Bound2Burst Movies by Model: Autumn Bodell
Autumn Bodell
Speeding Ticket upscaled (2K/4K)
Time: 10 minutes 38 seconds
A cop has followed Autumn for speeding - she is in a hurry to get home to use the bathroom because she is desperate to pee! When she reaches
home and is getting out of the car, she sees the cop car pulling up behind her. The siren does a single whoop which is telling her to stay put.
The cop approaches her and tells her she was speeding, and he asks for her license and registration documents. Autumn gets these from the car,
squirming in desperation. The cop tells her to stay where she is while he runs her information. Autumn asks if she can run in to use the bathroom
but the cop insists that she stay where she is. Autumn squirms and paces, urging the cop (under her breath) to hurry up because she is absolutely
bursting. The cop come back to tell her that her insurance was close to lapsing and he has just phone her insurance company to make sure it is
being renewed. He then explains that he will still write the ticket because Autumn was speeding so excessive. Left waiting again, Autumn is going
out of her mind trying not to have an accident, but her bladder is completely full. She has no choice. She parts her legs and wets herself,
finishing just as the cop comes back with the ticket for her to sign.
2K: 1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 607.9 MB
4K: 3840x2160 pixels - MP4: 1,134.1 MB
Autumn Bodell
Bursting Bank Manager Remastered (MP4)
Time: 21 minutes 48 seconds
Autumn is an Assistant Bank Manager who gets up in the early morning to use the bathroom, only to find an intruder waiting for her. It transpires that he needs
her to log in to the bank's computers and transfer money to his Swiss bank account. He has thoughtfully brought along his own laptop for her to use. Autumn stalls,
fearing the consequences of giving in to this man's demands, but at the same time she is bursting to pee and he won't let her use the bathroom until the transaction
is complete. Unfortunately, each step in the process is on a timer which means long waits between code entries. During this time, Autumn pee-dances and squirms, sits
on her foot, paces up and down, crosses her legs, doing everything she can think of to help her hold it until she is allowed to use the bathroom. The process takes
so long, however, that her muscles give way and pee literally explodes out of her all over the kitchen floor. Before he leaves, the intruder locks the still naked
Autumn in the basement to prevent her reaching a phone to call for help before he has made good his escape.
1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,091.5 MB
Autumn Bodell
Problem With the Plumbing Remastered (MP4)
Time: 14 minutes 37 seconds
Autumn arrives home after a long day of waitressing. She is tired and she is bursting to pee. She finds her boyfriend (who is a plumber) relaxing in the kitchen, and asks
him if he has finished work on the bathroom. He says not quite and seems reluctant to get back to it. When Autumn starts to get annoyed, he returns to his work, leaving her
holding on waiting for him to finish. She makes tea as she is waiting for access to the bathroom, anything to take her mind off her predicament, but things are becoming
serious and she goes along to the bathroom to find out how much longer the boyfriend is going to be before reconnecting whatever it is he needs to reconnect. He tells her
he is almost done, and Autumn goes back to her cup of tea, drinking it in spite of herself. Suddenly, her desperation is too great and, even while pacing up and down, she
starts to wet herself. She can't stem the flow, so she completely soaks her legs and tights as she pees on the floor. Annoyed now, she shouts out to the boyfriend and tells
him to take his time.
1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 731.3 MB
Autumn Bodell
Public Bathroom Phobia Remastered (MP4)
Time: 16 minutes 32 seconds
Autumn is a secretary on her first day at a new company. The boss is very kind and accommodating, making sure she is settling in alright and has everything she needs. Autumn
chooses this moment to confess to him that she has a phobia about using public toilets, and that she will need to go home at lunch time to use her own bathroom. The boss is
rather surprised by her statement and wonders why she did not bring up this issue during her interview. He tells Autumn that, as a new employee, she will have the 1-2 pm lunch
spot, and that long-time employees get to take the 12-1 slot. She says that's fine and gets back to work. A few hours later, the boss brings Autumn a cup of coffee, a kind
gesture but one not entirely welcomed by a woman whose bladder is starting to feel uncomfortable. Time passes and Autumn grows desperate to pee, but there is no way she is
going to use the ladies room at the office. At 20 minutes before one, the boss explains that he is going out to a meeting, and that Autumn must hold the fort until the rest
of the staff return from lunch. The girl is now very desperate to pee and asks if she could leave early, but the boss explains again that the offices must be covered during
the lunch period, and that as the new girl she must stay put until she is relieved. Autumn counts the minutes until one o'clock, but then to her mounting alarm, the other
members of staff don't return. She paces and wiggles her legs, fighting the urge to pee, but she is now bursting. At 1:15 she is still alone, and unable to hold it any longer
she wets herself beside her desk. She has barely finished when the other staff return. Autumn leaves in embarrassment, saying that she can't do this any more.
1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 827.3 MB
Autumn Bodell
Locked in a Bank Vault Remastered (MP4)
Time: 9 minutes 54 seconds
Autumn is a bank employee who has gone into the vault with a customer, only to have the door accidentally close on them. The door is on a time lock that will not open for hours,
and no one knows they are trapped inside the vault. In such circumstances, it is hardly surprising that the urge to pee would assert itself after a while. We join the action where
both Autumn and the customer need to use the bathroom, but only Autumn is too desperate to hold it. She tries to hold on discretely at first, but her desperation increases in
leaps and bounds until she is forced to keep crossing her legs and squat down to press her heel against her crotch. She wets herself just moments before the vault door opens, and
even manages to look embarrassed about her accident.
1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 495.5 MB
Autumn Bodell
Stranded at the Fair Remastered (MP4)
Time: 8 minutes 32 seconds
Autumn has spent a nice afternoon at the fair, but for the last hour or so she has needed to pee. The line for the ladies is enormous and just never gets any shorter. Had she joined
the line early on, she might have been able to hold it for long enough to get into a stall, but now it's much too late for that. She will have to drive home, holding it until she can
reach her own bathroom. But, horror of horrors, her truck will not start. She calls her boyfriend to come and collect her, but after half an hour he still has not tuened up and Autumn
is truly desperate to pee. We pick up this story as Autumn calls her boyfriend back to see where he has got to, then watch her pace and squirm as she is forced to carry on waiting for
him to show up. When he still doesn't arrive, she calls him again, her manner now fraught as she fights the urge to wet her jeans. She paces back and forth, but she soon reaches the
point where she cannot hold it any longer and her boyfriend is still nowhere in sight. Autumn stands beside her truck and wets herself, then moves around to the far side of the vehicle
to get out of sight of the other fair-goers.
1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 427.5 MB
Autumn Bodell
Housemate in the Shower Remastered (MP4)
Time: 17 minutes 41 seconds
Autumn arrives home with a full bladder, intended to dive straight into the bathroom and relieve herself. To her dismay, her housemate (male) is showering, so now she will have to wait
a bit longer. She paces around the house, bending her knees, sitting on her heel, gasping as waves of desperation threaten to overwhelm her. She tries to hurry her housemate up but it
seems he is in no rush, quite happy to leave her struggling not to wet herself. Her pacing and squirming becomes more frantic as the minutes pass and she gets closer and closer to having
an accident. She makes one final bid to hurry her housemate along, but before he emerges from the bathroom, Autumn is forced to wet herself. (Autumn is wearing fishnets and a little black
dress for this one, and when she pees it literally forms a curtain between her legs).
1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 884.7 MB
Autumn Bodell
An Accident For an Accident Remastered (MP4)
Time: 22 minutes 13 seconds
Autumn has caused a traffic accident by running into the back of another car. She is uninsured and visits the home of the man whose car she hit to try to persuade him not to involve
his insurance company, but to let her pay for the cost of repairs in installments. He is not particularly interested in this, but he does propose another solution. Soon after her arrival,
Autumn begins asking for the use of the bathroom because she needs to pee. The guy tells her that he will write off her entire debt to him if she is prepared to stay and not use the
bathroom for at least 30 minutes. Autumn says she is desperate to go but the guy is adamant and will accept no other way of settling the issue. Since she doesn't have the money, Autumn
reluctantly agrees to hold it, but maintains that she can't wait for half an hour. The guy insists so she does her best, crossing and wiggling her legs, pacing and crossing her legs,
squatting down to press her heel into her crotch, everything she can think of to help her hold it. She tries to persuade the guy to let her go since he bladder feels like it is about to
explode, but he still refuses. Autumn holds it as long as she can, but before the half-hour is up, her muscles give way and she makes a huge mess on the floor, peeing on her new boots as
1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,111.6 MB
Autumn Bodell
New Bound2Burst Secretary Remastered (MP4)
Time: 18 minutes 17 seconds
Autumn has been interviewed for the job of handling Bound2Burst's calls and correspondence, and so far her performance looks very promises. There is still one hurdle to jump, however -
she must man the telephones while coping with a full bladder, without leaving her post. She is told to stay put hold it until the boss returns. Desperate to get the job, as well as
desperate to pee, Autumn sits and squirms in her chair as she takes calls are tries not to wet herself. Her mounting anxiety is clear in her expression and body language as the time
passes and the boss does not return. Approaching bursting point, Autumn does everything she can think of to hold it, without behaving in an unladylike manner (she has been told there are
hidden cameras watching her), but she is close to exploding and can hardly concentrate on the phone calls that just keep coming. When Autumn loses control, she spurts between her legs
several times before the real flood begins, and when it does start, it goes on for more than a minute. Her bladder had to be so close to bursting before the pressure to empty it overwhelmed
it. Even though Autumn could not wait until the boss came back, she made such a valiant attempt that she got the job anyway.
1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 914.9 MB
Autumn Bodell
Autumn Remastered (MP4)
Total time: 2 hours 9 minutes
This set of movies has been remastered from the original footage, then upscaled with Topaz Video AI software from the original
720x480 pixels to 1472x1080 pixels.
- Bursting Bank Manager Remastered
- Problem With the Plumbing Remastered
- Public Bathroom Phobia Remastered
- Locked in a Bank Vault Remastered
- Stranded at the Fair Remastered
- Housemate in the Shower Remastered
- An Accident For an Accident Remastered
- New Bound2Burst Secretary Remastered
Autumn & Lavender
Permission To Pee 2 Remastered (MP4)
Time: 42 minutes 16 seconds
Autumn and Lavender torment one another with each giving the other permission to pee into a small cup and then
cut off the flow when the cup is full, no matter how desperate she is to keep going. Stopping is hard because
both girls have full bladders and each time they have to stop peeing, their muscles protest a little more until
they begin to tire. In addition to controlling the amount her competitor can pee, each girl can also determine
how frequently her opponent may go. Instead of allowing her to pee a little, she can ask her opponent to remove
an article of clothing instead, lengthening the period of holding. They even have the option of making the other
drink water. This goes on until both of them are bursting and can't hold it any longer.
1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,956.5 MB
Autumn & Lavender
Panic At The Mall Remastered (MP4)
Time: 21 minutes 44 seconds
Autumn and Lavender are shopping at the mall, and it has been quite a while since they visited the ladies room.
Unfortunately, they find the toilet occupied when they arrive and they are forced to stand and wait for it to
become vacant. As time passes, no one emerges and the girls are growing extremely desperation. They talk about
shopping, about clothes, about anything they can think of to take their minds of their full, aching bladders. Their
pee dancing grows more frantic as the minutes tick by until the unthinkable happens - they are forced to wet their
jeans in a public place. how can they walk back through the mall with huge dark wet patches on the legs of their
1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,006.2 MB
Autumn & Lavender
Holding Contest 10 Remastered (MP4)
Time: 86 minutes 41 seconds
Autumn and Lavender competed against one another to see who could last the longest and who would pee the most.
The opening sequence shows the girls using the bathroom, then drink and tell desperation stories. During filming,
the girls go outside and sit in the garden for a while as they continue to sip at their drinks, then spend a
little time out on the back deck admiring the view. By now, bladders are getting full and the level of fidgeting
is ramping up. Apologies for the poor lighting in parts of the video.
1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 4,013.6 MB
Autumn & Lavender
Autumn & Lavender Remastered Set (MP4)
Time: 2 hours 30 minutes
1. Permission To Pee 2 Remastered
2. Panic At The Mall Remastered
3. Holding Contest 10 Remastered
Autumn Bodell
How Long Will You Be? (MP4)
Time: 16 minutes 33 seconds
The toilet in Autumn's bathroom has been leaking and she arranged for its repair while she is out. When she returns home
needing to pee, she finds a notice on the bathroom door telling her not to use the toilet because work is still in progress.
The workman has gone off to collect a seal that he needs to complete the job, and clearly he has not returned yet. Autumn
calls the company to find out how much longer the workman is going to be because she is getting desperate to use the toilet.
She waits and pee dances, checking the street outside periodically to see if there is any sign of the company van. She calls
again and again, only to learn that there are more delays. Now desperate, she makes a last attempt to call and hurry things
along, but while on the phone, she starts to wet her pants. She manages to hold the rest, but now it will be embarrassing
when the workman finally arrives.
1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 774.5 MB
Autumn Bodell
Autumn's Naked Wait (MP4)
Time: 11 minutes 16 seconds
Autumn struggles with a full bladder while naked, chatting to Dave and asking questions to take her mind off her predicament.
The whole video is something of a conversation up to the point where Autumn just can't hold it any longer.
1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 525.9 MB
Autumn Bodell
Autumn Bodell: 2021 (MP4)
Total time: 27 minutes 49 seconds
1. How Long Will You Be?
2. Autumn's Naked Wait
Tara & Autumn Bodell
Desperation Challenge 3 enhanced (MP4)
Time: 65 minutes 51 seconds
Autumn and Tara go head to head in this challenge to see not only who can hold her pee the longest but also release
the most. The girls are given a number of questions of answer, questions to which, for the most part, they are unlikely
to know the answers, just to make sure that they have to drink many shots of water along the way, increasing their
desperation with each minute that passes. At the beginning, both girls are seen using the bathroom to empty out their
bladder. In fact, Autumn has to go twice since she and Tara have already been drinking steadily and they were getting
desperate during a bondage session which preceded this. Even after emptying out, there was still a little time before
the challenge began, and both girls were already feeling the urge to pee again when they got underway. There were faced
with an array of 30 small cups of water, which took more than three bottles to fill, knowing that each of them may have
to drink up to fifteen of these. As hoped, most of the questions proved too difficult and resulted in plenty of imbibing.
As a result, both girls grew rapidly desperate to pee. Their contortions as they struggled to hold it were varied and
very interesting to watch. The body language of a girl's desperation is, for some of us, the most interesting part of
the process, and this went on for rather a long time because neither Tara nor Autumn wanted to lose. As the challenge
progressed, concentrations wandered and the pee dancing became more extreme. At the end, each girl peed into a glass
Noise reduction using "Neat"
1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 3,041.2 MB
Autumn Bodell & Laci Star
Holding Contest 21 enhanced
Time: 37 minutes 51 seconds
Autumn and Laci are competing in a holding contest, but with a difference. They have been told that for every five minutes they wait
without wetting themselves, they will each receive a ten dollar bonus. There is a catch, however: in order to collect the bonus, they
must BOTH hold it. If one girls loses control then they both lose the extra money. During the contest, they also learn that they must
both hold on until a certain time or, once again, they will lose the money. That time is 40 minutes in the future, and they are already
both bursting after filling up on loads of liquid. This is one desperate struggle to maintain control, with loads of pee dancing and
talk about desperation. Do they make it, and who does lose control first? These are questions which "urgently" need answers!
1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,753.2 MB
Candle, Hannah, Carissa & Autumn
Mind Over Bladder revisited (MP4)
Time: 73 minutes 07 seconds
Change from the first release: the video was reimported from the original, enhanced and exported at 1920x1080 pixels and
a bitrate of 5Mbps. The video is supplied in two parts to avoid download problems. When played in sequence, the join is
clean (no opening or closing credits).
Original description: Candle, Hannah, Carissa and Autumn line up for a holding contest to see who can wait the longest
and who can pee the most, not necessarily the same girl. Of the four, the first two to lose control will have to wet themselves;
the remaining contenders will each pee into a glass cylinder to see how much they were holding. All four women had started
drinking fluids before filming began to make sure they would get desperate to pee before too much time passed. There is
plenty of chat about pee-related matters, and it is not long before the first signs of squirming begin. Desperation mounts
as the minutes pass and it becomes a battle to see who will have to give in first, and who will last the longest. There is
also a personal challenge for Candle to beat her previous record of 1.2 litres of pee.
(Technical information: 1920x1080 pixels - 5 Mbps bitrate 2,833.3 MB; MP4: 2,832.6 MB)
Carissa, Autumn & Jasmine
Holding Contest Remastered: Carissa, Autumn & Jasmine
Time: 60 minutes 58 seconds
Originally released at 1280x720 pixels and a bitrate of 3 Mbps, this video has been remastered from the original file and released at 1920x1080 pixels
and a bitrate of 4.25 Mbps. Color and sound have been enhanced.
Original description: Carissa, Autumn and Jasmine drink liquids as they sit and talk to one another about desperate to pee situations they have found themselves
in at different times. They are all relaxed at first, but after a while the urge to pee begins to grow until, after about half an hour, the fidgeting is becoming
urgent. Each girl is trying to hold it longer than her two competitors, hoping they are even more desperate to pee. The conversation dies down somewhat as they
all must concentrate on not wetting themselves. It's only a matter of time before someone loses control and the flooding begins. Who manages to wait the longest?
Witness these three beautiful women frantically pee dancing as each approaches her bursting point. (This holding contest is a lot of fun, and admitted as much
when it was all over. They all got along extremely well and enjoyed the competition despite their discomfort).
(Technical information: 1920x1080 pixels - 4.25 Mbps bitrate 2,004.3 MB; MP4: 2,014.9 MB)
Keri Spectrum & Autumn Bodell
Autumn Helps Keri Wait
Time: 27 minutes 52 seconds
Autumn introduces Keri to holding her pee as she tries on outfits for her day's shoot. An old hand at this game,
Autumn encourages Keri to keep waiting. Keri seems fairly relaxed at first but this quickly changes because she has
loaded up on a lot of liquid in the previous three hours, and she soon struggles on the brink of wetting herself.
Autumn tells her to keep holding it and she does try, but the urge to go is very powerful. When Keri loses control,
a lot of pee comes out of her in a fast and furious stream. It's her first time doing this in front of a camera and
she seems quite embarrassed.
Keri Spectrum & Autumn Bodell
Desperation Challenge 2
Time: 30 minutes 22 seconds
Keri and Autumn are prosied a bonus if they can hold their pee for an hour, but they only get if both of them can wait the
full time. At first they seem confident that they can do it, but within ten minutes Keri is clearly in trouble, The urge to
pee has come upon her very suddenly and it's bad. The constant intake of fluids has hydrated her to the point where she needs
to pee frequently, and all at once holding it for another fifty minutes looks like an impossible challenge. Autumn encourages
her to hold on and to try thinking of something else, but Autumn herself is also beginning to squirm; he condition may not be
much better than Keri's. In another five minutes both women are gasping and moaning as the cope with rapidly filling bladders.
Twenty minutes in and they are both dying to pee and are fast approaching the point where they can barely move. Keri tries both
sitting and standing, and even sitting on the floor with her legs crossed, but nothing seems to be helping. They can both feel
that bonus slipping away as teach girl gets closer and closer to her bursting point.
Keri Spectrum & Autumn Bodell

Keri Spectrum & Autumn Bodell Set
Autumn Helps Keri Wait Desperation Challenge 2
Total time: 58 minutes
Laci Star & Autumn Bodell
Naked Wait 19
Time: 24 minutes 15 seconds
Autumn and Laci start off dressed in the clothes in which they arrived, both dying to pee after their long car journey and
resisting the urge to stop en route. During the first ten minutes of the video, they gradually remove their clothes until
they stand naked and squirming, the urge to go suddenly so much worse without clothing in the way. They both pee dance
frantically and hold themselves, trying to hold back the flood. As always, the bathroom is out of reach and it is only a
matter of time before they lose control.
Laci Star & Autumn Bodell
Holding Contest 21
Time: 37 minutes 59 seconds
Autumn and Laci are competing in a holding contest, but with a difference. They have been told that for every five minutes
they wait without wetting themselves, they will each receive a ten dollar bonus. There is a catch, however: in order to
collect the bonus, they must BOTH hold it. If one girls loses control then they both lose the extra money. During the contest,
they also learn that they must both hold on until a certain time or, once again, they will lose the money. That time is 40
minutes in the future, and they are already both bursting after filling up on loads of liquid. This is one desperate struggle
to maintain control, with loads of pee dancing and talk about desperation. Do they make it, and who does lose control first?
These are questions which "urgently" need answers!!!
Laci Star & Autumn Bodell
Autumn & Laci: Set 1
Naked Wait 19 Holding Contest 21
Total time: 62 minutes
Autumn Bodell & Tara
Desperation Challenge 3
Time: 66 minutes
Autumn and Tara go head to head in this challenge to see not only who can hold her pee the longest but also release the most. The girls are given a
number of questions of answer, questions to which, for the most part, they are unlikely to know the answers, just to make sure that they have to drink
many shots of water along the way, increasing their desperation with each minute that passes. At the beginning, both girls are seen using the bathroom
to empty out their bladder. In fact, Autumn has to go twice since she and Tara have already been drinking steadily and they were getting desperate during
a bondage session which preceded this. Even after emptying out, there was still a little time before the challenge began, and both girls were already
feeling the urge to pee again when they got underway. There were faced with an array of 30 small cups of water, which took more than three bottles to fill,
knowing that each of them may have to drink up to fifteen of these. As hoped, most of the questions proved too difficult and resulted in plenty of imbibing.
As a result, both girls grew rapidly desperate to pee. Their contortions as they struggled to hold it were varied and very interesting to watch. The body
language of a girl's desperation is, for some of us, the most interesting part of the process, and this went on for rather a long time because neither Tara
nor Autumn wanted to lose. As the challenge progressed, concentrations wandered and the pee dancing became more extreme. At the end, each girl peed into a
glass cylinder.
Candle Boxxx & Autumn Bodell
Both Trying to Hold On
Time: 18 minutes 56 seconds
Candle and Autumn are both longing to pee; their bladders are full and they cannot sit still. They have been instructed to
wait at least 20 minutes, but they look doubtful about lasting that long. They stand and wiggle as they try not to wet their
panties, but the desire to go feels very urgent. Their situation is made worse by the presence of a water fountain running in
the background, the sound of trickling water thoroughly torturous. Candle is reaching the point where she knows she is about
to lose control and squeezes her thighs together as tightly as she can, trying to cut off any leaking. It works for a short
time but she really is about to burst and can't wait. She starts to wet herself and looks so relieved as pee streams down her
legs and leaves visible streaks all over her panty hose. She stands with one knee turned inwards, and this make pee jet
sideways from her calf in a powerful arc. She pees for a long time, moaning with relief as poor Autumn stands beside her
struggling not to lose control, incredibly difficult when her opponent is audibly relieving herself just a few feet away.
Autumn struggles frantically and manages to last a few more minutes, but even she cannot reach the 20-minute mark and loses
control of her bladder still several minutes short of the target. Her pantyhose are covered in pee streaks too as she empties
out, now sounding equally relieved as the pressure on her bladder subsides.
Candle Boxxx & Autumn Bodell
Outdoor Desperation
Time: 41 minutes 00 seconds
Candle & Autumn are out on the lawn, and as expected they both need to pee as the camera begins rolling. They have been
consuming plenty of liquid and their bladders are filling quickly. It is not long before they are fidgeting as they struggle
to hold their pee. The struggling grows more intense as the minutes creep by, and the girls don't help their situation by
discussing things pee related. As they get warm with the tension of suppressing the urge to pee, they start to undress, and
indeed help each other with their clothes. They keep going until they are both naked; now nothing stands between them and urine
release. Holding it just got a lot more difficult. They manage to keep waiting for quite a long time before Candle finally
loses control - she spreads her legs wide to avoid peeing on her shoes, delighted by Autumn's frantic reaction to the sight and
sound of her friend peeing. Autumn dances around and crosses her legs tightly, and is clearly thinking about relieving herself.
Before she does, the cameraman suggests that she can use the toilet in the house, but only on the condition that she put her
clothes back on first. Autumn puts on her panties, top and skirt and begins staggering towards the house, but she is so
desperate that she cannot walk properly. She makes several stops to regain control, but in one of these she is overwhelming by
the urge to pee and wets herself. Resigned to being wet, she peels her clothes off again and walks up the hill with a gleeful
Candle Boxxx & Autumn Bodell
Candle Boxxx & Autumn Bodell Set
Both Trying to Hold On Outdoor Desperation
Total time: 59 minutes 56 seconds
Autumn Bodell
Autumn's Desperate To Piss
Time: 21 minutes 45 seconds
After a break of three years, Autumn returns and arrives with a full bladder. Always a good sign. We ask her to just
hold it for as long as she can and take her outside. She stands squirming and pee dancing for some time, fighting the
urge to let go. This grows visibly more difficult as the minutes pass until Autumn is clearly approaching a point
where she is going to lose control. She struggles to hold on but the pressure is too much and she wets herself, pee
visibly depending between her legs. Autumn says she had forgotten just how bad it is to have to hold her pee like that,
but she came back to endure it anyway.
1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,003.5 MB
Autumn Bodell
Autumn Wets The Bed (MP4)
Time: 16 minutes 52 seconds
Another naked woman chained to a bed and needing to pee. It's an impossible situation, as Monica found out, and both
Kendra James and Vonka Romanov before her. Ostensibly, she is being held prisoner overnight and her guard is not at all
inclined to take her pleas for the bathroom seriously. He tells her to wait until the morning, but Autumn is too desperate
to go for that. She squirms as much as she can, trying to delay the moment when she will have to lie there in a puddle of
her own pee, but it isn't long before she reaches her bursting point and pee shoots out of her. She watches in dismay as
the soaks the bed and then can't get up to escape from it. It's going to be a very long night.
1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 779.8 MB
Speeding Ticket (MP4)
Time: 10 minutes 48 seconds
A cop has followed Autumn for speeding - she is in a hurry to get home to use the bathroom because she is desperate to pee! When she reaches home and
is getting out of the car, she sees the cop car pulling up behind her. The siren does a single whoop which is telling her to stay put. The cop approaches
her and tells her she was speeding, and he asks for her license and registration documents. Autumn gets these from the car, squirming in desperation.
The cop tells her to stay where she is while he runs her information. Autumn asks if she can run in to use the bathroom but the cop insists that she
stay where she is. Autumn squirms and paces, urging the cop (under her breath) to hurry up because she is absolutely bursting. The cop come back to tell
her that her insurance was close to lapsing and he has just phone her insurance company to make sure it is being renewed. He then explains that he will
still write the ticket because Autumn was speeding so excessive. Left waiting again, Autumn is going out of her mind trying not to have an accident, but
her bladder is completely full. She has no choice. She parts her legs and wets herself, finishing just as the cop comes back with the ticket for her to sign.
1280x720 pixels - MP4: 418.4 MB
Peeing in the Park
Time: 12 minutes 59 seconds
Autumn has agreed to rendezvous with her boyfriend in the park before they go out to dinner, and Autumn sits waiting in her elegant dress for him
to arrive. Unfortunately for her, he has picked a park that has not public restrooms and Autumn seriously needs to pee. She calls him and tells him
to hurry up because she is desperate to use the restroom, then she settles down to wait. She wiggles incessantly, crossing and uncrossing her legs,
then standing and intermittently lifting one foot off the ground as she pee dances. She is getting really desperate to go now and is starting to panic
since she is in full view of some families picnicking nearby. She calls her boyfriend again to impress upon him how urgent the situation has become,
but he is still not that close. Autumn struggles to control herself but her bladder is so very full. Her strained expression makes it clear that she
is struggling hard to wait, but it's not good; she is absolutely dying to pee. It suddenly gushes out of her as she sits, streaming through the
wickerwork chair onto the ground. Autumn looks around to see if anyone is watching her but her accident seems to have gone unnoticed. Feeling both
embarrassed and annoyed by her humiliating loss of control, she phones her boyfriend back to tell him not to bother coming now, informing him that
she has wet herself and that she is going home. Autumn stands and walks away through the trees towards the park entrance, a wet patch visible on the
back of her dress.
Grabbed While Desperate
Time: 10 minutes 03 seconds
Autumn has answered an on-line advertisement where someone is selling a small refrigerator. She arrives at a house, feeling the urge to pee but it is
not yet critical. She is rounding the corner of the house when she comes across the fridge standing outside. She stops, surprised, and in that moment
is grabbed from behind and has a cloth pressed over her nose and mouth. When Autumn wakes, she finds herself spreadeagled between two trees, straps
binding her wrists and ankles, and a cleave gag in her mouth. She struggles in an effort to escape but she can't reach the ropes attaching the straps
to the trees. She does not get much time anyway before a masked man approaches through the woods from behind her. He is carrying a pair of scissors.
Autumn looks alarmed, wondering what he is planning to do with those. She looks down in horror as he starts to cut off her shirt. He doesn't stop there:
Next, he cuts and rips her skirt, dropping it on the woodland floor. He walks around her before snipping away at her bra, exposing her breasts. Finally,
he cuts through each legs of her panties until they fall to the ground. Totally naked now, Autumn is left alone in the woods, arms and legs stretched
apart and unable to get away. The urge to pee has intensified now and she struggles to hold it, although she is naked and outdoors. Does urine attract
things like bears? Should she let it go or not? Soon, the choice is taken away from her as her body just yields to the pressure and she releases. With
that discomfort out of the way, all she needs to do now is find a way to get free.
Simply Waiting
Time: 15 minutes 04 seconds
No storyline here. We just watch Autumn as she struggles not to pee herself, starting from a point where she is already dying to go. Autumn is one of
those girls who really pee dances (something she says she does even in public) in order to hold on. In order to make sure she really squirmed, we got
her to the point of almost bursting even before the camera was switched on. (The situation was very similar for the Peeing in the Park video where
Autumn really struggled to wait long enough to give us more than 10 minutes of holding it. There is something enticing about watching this frantic
struggle to suppress the urge to pee, especially when one knows the girl is so very desperate to go. It almost guarantees a long and heavy stream at
the end of the wait; the pay off for drinking a lot of liquid and avoiding the bathroom.
Naked Wait 8
Time: 10 minutes 32 seconds
This naked wait clip is shorter than all the others because Autumn turned up absolutely bursting, frantic to pee, ready to explode! She was so desperate that
she didn't want to spend any time changing her clothes, so the video kicks off with her in casual dress. She soon disrobes (after all, she doesn't want to pee
on her own clothing) and pee dances around the room naked. She can't stand still for a second, and when she speaks a lot of what she says doesn't make sense
because she simple can't concentrate on anything except her overfilled bladder. Autumn fights really hard to hold on, resisting the urge to give in even when
she starts to leak. The pressure soon becomes too great and she releases a jet of pee onto the floor. Wow, did she ever need that relief!
Autumn Pees Her Pants
Time: 16 minutes 04 seconds
Autumn wants to see what it would be like to pee in a pair of silky/spandex pants. She is desperate to go (she is one of those women who gets
desperate very suddenly and then has trouble holding it). She waits as long as she can and then, when she has to release, we hear a very loud
hissing sound as she starts to wet her pants. The pee does not break through but does appear at the top of her boots. Autumn pulls down the pants
and continues peeing through her panties. Pee goes everywhere as it gushes out of her in a rush. She really needed that! As one might expect with
pants containing spandex, the pee does not soak through at the crotch. It only everges just above the boot where the material is compressed, but
even then a lot of it remained trapped. In consequence, Autumn's boots got very full of pee.
Elevator Desperation 6
Time: 14 minutes 33 seconds
Autumn plays the role of the trapped secretary in this sixth and (for now) final elevator desperation story. Autumn was seriously desperate to
pee at the start of the video, so for her to make almost fifteen minutes was quite a struggle. When she loses control and humiliates herself in
front of the stranger, a lot of pee hits the floor in a very visible stream. Autumn behaves in a more extroverted way than most of the other girls
who have filled this role, going farther than she really would in the present of a man she doesn't know, but it's entertaining for those who like
things to be more demonstrative. When Autumn needs to pee, she can't stand still for a moment, and admits that she is almost this obvious in public.
One might imagine that does not include pulling her skirt up, but then again...
Autumn Pees in a Cup
Time: 19 minutes 08 seconds
Autumn is really dying to pee. She is pacing and squirming to help her hold it. She grabs her crotch,
sits on her foot, bounces her knees, struggling to wait a bit longer and a bit longer. After almost
ten minutes, Autumn is convinced that she can't wait any longer and picks up the cup she brought for
the purpose to pee into, but the cameraman shakes his head, persuading her to go on holding it. Autumn
pulls a face but she puts the cup down and continues waiting. Her gasping and urgent movements show how
incredibly desperate she is becoming. Feeling an almost overwhelming urge to release, Autumn manages to
hold on for another ten minutes before she finally pull down her white panties and lets go into the cup.
The stream is powerful and her relief quite obvious. She comments that the level is getting near to the
top by the time the flow diminishes to a trickle.
I Pee Like a Racehorse
Time: 14 minutes 00 seconds
Autumn wakes up late with a full bladder and wiggles her legs as she calls a friend to tell her to buy
her coffee, leaving a message before dashing to the bathroom and pulling down her panties. Autumn sits
on the toilet but instead of enjoying the relief of peeing, she holds it in as she talks to the viewer
about her peeing experiences, how she always needs to pee and pee and pee, either on the road in a cup
or in public restrooms. At last, Autumn has to release, but she says it is not over yet because there is
more to come. She continues talking about her bladder until she starts to pee again. This time, she goes
for slightly over a minute, with a phone ringing in the background for some of it; her friend is calling
back. Bad timing.
Faux Arrest
Time: 13 minutes 06 seconds
In this scenario, Autumn has been pulled over by a cop and arrested for driving under the influence.
Instead of taking her to the police station, however, he has driven her to his house. He argues that
if he took Autumn in right away she would be well over the limit, but if he keeps her on ice for a
few hours, the blood-alcohol level will drop and she will only be charged with a minor driving offence.
Naturally, Autumn needs to pee since she has been drinking alcohol, but the cop is not prepared to let
her use the bathroom. Instead, he leaves her cuffed and secures her to a chair, forcing her to sit with
her legs apart. He leaves Autumn alone, and eventually she reaches the point where she is bursting to
pee and can't hold it any longer. She has to wet her jeans where she sits, and gives herself a good
soaking in the process. (For most of the peeing sequence, one can see Autumn's entire body, including
the pee gushing off the sides of her legs because of the sheer force of the flow).
Gotta Pee Before I Leave
Time: 23 minutes 25 seconds
We near the end of the day's filming and Autumn has consumed a lot of liquid. Several times during the
day she has talked about always being desperate to pee on the way home, so she wants to empty out before
departing. She is asked not to go right away but to change into yet another outfit and wait for a while.
Having just finished a bondage video, Autumn is already squirming like crazy because she is so desperate
to pee, but she agrees to try to hold on for us. When she admits to being thirsty (why does needing to
pee make all the girls thirsty?!), she is encouraged to drink more water, something she really shouldn't
do just twenty minutes before hitting the road. Autumn squirms and groans as she fights a powerful urge
to release, making her way into the bathroom when she begins to fear that she might lose control on the
floor. Her panties certainly do get rather wet as she leaks a little. She stands in the bathroom in front
of the toilet, skirt pulled up and delaying the moment when she pees as long as she can. It's a huge
struggle and she battles the urge until she is on the verge of wetting all over the floor, then she tears
down her panties and drops quickly onto the toilet. Pee can be heard gushing out of her almost before she
is seated. That was a close one. No doubt there were more close ones on the drive home.

Autumn Soaks Her Jeans (15m 40s)
Autumn arrived with a full bladder and asked if she could just use the bathroom before we got started, but of course
the answer was no. She pulled a pained expression, then agreed to climb into a pair of those B2B jeans that show the
wetness so very well. Back at the her and even more desperate to pee now, Autumn is walked around to the back of the
house where she stands crossing and wiggling her legs, bending and looking very distracted as her bladder pressure
surges periodically, and makes matters worse for herself by talking about desperation to pee. She recounts several
situations where she almost wet herself, leading up to the moment when she loses control of her very full bladder and
soaks her jeans. She looks and sounds very relieved to finally let it go as the wetness spreads around her legs. Autumn
walks into the house in her wet jeans, waddling now that they are getting cold on her legs, and finally takes them off
in the bathroom where she holds them up to show off how wet them really are.
Pulled Over While Ready to Explode
Time: 7 minutes 45 seconds
It's every woman's nightmare. Autumn is driving too fast because she is bursting to pee and in a desperate hurry to
get home and use the bathroom. Unfortunately, she passes a cop going well over the speed limit and he pulls her over
onto a side road. The cop asks to see Autumn's driving documents, and she explains why she was speeding. The cop goes
back to his car to run a DMV check, leaving Autumn sitting in her car and almost wetting herself. She wiggles and gasps
and urges the cop to hurry up but he is taking a long time. When the cop returns to explain there is a delay because his
unit temporarily cannot communicate with the data centre, Autumn asks if she can run into the woods to relieve herself.
The cop agrees, instructing her to leave her car keys. Autumn jumps at the chance, but her troubles are not over yet.
Under her skirt, she is wearing a one-piece garment which means she will have to literally strip in order to pee.
Just Hang On Autumn
Time: 18 minutes 04 seconds
After spending rather a long time in handcuffs, thumbcuffs and toe cuffs for a beauties in Bondage movie, Autumn
is again climbing the wall because her bladder is so full. She puts on a green dress, some pantyhose (which of
course press on her distended abdomen), a pair of heels, and grabs a bottle of water to torture herself still further.
To make things even more challenging for her, Autumn is asked to stand in the living room where she cannot possible
wet herself on the carpet, so she knows she simply has to hold it. She drinks and again recounts some pee desperation
events from her private life (Autumn is one of those girls who drinks and lot and needs to pee a lot), all the while
performing some interesting contortions with her legs in order to hold back the flood that so badly wants to happen.
When she is certainly she really can't hold on any longer, she hurries back into the dining room and wets herself,
her pee streaking her tights as it gushes at high speed between her legs.
The Day Begins
Time: 32 minutes 18 seconds
The largely unedited movie shows the early stages of Autumn's day with us, from arriving in the pouring
rain badly needing to pee. The first order of business is to have her try on a very tight skirt, checking
the fit for some filming later in the day (at least, that is the story). She then changes into equally tight
pair of jeans before going into the bathroom to apply her make up, faced by the inviting reflection of the
toilet in the mirror she is using. She pee dances as she works, sipping water every minute or two and
struggling to hold on, making sure that she won't be able to wait much longer. Finally ready, she is asked
to stand outside in the rain beneath an umbrella, a prospect that fills her with joy! Surrounded by the sound
of running water, Autumn now has to really fight to hold it in, soon reaching the point where she hardly dare
move unless she should start to wet herself. The flood comes soon enough, totally soaking her jeans and panties.
Just another day at Bound2Burst!
Public Bathroom Phobia
Time: 16 minutes 54 seconds
In this scenario, Autumn plays the part of a secretary on her first day at a new company. The boss is very
kind and accommodating, making sure she is settling in alright and has everything she needs. Autumn chooses
this moment to confess to him that she has a phobia about using public toilets, and that she will need to go
home at lunch time to use her own bathroom. The boss is rather surprised by her statement and wonders why she
did not bring up this issue during her interview. He tells Autumn that, as a new employee, she will have the
1-2 pm lunch spot, and that long-time employees get to take the 12-1 slot. She says that's fine and gets back
to work. A few hours later, the boss brings Autumn a cup of coffee, a kind gesture but one not entirely
welcomed by a woman whose bladder is starting to feel uncomfortable. Time passes and Autumn grows desperate to
pee, but there is no way she is going to use the ladies room at the office. At 20 minutes before one, the boss
explains that he is going out to a meeting, and that Autumn must hold the fort until the rest of the staff return
from lunch. The girl is now very desperate to pee and asks if she could leave early, but the boss explains again
that the offices must be covered during the lunch period, and that as the new girl she must stay put until she
is relieved. Autumn counts the minutes until one o'clock, but then to her mounting alarm, the other members of
staff don't return. She paces and wiggles her legs, fighting the urge to pautumn_scenario_descriptionsee, but
she is now bursting. At 1:15 she is still alone, and unable to hold it any longer she wets herself beside her
desk. She has barely finished when the other staff return. Autumn leaves in embarrassment, saying that she can't
do this any more.
Caught Out Again
Time: 10 minutes 18 seconds
Autumn runs into her usual problem when filming with us. We are just finishing a bondage movie for
Girls in Handcuffs and Autumn mumbles through her gag that she needs to pee. She is locked in handcuffs
and leg irons, and the cameraman does not have the key with him (why does that always happen?), so there
is a little delay in getting her out. She is delayed further when she is handed the key and asked to get
herself out of the handcuffs - it isn't easy to coordinate and concentrate when one needs to pee rather
badly. Autumn wrestles with the locks dor several minutes before she is finally free. She climbs out of
the vehicle where we have been filming and starts to head off to the bathroom, but she is called back for
additional filming. She can't take any more and just wets her panties, lifting her skirt so that the pee
stream is visible between her legs. As usual, Autumn took it all very well, laughing about how this always
seems to happen to her.
Autumn (with Lavender)
Holding Contest 10
Time: 86 minutes
Both Autumn and Lavender have participated individually in holding it for hours videos. Lavender did the
very first one which was a custom simply called Holding It For Hours. Owing to its success, more were
filmed including Autumn Holds It For Hours. It was high time these two ladies competed against one another
to see who could last the longest and who would pee the most. The original plan was to film the opening
sequence where the girls use the bathroom, then drink and tell desperation stories (and Autumn has a very
good one to relate about her encounter with a policeman while she was bursting to pee) and then take a
break to film content for Beauties in Bondage, coming back to the holding contest when both girls were
really feeling the urge to pee. However, this happened very early on this time, so the break was actually
very short. This contest, therefore, is almost in the format of a "holding it for hours" style video.
During filming, the girls go outside and sit in the garden for a while as they continue to sip at their drinks.
When a bear turns up, they almost wet themselves in fright and run back indoors.
Autumn (with Lavender)
Time: 10 minutes 16 seconds
Autumn and Lavender car pool to get to work, with Lavender collecting Autumn from home each morning. The two have been vying for the romantic
attentions of a sexy co-worker, but Autumn is the one he seems most interested in. In order to stand a chance of getting the guy, Lavender offers
Autumn some doctored water so that her friend passes out. When Autumn comes to, she finds herself tied to a chair. Lavender is planning to go into
work without her. Before gagging her friend to prevent her shouting for help from the neighbours, Lavender promises she will be back to untie
Autumn after work. Autumn has to sit on her breakfast stool all day, her bladder steadily filling. By the afternoon, she can no longer sit still,
but nor can she get free. She struggles frantically to hold her pee until Lavender returns, but the wait is too long and the dam bursts, leading
to a stream of pee flowing from the seat of Autumn's stool onto the floor. She must now sit there in her wet skirt and panties, knowing that Lavender
will tease her mercilessly when she gets back.
Autumn (with Lavender)
Autumn Makes Lavender Wet Her Jeans
Time: 11 minutes 41 seconds
The girls are driving home after a day out together and lavender urgently needs to pee. Autumn seems in no hurry and drives very slowly. At the
house, Autumn says she has left the house key at the restaurant. A frantic Lavender asks her to go back and look in the car in case she dropped it
there. Autumn saunters off, still in more hurry. It seems that Lavender had taken her past a rest stop during some prior desperation emergency,
and now it's payback time. Autumn sits relaxing on the stoop as Lavender pee dances and complains, finally wetting her jeans because she refuses to
go and pee behind a tree.
Autumn (with Lavender)
Panic at the Mall
Time: Time: 21 minutes 50 seconds
Autumn and Lavender are shopping at the mall, and it has been quite a while since they visited the ladies room. Unfortunately,
they find the toilet occupied when they arrive and they are forced to stand and wait for it to become vacant. As time passes,
no one emerges and the girls are growing extremely desperation. They talk about shopping, about clothes, about anything they
can think of to take their minds of their full, aching bladders. Their pee dancing grows more frantic as the minutes tick by
until the unthinkable happens - they are forced to wet their jeans in a public place. how can they walk back through the mall
with huge dark wet patches on the legs of their jeans?
Autumn (with Lavender)
Permission To Pee 2
Time: Time: 42 minutes 20 seconds
Autumn and Lavender torture one another by giving one another permission to pee into a small cup
and then cut off the flow (that's the torturous bit!). Stopping is hard because both girls have
full bladders and each time they have to stop peeing, their muscles protest a little more until
they begin to tire. In addition to controlling the amount her competitor can pee, and how frequently,
each girl can also make the other drink water. Another delaying option is that each may also give
instructions for the other to go on holding it and remove an article of clothing instead of peeing.
This is a double-edged sword of course; by delaying her competitor's opportunity to pee, each girl
must herself wait even longer for her own next squirt of partial relief. So who will lose control
Autumn (with Lavender)
Will They Make It?
Time: 15 minutes 34 seconds
This is all behind the scenes footage. The schedule for the day is as follows: Upon arrival, the girls perform "Panic at the Mall",
following which we film a bondage movie. Then we move on to "Permission to Pee 2" which involves a lot of water intake. We then switch
back to bondage for the second movie for Beauties in Bondage, but by now the girls are extremely hydrated, and during filming it becomes
clear that they both need to pee. During a pause to check that they are both doing alright (making sure the ropes are not hurting and
that circulation has not been restricted), Lavender announces through her gag that she is getting desperate to pee but she agrees to go
on with the scene for a little longer. When filming for BiB is complete, the girls are told that the camera will continue running and that
they will have to untie one another to get to the bathroom. They are well tied and this takes quite a lot of time, during which Lavender
is going frantic and telling the cameraman how cruel he is. Autumn says at first that she is coping, but as is the way with her, desperation
comes on suddenly and she is soon getting as frantic as Lavender. Distracted by this urgent desire for relief, the girls find it hard to
concentrate on untying knots. Ready to burst now, they are both close to losing control. Indeed, one of them does lose it while the other
has a really close call in the bathroom, but I'm not going to spoil things by telling you who makes it and who doesn't.
An Accident For an Accident
Time: 22 minutes 23 seconds
Autumn has caused a traffic accident by running into the back of another car. She is uninsured and visits the home of the man whose
car she hit to try to persuade him not to involve his insurance company, but to let her pay for the cost of repairs in installments.
He is not particularly interested in this, but he does propose another solution. Soon after her arrival, Autumn begins asking
for the use of the bathroom because she needs to pee. The guy tells her that he will write off her entire debt to him if she
is prepared to stay and not use the bathroom for at least 30 minutes. Autumn says she is desperate to go but the guy is adamant
and will accept no other way of settling the issue. Since she doesn't have the money, Autumn reluctantly agrees to hold it, but
maintains that she can't wait for half an hour. The guy insists so she does her best, crossing and wiggling her legs, pacing and
crossing her legs, squatting down to press her heel into her crotch, everything she can think of to help her hold it. She tries
to persuade the guy to let her go since he bladder feels like it is about to explode, but he still refuses. Autumn holds it as
long as she can, but before the half-hour is up, her muscles give way and she makes a huge mess on the floor, peeing on her new
boots as well.
Housemate in the Shower
Time: 17 minutes 46 seconds
Autumn arrives home with a full bladder, intended to dive straight into the bathroom and relieve herself. To her dismay, her housemate
(male) is showering, so now she will have to wait a bit longer. She paces around the house, bending her knees, sitting
on her heel, gasping as waves of desperation threaten to overwhelm her. She tries to hurry her housemate up but it seems he is in
no rush, quite happy to leave her struggling not to wet herself. Her pacing and squirming becomes more frantic as the minutes pass
and she gets closer and closer to having an accident. She makes one final bid to hurry her housemate along, but before he emerges
from the bathroom, Autumn is forced to wet herself. (Autumn is wearing fishnets and a little black dress for this one, and when she
pees it literally forms a curtain between her legs).
Absent Friend
Time: 9 minutes 29 seconds
Autumn arrives at a friend's house to find that she is out. She badly needs to pee and knocks on the door several times hoping
that her friend is in there even if her car is not outside. She calls her friend, only to be told that the friend is running
late and will not be home for a while. Autumn explains that she has dropped by without making prior arrangements to collect
some things she left behind several days earlier. The friend says she will be home soon, so Autumn decides to wait. However,
too much time passes and her bladder grows extremely full. She calls her friend again only to learn that she still has not
left work. While she is on the phone this time, Autumn loses control and wets her jeans. She tells her friend not to hurry
and hangs up. Now all she can do is drive home in her soaking wet jeans.
Problem With the Plumbing
Time: 14 minutes 26 seconds
Autumn arrives home after a long day of waitressing. She is tired and she is bursting to pee. She finds her boyfriend (who is a plumber)
relaxing in the kitchen, and asks him if he has finished work on the bathroom. He says not quite and seems reluctant to get back to it.
When Autumn starts to get annoyed, he returns to his work, leaving her holding on waiting for him to finish. She makes tea as she is
waiting for access to the bathroom, anything to take her mind off her predicament, but things are becoming serious and she goes along
to the bathroom to find out how much longer the boyfriend is going to be before reconnecting whatever it is he needs to reconnect. He
tells her he is almost done, and Autumn goes back to her cup of tea, drinking it in spite of herself. Suddenly, her desperation is
too great and, even while pacing up and down, she starts to wet herself. She can't stem the flow, so she completely soaks her legs
and tights as she pees on the floor. Annoyed now, she shouts out to the boyfriend and tells him to take his time.
Bursting Bank Manager
Time: 22 minutes 04 seconds
Autumn is an Assistant Bank Manager who gets up in the night to use the bathroom, only to find an intruder in her bathroom! It transpires that
he needs her to log in to the bank's computers and transfer money to his Swiss bank account. He has thoughtfully brought along his own laptop
for her to use. Autumn stalls, fearing the consequences of giving in to this man's demands, but at the same time she is bursting to pee and he
won't let her use the bathroom until the transaction is complete. Unfortunately, each step in the process is on a timer which means long waits
between code entries. During this time, Autumn pee-dances and squirms, sits on her foot, paces up and down, crosses her legs, doing everything
she can think of to help her hold it until she is allowed to use the bathroom. The process takes so long, however, that her muscles give way and
pee literally explodes out of her all over the kitchen floor. Before he leaves, the intruder locks the still naked Autumn in the basement to
prevent her reaching a phone to call for help before he has made good his escape. (Autumn is naked throughout this video, and the sequence where
she pees herself is fairly graphic - she is seen from the back standing with her legs apart so that the pee stream is clearly visible. Filing
takes place from a distance of about 2 metres (8 feet) so that all of Autumn's body is visible as she lets go).
Time To Go 3
Time: 28 minutes 46 seconds
The third movie using the format of allowing a girl to pee into a small cup and then hold it for five minutes before releasing
another small cup of pee. Autumn does a lot of squirming early on as she endures the torture of cutting off the flow after just
a few seconds, but as she repeats this over and over again, it becomes clear that she is releasing just enough pee to enable her
to maintain control. At one point, she declares: "I could do this all day!" Tempting, but we called a halt after six releases.
Autumn's ability to keep releasing a cup full of pee every five minutes without total loss of control emphasises how different
women are when it comes to holding it. As with the previous movies in this format, the camera moves in close during each peeing
sequence, with one release filmed in extreme closeup.
Sudden Urge to Pee
Time: 16 minutes 18 seconds
It's another of those bondage movies gone hopelessly wrong, for Autumn at least. The movies in this set wer shot in the order listed here,
so by the time we started this one, Autumn had consumed rather a lot of liquid. When she started out she did not feel any urge to pee, but
by the time the camera was rolling, she was already in trouble. Bearing in mind that this was planned as a bondage only movie, Autumn's body
language and shaking legs make it clear that she is struggling with a full bladder (very full, as it turns out). She was supposed to take a
little time in getting free, if she could at all, but after just a few minutes she was working frantically to free herself. About five minutes
in, she admitted that she badly needed to pee and was anxious to get out of her car so that she did not have an accident in it. With only one
hand free and receiving no help whatsoever from the cameraman, she manages to wriggle her way out of the car. Here, her free hand, which still
had reope attached, was secured to the rear door handle, trapping Autumn in place. She is laughing as she declares that she really is going to
wet herself if she is not freed, and sure enough, so lets it go... and go... and go. It is one long, fast pee, probably well in excess of a pint.
Bursting Bank Manager: Part 2
Time: 16 minutes 44 seconds
The intruder returns to let Autumn out of her basement. It seems there may have been a problem with the electronic transfer, and therefore he
may need Autumn again, so he plans to spend the night and check on things in the morning. He can hardly sleep with Autumn running free so he
secures her, still naked, with zip ties and leaves her to sleep on the floor next to the living room heater. When Autumn wakes, she needs to
pee again and calls for help, but the intruder does not come to her aid. After wiggling and holding for a while, she realizes that she will
have to get herself to the bathroom. Autumn scoots along the carpet and enters the bathroom, then must somehow get herself onto the toilet
before she can release the contents of her full bladder. (Believe it or not, this sequel was Autumn's idea. She suggested combining nudity,
bondage and desperation, saying she would try to get to the bathroom while snared in zip ties. She managed it, but it was difficult for her
to get get up onto the toilet seat. This is one woman who really enjoys a challenge).
Internet Dating
Time: 25 minutes 17 seconds
Autumn arrives at the home of a man she has met only through an Internet chatroom. They are supposed to be going out on a first date to a
restaurant and then onto a club, but Autumn's date has other ideas. When she asks if she can use his bathroom before they leave, he knocks her
out with an aerosol spray. We then have glimpses of him undressing Autumn as she lies unconscious on his bed, culminating in him locking one of
her wrists in a bracelet attached to the base of the bed by a long chain. When she wakes, Autumn finds herself completely naked and trapped, and
by this time her bladder is very full indeed. Afraid to pee on this man's bed, she holds it until he finally puts in an appearance. She begs to
be allowed to use the toilet, but instead he hands her a bottle of water and tells her to drink it. On the verge of wetting herself and squirming
frantically to maintain control, Autumn drinks and continues to plead for the use of the bathroom before it is too late. Her captor finally agrees
to bring her a jug to pee into. Autumn waits impatiently for his return, but he is gone for some little while. She is now bouncing and holding
herself with her hand to keep back the massive flood of pee which wants to escape from her. When at last her captor returns, he holds the jug just
out of her reach and makes her finish drinking the water. Autumn downs the liquid as fast as she can, but still she is not given the jug. Ready to
explode all over the bed, she pleads and pleads until, finally, the jug is placed just within her reach and she quickly grabs it. She whisks it under
her and begins to pee in torrents! It takes quite a while to empty her bladder completely, and when she is finally done she asks to be freed. Instead,
her captor promises her more water and an entire weekend of holding it and peeing into the jug.
Fantasies FulFilled, Inc.
Time: 31 minutes 01 seconds
Autumn works for a company called Fantasies Fulfilled, Inc. The company's staff are young women who do housework for clients while at the same
time fulfilling the client's fantasies. Their services don't come cheap, but satisfaction is guaranteed or your money back! When Autumn asks for
the use of the bathroom before starting work, she discovers that one of the client's fantasies is to have a house maid work for him while she is
desperate to pee. This is unexpected, but Autumn agrees to give it a try. As she works her way through her list of chores, she is asked to remove
her bra and work bare top. She mentions several times that she is getting desperate and says "I'll wet my jeans!" but the client still does not
want her to relieve herself. When she finally sucumbs to her desperation and soaks her jeans and boots, the client asks her to strip these wet
garments off to prevent making a message around the house, then gets Autumn to continue her chores naked, including washing her own pee-soaked jeans.
Rental Car Scam
Time: 22 minutes 0 seconds
Autumn is involved in car theft and using the vehicles to make money by renting them out from a bogus rental company. This time, however, the
renter turns out to be a police officer who entraps her. He handcuffs her by one wrist to the roof rack of the stolen vehicle and summons backup.
Autumn claims that she is desperate to pee but the policeman is not buying it, and he leaves her where she is to await the arrival of a squad car
and a female officer. While she waits, Autumn pee dances as her desperation grows more intense and her temper frays until, unable to hold it any
more, she finally wets her trousers. The cop still refuses to release her.
Bound & Bursting
Time: 17 minutes 27 seconds
This one was intended as a beauties in Bondage movie only. However, after filming movies for Bound2Burst before this one, Autumn find that she
needs to pee again after being in bondage for about half an hour. It is clear from her body language that she is in trouble, but because the movie
is not connected with peeing, she doesn't say anything about her predicament. Ultimately the cameraman ends the bondage movie proper. This movie
picks up where the bondage storyline ends, and is behind the scenes in nature. We watch Autumn for a while as she struggles to free her hands which
pee dancing, getting more and more desperate to go as the minutes pass. When it becomes clear that she cannot free her hands, we take her to the
bathroom where she attempts to pull down panties and pantyhose with bound hands, finding it a lot more difficult than she expected. Now standing
in front of the toilet, the urge to pee is excruciating, and as a last desperate measure, Autumn grabs a coat hanger and uses it to get her panties
down far enough to allow her to pee. As soon as her backside hits the toilet seat, she is peeing. It was certainly a close thing.
She Can't Hold It Any Longer
Time: 18 minutes 38 seconds
Autumn has been kidnapped and secured with zip ties. Just before her abductor sticks duct tape over her mouth, she tells him that she needs to pee.
He ignores her and applies the gag, then leaves (we later see him driving away from the house). Autumn is all alone and completely unable to escape
her bonds, and her bladder is very full. The hopelessness of her situation does not prevent her trying to escape, however. She works her way down to
the basement, trying doors on the way. She finally manages to open the back door onto the garden, and outside she looks for a way to get off the
property and get to a road to find help. Her first attempt leads to a dead end, so she backtracks to try again. By now, her bladder is really full
and close to bursting, and as she struggles to keep moving, her bladder muscles give way and she wets her jeans while rolling along the ground,
soaking her thighs and bottom. Completely, trapped, she must lie there in her wet jeans until help comes of her abductor finds her again.
Autumn Holds It For Hours
Time: 100 minutes (45 minutes)
The fourth movie in the Holds It For Hours series, we have introduced more action into the proceedings which involves making Autumn stand for
a significant part of her holding time. She starts out emptying her bladder in the bathroom, then chats to use about peeing for a while as she
drinks water. We then go for a 38-minute drive to fill her car up with fuel (a little bonus for her). Soon after getting back to the house,
Autumn mentions that she is starting to feel the urge to pee. She drinks a little more water and then tries on a blouse and skirt, with heels
and pantyhose. Her wiggling is becoming noticable now, not least because the pantyhose are designed for figure control (quite unnecessary other
than for the purpose of applying a little extra pressure to her bladder). Soon, we take Autumn down to the basement where the air is cooler
(this does not help her situation) where she sorts through some model clothing and selects a few items she would like to take away with her. For
the first time, she squats down and presses her foot into her crotch to her her fight the growing urge to pee! Her pee dancing is much more
pronounced now as she hangs up clothing, but her concentration is starting to fail her as her bladder gets fuller and fuller. Back upstairs,
Autumn paces and squats down alternately to help her hold it. She is determined to beat Lavender's time (the two are good friend), but she really
is bursting to go. At last, unable to contain herself any longer, she grabs the jug, and after a final pee dance, yanks down her panties and
pantyhose to let her pee go.
Locked in a Bank Vault
Time: 10 minutes 04 seconds
Autumn is a bank employee who has gone into the vault with a customer, only to have the door accidentally close on them. The door is on a time lock
that will not open for hours, and no one knows they are trapped inside the vault. In such circumstances, it is hardly surprising that the urge to
pee would assert itself after a while. We join the action where both Autumn and the customer need to use the bathroom, but only Autumn is too
desperate to hold it. She tries to hold on discretely at first, but her desperation increases in leaps and bounds until she is forced to keep crossing
her legs and squat down to press her heel against her crotch. She wets herself just moments before the vault door opens, and even manages to look
embarrassed about her accident.
Stranded at the Fair
Time: 8 minutes 36 seconds
Autumn has spent a nice afternoon at the fair, but for the last hour or so she has needed to pee. The line for the ladies is enormous and just
never gets any shorter. Had she joined the line early on, she might have been able to hold it for long enough to get into a stall, but now it's
much too late for that. She will have to drive home, holding it until she can reach her own bathroom. But, horror of horrors, her truck will not
start. She calls her boyfriend to come and collect her, but after half an hour he still has not tuened up and Autumn is truly desperate to pee.
We pick up this story as Autumn calls her boyfriend back to see where he has got to, then watch her pace and squirm as she is forced to carry on
waiting for him to show up. When he still doesn't arrive, she calls him again, her manner now fraught as she fights the urge to wet her jeans.
She paces back and forth, but she soon reaches the point where she cannot hold it any longer and her boyfriend is still nowhere in sight. Autumn
stands beside her truck and wets herself, then moves around to the far side of the vehicle to get out of sight of the other fair-goers.
Take Off Your Clothes Or Else
Time: 15 minutes 35 seconds
Autumn has been taken and locked up in a dingy room. Her only contact is with a disembodied voice telling her that she has information she must
impart in order to gain her freedom. It soon becomes clear from her body language that Autumn needs to pee but she does not say anything at first.
When she says she doesn't know anything, her captor explains that the gas cylinder behind her is wired to a device that will blow it up if she
does not cooperate. Autumn still maintains ignorance and complains that it is hot inside the room. This prompts the disembodied voice to
instruction her to take off her clothes. She resists, but fear for her safety makes her comply. All the while, her pee-dancing is getting obvious
as her desperation for relief mounts. At last, Autumn stands naked and squirming. Now she is told to hold it. She tries but her desperation
overcomes her and she pees on the floor.
Autumn Arrives
Time: 36 minutes 52 seconds
Autumn has arrived early this year. For her debut, we put her through the usual routine of trying on various outfits while her already-full bladder
goes on filling. Very little editing was applied to this movie so that Autumn's build up to a desperate state may be followed (the clock on the wall
at the top left shows the passage of time). Considering this was the first time Autumn had participated in a desperation movie, and was the first
time she had wet herself since she was a wee bairn, it was interesting to watch her expressions as she started to go. (Autumn is a woman whose body
language clearly betrays her need to pee. She says that when she needs to go and she is in public, everybody knows about her condition because she
pee-dances all the time to maintain control. Throughout this set, her claim is borne out. Her reactions are what one might call classic desperation
struggles; one could watch her all day).
New Bound2Burst Secretary
Time: Time: 17 minutes 43 seconds
Autumn has been interviewed for the job of handling Bound2Burst's calls and correspondence, and so far her performance looks very promises. There
is still one hurdle to jump, however - she must man the telephones while coping with a full bladder, without leaving her post. She is told to stay
put hold it until the boss returns. Desperate to get the job, as well as desperate to pee, Autumn sits and squirms in her chair as she takes calls
are tries not to wet herself. Her mounting anxiety is clear in her expression and body language as the time passes and the boss does not return.
Approaching bursting point, Autumn does everything she can think of to hold it, without behaving in an unladylike manner (she has been told there
are hidden cameras watching her), but she is close to exploding and can hardly concentrate on the phone calls that just keep coming. When Autumn
loses control, she spurts between her legs several times before the real flood begins, and when it does start, it goes on for more than a minute.
Her bladder had to be so close to bursting before the pressure to empty it overwhelmed it. Even though Autumn could not wait until the boss came
back, she made such a valiant attempt that she got the job anyway.
I Do Need to Pee!
Time: 11 minutes 50 seconds
This is one of those movies which was designed to be for the bondage market only, but it was filmed after Autumn had been here for about four hours,
by which time she had imbibed plenty of liquids. She did not say anything about her condition since she knew she was filming bondage only, but her
body language soon started to betray her growing desperation. She unconsciously wiggled her leg, for example, and made a lot of little gasping sounds
which might have been mistaken for acting by an observer less accustomed to seeing desperate women. Once Autumn's condition was clear, the camera just
kept rolling beyond the normal length of a bondage movie, and as filming continued, Autumn's behaviour grew more and more frantic as she ostensibly
worked on her bonds. She met with no success in cutting through the zip ties binding her wrists to the chair, and the anxiety is clear in her face as
she wonders how she is going to get free before wetting herself. In the end, the cameraman takes pity on her and asks her if she needs to pee. She
gratefully admits that she does, but her ordeal is not over. She is asked to try to get herself into the bathroom to use the toilet, still secured to
the chair, since she cannot pee on the carpet. Autumn seizes on this opportunity for relief, and employs some ingeneous tactics to lift her skirt and
pull down her panties and pantyhose with her hands still secured to the chair. When she plonks herself down on the toilet at last, a torrent of pee
hits the toilet bowl immediately. That had to have been a close call!
Fighting the Urge
Time: 19 minutes 47 seconds
Autumn stands out on the front stoop just after rain has finished falling. Water still drips off the roof and the sound of water trickling in a
fountain nearby is clearly audible. And of course, Autumn needs to pee. We stand with her as she fights the urge to let go (in spite of being asked
to place her hand in some cold water at one point) and chats to us about the sensations she is experiencing. Her pee dancing becomes more pronounced
as she continues standing and holding it. When she wets her trousers, not a lot of moisture is seen on her legs (it's mostly running down the inside),
but a lot pours out of the trouser leg cuff onto the stoop. Even in the bathroom afterwards, we see that Autumn's panties don't look very wet, although
she clearly peed a lot! It seems we had chosen a combination of water-resistant panties and pants. Ladies, take note: These are good garments to wear
to a concert where the lines are always a mile long!