is virtually naked, she
sits down to pee, unaware that the conference stream has re-established itself and the other participants can see what
she is doing. Mortified, Cadence ends the call.
2. Undress To Piss
Cadence has just finished a bondage video (Novice Reporter) during which she really needed to pee. After being released
from a hogtie, where she was made to lay on her full bladder much of the time, she was in a bit of a hurry to use the
bathroom. Before she was allowed to pee, however, she was told she had to undress and do it naked. She finds this amusing
and exercising considerable restraint (no pun intended) as she takes off her clothes and waits for permission to pee.
She does this with legs spread wide so that her pee stream is visible as she goes.
3. Confined Without A Bathroom
Cadence is being held prisoner in a locked room without facilities. She is being watched via a security camera to ensure
that she does not make any attempts to get out. She is restless from the start because her captors have not given her a
chance to use a bathroom, and now she needs to pee quite badly with nowhere to go. As she grows increasingly desperate,
Cadence fidgets and paces up and down, trying to control herself as her bladder sends signals that it needs attention.
Finally, in desperation, she starts writing messages and holding up to the camera explaining her predicament. No one comes
to help her, so she finally has no choice - she pulls up her skirt and squats down... before pulling her hose and panties
down, however, she realizes that she is visible on the security camera. She needs to cover it but has nothing with which
to do so. Her only recourse is to remove her shirt and drape it over the camera for some privacy. The only problem is that
she is not wearing a bra, so for some seconds, anyone watching can see her exposed breasts. It's a sacrifice Cadence is
willing to make to gain relief, and when she squats to empty her bladder this time, pee gushes out in a powerful stream.
She has barely finished when one of her captors enters to find out why the camera has stopped working. He removes her
shirt and tells her not to mess with the camera again, leaving her with no top to wear and the embarrassment of a huge
puddle of pee on the floor.
4. Bathroom Off Limits
Cadence has been working all day and drinking fairly consistently, so it's no wonder that she keeps feeling the urge to pee.
Imagine her panic when she is told the bathroom is out of bounds! What is she to do? Go outside to relieve herself of course.
We follow her out and then persuade her to hold her pee a little longer instead of just pulling her jeans down right away.
Cadence pee dances in the windy cold, which is not helping her situation at all, until she feels she must act or wet herself.
She just made it, laughing to herself because she almost fell over.
5. Cadence Holds It While Texting
Cadence is engrossed in texting back and forth with a friend and is really involved in the exchange. She needs to pee but it's
not convenient for her to stop what she is doing so she tightly crosses her legs and resolves to hold it. After a few minutes,
she stands up and begins pee dancing as she continues texting, grabbing her crotch from time to time and pressing a finger
against her urethra to prevent herself leaking. Finally, the need for relief is too urgent and she hurries to the bathroom,
lifts her short skirt, pulls down her tights and sits on the toilet. She pees rapidly at first, then pauses. The camera angle
is changed before she finishes emptying her bladder, a face taking on a blissful expression as she makes herself comfortable
1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 2,266.6 GB
Cadence Lux
Cadence's Stuck Zipper (MP4)
Time: 10 minutes 49 seconds
Cadence arrives home bursting for a pee and runs into the bathroom. She tries to pull down the zipper on her jeans, but it won't budge.
That damn thing is stuck! She wrestles with it, trying to free it but without success. She attempts to pull her jeans down without
unzipping them, but they are too tight! Unable to stand next to the toilet any longer, Cadence rushes outside and resumes trying to tug
her zipper down. Alas, it's too late. She loses control and pees in her jeans, soaking them. The video concludes with a few minutes
behind the scenes where Cadence shows off her wet jeans and talks about the experience.
1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 507.7 MB
Cadence Lux
Lunch Time Dilemma (MP4)
Time: 18 minutes 48 seconds
Cadence is working in a seasonal shop for Halloween. He colleague is taking a longer than usual lunch time break, leaving Cadence
to watch over the store. Because customers can enter at any time, she is unable to leave the shop unattended, even when she is
desperate to pee. She phones her colleague to find out if she can return a little early, but the other girl says no. Cadence has
to grit her teeth and hold her full bladder until lunch break is over. She paces up and down and holds herself when no one is in
the shop, but does her best to compose herself when someone comes in. She tries several more times to get her colleague to hurry
back, and the other girl finally agrees. By the time she returns, Cadence is bursting and makes a dash for the bathroom.
1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 883.1 MB
Cadence Lux
Holding It For You (MP4)
Time: 20 minutes 44 seconds
Cadence chats to you as she drinks liquids, talking about her bladder growing more and more uncomfortable as it fills. She is
planning to hold it until she can't wait any longer, then go outside to relieve herself. She is seen at various stages as she gets
increasingly desperate to pee, until she feels she is at her limit. She hurries outside to let it all go. This sequence is present
with a split screen showing both Cadence's expression and the pee streaming down the backs of her legs. She describes her relief
while this is occurring.
1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 971.0 MB
Cadence Lux
Cadence Lux: Set 16 (MP4)
Time: 50 minutes 11 seconds
1. Cadence's Stuck Zipper
2. Lunch Time Dilemma
3. Holding It For You
Cadence Lux
Critical Call (MP4)
Time: 15 minutes 15 seconds
Cadence arrives home desperate to pee, and receives a call from work just as she enters the house. The called in the
company director's personal assistant informing Cadence that the director wants to have a conversation with her, and
asks her to stay on the phone until he is ready to talk to her. As an applicant for a promotion, Cadence certainly
doesn't want to miss this critical call. While waiting for the director, she hurries into the bathroom and pulls up
her dress with her free hand, planning to relieve herself while she is waiting. However, her phone drops the signal
within seconds of her entering the bathroom. She hurries into the living room and calls the PA back, apologizing for
the interruption. Cadence pee dances around the living room while waiting for the director, becoming so desperate that
she fears she is going to piss herself. She goes back to the bathroom, hoping the problem with the phone was just a
fluke, but before she can pull her panties down, the phone cuts out again. Returning to the living room and reestablishing
contact with the PA, who warns her not to let it happen again or she might miss the director, Cadence frantically tries
to control her bladder as she resumes waiting. At last, the director is there and tells her what she wants to hear, that
she has the promotion. The trouble is, he takes a long time to get to the point, and Cadence is now absolutely bursting!
1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 713.2 MB
Cadence Lux
Inheritance (MP4)
Time: 27 minutes 39 seconds
Cadence is surprised to see Dave, an old friend, waiting for her when she gets home from work. He points out that she
has not been to visit him in a very long time. Ever since she was young, he has made Cadence the sole beneficiary of
his estate, which amounts to a tidy sum, but her prolonged absence from his life is giving him cause to reconsider.
There is, after all, a cousin who is on hard times and might need it more. Cadence senses that something is wrong and
wants to chat and resolve the issue, but she is bursting for a pee and badly needs to get to the bathroom. When she makes
her desperation known, Dave tells her that he wants her to hold it. In fact, it gets stranger than that: He wants to have
her stand in front of him in the basement of the house, while he sets up several cameras to film her struggle. Cadence is
not at all okay with this, but the thought of losing the old man's fortune makes her do as he asks. She wonders how long
he will keep her standing there; she doesn't imagine that it will be until she loses control of her bladder and pisses
1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,295.7 MB
Cadence Lux
Cadence Lux: Set 15 (MP4)
Time: 42 minutes 54 seconds
1. Critical Call
2. Inheritance
Cadence Lux & Sinthia Bee
Desperate At The Bathroom Door (MP4)
Time: 13 minutes 03 seconds
Sinthia has been working on a project and holding her pee, but she finally decides she needs to go to the bathroom. She no
sooner enters the room when Cadence arrives home desperate to pee, and attempts to reach the toilet. She can't believe that
the bathroom is occupied and, worse still, that Sinthia has locked the door. Tired of this happening all the time, Sinthia
decides to take her time, first peeing and letting her work colleagues know that she may be a little late in, then taking a
shower and finally doing her makeup, all the while with Cadence pee dancing outside the door and hammering to get in, claiming
that she is bursting and about to wet herself in the hallway. This does not encourage Sinthia to hurry, and she makes Cadence
wait until the last possible second before opening the door and letting the girl dash inside. Cadence tugs down her jeans and
panties and sits on the toilet just in time, sighing with relief as she finally manages to empty her full bladder.
1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 613.3 MB
Cadence Lux & Jasmine St James
The Long Wait With Jasmine & Cadence (MP4)
Time: 60 minutes 34 seconds
Locked up together again, Cadence and Jasmine start out with uncomfortably full bladders, then things get steadily more desperate
from there. Jasmine is concerned that we have no safe word for when she can't hold it any longer, but she is told that we'll have
to risk it, that she has to wait as long as possible. The girls do everything they can to distract themselves from their growing
predicament, but of course it can only be a matter of time before they lose control. After almost an hour of waiting, the suggestion
is made that they play a game of rock-paper-scissors to determine which one of them gets to pee into a container. As is often the
case, things don't work out exactly as one might expect.
1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 2,832.2 MB
Cadence Lux
Countdown (MP4)
Time: 27 minutes 04 seconds
We play a game where Cadence starts out desperate to pee, and then we have her imagine that she is in a line at the ladies
with ten women in front of her. At about 3 minutes in the bathroom per woman, that means a half-hour wait. Can Cadence hold
it that long? As the time passes, we reduce the number of women in front of her at the appropriate times, and Cadence struggles
not to lose control before reaching the imaginary toilet. To pass the time and to distract herself, Cadence regales us with
stories of her desperation in various circumstances, especially festivals where lines tend to be very long. As she gets close
to the front of the queue, her desperation becomes acute and she is in danger of losing control before she gets there, which
is what we all want to see of course.
1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,266.2 MB
Cadence Lux (with Sinthia Bee & Jasmine St James)
Cadence Lux: Set 14 (MP4)
Time: 100 minutes 41 seconds
1. Desperate At The Bathroom Door
2. The Long Wait With Jasmine & Cadence
3. Countdown
Cadence Lux, Jasmine St James, Lydia Lael, Tilly McReese Claire Irons & Sinthia Bee
The Making Of "Too Many Girls" (MP4)
Time: 36 minutes 36 seconds
A look behind the scenes at the making of this custom movie. The first seven minutes are narrated by Dave, discussing
the development of the original idea, the implementation, the discarded sequences and the continuity errors. We ended
up with more than 100 minutes of raw footage, a lot of which was never used in the final version. Filming took place
over an entire summer, and some sequences had to be re-filmed as the premise changed or continuity was disrupted. This
section includes a look at the discarded sequences.
Following on from the narrated portion of the movie, we present four full sequences which are self-contained stories
in their own right. One of these is Cadence's initial performance, unused in the finished product for reasons that are
explained. The remaining three sequences, filmed with Tilly McReese, Lydia Lael and Claire Irons, show each of their
complete performances. The movie concludes with a second camera look at Jasmine's deck scene where she pees in her panties.
Fair disclosure: some of the material presented here is also in Just Made It 19, so if you purchased that, you might
want to give this one a miss.
1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,706.8 MB
Cadence Lux & Juliette March
Permission To Pee: Cadence And Juliette (MP4)
Time: 44 minutes 30 seconds
This is a more traditional permission to pee situation, where there are three choices: one girl can instruct the other to (a) take a
sip of water, (b) pee in a small cup and stop when it is full, and (c) remove an article of clothing. Juliette seemed to have some
difficulty following the rules, but the result is very entertaining as the desperation to pee grows. Cadence in particular is seriously
desperate to go but struggles hard to hold it in, something that is sheer torment when she tries to cut off the flow each time she fills
one of those very small cups. Juliette experiences this sensation for the first time and moans at the effort of having to stop when her
bladder is still full. Between them, the girls collect a very respectable quantity of pee in the graduated cylinder which is displayed
at the end of the video.
1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 2,084.0 MB
Cadence Lux & Juliette March
Can I Use Your Bathroom? (MP4)
Time: 6 minutes 37 seconds
Juliette is out for a drive and gets a little lost. She has also been driving for a while and is desperate to pee. She rushes to the only
nearby house and pleads with the occupant for the use of her bathroom. The occupant, Cadence, says she can't let anyone into the house to
use the facilities because it just isn't safe for her to do that. She gives Juliette instructions to get her back to the main road and shuts
the door on her. Juliette starts to leave and then stops, squirming as she said aloud, "I'm never going to make it." She knocks on the door
of the house again, frantically pee dancing as she waits for Cadence to answer the door again. This time, she pleads for access to a toilet
but again Cadence refuses. She closes the door on the girl for the second time. Juliette desperately hammers on the woods again, then feels
herself lose control of her bladder. Cadence opens the door long enough to see what this uninvited visitor is doing, which is to say peeing
on her porch, and says she is going to call someone, closing the door for the final time. Juliette wets her pants, then has to face going
back to her car soaking wet and resuming her journey.
1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 308.6 MB
Cadence Lux & Juliette March
The Wedding Disruptor (MP4)
Time: 16 minutes 03 seconds
Cadence has some dirt on her ex-boyfriend that his bride-to-be might not be at all happy to learn. She had planned to attend the
wedding and speak up when the priest asks if anyone knows of any reason why the couple should not be lawfully wed, but that was before
her ex dispatched Juliette to ensure that Cadence does not attend the ceremony. She manages to get Cadence handcuffed to a pole in her
basement, and intends to keep her there until the ceremony is over. Taken by surprise, Cadence did not have a chance to use the bathroom,
and now she desperately needs to pee. She asks for a visit to the bathroom, but Juliette has no intention of letting her go. In fact,
Juliette is thoroughly enjoying the girl's predicament and torments her as she struggles not to wet herself. Of course, she does not
succeed in holding it until she is freed, and soaks her legs, shoes and the floor around her feet. This sequence is seen from two points
of view. Juliette just stands and laughs at Cadence's discomposure, clearly having the time of her life.
1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 753.4 MB
Cadence Lux & Juliette March
Cadence And Juliette Being Themselves (MP4)
Time: 8 minutes 19 seconds
The girls were messing with one another between videos, so I just turned on the camera and recorded some of their antics. Juliette seemed to
exact much pleasure from preventing Cadence reaching the bathroom when she needed to pee, and it's only after a real wrestling match towards
the end that she finally manages to get in there. The camera follows her, accompanied by the usual reddening effect owing to the change in
light temperature, the cost of filming in real time.
1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 389.1 MB
Cadence Lux & Juliette March
Cadence Lux & Juliette March: Set 2 (MP4)
Total time: 75 minutes 29 seconds
1. Permission To Pee: Cadence And Juliette
2. Can I Use Your Bathroom?
3. The Wedding Disruptor
4. Cadence And Juliette Being Themselves
Cadence Lux, Juliette March & Jasmine St James
Holding Contest With Quiz - Cadence, Juliette & Jasmine (MP4)
Time: 76 minutes 33 seconds
All three girls start out needing to pee, naturally, and the questions begin. The rule is, whoever ends up wetting herself first has to
take over asking the quiz questions, sitting in her wet clothes rather than going off to shower and change. Look upon it as a punishment
for not waiting long enough. Cadence is the wettest link in this one, and when she takes over, the questions flow thick and fast. The
advantage is that the questions serve as a distraction which helps the remaining girls hold it because they can ignore their bladders to
some degree. The quiz runs for well over an hour, leading to some serious squirming, especially towards the end.
Part 1: 1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,925.5 MB
Part 2: 1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,663.7 MB
Cadence Lux, Juliette March & Jasmine St James
Held Without Compassion (MP4)
Time: 14 minutes 19 seconds
Jasmine and Cadence are being held prisoner during the early stages of an investigation, handcuffed to a pole to prevent them getting away.
They are being guarded by Officer Juliette March who drew the short straw in the investigation. It has already been a while and both Jasmine
and Cadence could really do with a visit to the bathroom, but when Jasmine asks Juliette for a break, she refuses to let them go to relieve
themselves. Juliette also has a problem: She cannot leave her prisoners unguarded, yet she desperately needs to pee as well. The restrained
girls do their best to persuade their guard to let them use the toilet, until Juliette is tired of hearing the word "pee", because it is
making her own situation worse. Finally, Juliette decides to solve her own problem. She finds a discarded can and, placing it on the floor,
pulls down her jeans in front of her two prisoners, squats down and pees noisily into the can. The sound drives both Jasmine and Cadence
crazy, and it sends them over the edge. In less than a minute, the two restrained girls lose control and soak their jeans. Juliette is very
much amused by their situation, and now refuses to let them clean themselves up.
1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 672.4 MB
Just Made It 19 (MP4)
Time: 63 minutes 10 seconds
The nineteenth collection of Bound2Burst clips where the girls just make it to the bathroom or have to pee outside. Each excerpt
is between 4 and 7 minutes in length. Some of the sequences have never been seen in their entirety before.
- Cadence Lux: Excerpt from "Too Many Girls" - previously unused
- Jasmine St James: Jasmine Just Makes It
- Erin: Desperate On Duty
- Tilly McReese: Excerpt from "Too Many Girls" - extended sequence
- Vonka Romanov - Desperate & Worried
- Cadence Lux: The Conference Call
- Lydia Lael: Excerpt from "Too Many Girls" - extended sequence
- Sinthia Bee: Twenty Minutes From Home
- Jasmine St James & Cadence Lux: Two Girls About To Wet Themselves
- Violet: Saving Her Job
- Claire Irons: Excerpt from "Too Many Girls" - extended sequence
- Jasmine St James: One Hour Wait
1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 2,969.3 MB
Jasmine St James, Cadence Lux, Erin Tilly McReese, Lydia Lael & Claire Irons
Too Many Girls (MP4)
Time: 22 minutes 32 seconds
It's a big shoot with six models. Four of them, Jasmine, Cadence, Erin and Tilly, have to travel a long way so they stay
overnight to be ready bright and early on the day. Claire arrives during the night and sleeps in her car, while Lydia plans
to arrive with a full bladder in the morning. Everyone has prepared for a day of desperation by increasing their fluid intake.
Claire is first to give in to the urge for relief and climbs from her car, planning to go in the woods, but the sound of
something big nearby dissuades her from this and she hurries to the house, hoping it is not too early to gain entry. Inside
the house, the girls wake one after another with a full bladder, and all need to get into a bathroom. The problem is, there
are only two bathrooms, and once in there a woman can take such a long time to do what she needs to do. It's a recipe for a
lot of holding and frustrated squirming.
Read full description
Available in 1080p and 4k formats. Both versions are included in your purchase.
1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,293.8 MB
3840x2160 pixels - M4V: 2,561.0 MB
Cadence Lux & Jasmine St James
Permission To Pee (MP4)
Time: 54 minutes 40 seconds
The last permission to pee video was made in 2013, and neither Cadence nor Jasmine had ever tried this format before. The
difficult part is stopping once the flow of pee has started, something neither girl has tried in the past. Actually getting
permission to pee occurs on a random basis here: The girl each throw a pair of die, and the added numbers dictate which piece
of paper they select from the bowl (these are numbered 1 to 12, although it should of course have been 2 to 12); the girl
unfolds the paper and reads the instruction, and must perform whatever it is. These include drinking a small cup of water,
peeing in a small cup and stopping when it is full, tickling her opponent for ten seconds and standing with legs apart for
thirty seconds. Once they got the hang of this, the girls began counting off the seconds for one another, something that seemed
to make their desperation even worse. As with most games, things don't unfold as expected, but there is a huge amount of laughter
along the way. Despite the discomfort of an increasingly full bladder as time passed, both contestants had a good time playing
the game.
1920x1080 pixels - MP4 2,549.1 MB
Cadence Lux & Jasmine St James
The Quiz (MP4)
Time: 50 minutes 22 seconds
Cadence and Jasmine have one ankle locked in a leather cuff, and this is connected to the wood stove to prevent them leaving the
area, no matter how badly they need to pee. To help focus their minds on something other than their growing desperation, they
participate in a quickness's where a wrong answer means taking a sip of liquid. There are a lot of wrong answers; a casual
observer might be forgiven for thinking that the questions were selected to ensure this happened. When one of the girls is finally
compelled to ask for the vase to pee in, the other is given a key to free herself and use the bathroom, while still being filmed,
naturally. The quiz helps them to wait for quite a long time despite the mounting urgency, but eventually the desire to go becomes
too intense. The vase is called for, and the one who managed to hold it the longest has to suffer watching her competitor gaining
relief before she can do so. Life just isn't fair.
1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 2,351.4 MB
Cadence Lux & Jasmine St James
Cadence & Jasmine: Set 2 (MP4)
Total time: 1 hour 45 minutes
1. Permission To Pee
2. The Quiz
Cadence Lux
Confined Without A Bathroom (MP4)
Time: 13 minutes 24 seconds
Cadence is being held prisoner in a locked room without facilities. She is being watched via a security camera to ensure that she
does not make any attempts to get out. She is restless from the start because her captors have not given her a chance to use a
bathroom, and now she needs to pee quite badly with nowhere to go. As she grows increasingly desperate, Cadence fidgets and paces
up and down, trying to control herself as her bladder sends signals that it needs attention. Finally, in desperation, she starts
writing messages and holding up to the camera explaining her predicament. No one comes to help her, so she finally has no choice -
she pulls up her skirt and squats down... before pulling her hose and panties down, however, she realizes that she is visible on the
security camera. She needs to cover it but has nothing with which to do so. Her only recourse is to remove her shirt and drape it
over the camera for some privacy. The only problem is that she is not wearing a bra, so for some seconds, anyone watching can see her
exposed breasts. It's a sacrifice Cadence is willing to make to gain relief, and when she squats to empty her bladder this time, pee
gushes out in a powerful stream. She has barely finished when one of her captors enters to find out why the camera has stopped working.
He removes her shirt and tells her not to mess with the camera again, leaving her with no top to wear and the embarrassment of a huge
puddle of pee on the floor.
1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 628.9 MB
Cadence Lux & Jasmine St James
Two Girls About To Wet Themselves (MP4)
Time: 11 minutes 04 seconds
Filmed about forty minutes after concluding the quiz, where the girls drank almost three pints of water each plus a few
sips of an energy drink. They were both bursting again and badly wanted to get into the bathroom to pee. Instead, they
had to spend the next ten minutes acting out a scenario where the come home desperate to pee (!) and have to wait because
the bathroom is occupied. The girl inside the bathroom, Lydia, seems oblivious to their plight and just keeps them waiting
until they genuinely are in danger of wetting themselves where they stand. Finally, Lydia opens the bathroom door and the
girls push past her, each wanting to be the first to use the toilet. Jasmine gets there first, making Cadence stand listening
to her urinate, her own bladder bulging under her skirt.
1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 517.0 MB
Cadence Lux & Jasmine St James
Cadence & Jasmine Desperation Quiz (MP4)
Time: 46 minutes 38 seconds
While Cadence and Jasmine have worked together a number of times, this is the first time they have gone up against one another
in a quiz. They really get into the game no matter how much water they have to drink. Consuming a gulp of liquid every minute
or so, and having recently finished "Confined Without A Bathroom: Part 2" (their first video of the day where they both came
prepared and were in a hurry to get started), their bladders filled rather quickly. They shows signs of needing to pee early
on, and this casual fidgeting grows a lot more intense as the questions unfold and quite a few of the answers are wrong. Soon,
they are dying to pee and trying hard to concentrate on the questions, but a full bladder is a huge distraction. Jasmine is
enjoying the game so much, despite her increasing discomfort, that she asks for it to continue, despite the risk of having to
drink more water. The object of the quiz is to see who can hold it the longest, and that tends to be the person who gets most
of the questions right.
1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 2,191.8 MB
Cadence Lux & Jasmine St James
Confined Without A Bathroom: Part 2 (MP4)
Time: 17 minutes 48 seconds
Following on from the first part featuring only Cadence, the bad guys have now got two girls to keep locked up in a room where
there are no windows and not toilet. They have both been made to drink liquids (of course, they did this to themselves before
they arrived, but the effect is the same) and are left there under the watchful eye of a security camera. Cadence has been
warned not to cover the camera again. Jasmine is more confused by the situation, having not had this experience before, and
wants to know what is going on. Cadence, distracted by an urge desire to pee and not wishing to talk about it, tries to avoid
the conversation. As desperation grows, both girls wave at the security camera attempting to attract attention, to convey their
predicament to their captors. Naturally, the captors know very well that they will soon be forced to piss in their jeans, or
give them a peep show by pulling down their jeans and squatting on the floor to relieve themselves. Neither girl wants to expose
herself to the unknown audience and elect to just hold it, until they can't. As soon as one of the girls starts to wet herself,
the other is triggered to do the same.
1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 833.5 MB
Cadence Lux & Jasmine St James
Cadence Lux & Jasmine St James Set (MP4)
Total time: 88 minutes 54 seconds
1. Confined Without A Bathroom
2. Two Girls About To Wet Themselves
3. Cadence & Jasmine Desperation Quiz
4. Confined Without A Bathroom: Part 2
Cali Logan, Hannah Perez, Cadence Lux, Jasmine St James & Vonka Romanov
Bladder Burst & The Chosen together (MP4)
Time: 45 minutes 56 seconds
1. Bladder Burst
A pub on the outskirts of town has a weekly feature called Bladder Burst. Basically, at the barman's discretion, he will
announce: "Drinks are free until someone pees." Obviously, anyone who tries to use the toilets or attempts to leave is blocked
from doing so, because as soon as either of those things occurs, everyone in the pub has to pay for their drinks again. Enter
Cali, Hannah and cadence, all trying this pub for the first time and unaware that it is a Bladder Burst evening. This is very
unfortunate for Cali who badly needs to pee. When the barman blocks her from visiting the ladies, explaining that letting her
go would start a riot, Cali has no choice but to hold her pee or incur the wrath of everyone in the pub. She decides to make
the best of the situation, saying to her friends, "It's okay. I can hold it. Let's get some free beers!" The barman obliges,
bringing out three pint glasses brimming with beer. The girls drink and chat and have a great time. After a while, Cali starts
to look very anxious. She had been hoping that someone else in the bar would need to pee more than she does and break ranks.
However, no one has used the bathroom and now she is bursting. She decides to leave, but the barman blocks the exist, warning
her that the last person who did that got handcuffed to a post outside and was left there for the entire evening. Cali complains
about the conduct but has to yield and carry on waiting. She orders another beer, saying, "If I'm going to suffer, I might at
least make it worth my while." She drinks a little more, but it's a mistake. She leaks a little into her jeans and her two friends
gape in horror at the wet patch on the back of her jeans. Cali pee dances, desperately trying to hold on, but it's no good. She's
forced to wet herself in front of the entire bar, a situation made even worse by the barman announcing, "We've got a pisser. Free
drinks is over."
2. The Chosen
This video does have a storyline, although you would never know it. It contains around 6 minutes of what would normally be outtakes
where the girls just lose the plot and start laughing. I decided it would be best to release the full 29-minute version with all the
digressions, together with an edited 23-minute version for those who want to focus on the story and the desperation. Frankly, the girls
laughed so much it's amazing they didn't wet their jeans in the first five minutes.
The story: Dave has made a lucrative movie deal with a foreign dignitary of middle eastern origins, but the only way the dignitary is
willing to go forward with negotiations is if he gets three American girls to clinch the deal. He has even picked them from the social
media profiles: their names are Jasmine, Cadence and Vonka. Dave dispatches his assistant, Asher, to track down the girls and bring
them to the house where the dignitary will send his men to collect them. At the start of the movie, we see Asher leading the three
girls through the snow, their hands bound behind their back to maintain control of them. Once at Dave's house, their hands are freed
and they are made to stand together in a room. A call is made to inform the dignitary that the girls are ready for pick up. Naturally,
the girls object to what is going on, but they are constantly watched and covered and can do nothing to improve their situation. They
have all been in transit for hours and all claim that they need to use the bathroom. Neither Dave nor Asher is willing to let any of
the girls out of their sight and keep them where they are. The girls squirm, getting really desperate to pee, but they are simply not
allowed to use the toilet. Before the pick up occurs, the inevitable happens; one of the girls wets herself, setting off the other two.
In the space of just a few minutes, they are all standing there in soaking wet jeans, unable to take them off or clean themselves up.
That's when the dignitary's men arrive to take them away.
1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 2,144.4 MB
Cadence Lux
I'm Going To Wet Myself For You - Cadence's Version (MP4)
Time: 5 minutes 39 seconds
Two customs were commissioned, the same script to be performed by two different models. This is Cadence's version.
Cadence is dying to pee and has been desperately wait for you to arrive. She knows she want her to wait as long as possible
but she is bursting. She struggles to hold it, but she has already leaked into her panties. Now she finds it even harder to
control herself, and suddenly, the pee spurts out between her legs, soaking her denim shorts and pouring down her legs. Despite
peeing herself in front of you, Cadence tries to look cool and sexy, flicking her hair back for you.
1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 263.5 MB
Cadence Lux
The Transaction (MP4)
Time: 36 minutes 11 seconds
Cadence is a bank manager arriving home from work. There is nothing more she wants than a hot shower to wash away the
cares of the day. She undresses and is about to step into the shower when she realizes she needs to pee. She sits on the
toilet and is about to go when she hears a sound somewhere in the house. She aborts her attempt to relieve herself, wraps
a towel around her naked body and goes to investigate. She comes across an armed intruder who asks her if she remembers
him. Cadence does not appear to, and he reminds her that they met just a few weeks earlier when he applied to her for a
sixty-thousand-dollar business loan, a request that she turned down. Determined to get his money, the man now plans to force
Cadence to perform the authorization and transfer of money online, which a colleague of his elsewhere will monitor what is
happening with their Cayman Islands account to make sure she actually performs the transaction. Cadence has no choice but to
enter all of her authorization codes into her tablet and set the transfer in motion. It takes time for the off the security
checks to be performed, and while that is going on, Cadence is forced to wait. She tries to persuade the man to let her go
into the bathroom and dress, not telling him that she is now desperate to pee. He refuses, forcing her to keep waiting as she
becomes increasingly frantic to piss. After the money is safely in his account, he makes Cadence perform a second transaction
giving him even more money, before he leaves her tied up on the floor. Once he leaves, Cadence desperately makes her way to
the bathroom, leaking a little as she attempts to lift the toilet seat lid, and finally manages to position herself on the
toilet release the pressure on her screaming bladder.
1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,671.3 MB
Cadence Lux
The Price Of Failure (MP4)
Time: 25 minutes 50 seconds
Cadence plays a lawyer who has lost a copyright infringement case for her client, and he is very unhappy with the outcome, saying
her poor performance was humiliating. When Cadence visits him at home to discuss a new strategy to have the judgement overturned,
the first thing she wants to do is use his bathroom because she is desperate to pee. He says no before launching into a tirade,
during which Cadence must stand and listen with her legs crossed. Finally, because the client won't let her pee, she informs him
that she is going to leave. This is where she is informed that she is not going anywhere, and seeing what he is holding in his hand,
she knows there is no chance of just walking out. She complains that she is bursting and really needs to pee, but still the client
refuses to let her use the bathroom. In fact, he has already prepared a restraint for his erstwhile lawyer, and orders her to chain
herself to his wood stove using a leather strap attached to a chair. He warns her not to pee on his carpet, telling her that she will
have to control herself no matter how full her bladder feels, until he decides that she can go. Cadence pleads with him to end this
torture, squirming and crossing her legs, even holding her crotch, as he looks on with obvious satisfaction.
1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,193.2 MB
Cadence Lux
Cadence Lux: Set 13 (MP4)
Total time: 62 minutes
1. The Transaction
2. The Price Of Failure
Cadence Lux
Absolutely Bursting (MP4)
Time: 21 minutes 48 seconds
The story: Cadence is being held prisoner by a man who finds was to torture her during her captivity. On this occasion, he
has secured her to a chair using thick plastic cuffs, and perched the chair on a rubber mat, itself on top of a metal plate
hooked up to an electricity supply. This is all to keep Cadence from trying to escape while he is out. Before he departs, she
announces that she needs to pee. Her captor tells her to hold it, because if she loses control and wets herself, the urine will
run across the mat onto the metal plate and she will electrocute herself. Thoroughly desperate for relief, Cadence has no choice
but to hold it until he returns and switches off the power. She has an agonizing wait as her full bladder screams for relief,
but she can't allow herself to give in. Her abdomen feels so tight that she can barely move. When her captor finally returns
and throws the power switch to off, she pisses herself with incredible force, flooding the mat, the metal plate and the floor
around her until her aching bladder is finally empty.
The story is 14 minutes in length. The remainder shows behind the scenes material which highlights how chronically desperate
to pee Cadence was. She needed to pee about an hour before this video was filmed, drinking steadily and holding it to make her
desperation as real as it gets. We were going to have lunch before filming, but Cadence reached such an advanced state of
desperation that we had to get on with it before eating. Over the years, I have noticed that a sign of acute desperation is when
a girl lifts her toes and stands on her heels, usually done when seated; it obviously affects the muscles in such a way that it
alleviates some of the pressure.
1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,005.6 MB
Cadence Lux
Absolutely Bursting Unedited (MP4)
Time: 25 minutes 22 seconds
Recorded by the second camera, this video presents the full unfolding of events from the moment Cadence sits in the chair until
some minutes after she pees herself. Some of this is included in the behind the scenes content at the end of the main video, but
in this one, you get to watch the entire sequence of events unfold.
1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,173.2 MB
Cadence Lux
Pee Another Day (MP4)
Time: 24 minutes 00 seconds
The title comes from a remark made by Cadence, referring to her ordeal in Absolutely Bursting the previous afternoon, following
which she lived to pee another day. Naked on a window day, with gusts of cool air tormenting her, Cadence chats and struggles to
hold back the flood for as long as possible. She undergoes various contortions as she fights the urge to release, until the
inevitable happens and her muscles are overwhelmed. She stands with her legs apart and pees, the stream illuminated by sunlight.
1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,103.6 MB
Cadence Lux
No Reception (MP4)
Time: 10 minutes 17 seconds
Cadence has left the main highway and got herself completely lost. Her phone has no reception, so she has no GPS and can't even
call for a tow truck. She also needs to pee, so before dealing with that problem, she dashes into the woods where she pulls her
jeans down and squats. She is right on the verge of peeing when she hears someone call out to her. She quickly stands and pulls
her jeans back up just in time before he comes close enough to see her. He asks what she is doing way out in the middle of nowhere,
and Cadence explains about her car and her lack of phone reception. The man has a signal and lets her call for a tow truck. Concerned
that she is out here all alone, he says he will wait with her her until the tow truck arrives. Cadence tries to persuade him that
she will be fine, but he insists. Rather than admit to her desperate condition, cadence elects to hold it. The tow truck is so long
in coming that she can't control herself for long enough, and ends up wetting her jeans in front of him. Perhaps admitting to her
condition would have been the less embarrassing move.
1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 475.8 MB
Cadence Lux
Cadence Lux: Set 12 (MP4)
Total time: 56 minutes 05 seconds
The running time of this set excludes the unedited version of Absolutely Bursting since most of the material is already
present in the edited version. If included, the total playing time is 81 minutes.
1. Absolutely Bursting
2. Absolutely Bursting Unedited
3. Pee Another Day
4. No Reception
Cadence Lux & Jasmine St James
Cadence & Jasmine Holding Contest 2020
Time: 55 minutes 37 seconds
It's a very hot day, almost ninety degrees Fahrenheit (32 Celcius) in the house, and the girls have been drinking a lot of fluid
because they are sweating. Attired in cute little dresses to help keep them a little cooler, they stand before you with bladders
filling, talking about various things but often about needing to pee, or actually doing so, helping to make themselves a little more
desperate each time. The fidgeting builds up as the minutes pass until they are clearly both in trouble and desperate for relief from
a full bladder. Jasmine tries to encourage Cadence to go so that she can relieve herself too, but when Cadence doesn't give in, Jasmine's
competitive nature forces her to keep holding it. Who lasts the longest in this nearly-hour-long contest?
1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 2,865.4 MB (supplied in 2 parts)
Cadence Lux
The Conference Call (MP4)
Time: 19 minutes 12 seconds
With everyone in the company working from home, Cadence is responsible for managing a conference call with her staff,
due to begin at two o'clock. Busy with other work, she has both forgotten the time and has been putting off a visit to
the bathroom. Finishing her task, she stands up to go and relieve herself when an alarm sounds. The conference is
scheduled to begin. There isn't time for a bathroom break now, so Cadence hurries to set up the link. Once online, she
does her best to hide the fact that she is bursting to pee, holding herself under the table while trying to present a
calm demeanor as she listens to the input from her staff. The call is plagued by a bad connection, and Cadence loses her
signal twice. She manages to get it back on her computer the first time, but when it goes down again, she resorts to using
her cell phone to finish the conference. Almost at the point of wetting herself where she sits, Cadence finally puts the
conference video stream on pause but is still able to hear what the others are saying through her headset. She hurries to
the bathroom snd stands her phone on a table, the conference stream still on pause. She is forced to undress because, today
of all days, she chose to wear a leotard underneath her office clothing. When she is virtually naked, she sits down to pee,
unaware that the conference stream has re-established itself and the other participants can see what she is doing. Mortified,
Cadence ends the call.
1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 885.3 MB
Cadence Lux
Cadence Gets Herself Desperate (MP4)
Time: 31 minutes 33 seconds
Cadence believes you won't accept that she has been drinking liquids in preparation for getting herself desperate, so
she lets you see her sitting and drinking, chatting casually as she lets her bladder fill. When she needs to pee and the
urgency is growing fast, she has a collar secured around her neck and her wrists are locked in cuffs high behind her back.
No way can she reach to unbutton her jeans to ease the pressure as her abdomen expands, still less actually put down her
pants and panties to pee. To add a little more stress, cadence is asked to sit in her car for a while with the seat belt
on, adding just a little more pressure and making her desperation more acute. Knowing that she is getting close to losing
control, she gets herself out of the car, still trying to hold on, but she is leaking. Soon, she can't control herself
anymore and she wets her jeans, her expression of relieve visible as she does so. With her hands still locked high behind
her back, Cadence can't remove her soaking wet jeans and is forced to sit in them for a while. Right at the end, she is
freed and we get to see her wet panties.
1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,463.5 MB
Cadence Lux
You Can't Pee Yet (MP4)
Time: 11 minutes 10 seconds
Having consumed so much liquid for her previous video, it was almost inevitable that Cadence would find herself in trouble
during her next movie which involves being locked in handcuffs and her ankles shackled. Standing with her arms around a tree,
her wrists secured, Cadence has to admit that she really needs to pee and wants to know how much longer filming will go on.
Now that we know she needs to pee, filming is going to go on for a while yet! Cadence asks several times about being allowed
to pee, and finally asks if she can just go ahead and wet herself (she's wearing a skirt so it probably wouldn't show). There
is, alas, a little problem: She is wearing knee high suede boots and she definitely cannot pee on those. She is left with no
choice but to go on waiting. When it is clear that she is soon going to lose control, her hands are freed and Cadence is able
to lift her skirt, pull down her panties and squat, still wearing the shackles. She holds the chain out of the way and she
squirts pee onto the woodland floor, hugely relieved at being able to go at last.
1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 516.9 MB
Cadence Lux
Cadence Lux: Set 11 (MP4)
Total time: 62 minutes
1. The Conference Call
2. Cadence Gets Herself Desperate
3. You Can't Pee Yet
Cadence Lux & Jasmine St James
Rivals (MP4)
Time: 26 minutes 04 seconds
Jasmine is most of the way through a photoshoot. She needs to pee but she is sure she can hold it until the
end of the session to avoid interrupting the photographer. With still some minutes to go, Cadence arrives for
her shoot and is asked to wait on the sidelines. Cadence is clearly very desperate to pee but the photographer
is too busy to pay attention to her. Jasmine smiles at the girl's predicament because she and Cadence have been
rivals for some time, models who don't really like one another. They behave in front of the photographer, but
when Jasmine's shoot is over and she asks to use the bathroom, before leaving, Cadence announces that she needs
to go too. As they walk to the bathroom, Jasmine decides to run ahead, aware that Cadence is in a far more
desperate state than she is, and enters the bathroom first, locking the door behind her. Cadence calls her a
bitch as she is forced to wait in the corridor. We see Jasmine enjoying the relief of peeing at last while Cadence
is on the other side of the door, pleading for her to hurry up. The photographer calls Cadence to get started, and
she is forced to begin work without using the bathroom. As she goes from outfit to outfit, Cadence struggles hard
not to squirm, and several times the photographer has to tell her to hold still while she is posing. Cadence does
her very best to wait but her bladder is nearly bursting. Suddenly, she loses control and wets her panties, pee
streaming down between her legs. This occurs just as Jasmine returns to inform her that the bathroom is now free.
1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,202.4 MB
Cadence Lux
I've Wet Myself (MP4)
Time: 10 minutes 34 seconds
Cadence arrives at a friend's house and is in a great hurry to reach the bathroom. She leaps from her car and, running
with mincing steps, she hurries to the front door and knocks. She squirms and holds herself while waiting for someone to
answer. When no one comes after repeated knocking, Cadence is unable to stand there any longer without losing control, so
she hurries back to her car to sit down again. Here, in privacy, she she wiggle and squirm more frantically to help her to
keep from wetting herself. Where is everyone? She can see two vehicles in the yard so clearly someone must be in. Why are
they not answering the door? Cadence reaches a point where she loses control for just a second, making her panties wet. She
inspects her hands where she has been holding herself, sees that they are wet, and knows she is about to completely wet
herself. She hurries back to the front door, hoping to get an answer this time, but as soon as she arrives she knows she
can't wait any longer. She places her hands high on the door as she feels her pee streaming through her panties and down her
legs. Only after she has wet herself does someone answer the door. Cadence gasps in embarrassment. She admits to her friend
that she has wet herself and made a terrible mess on their door step. She asks if she can come in and is relieved when the
door is opened wider to admit her.
1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 489.7 MB
Cadence Lux & Jasmine St James
Jasmine Interviews Cadence (MP4)
Time: 3 minutes 57 seconds
Included with set only. Jasmine asks Cadence a series of questions about pee desperation and what got
her started wetting herself as part of her modeling profession.
1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 182.5 MB
Cadence Lux
Cadence Lux: Set 10 (MP4)
Total time: 40 minutes 35 seconds
1. Rivals
2. I've Wet Myself
3. Jasmine Interviews Cadence
Cadence Lux & Sinthia Bee
Cadence & Sinthia Holding Contest (MP4)
Time: 63 minutes 27 seconds
Supplied in two parts. We introduce Sinthia to the world of extreme desperation, drinking so much liquid and
then having to hold it when her bladder is full. Competing against Cadence, a veteran at this kind of thing,
she had her work cut out for her. With the prospect of a $245 prize for the girl who could hold her pee the
longest, both of them were highly motivated to maintain control and not wet themselves. The pressure is
obviously mounting as the time gets up there, with both girls looking anxious and distracted and doing
everything they can to delay pissing themselves. So who gets to take home that enormous prize?
1920x1080 pixels - bitrate 6 Mbps - MP4: 2,930.1 MB
Cadence Lux & Sinthia Bee
Cadence & Sinthia Naked Wait (MP4)
Time: 17 minutes 40 seconds
Now the girls go head to head while naked, though in a more lighthearted manner this time. Less competition,
just fun. They've had a lot to drink throughout the day and they are very hydrated so peeing certainly won't
be a problem. They squirm as they chat, trying to delay releasing their pee. They hold themselves without
thinking, talking about bush shaving to distract themselves from the pressure on their bladders. They practically
are dancing as they make themselves wait, and then, when one starts to pee the other goes too. They pee together,
or as Cadence puts it, "we're like synchronized passers."
1920x1080 pixels - bitrate 6 Mbps - MP4: 812.0 MB
Cadence Lux & Sinthia Bee
Cadence Lux & Sinthia Bee Set (MP4)
Total time: 81 minutes 07 seconds
- Cadence & Sinthia Holding Contest
- Cadence & Sinthia Naked Wait
Cadence Lux & Juliette March
Holding Contest: Cadence & Juliette (MP4)
Time: 52 minutes 25 seconds
Juliette has never done pee desperation before. In fact, she didn't really understand what it is and wondered why Cadence was
encouraging her to drink so much water the night before and the morning of the shoot. Only when the contest was underway did
the pieces really fall into place. Drinking water like it was going out of fashion, Juliette soon came to realize that she had
placed herself at a bit of a disadvantage. Initially confident that she was going to win the $100 prize money because Cadence
was squirming so desperately, the situation reversed about half way through and she found herself in a terrible situation: Her
bladder was very full and the urge to pee was coming in a series of ever mounting waves. Even though there is no time limit on
the contest, Juliette keeps looking at the clock, watching the minutes crawl by as she struggles not to lose control and lose
to Cadence. She asks for permission to free the top button of her jeans, and later, she asks if she may under the second one.
That's as far as she is permitted to go. Now she has to just deal with the incredible pressure and not wet herself before her
opponent does.
1920x1080 pixels - bitrate 6 Mbps - MP4: 2,266.4 MB
Cadence Lux & Juliette March
Pee Running Down Their Legs (MP4)
Time: 14 minutes 59 seconds
It's more than an hour after the end of the contest. The girls have just finished a bondage custom. Half way through the custom, they
both started complaining about needing to pee. After discussing it for a minute, they both decided to hold it for their next pee video.
This proved harder than they expected because they had to remove their clothes and get placed in a hogtie, each girl forced to spend time
lying on her stomach, and hence her full bladder. By the time this was over and they were being freed, Juliette said, "Oh my God! I really
have to pee now!" The girls had to put on new outfits and return to the area of the first accident. It's clear from the frantic pee dancing
that they are not going to be able to hold on for very long. It's clear that they are both seriously desperate to piss and about to wet
their panties. When the lose control, a few minutes apart, they stand and allow to pee to run down their legs onto their bare feet. Both
relieved at last, they pull up their skirts to show off their wet panties.
1920x1080 pixels - bitrate 6 Mbps - MP4: 695.4 MB
Cadence Lux & Juliette March
The Fastest Girl Pees First (MP4)
Time: 10 minutes 53 seconds
It's the end of the shoot. The girls have done some foot fetish work, taken a break, performed a handcuffs video, and finally
they're ready to go home. Of course, having hydrated themselves so much, they both need to pee again and want to use the
bathroom. For the moment, however, that's not permitted. We watch them struggling to wait for permission to use the toilet,
frequently pleading to be allow to go. When that permission finally comes, they both run to the bathroom, followed by the camera,
and Cadence manages to get onto the toilet first. As she pees, a desperate Juliette has to stand in front of her struggling to
hold on. She even covers her ears trying to avoid hearing Cadence pee. When Juliette's turn comes, she pees, slows down, pees
again, and finally leans back in relieve, touching her vagina as she finishes emptying her bladder. Now, at last, they can hit
the road and hope to get home before the urge to pee hits again. They won't.
1920x1080 pixels - bitrate 6 Mbps - MP4: 503.0 MB
Cadence Lux & Juliette March
Cadence Lux & Juliette March Set (MP4)
Total time: 78 minutes 31 seconds
- Holding Contest: Cadence & Juliette
- Pee Running Down Their Legs
- The Fastest Girl Pees First
Cadence & Laci
Desperation Quiz Remastered (MP4)
Time: 29 minutes 25 seconds
Cadence and Laci take part in a desperation quiz where they ask one another multiple-choice questions, and whenever they
got an answer wrong they had to drink a small cup of water. On the 1-10 pee scale, Cadence judged that she was at an 8 as
we began whereas Laci estimated her level at around 6. Cadence declared that she was good at holding and expected to win.
Did she? There are a lot of laughs and quite a bit of fidgeting as things move along. A very fun video.
1920x1080 pixels - bitrate 6 Mbps - MP4: 1,362.6 MB
Cadence & Laci
Strip Or Drink 2 Remastered (MP4)
Time: 33 minutes 32 seconds
Both Cadence and Laci start out needing to pee, and torment one another by suggesting that their opponent either drink a
little water or take off an article of clothing. As the urge to pee grows worse, Cadence, who needed to go badly at the
start, soon resorts to taking off articles of clothing. Laci soon follows her lead and it is not long before both girls
are naked and squirming. Rather than simply release their pee when they cannot wait any longer, each girl will pee into a
jug and then pour the contents into a graduated cylinder to see how much she was holding. There is only one jug, so whichever
girl goes first must rinse out the jug as her competitor watches. This movie bears resemblance to the original Strip Or
Drink movie featuring Paige and Becky.
1920x1080 pixels - bitrate 6 Mbps - MP4: 1,562.4 MB
Cadence & Laci
Naked Wait 23 Remastered (MP4)
Time: 12 minutes 21 seconds
Another chapter in the naked wait series. Both cadence and Laci started out in a very advanced state of desperation - this
was an hour after the quiz during which they had continued drinking steadily, and further shooting was delayed by an
intervening bondage clip, so they just had to hold it! This meant that they were in serious trouble from the outset and,
as a result, the pee dancing is pretty intense. Both girls bend their legs a lot as they try to wait, and Laci in particular
frequently thrusts a finger between her legs to cork herself up. Struggle as they may, they only manage to hold on for ten
1920x1080 pixels - bitrate 6 Mbps - MP4: 574.3 MB
Cadence & Laci
Cadence & Laci Remastered (MP4)
Total time: 75 minutes 18 seconds
- Desperation Quiz Remastered
- Strip Or Drink 2 Remastered
- Naked Wait 23 Remastered
All three of these 2014 movies have been remastered in full HD.
Holding Contest Climaxes (MP4)
Time: 58 minutes 40 seconds
The last five minutes of 12 different holding contests are included in this compilation. Models feastured are: Becca,
Tilly McReese, Hannah Perez, Carissa Montgomery, Taylor, Codi, Dixie Comet, Shauna Ryanne, Amber Wells, Jasmine St James,
Dee, Jamie Daniels, Laci, Autumn Bodell, Candle Boxxx, Cadence Lux & Niki Lee Young.
1920x1080 pixels - bitrate 6 Mbps - MP4: 2,072.8 MB
Cadence Lux
Water Torture (MP4)
Time: 15 minutes 33 seconds
A naked Cadence is handcuffed to a pole and she needs to pee. She is trying to hold it, but Dave keeps turning on a
tap and pouring water onto the ground from a jug, and the sound is pure torture. Cadence reacts by squirming and
gasping, having been ordered not to lose control for at least twenty minutes. Those torturous sounds just keep on
coming, however, and they are driving her crazy. There comes a point where she just can't take any more, and pee jets
down between her legs onto the concrete floor. Bad girl.
1280x720 pixels - bitrate 6 Mbps - MP4: 716.9 MB
Cadence, Vonka & Jasmine
Cadence, Vonka & Jasmine: Restricted Access (MP4)
Time: 48 minutes 20 seconds
The video opens with a few minutes of behind the scenes footage. Vonka and Cadence are about to start filming a forced stripping video,
so Jasmine, who already needs to pee pretty badly, has to just wait it out. She is squirming and almost seems to be looking for an excuse
to visit the bathroom, so one of us has to keep an eye on her to make sure she doesn't give in. Vonka also declares that she needs to pee,
but feels sure than she can hold it. We then pick up where Vonka and Jasmine are attached to the wood stove by locked ankle cuffs, and
Cadence has one of her wrists handcuffed to one of Vonka's, making sure she can't go anywhere either. The girls are all in various stages
of desperation, with Jasmine evidently the worst off. They are periodically tormented with a vase and a graduated cylinder, things that
they would pee into if they only could. Along the way, Jasmine is allowed to have her cup of iced tea because she is thirsty, but we're
all keeping a careful eye on her to make sure she doesn't use it for other purposes. Despite their need to pee, the girls are having fun
with each other, clearly enjoying themselves as they face a common foe. When Jasmine puts a hand up her dress and begins pressing a finger
against her pee hole, it is clear that she is not going to last too much longer. Both Cadence and Vonka are pee dancing now and starting to
look anxious. Who will get to go first, and can the others bear to watch as the first of the group gains relief? Pee output is measured for
all three. Care to take a guess at the volume for each, and consider if their collective output would fill that two-litre cylinder.
1920x1080 pixels - bitrate 5.5 Mbps - MP4: 2,060.6 MB
Cadence, Vonka & Jasmine
The Chosen (MP4)
Time: 29 minutes 07 seconds
This video does have a storyline, although you would never know it. It contains around 6 minutes of what would normally be outtakes where the girls
just lose the plot and start laughing. I decided it would be best to release the full 29-minute version with all the digressions, together with an
edited 23-minute version for those who want to focus on the story and the desperation. Frankly, the girls laughed so much it's amazing they didn't
wet their jeans in the first five minutes.
The story: Dave has made a lucrative movie deal with a foreign dignitary of middle eastern origins, but the only way the dignitary is willing to
go forward with negotiations is if he gets three American girls to clinch the deal. He has even picked them from the social media profiles: their
names are Jasmine, Cadence and Vonka. Dave dispatches his assistant, Asher, to track down the girls and bring them to the house where the dignitary
will send his men to collect them. At the start of the movie, we see Asher leading the three girls through the snow, their hands bound behind their
back to maintain control of them. Once at Dave's house, their hands are freed and they are made to stand together in a room. A call is made to inform
the dignitary that the girls are ready for pick up. Naturally, the girls object to what is going on, but they are constantly watched and covered and
can do nothing to improve their situation. They have all been in transit for hours and all claim that they need to use the bathroom. Neither Dave nor
Asher is willing to let any of the girls out of their sight and keep them where they are. The girls squirm, getting really desperate to pee, but they
are simply not allowed to use the toilet. Before the pick up occurs, the inevitable happens; one of the girls wets herself, setting off the other two.
In the space of just a few minutes, they are all standing there in soaking wet jeans, unable to take them off or clean themselves up. That's when the
dignitary's men arrive to take them away.
1920x1080 pixels - bitrate 6 Mbps - MP4: 1,341.1 MB (edited version: 1,054.9 MB)
Cadence, Vonka & Jasmine
Cadence, Vonka & Jasmine Set (MP4)
Total time: 77 minutes 27 seconds
- Restricted Access
- The Chosen
- The Chosen Edited
All videos are 1920x1080 pixels with a bitrate of 5.5 or 6 Mbps
Cadence Lux
The Price Of A Pay Rise (MP4)
Time: 20 minutes 06 seconds
On the very day Cadence was scheduled to meet with her boss to discuss a pay rise, she is delayed by traffic. She also spent five
minutes at a gas station trying to gain access to the restroom, and failed. When she does finally turn up, she bursting for a pee,
and hopes the boss will understand if the very first thing she does is run to the toilet. He doesn't. He wants to talk to her right
away, leaving Cadence sitting in her chair squirming, crossing and uncrossing her legs, and gripping the hem of her dress and she
struggled not to piss herself in front of her boss, which would surely put paid to any chance she might have of getting a pay increase.
It starts to sound as if the boss will deny her request, but then he surprises her by saying that if he can accompany her to the
bathroom and watch her urinate. Cadence looks very uncomfortable about the prospect of this guy watching her pee, but if it's the
only way she can avoid wetting herself, and get the pay rise as well, then so be it.
1920x1080 pixels - bitrate 6 Mbps - MP4: 930.2 MB
Cadence Lux
Humiliation For Cadence (MP4)
Time: 18 minutes 18 seconds
Cadence is being detained at a property awaiting transport to take her to a prison where she will be held until her trial.
The guard watching over her has her handcuffed to a pole where, according to company regulations, she must stay until a
second guard arrives to move her. For Cadence, this means standing there for hours, and inevitably she finds herself needing
to pee hours before the deadline for her release from the handcuffs. She tries to persuade her guard to make an exception and
let her use a toilet, but he refuses to break the rules for her. Cadence does her best to control her urge to pee, but as her
desperation grows acute, she asks the guard to at least let her pee into something. He is very reluctant at first, but when
Cadence repeatedly tells him that she is about to piss herself, he realizes just how messy this situation could get. He manages
to find a small vase and says she can pee into this, warning her not to overflow it onto his hand. Cadence promises, and begs
him to hurry as he lifts her dress and pulls down her panties. As soon as the vase is in place, Cadence starts to pee. It comes
out with a lot of force, filling the vase quickly. The guard orders her to stop, but Cadence cries, "I can't!" She overflows the
vase, pissing on the guard's hand, and when he moves away she continues going on the floor, soaking the panties around her ankles.
By way of punishment, the guard, rather than removing the panties as she requests, pulls them back up and makes her stand there
wearing them. The peeing sequence is filmed with two cameras. The clip concludes with a behind the scenes sequence.
1920x1080 pixels - 5 Mbps bitrate 709.7 MB; MP4: 710.2 MB
Cadence Lux
Follow My Instructions (MP4)
Time: 14 minutes 25 seconds
Cadence's sister has been kidnapped, and the kidnapper is on the phone to Cadence telling her what he wants her to do in order
to make sure her sister keeps breathing. Cadence is instructed to bring a bag of money to a rendezvous point and wait for someone
to come and pick it up. Cadence has already been forced to play this game for hours and she needs to pee. She suggests leaving
the money and departing, but the kidnapper says he wants her to stay where she is. She has to admit that she needs to pee and asks
if she can go into the woods to relieve herself. The kidnapper says no, telling her she will have to stand where she is and hold
it. Cadence squirms, crossing her legs, bending her knees, struggling not to lose control, but she is made to stand there for so
long she has no choice other than to piss herself. Even after this humiliation, she has no choice but to go on standing there in
her wet jeans.
1920x1080 pixels - 5 Mbps bitrate 558.8 MB; MP4: 559.5 MB
Cadence Lux
Back In The Bathroom (MP4)
Time: 12 minutes 58 seconds
It's the third time today Cadence has been struggling with a full bladder, and in some ways it's the worst. She naked, sitting on a
toilet and instructed not to pee for at least fifteen minutes. She's desperate and she is having a really hard time doing as she is
asked. She moans and squirms as she desperately tries to wait, trying various things to help her maintain control. Keeping those
muscles clenched is hard work when every fibre of her being is saying, "You're sitting on a toilet. You can let it go!" But she doesn't
let it go. She makes herself wait. There then comes a point where waiting is no longer an option, and despite pressing a finger against
her pee hole, she is forced to release her piss. It comes out fast, under a lot of pressure, and she manages to spray some on the toilet
seat. The relief on Cadence's face is writ large, followed by amusement as the mess she has made.
1920x1080 pixels - 5 Mbps bitrate 497.3 MB; MP4: 503.4 MB
Cadence Lux
Cadence Lux: Set 9 (MP4)
Time: 65 minutes
- Humiliation For Cadence
- Follow My Instructions
- Back In The Bathroom
- The Price Of A Pay Rise
All files: 1920x1080 pixels; 5 Mbps bitrate
One On One: Volume 1 (MP4)
Time: 53 minutes 13 seconds
All of the girls except Maci are sitting on the toilet as they chat to you about their need to pee, and most
of them are naked. These excerpts show the last 5 minutes before they are forced to pee.
One On One With:
- Vonka Romanov
- Nikki Brooks
- Jasmine St James
- Monica Jade
- Maci Wilde
- Tara
- Cadence Lux
- Carissa Montgomery
- Jamie Knotts
- Rachel Lilly
(1920x1080 pixels - 5 Mbps bitrate MP4: 2,060.7 MB)
Cadence Lux
Just Out Of Reach (MP4)
Time: 23 minutes 11 seconds
After the success of taking Jasmine to a very desperate place in "She Must Not Pee", it was perhaps inevitable that a similar
dire situation would be arranged for Cadence. Like Jasmine, Jasmine is shackled to the wood stove, but there the similarities
more or less end. Cadence is naked rather than clothed, and she is not going to receive a key to release herself at any point.
What she does have is a large vase into which she can pee, or at least she could if she were able to reach it. Alas, even at
full stretch on the floor, the vase is just out of Cadence's reach. And so the wait begins. In fact, Cadence's bladder was
already in a pretty full state when we started; prior to this, while needing to pee, she performed a strip tease which turned
into being tied to a bed for about fifteen minutes. The moment Cadence was restrained, she reported that the urge to pee had
suddenly become much worse. The opening minute of this video shows her on the bed after the strip tease/bondage video is finished,
waiting top be let out. She is definitely anxious to get started. Fast forward to her present situation, and things rapidly become
serious. Cadence really wants to pee but she knows she cannot, so she continues waiting. The effort this takes is writ large in her
features, and culminates in her begging for the vase to be moved within her reach. She announces that she is getting very nervous,
afraid that she will lose control and pee on the carpet. She is reminded that she can't do that, which does nothing to help her
continue waiting. At last, the vase is handed to her and she hurriedly grabs it; it looks like there was little time to spare. She
thrust it between her legs and released more pee than we have ever seen her do before (she wondered if it might be the most she had
ever done, period). Because the quantity was clearly well above her normal amount, we decided to get a graduated tube to measure it
1920x1080 pixels - 5 Mbps bitrate 898.6 MB ; MP4: 895.0 MB
Cadence Lux
No Pee Zone (MP4)
Time: 36 minutes 32 seconds
Place in a similar situation, a chain is padlocked around Cadence's waist attaching to the driver's seat of her rental car, a no pee zone
if you will. The chain prevents her from getting out of the car and relieving herself. The seats are fabric, and any liquid spilt on them
would soak right in. That includes pee, naturally, and not surprisingly, Cadence needs to go. It has been three hours since she emptied out
for "Just Out Of Reach", and she has taken in liquids at a steady rate throughout that period. Needless-to-say, she seriously needs to take
a piss. But how? Her only hope is if some kind soul hands her a key for the padlock, but she knows she is going to have to wait some time
before she gets that. In the meantime, she'll just have to hold it, trying not to think about her full bladder. With the chain tight
across her abdomen, inhibiting bladder expansion, that's easier said than done. Cadence rocks around and holds herself, worrying more and
more about losing control in the rental car and having to pay a fine (more likely, B2B would). At last, she is handed a key, but it doesn't
fit. Frustrating. Dave goes off to look for another, leaving Cadence alone to complain to the camera, which she does. The second key also
meets with no success, and by this time Cadence is getting herself into quite a state. She starting to think that she actually will piss on
the seat. This time, the delay in returning with yet another key is longer, pushing Cadence to her limit. Even when the key is available,
it is kept out of Cadence's reach for several more minutes, taking her to the edge for the second time in one day. (The peeing sequence at the
end was filmed from the back by a second camera, but Cadence moved so far away from the car she was almost out of the frame. The sequence is
not brilliant but is included at the end of the video for completeness).
1920x1080 pixels - 5 Mbps bitrate 1,416.6 MB ; MP4: 1,415.3 MB
Cadence Lux
Set 8 (MP4)
Time: 59 minutes 43 seconds
1. Just Out Of Reach
2. The No Pee Zone
(All files: 1920x1080 pixels 5 Mbps bitrate)
Cadence Lux
I Have To Go (MP4)
Time: 12 minutes 25 seconds
This is another of those unplanned desperation events. We were about to start filming a bondage clip with Cadence when she announced
that she needed to pee fairly badly, and asks if she could use the bathroom before we started. I suggested to her that it would be great
to get her really desperate for the next Bound2Burst video, and with reservations she agreed. What you see here is about 60 percent of
a bondage video called "Captured Cadence" where you know something the bondage audience did not. Cadence needs to pee throughout the
whole thing, and as filming progressed (it took about 30 minutes in total), she became very desperate to pee. This was made far worse
by having sit on a chair naked with her legs spread apart, unable to do anything much that might mitigate her urgent desire to pee. She
does her best to hide the fact that she is bursting for a piss, but when you know what you look for, you can see it in her demeanor. The
last three minutes are not featured in the bondage version, because this is the part where she is finally allowed to pee, and does she
ever pee! It jets out fast from her pee hole, streaming over the seat of the chair and descending to the floor in a waterfall. After that,
Cadence was more content to stay taped up a little longer, even if she did have to sit in a puddle of her own piss. All she cared about
was the fact that she had emptied a painfully full bladder.
(Technical information: 1920x1080 pixels - 5 Mbps bitrate 480.9 MB; MP4: 478.2 MB)
Cadence Lux
One On One With Cadence (MP4)
Time: 18 minutes 52 seconds
She arrived desperate to pee and asked use to film something where she could pee almost immediately. Imagine her
dismay when we asked her to strip, sit on the toilet naked and hold it for twenty minutes. "You’re kidding, right?"
It was a nice greeting for her after being away for five months, but Cadence being Cadence, she agreed to do it, or
at least try. She valiantly sat there for as long as she could, fighting an unbelievable urge to piss, and somehow
she managed to stave off losing control for almost as long as requested. She spends the entire time taking about how
desperately she wants to pee, and hopes that you are enjoying watching her struggle. No doubt she was right.
(Technical information: 1920x1080 pixels - 5 Mbps bitrate 731.3 MB; MP4: 725.3 MB)
8 girls
Naked Desperation 10
Time: 53 minutes 51 seconds
Most of the clips in this collection are approximately 4 minutes long and show the last few minutes of desperation
before each girl pees naked, some of them while sitting on the toilet and some while standing and letting the pee
stream down their legs. The girl's name is listed below for each, accompanied by the name of the full clip from
which these excerpts were taken.
- Nikki Brooks: One On One With Nikki
- Vonka Romanov: Vonka On The Brink
- Cadence Lux: Cadence's Naked Wait
- Kendra James: The Sadistic Burglar Returns
- Becky LeSabre: Becky Just Can't Wait
- Misty Lovelace: Meet Misty
- Vonka Romanov: Fully Exposed
- Desiree Lopez: Measuring Desiree
- Maci Wilde: One on One With Maci
- Becky LeSabre: Measuring Becky
- Cadence Lux: Strip Tease & Spray
- Kendra James: Naked Tale Of Desperation
- Misty Lovelace: Measuring Misty
- Vonka Romanov: Vonka Tries To Break Her Record
(1920x1080 pixels - 6 Mbps bitrate - MP4: 605.6 MB)
Cadence Lux
Cadence's Naked Wait
Time: 19 minutes 52 seconds
POV video: Cadence announced, "I have to pee really bad. Is there something we can do that will be quick?" The response:
"Take off your clothes and we'll film a naked wait." Cadence smiles. "I haven't done one of those in a while." So it is
that Cadence starts out really desperate to pee and dances around trying to hold it while she chats to you about various
things, most of them centred around her current state of desperation. She can't seem to help covering or touching her
breasts at various moments, as if she were doing this to distract herself from her urgent situation. Whatever help you to
hold on Cadence!
(Technical information: 1920x1080 pixels - 5 Mbps bitrate 769.4 MB; MP4: 763.0 MB)
Cadence Lux
Long Lovely Relieving Piss
Time: 12 minutes 48 seconds
In this POV video, Cadence, alone in the bathroom, speaks directly to the camera. She says, "I brought you here to this lovely bathroom,
I'm sure you can guess why. Yes, I have to take a nice, huge, long, lovely relieving piss." She is not just planning to pee, however, not
without making you wait. "The longer I wait, the harder it is for you to control your excitement." She sits on the toilet without lifting
her skirt or pulling down her panties, making herself wait despite the increased urge to go. She crossing her legs to make sure "it doesn't
just come out automatically." Standing again, she holds her pussy to keep her pee in, and the bulge of her abdomen is visible through her
skirt. When she does finally let go, she pees for a long time, looking so relieved as she does so.
(Technical information: 1920x1080 pixels - 5 Mbps bitrate 496.6 MB; MP4: 492.6 MB)
Cadence Lux
Strip Tease & Spray
Time: 12 minutes 07 seconds
One on one with Cadence, she starts out sitting in her cut black dress and chats to you about how much she would like to pee, but
she's going to make you wait for a while before she lets you see her go. She crosses her legs to help her hold her pee, and after
a few minutes, wriggles out of her dress and then her heels and stockings, and finally her panties. Now she is naked and really
needs to empty her bladder, but still she making you wait a little longer. When she is close to losing control, she gets down on
the floor, opening her legs to let you clearly see her vagina, then still makes you wait a little longer before she sprays pee
towards you, moaning with relief as she does so.
(Technical information: 1920x1080 pixels - 5 Mbps bitrate 470.2 MB; MP4: 467.6 MB)
Cadence Lux
Don't Make Me Say These Things
Time: 22 minutes 36 seconds
It's the classic situation: A girl arrives home from work, desperate to pee, and finds a man in her home. He's armed and he makes
her stand where she is while she squirms in her dire need to reach the bathroom. This is no burglar though. This is a man who has
been studying her movements for weeks, watching what time she gets home, and noting that she often needs to pee. As Cadence pleads
for access to the toilet, the man forces her to say things that only serve to make her situation worse, such as, "I'm about to piss
myself," and "I'm going to wet my panties" and "I'm bursting." Just articulating her condition makes holding her pee so much harder
for Cadence, each utterance bringing her closer to the humiliation of peeing herself in front of this man.
(Technical information: 1920x1080 pixels - 5 Mbps bitrate 876.1 MB; MP4: 873.7 MB)
Cadence Lux
You Need My Help
Time: 11 minutes 14 seconds
While needing to pee, Cadence agrees to have a metal collar put around her neck, a pair of handcuffs on her wrists, and to have
a padlocked chain connecting collar and cuffs behind her back, making it impossible to reach down and pull up her skirt, or pull
down her panties, if she runs to the bathroom. It's only a matter of time before she will be forced to pee, so what's a girl to do?
Luckily for her (or perhaps not), there's a guy right there (um, the one who put her in the restraints) who says he is more than
happy to give her a hand. If she wants to pee without wetting herself, Cadence will have to let him remove her skirt, tights and
panties, then sit on the toilet and pee in front of him. To finish things off, he'll also have to wipe for her!
(Technical information: 1920x1080 pixels - 5 Mbps bitrate 435.5 MB; MP4: 431.6 MB)
Cadence Lux
Cadence Lux: Set 7
Strip Tease & Spray Don't Make Me Say These Things You Need My Help
Time: 46 minutes
Cadence Lux, Cali Logan & Hannah Perez
Holding Contest
Time: 41 minutes 20 seconds
We bring together three of the best models in the business to compete against one another in a holding contest. It's not the first time
they have competed, but they have not done so in those sexy fishnet dresses which allow the breasts to be clearly seen. All three girls
need to pee as we get started, but it's not serious yet. They've loaded up on liquids and they continue to sip as things get underway,
ensuring that in less than half an hour we will have three very full bladders. The girls spend the first half of the video sitting and
chatting and their urge to pee increases and they start to fidget. Just when things are starting to get bad, they all stand and pee dance
as they struggle with the growing need for relief. They talk a lot about needing to pee in various situations. Cali recounts at some
length a very desperate and extended drive where she was stuck in traffic for hours and bursting to pee. She filmed some of it with her
iPhone and posted the results on Clips4Sale. It's called "Traffic!!" and can be found by clicking here. Back to the contest, and things are becoming very serious for the girls
- lots of leg bending, crotch holding and gasping as they get close to peeing their panties. Who will be the first to lose control, and
who will hold on the longest? (Technical information: 1920x1080 pixels - 5 Mbps bitrate - 1,602.1 MB; MP4: 1,590.0 MB).
Cadence Lux
She Can't Stop Peeing
Time: 13 minutes 59 seconds
Cadence has a adopted a new, healthier life style which involves her drinking the appropriate amount of liquid every day. This is a lot
more than she is accustomed to and she keeps finding herself desperate to pee in awkward situations every day. She consults her doctor
to ask what she can do to ameliorate her situation. The doctor is seeing her at his home at the weekend since she claimed she had
something of an emergency, and as she sits facing the medical man, she squirms in her chair as the urge to pee really hits her, saying,
"This is part of the problem right now." The doctor says there are two things to consider: first, because she is now taking in more fluid
on a regular basis, her bladder will gradually expand to hold more urine and she will be able to hold it for longer; second, in the short
term, she has to learn to control the impulse to pee. He explains that this is mostly caused by panic, the fear of public embarrassment
and humiliation. As Cadence sits with her legs crossed and fidgeting anxious, he instructs her in some breathing exercises to calm herself
down, and her present situation is an ideal test case. Cadence gets her breathing under control and feels a little calmer, but her bladder
is still bursting and there seems nothing she can do to avoid pissing herself in front of the doctor.
(Technical information: 1920x1080 pixels - 5 Mbps bitrate - 543.4 MB; MP4: 537.3 MB).
Cadence Lux (with Cali Logan & Hannah Perez)
Bladder Burst
Time: 17 minutes 15 seconds
A pub on the outskirts of town has a weekly feature called Bladder Burst. Basically, at the barman's discretion, he will announce: "Drinks are
free until someone pees." Obviously, anyone who tries to use the toilets or attempts to leave is blocked from doing so, because as soon as either
of those things occurs, everyone in the pub has to pay for their drinks again. Enter Cali, Hannah and cadence, all trying this pub for the first
time and unaware that it is a Bladder Burst evening. This is very unfortunate for cali who badly needs to pee. When the barman blocks her from
visiting the ladies, explaining that letting her go would start a riot, Cali has no choice but to hold her pee or incur the wrath of everyone in
the pub. She decides to make the best of the situation, saying to her friends, "It's okay. I can hold it. Let's get some free beers!" The barman
obliges, bringing out three pint glasses brimming with beer. The girls drink and chat and have a great time. After a while, Cali starts to look
very anxious. She had been hoping that someone else in the bar would need to pee more than she does and break ranks. However, no one has used the
bathroom and now she is bursting. She decides to leave, but the barman blocks the exist, warning her that the last person who did that got handcuffed
to a post outside and was left there for the entire evening. Cali complains about the conduct but has to yield and carry on waiting. She orders
another beer, saying, "If I'm going to suffer, I might at least make it worth my while." She drinks a little more, but it's a mistake. She leaks a
little into her jeans and her two friends gape in horror at the wet patch on the back of her jeans. Cali pee dances, desperately trying to hold on,
but it's no good. She's forced to wet herself in front of the entire bar, a situation made even worse by the barman announcing, "We've got a pisser.
Free drinks is over." (Technical information: 1920x1080 pixels - 6 Mbps bitrate - 799.0 MB; MP4: 798.0 MB).
Cadence Lux
Measuring Cadence
Time: 37 minutes 00 seconds
Cadence takes on the challenge of holding her pee as long as possible and then peeing into a graduated cylinder to see how much she was keeping in her bladder.
As is the way of these challenges, cadence seems fairly relaxed at first, but she has been pumped full of liquids and it is not long before the squirming begins.
Squirming turns to outright desperation, and several times Cadence reaches for the cylinder, but she is not no, that she must wait a little longer. The struggle is
now really on and she fights the urge to release, difficult at the best of time but excruciating when naked. Only when she declares, "I'm going to burst on the floor
if I don't do it", is she allowed to pick up the cylinder and relieve herself. That look of immense relief and those sighs of dispersing tension are always a
satisfying end to a long wait.
Cadence Lux
Hit & Run
Time: 13 minutes 19 seconds
A man arrives at Cadence's front door because, he claims, she scraped his car the previous day and then drove off. Cadence looks so dismayed and asks how he
found her. He explains that he read her license plate as she drove away and then asked a cop friend of his to look up her details. He says he has come to
collect Cadence's insurance details. Cadence says that she needs to use the bathroom, but the man tells her not to leave the room or he will call the cops.
Cadence stays, squirming in desperation. She then admits that her insurance recently lapsed. She offers him $500 in compensation but the man just laughs,
informing her that the estimated cost of repair is over $2,000. Cadence declares that she does not have that kind of money, so the man reaches for his phone
to formally report the accident to the cops. Cadence pleads with him not to do that, admitting this would not be her first offense. The man is not surprised,
and suggests, since she can't pay him, that she needs to do something for him - he wants her to stand there and hold her pee. Cadence explains that she is
desperate, and he says so much the better. Cadence complains at this treatment, but each time the guy holds up his phone as a reminder of what will happen
if she doesn't do as she is told.
Cadence Lux
Undress to Piss
Time: 3 minutes 35 seconds
Cadence has just finished a bondage video (Novice Reporter) during which she really needed to pee. After being released from a hogtie, where she was forced
to lay on her full bladder much of the time, she was in a bit of a hurry to use the bathroom. Before she was allowed to pee, however, she was told she had
to undress and do it naked. She finds this amusing and exercising considerable restraint (no pun intended) as she takes off her clothes and waits for
permission to pee. She does this with legs spread wide so that her pee stream is visible as she goes.
Cadence Lux
Cadence Set 6
Measuring Cadence Hit & Run Undress to Piss
Time: 54 minutes
The movies in this set will appear in your download folder along
with the file cadence_set6.wmv. Both 1280x720-pixel and 1920x1080-pixel versions are supplied.
Bound to Pee Herself
Time: 11 minutes 53 seconds
Cadence needs to pee and is facing filming a bondage clip before she can do a pee clip and relieve herself. She is not at all sure she can hold it that
long but agrees to be tied to a chair while her bladder is full. There are two problems with this: Her legs are tied apart so that she can't squeeze her
thighs together to help her hold it, and rope is tied across her waist/abdomen, applying additional pressure to her full bladder. Filming of the intended
bondage clip begins, but within a matter of minutes Cadence is trying to speak through her gag to say that she can't wait much longer. A few minutes more
and she loses control and pees her pants. Still tied to the chair, all she can do is sit there as her pee soaking into her pants and panties. Towards the
end, Cadence is freed so that she can show off how wet the back of her pants are.
Cadence Lux & Keri Sperctrum
She Was Caught in the Act
Time: 26 minutes 04 seconds
Officer Cadence has finally caught up with a criminal who traffics drugs across borders. Overhearing a phone call Keri is making while
clearly needing to pee, Cadence effectively catches her in the act. When she ends the call and turns with the intention of rushing to the
bathroom, Keri is confronted by Cadence blocking her way. Cadence arranges for a squad car to come and pick Keri up, but in the meantime
she has to keep her prisoner covered and not let her out of her sight. When Keri declares that she badly needs to use the bathroom, Cadence
tells her she can wait until she gets to the police station, ignoring Keri's pleas that she can't hold it that long. Before half the time
has elapsed before the expected pickup, Keri wets herself where she stands. Cadence merely laughs at the woman's humiliation.
Six months later, Keri is out on parole after serving just a short time for a trivial crime (the evidence for drug trafficking did not
stick), and she wants revenge on the cop who put her away. She marches a bound and gagged Cadence into her house and then frees her, making
her stand in the very spot where she had made Keri stand all those months before. Keri is gratified to learn that Cadence needs to pee. To
make things even more humiliating for the cop, she orders her to take off all her clothes and stand there naked with a full bladder. Cadence
has no choice but to comply, and although she has been instructed to hold her pee until Keri's friends arrive to deal with her, Cadence is
bursting and can't wait that long. She wets herself in front of Keri, much to the criminal's delight.
Cadence (with Cali)
Battle of the Bladders
Time: 48 minutes 11 seconds
This is another documentary-style video which culminates in a holding contest. As with Carissa and Jasmine, it shows Cali and Cadence soon after they arrived, drinking liquids and relaxing in preparation for the ordeal that is to come. We film a forced stripping scenario, at the end of which the girls, now naked, are seen drinking more liquid and both needing to pee. It's time to break the seal. The camera accompanies them to the bathroom as they sit on the toilet and empty their bladders. They continue to drink and soon we start work on a bondage movie which involves Cali being tied up twice. By the time we get to the end of the first part, Cadence is very restless and again needs to pee, so once again she is filmed using the toilet. During filming of the second part of the bondage video, Cali tells her captor: "I need to pee!" It wasn't just an act; she was informing us that she really did need to pee. By the time the scene was over Cali was extremely anxious to get the ropes off and run to the bathroom. She partially frees herself as part of the bondage video, then she is filmed finishing the release during which she is extremely anxious. When asked how she is doing she replies, somewhat shortly, "I need to pee." Cadence, never one to pass up a bit of fun, moves around behind Cali and briefly tickles her while Cali is frantically trying to get loose. Things don't improve much when the cameraman blocks her way to the bathroom, but not for long because she is getting a bit short. She really does need to pee, and the relief on her face when she does so tells it all.
Finally, it is time for the contest to begin. Someone used the phrase "battle of the bladders" which certainly makes for an apt title. By now, the girls have been here for three hours. They had peed twice and consumed a lot of fluid. Cadence is already in a fairly desperate state as the contest gets underway, and while Cali seems to have things under control at first, it is not long before she begins wiggling her legs and squirming around as her bladder fills too. The desperation body language grows more acute as the minutes slip by and it is soon clear that both girls are bursting to pee. Cadence is really in trouble and can barely hold on, while Cali is starting to look very distracted by her full bladder. At this advanced stage, the girls are informed that there is a $50 bonus for the winner, but in order to collect it she will have to wait a further five minutes after her opponent wets herself. Finally, Cadence can't maintain control and loses any hope of getting the bonus as pee positively floods out of her, a long stream which hits the floor and travels all the way across the room to the towel barrier designed to save the carpet. Having witnessed this, Cali's desperation suddenly spikes, and now she is faced with the grueling prospect of holding it in for another five minutes. She always looks as if she could cry as she struggles to hold in her pee for the extra time. She really is dying to go! To make her situation worse, a very relaxed Cadence stands beside her squirting out several more spurts of pee onto the floor. This is sheer torture for poor Cali whose legs are constantly moving as she struggles not to wet herself before the five minutes have passed. She keeps asking how much longer and is told not long now, whereas in fact she waits a total of six minutes before being information of this fact. She laughs but she is also quietly furious and takes great delight in emptying her swollen bladder.
Right at the end, after the girls have showered, the girls, still so very full of liquid both need to pee again, and naturally we film them using the toilet one last time.
Cadence (with Cali)
Desperate & Cold
Time: 5 minutes 16 seconds
To finish off the day, knowing that the girls would very soon need to pee again, they are asked to get dressed and , after a little delay to ensure that
their bladders are again full, they are asked to stand outside where it is freezing cold and hold it. They agree reluctantly (it really is cold and this
makes the need to pee suddenly acute). They endure the cold and the sound of melting ice dripping for several minutes, then Cali decides she is going back
inside to use the toilet. Her plans almost go awry when the boots she is wearing slip on the steps and she almost falls, and of course the shock almost
makes her pee herself. Cadence stands behind her laughing which does nt help her to hold her pee either. Inside, the girls are delayed in the foyer. Cadence
is pee dancing in the background and Cali just looks pissed at being delayed again. Ironically, when they reach the bathroom door, it is Cali who grabs and
delays Cadence, saying that she wants to use the toilet first. Cadence breaks away, tugs donw her jeans and starts to pee while a desperate Cali is left
looking on. She pulls up her dress and hooks her thumbs in the top of her pantyhose and panties in order to pull them down as quickly as possible when she
can get to the toilet. When Cadence delays, Cali threatens to pee on her if she doesn't get out of the way, so Cadence has to stop going and get out of the
way, allowing Cali to sit and relieve herself. One can only imagine how many more times this must have happened on the drive home.
Cadence (with Cali)
Cali & Cadence Set
Battle of the Bladders Desperate & Cold
Time: 53 minutes
Cadence (with Tilly, Cali, Star, Alina, Becky & Niki)
Naked Desperation 8
Time: 55 minutes 24 seconds
Five-minute excerpts are drawn from the following movies:
- Cadence: Barely Able to Wait
- Niki: After Hours of Waiting to Pee
- Alina: Orgasmic Pee
- Star: Strip or Drink 3
- Becky: Naked Erotic Pee
- Tilly: Tilly's Naked Wait
- Cadence & Tilly: This is Your Punishment
- Cali & Tilly: May I Pee?
- Becky: Naked Time to Go
Cadence Lux
Barely Able to Wait
Time: 13 minutes 56 seconds
Cadence has arrived late, very late, and oh my does she ever need to pee. She has been holding it for hours, experiencing one delay after another,
and now she is ready to burst. She wants to run and use the bathroom but she can't, because the camera is already rolling. Cadence is asked to hold
on for a while and she looks almost panicked by the suggestion. She doesn't want to pee in her own clothes so she takes them off and pee dances in
the nude, contorting her legs as she struggles hard to keep holding her pee. She puts up such s fight but she really is bursting, and after ten minutes
or so pee gushes out of her in a torrent.
Cadence Lux
Bathroom Off Limits
Time: 3 minutes 13 seconds
Cadence has been working all day and drinking fairly consistently, so it's no wonder that she keeps feeling the urge to pee. Imagine her distress
when she is told the bathroom is out of bounds! What is she to do? Go outside to relieve herself of course. We follow her out and then persuade her
to hold her pee a little longer instead of just pulling her jeans down right away. Cadence pee dances in the windy cold, which is not helping her
situation at all, until she feels she must act or wet herself. She just made it, laughing to herself because she almost fell over.
Cadence Lux
Cadence Set 5
Barely Able to Wait The League of Desperate Ladies - Cadence Bathroom Off Limits
Time: 44 minutes
Cadence (with Hannah)

Caught by Customs
Time: 21 minutes 08 seconds
Cadence and Hannah have been detained by customs after arriving on a flight from Colombia, suspecting that they may be drug mules. The girls are
locked in a featureless cell to await processing, which means a cavity search for both of them. While they are waiting, it becomes clear that both
girls are dying to pee, having put it off during the flight and then holding it throughout the long wait at immigration. The room has no facilities
so they assume their wait will not be very long, but that is not how things turn out. As the minutes pass, the girls grow increasingly desperate to
piss until they can no longer stand still. They call out for attention but no one comes. Certain that they are under supervision, they refrain from
pulling up their skirts and squatting down, electing instead to wait until someone comes to let them out, but the wait is too long. Cadence is the
first to lose control, and she does so spectacularly. The sight and smell of urine sets Hannah off and she too wets herself. Now when the officers
arrive to examine them, they will have to deal with two girls with wet panties and wet legs.
Cadence (with Hannah)

Behind With Her Work
Time: 8 minutes 07 seconds
Cadence has been arriving late all week and has fallen badly behind with her work. She is now up against a hard deadline, so her boss, Hannah,
decides to come into her office and stand over her until the work is done. Cadence sits squirming and complaining about how badly she needs to pee,
saying that she has been holding it for hours because of the pressure of work, and that she desperately needs to visit the bathroom. Hannah tells
her that she is going nowhere until the task at hand is finished, and while she does not actually say so, it is implicit in her voice that cadence
will lose her job if she fails yo meet the deadline. Poor Cadence sits wiggling frantically as she types, distracted by her full bladder. She tries
to reason with Hannah but her boss is in no mood to negotiate. Rather, she picks Cadence up on several mistakes she has made. Finally, unable to
control her muscles any longer, Cadence scoots to the edge of her chair just as pee gushes through her panties onto the floor. Hannah tells her that
the janitor has gone home by now so Cadence will have to clean up the mess herself, but not before finishing her work!
Cadence (with Hannah)

Cadence & Hannah Set
Time: 29 minutes
Cadence (with Tilly)

This is Your Punishment
Time: 13 minutes 38 seconds
Cadence is always "borrowing" Tilly's clothes and shoes and either not returning them or giving them back damaged or dirty. Tilly is
really tired of this behavior from her housemate, so one morning before either of them are dressed, and before Cadence has a chance to
visit the bathroom, Tilly confronts her and says the only way she will let Cadence off paying for all the things she has taken or ruined
is if she stands in the kitchen and holds her pee until she, Tilly, gives her permission to let it go. Cadence insists that she will
mend her ways and that this ordeal is not necessary, but Tilly insists. She sits and watches as Cadence struggles not to pee before she
is given permission. Pee dancing with a full bladder, Cadence does not know how much longer she can wait and tries to reason with Tilly
to stop this, but Tilly won't back down. She tells her friend, this is your punishment, so Cadence has no choice but to go on waiting or
pay off a very hefty debt. Since she can't afford to do so, she carries on holding her pee. Trouble is, she is now so desperate to go that
she can barely maintain control. She tries again to get Tilly to release her but Tilly refuses. A minute later, the pee filling Cadence's
bladder breaks loose and jets onto the floor. When she has finished relieving herself, Tilly tells her that she had better get this mess
cleaned up, while she, Tilly, goes to get herself ready for work.
Cadence Lux, Tilly McReese & Keri Spectrum

The Clinic enhanced
Time: 14 minutes 46 seconds
We visit the Marshall-Taylor Sonography Clinic where young ladies come for scans which require them to have a full bladder. Today, things are not running
smoothly: One of the doctor's is away on vacation and the second receptionist is away ill, leaving Keri to deal with everything. The doctor doesn't like
the front desk left unattended, so by the time cadence arrives for her two-thirty appointment, Keri has not been able to visit the bathroom since she
started work that morning. Keri explains that things are running late and that cadence should take a seat. Keri checks with her that she has arrived with
a full bladder then resumes her work. Cadence sits and fidgets as she wait, and at three she is still waiting. Growing rather desperate to pee by this time,
Cadence asks how much longer and considers making another appointment, but the next available date is almost two months in the future, so she decides to
continue waiting. While Keri is on the phone trying to persuade her colleague to come in for just half an hour to relieve her, Tilly arrives for her three
o' clock appointment. She receives the same news as cadence and takes a seat beside the girl. Two two women sit and struggle with their discomfort as the
minutes slowly pass. By three-twenty Cadence is bursting and can't hold her pee any longer. She wets her jeans and then goes up to the desk to make another
appointment. This peeing accident has not helped Keri who really could do with a visit to the bathroom herself, especially when she has to call maintenance
to order a clean up in the waiting room. After Cadence leaves, Tilly sits really struggling; she has been waiting over twenty minutes for her appointment
and she was dying to pee when she arrived. She does her best, aware that re-scheduling is not really an option for her, but she simply can't control her
bladder muscles any longer. She too wets herself all over the waiting room floor, then humiliated by what has happened, she jumps up and runs out, leaving
Keri alone and on the verge of peeing herself too. Keri struggles to deal with an incoming call but she is badly distracted. During the conversation, she
loses control of her bladder and releases a huge puddle of pee onto the floor beneath her seat. She calls maintenance back and explains that three cleans
up are now required, then buries her face in her hands as she wonders how the day could possibly get any worse.

Just Made It 14
Time: 60 minutes
Our fourteenth collection of scenes where the girls are desperate to pee and just make it to the bathroom in time, or have to pee outside.
The excerpts are typically 5 minutes long and derive from the following movies:
- Cali: Cali's First Time
- Dixie: Sit On Toilet & Hold
- Jasmine: Desperate Jasmine 1
- Kim: I Want You to Wait
- Gianna: Relief in a Car
- Caroline: Huge Relief
- Cadence: Awkward Moment
- Tilly: Watching the Game
- Niki: The Doors Won't Unlock
- Jasmine: Desperate Jasmine 3
- Cadence: Land Line Only
- Caroline: Can't Stop Peeing
Cadence Lux, Cali Logan & Hannah Perez

Desperation Challenge 4
Time: 47 minutes 31 seconds
Cali, Cadence and Hannah all need to pee as they engage in a quiz where each of them in turn asks the other two girls a question; if one gets
the answer right she doesn't have to drink any liquid, but the girl who didn't answer in time or did not know the correct answer had to consume
a shot of water from a cup. The girls rotate their positions as they take turns in posing questions and hence making their opponents drink water.
As time passes, concentration becomes harder as bladders fill and the girls begin to squirm as they play. Soon, signs of real desperation start
to appear as more and more water is drunk until the girls feel they really can't consume any more; the only solution to that is to answers all
of the questions correctly... except, of course, they can't! Watch as these three beauties each struggle not to be the first to wet
herself and lose the challenge.
Cadence Lux

Land Line Only
Time: 5 minutes 32 seconds
Cadence is on the phone having a chat to a really good friend. She's dying to pee but she doesn't want to end the
conversation prematurely and rush off to the bathroom. Were she using a cellphone, the problem would not arise,
but she is stuck on an old fashioned land line because her paranoid boyfriend doesn't want a cellphone in the house
in case he is tracked going about his daily life. Cadence thinks the whole thing is stupid but she's going along with
it for the moment. However, it is placing her in a very desperate situation where she might pee in her panties at any
moment. Finally unable to wait any longer, cadence hurriedly terminates the call and runs desperately to reach the
bathroom in time. In front of the toilet, she pulls up and skirt and tugs her panties down, sitting on the toilet
just in time. She visibly relaxes as she empties her bladder and the pressure to go disappears.
Cadence Lux

Strip & Pee
Time: 13 minutes 19 seconds
Cadence stands outside in a clingy black dress, preparing to perform a strip tease. Naturally, she needs to pee
while she is doing so, and several times she comes close to the camera to tell you, in a somewhat conspiritorial
voice, how much she needs to go. She slowly peels off the dress to reveal a fishnet Hustler dress underneath, and
black panties. Cadence squirms a little and feels her breasts as she performs her moves, gradually taking off the
tiny dress until only her panties remain. She keeps them on for a minute longer before peeling them off and standing
naked, her hand straying to her crotch as she feels the urge to pee intensify. Finally, Cadence comes close and
tells you that she is about to explode, before parting her legs and releasing a stream of pee onto the grass. She
concludes by blowing you a kiss, gathering up her clothes and walking away, still completely naked.
Cadence Lux

Interview Desperation
Time: 11 minutes 56 seconds
Cadence has reached a short list of just two for a job she really wants. Unfortunately, on the day of her final
interview she is delayed and arrives late. Worried that she is projecting a bad image of herself, she decides not
to stop and use the bathroom before going in for the interview, even though she really needs to pee. She tries not
to wiggle around while she is being questioned, but she can't hide a certain tension, and the interviewer notices.
Cadence tries to brush it off as interview nerves rather than admit that it is in fact interview desperation. She
does her best to maintain her composure and control of her bladder, but part way through the interview she feels
her muscles give way and she starts to wet herself. Mortified, she covers her face with her hands, apologizes
profusely and hurries from the room. In a postscript sequence, we see the pee on the back of Cadence's legs and
on the chair.
Cadence Lux

Cadence: Set 4
Land Line Only Strip & Pee Interview Desperation
Total time: 30 minutes
Cadence Lux

Cadence Can Barely Hold It
Time: 8 minutes 22 seconds
Cadence has been working and drinking all day. She has just finished a half-hour-long bondage video which she started after downing several
pints of liquid. By the end of the session, she was desperate to pee, so much so that she didn't dare change her clothes in the bathroom.
We join her in a leather jacket and mini-skirt and she pee dances and does her best not to wet herself for as long as possible, but she
seriously needs to go. She talks to keep her mind off her desperation, but she is clearly distracted so it is not working all that well.
After just 6 minutes she simply can't wait any longer and pee streams through her panties and down her hose-clad legs. To finish off the video,
Cadence undresses before she heads off to the shower.
Cadence Lux

Awkward Moment
Time: 3 minutes 01 seconds
Cadence arrives home desperate to pee and can't get into the house. She promptly runs around the side and begins pulling down her pants and
panties to relieve herself. Then, to her horror, she sees one of her neighbours walking past the top of the road. She quickly pulls her
panties and pants up and waves to him as if nothing is wrong, but of course he must have seen what she was about to do. Cadence quickly goes
around to the other side of the house and squats down, this time able to pee unobserved.
Cadence Lux

Cadence Waits As Long As She Can
Time: 39 minutes 30 seconds
After imbibing plenty of liquid, Cadence sets out to hold her pee for as long as she can. She already needs to go at the beginning but it
is not serious yet and she looks quite relaxed, chatting away about various things including desperation at a concert. It is not too long
before she starts to become distracted and the fidgeting begins. Now she is feeling the urge to go and she finds it increasingly difficult
to sit still. A little more time passes and now Cadence can think of nothing else but needing to pee. She squirms and crosses her legs,
putting off the moment when she will have to go. When she does, she plans to pee into a jug to see how much she releases. This is one of
those situations where the urge is very powerful and distracting, but when she does release the quantity is not great. Well, we've all been
there. The next one in the sequence, Cadence Can Barely Hold It, produces a veratible flood. Such is the way of these things. When Cadence
does release into the jug, however, the stream is very fast.
Cadence Lux

Cadence Set 3
Cadence Can Barely Hold It Awkward Moment Cadence Waits As Long As She Can
Total time: 51 minutes
Cadence Lux, Laci Star & Niki Lee Young

Holding Contest: Niki, Cadence & Laci
Time: 48 minutes
Niki, Cadence and Laci get together to see which of them can hold her pee the longest. They start out fairly comfortable, drinking as they chat,
and soon the leg wiggling and distressed expressions begin. Desperation builds as we watch the girls squirming and making ever more urgent moves
to suppress the urge to relieve the pressure on their bladders. All dressed in black panties and Hustler fishnet dresses with hem fringes, they
all look very sexy. They can't seem to resist touching their own breasts as they struggle not to pee, almost as if they are trying to distract
themselves from the urgent desire to go. Who loses control first and who wins the contest? Enjoy finding out as you watch these three blondes
battling it out.
Cadence Lux

The Desperate Cadet
Time: 14 minutes 48 seconds
It was intended as a harmless prank, to decorate the C.O.'s office for Halloween while he was off-base. Cadet Cadence had no
idea that he little joke would backfire so badly. The C.O. is furious because she may have compromised security. He has had her
summoned to his office by an armed escort and she now stands before him, waiting for him to get off the phone to delivery his
lecture and dole out whatever punishment he seems suitable. As he chats, Cadence fidgets. She had been intercepted on her way
to the toilet and she badly needs to pee. She does her best to stand standing at attention but the urge to urinate is becoming
very powerful. She crosses her legs and wiggles discretely until she is in danger of wetting herself and peeing on the C.O.'s
floor. She tries to interrupt him and ask for permission to visit the bathroom, and when he does pay attention to her, the C.O.
denies her. Cadence looks alarmed when it seems the C.O.'s conversation may be continuing for some time because she is only a
few minutes away from losing control of her bladder.
Cadence Lux

Cadence Disrobes to Pee
Time: 15 minutes 03 seconds
After a long bondage video where she had to sit tied to a chair with a full bladder, Cadence was anxious to get started on this
one. She gradually disrobes and she wiggles her legs and talks about how badly she needs to pee. She removes her dress, peels off
her stockings, then her bra and panties until she is completely naked and still holding her pee. She struggles to keep holding it
in, very hard to do when not wearing clothes, but she manages it for a few more minutes. Then she releases, and her pee jets from
her with a loud hissing sound. The camera watches her pee stream hitting the floor and then pans up to catch her anguished-relieved
expression. She says she feels physically lighter after releasing all that pee.
Cadence Lux

Cadence Set 2
The Desperate Cadet Cadence Disrobes to Pee
Total time: 30 minutes
Cadence Lux & Beverly Bacci

Student's Revenge
Time: 21 minutes 56 seconds
Beverly is a school teacher and Cadence a recalcitrant student. Beverly is punishing Cadence for talking back during
one of her lectures. Cadence says she needs to pee but Beverly insists that she stay standing in her office until she
gives permission for the girl to leave. Cadence objects and tries to depart, but Beverly threatens her with expulsion
if she doesn't do as she is told. Cadence struggles hard to hold her pee, asking if she can sit down to make herself a
little more comfortable, but Beverly tells her she must continue standing. Cadence's wiggling grows more frantic until
she suddenly loses control. Beverly looks on in horror as the girl pees all over her office floor. She ordered Cadence
to go and get the janitor to clean up the mess she has made. Humiliated, Cadence leaves the room. Later that day when
Beverly arrives home, Cadence is waiting for her. She intercepts Beverly at her front door and makes Beverly raise her
hands. The woman is fidgeting and Cadence guesses that she needs to pee. Cadence urges her teacher inside the house and
forces her to stand in the living room. Beverly explains that she needs the bathroom but Cadence refuses to let her go.
Beverly struggles to wait and finally insists on going through into the kitchen since she knows she can't wait much longer.
Amused, Cadence lets her go and follows her. Cadence sits and watches as Beverly squirms in an effort not to pee herself,
and when Beverly asks if she can sit down for a few minutes, Cadence smiles and says, "fancy that." She refuses to let her
teacher sit. Beverly, looking very anxious now, says that she is about to have an accident, but Cadence orders her to wait
a little longer. Beverly struggles to comply but she really is very desperate. Unable to stop it, she begins to wet herself.
Pee gushes between her legs, coming is spurts. Beverly pees on and on and on, much to Cadence's amusement. When the fun is
over, Cadence leaves, promising to see her teacher in class tomorrow.
Cadence Lux & Laci Star

Just Too Late
Time: 6 minutes 43 seconds
Cadence and Laci are driving along roads in the middle of nowhere. They are both desperate to pee but they can
find no gas station, convenience store or public toilets where they could stop to relieve themselves. Both at
bursting point, they start looking for somewhere to pull off the road where they can dash into the trees and go
without making puddles on the car seats. At last they find a place to stop and both jump out. They run towards
the woods but they just can't hold on - both girls start to wet themselves only a few steps away from the road;
any passing driver would see them wetting their pants. Relieved but anxious not to be seen, the girls return to
the car and peel off their wet jeans. Cadence resumes driving with nothing on her bottom half while Laci sits
wrapped in a towel. They'd better hope no truck driver decides to pass them!
Cadence Lux & Laci Star

Strip Or Drink 2
Time: 33 minutes 33 seconds
Both Cadence and Laci start out needing to pee, and torment one another by suggesting that their opponent either
drink a little water or take off an article of clothing. As the urge to pee grows worse, Cadence, who needed to
go badly at the start, soon resorts to taking off articles of clothing. Laci soon follows her lead and it is not
long before both girls are naked and squirming. Rather than simply release their pee when they cannot wait any
longer, each girl will pee into a jug and then pour the contents into a graduated cylinder to see how much she was
holding. There is only one jug, so whichever girl goes first must rinse out the jug as her competitor watches. This
movie bears resemblance to the original Strip Or Drink movie featuring Paige and Becky.
Cadence Lux & Laci Star

Sudden Urges
Time: 8 minutes 11 seconds
After a busy few hours of drinking liquids and filming, the girls stop for lunch. They drink with their food, adding
to their already hydrated state. By the time they have finished eating, Cadence is absolutely bursting to pee again,
and Laci is not far behind her. The girls have to change clothes before we can resume filming, something which they find
difficult to do while squirming. Outside, they are asked to wait for a further five minutes. Cadence is doubtful that she
can hold it that much longer, and sure enough after about four minutes of pee dancing and holding herself, she loses control.
This sets Laci off and the two stand wetting their panties. After they are done, they peel off pantyhose to show off their
wet panties. Cadence is wearing a grey pair and the wet patch really shows up, whereas Laci's choice of dark underwear
rendering her wet patch invisible, although the evidence of her little accident was evident on her hose. The girls remove
their panties and run back into the house with nothing on their bottom halves.
Cadence Lux & Laci Star

Cadence & Laci: Set 2
Just Too Late Strip Or Drink 2 Sudden Urges
Total time: 48 minutes
Cadence Lux & Laci Star

Desperation Quiz
Time: 29 minutes 20 seconds
Cadence and Laci take part in a desperation quiz where they ask one another multiple-choice questions, and whenever
they got an answer wrong they had to drink a small cup of water. On the 1-10 pee scale, Cadence judged that she was
at an 8 as we began whereas Laci estimated her level at around 6. Cadence declared that she was good at holding and
expected to win. Did she? There are a lot of laughs and quite a bit of fidgeting as things move along. A very fun video.
Cadence Lux & Laci Star

Naked Wait 23
Time: 12 minutes 20 seconds
Another chapter in the naked wait series. Both cadence and Laci started out in a very advanced state of desperation - this was
an hour after the quiz during which they had continued drinking steadily, and further shooting was delayed by an intervening
bondage clip, so they just had to hold it! This meant that they were in serious trouble from the outset and, as a result, the
pee dancing is pretty intense. Both girls bend their legs a lot as they try to wait, and Laci in particular frequently thrusts
a finger between her legs to cork herself up. Struggle as they may, they only manage to hold on for ten minutes.
Cadence Lux & Laci Star

Make You Wet Yourself
Time: 9 minutes 15 seconds
A simple scenario where Cadence and Laci arrive at the house and Cadence is desperate to pee. Laci runs ahead of her and
blocks Cadence from getting into the house. Desperate to go, Cadence says she will pee in the woods, but Laci rushes after
her and grabs her, preventing her from going. Cadence asks her if she is trying to make her pee her jeans, and with plenty
of glee laci says that she is. Cadence loses control and pee pours down the backs of her legs and into one of her boots.
We then shift to another day when the girls again arrive and this time Laci needs to pee. Determined to have her revenge,
Cadence now blocks Laci from getting into the house, and chases after her when Laci heads for the trees. She delays Laci
until she pees in her panties. There's plenty of laughter, a clear indication of two friends having fun.
Cadence Lux & Laci Star

Cadence & Laci: Set 1
Desperation Quiz Naked Wait 23 Make You Wet Yourself
Total time: 51 minutes

Meet Cadence
Time: 18 minutes 14 seconds
Her first time at Bound2Burst, Cadence starts out needing to pee and tries on different outfits as she wiggles
around to help her wait. Having not done any pee desperation work before, she does not know how she is going to
react. As a precaution, she had plenty to drink in the previous several hours to make sure she would badly need
to pee. Her dancing around is enticing as she moves from outfit to outfit until she just can't hold it any longer
and wets herself.
Cadence Lux

Naked Wait 21
Time: 11 minutes 18 seconds
Cadence starts out in a tight top and mini skirt but is persuaded almost at once to do this one naked. She thinks it
might be more comfortable without clothes and disrobes, but in fact the absence of clothing just makes it harder for
her to hold her pee. She urgently needs to go and wiggles around a lot, unconsciously covering her breasts with her arm
and she concentrates on not losing control. Desperate to go but trying so hard to make the video as long as possible,
Cadence keeps glancing at the clock to see how long she has held it, but the minutes are just crawling by. Within ten
minutes she just can't wait any longer. The peeing sequence is filmed close up for the most part.
Cadence Lux

Cadence Can't Wait Much Longer
Time: 15 minutes 14 seconds
Cadence is already dying to pee at the start of this clip. She is asked to wait for fifteen minutes but is not sure
if she can. She squirms and gasps as she struggles to hold it, her eyes frequently straying to the clock to see if
the time has passed. She can think of nothing except getting relieve when she wets herself, and has to find really
hard to make it. When she loses control, we see the pee flow through her panties and leave wet streaks on her pantyhose.
She breathes a sigh of relief, but it's only temporary - she knows it won't be long before we get her desperate to pee
Cadence Lux

Cadence Holds It While Texting
Time: 10 minutes 21 seconds
Cadence is engrossed in texting back and forth with a friend and is really involved in the exchange. She needs to pee
but it's not convenient for her to stop what she is doing so she tightly crosses her legs and resolves to hold it.
After a few minutes, she stands up and begins pee dancing as she continues texting, grabbing her crotch from time to
time and pressing a finger against her urethra to prevent herself leaking. Finally, the need for relief is too urgent
and she hurries to the bathroom, lifts her short skirt, pulls down her tights and sits on the toilet. She pees rapidly
at first, then pauses. The camera angle is changed before she finishes emptying her bladder, a face taking on a blissful
expression as she makes herself comfortable again.
Cadence Lux

Cadence: Set 1
Meet Cadence Naked Wait 21 Cadence Can't Wait Much Longer Cadence Holds It While Texting
Total time: 55 minutes