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Bound2Burst Movies by Model: Amber Wells
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Bound2Burst Movies by Model: Amber Wells

Amber Wells
I Have To Go So Bad Remastered
I Have To Go So Bad Remastered
Time: 13 minutes 25 seconds
Amber has been abducted and her captor is keeping her tied up to ensure that she does not escape. After being tied up for hours, she inevitably needs a visit to the bathroom, but her captor thinks she is only trying a ploy to get free and make an escape bid, so he refuses to let her go. Amber protests frantically, trying to reason with him because she is so close to losing control and humiliating herself, pointing out that her bladder is very full. In fact, she says, it is overfull. Nevertheless, she is left tied up and bursting. but he refuses to give credence to her pleas. Unable to control herself any longer, Amber pees in her jeans (the sequence is shown twice from different camera angles). When she calls her captor back to show him that she had been serious about her need for the bathroom, he tells her she will have to sit in it until he has the time to deal with her. Amber is mortified at having to sit there in her wet pants.

1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 741.5 MB
Amber Wells & Lily Anna
Hold It Or You're Fired Remastered
Hold It Or You're Fired Remastered
Time: 15 minutes 28 seconds
Here we have Lily as the tyrannical and unsympathetic boss who is annoyed with her employee for running late on an important deadline. She threatens to dismiss Amber and replace her with an intern unless she gets the paperwork finished in time for a meeting with some very important clients. Amber's attempts to hurry off to the bathroom to empty her full bladder are repeatedly thwarted by Lily until the inevitable happens - Amber wets herself in front of her boss. Because the deadline is looming, Lily still refuses to let her employee visit the bathroom to clean herself up, and insists that she carry on with her work. the smirk playing around her lips at the end suggests that Amber is almost losing her composure as she says of Lily" She is the worst boss ever!"

1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 856.5 MB
Amber Wells
Amber Wells: No Bathroom Break Remastered (2K upscaled)
No Bathroom Break Remastered (2K upscaled)
Time: 11 minutes 26 seconds
Amber is a teacher who must invigilate a student sitting an examination in his own home owing to illness. The same rules apply as in the classroom. However, during the 3-hour exam, the student is not allowed to take any breaks... at the same time, neither is the teacher. As she sits keeping an eye on the working student, it is gradually borne in upon Amber that her bladder is filling with unexpected haste, so that by half time she is bursting to relieve herself. Because she can't go to do anything about it, she starts urging the student to finish the test early, but the student objects to her attempts to hurry him along. He also objects to the noise she makes as she paces around restlessly in her heels, forcing her to sit down and be quiet. Amber's expression betrays that the pressure on her bladder is excruciating. Nevertheless, she holds on as long as she can, but with still fifteen minutes to go she simply can't wait any longer and wets herself in front of her appalled student. (Amber released a lot of pee in this one, perhaps rivaling her outpourings in Permission to Pee. The reason she tends to release so much is that Amber finds she can't do this kind of thing in front of someone unless she is absolutely bursting).

1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 676.7 MB


Amber Wells
Amber Wells: Sharing Her Secret Remastered (2K upscaled)
Sharing Her Secret Remastered (2K upscaled)
Time: 17 minutes 52 seconds
Topaz Video AI was used to upscale, then video was re-edited.

Amber is a secretary who enjoys playing hold it games with herself, but she has always been too shy to tell anyone else of her unusual interest. When she starts dating one of her co-workers, a man she likes very much, she makes up her mind to tell him the truth when he comes over to her home to take her out for dinner. She suggests that they don't leave for the restaurant straight away so the two sit and chat for a while, with Amber sitting there dying to pee while trying to muster the courage to raise the topic she really wants to discuss. When her date goes off to use her bathroom and she hears the toilet flush, she feels a sudden surge of panic that she might actually lose control. Getting seriously desperate to attend to her bladder, Amber manages to start talking about her holding it fetish when her date returns, her speech hesitant, too embarrassed to look at him. When he says that he has no problem with it, she is enormously relieved, although not around the abdomen. Since Amber doesn't think she could hold on until they arrive at the restaurant, she decides she had better use the bathroom. When her date asks to accompany her and watch, she is delighted.

1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 990.7 MB

Amber Wells
Amber Wells: Amber Holds It For Hours Remastered
Amber Holds It For Hours Remastered (MP4)
Time: 2 hours 15 minutes
Supplied in two parts owing to an overall file size of 6.25 GB. Both parts are included in your purchase. This 4:3 video has been upscaled using Topaz Video Enhance AI

Amber has a philosophy with desperation: "I'm going to hold it until I'm bursting." She applies this philosophy whole-heartedly by holding it for a period in excess of 2 hours while drinking more than 50 fluid ounces (1.5 litres) of liquid. Amber is both eloquent and a little shy as she talks about the joy she experiences when being spanked, and how this desire for punishment and mild torture extends to holding her pee - she often sets herself chores to do when she needs the bathroom and makes herself wait until she has finished before she allows herself to gain relief. She also talks about desperate situations she has found herself in over the years, and also tells us how her bladder is feeling at various stages during this long movie. She changes outfits seven times as her desperation grows steadily more intense, her wiggling legs and distracted expression speaking volumes about the condition. We learn a lot about Amber as she holds it for us, and her final struggle to wait just a little bit longer is touching.

1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 6.25 GB

Amber Wells & Lily Anna
Amber Wells & Lily Anna: Permission To Pee 2022 Remaster (MP4)
Permission To Pee 2022 Remaster (MP4)
Time: 33 minutes 32 seconds
The original footage has been treated with Topaz Video Enhance AI software, upscaling from the original 720x480 pixels to 1472x1080 pixels.

This is the first permission to pee style video, so the format was, as yet, untested. Amber, always concerned that she might not be able to perform, consumed large quantities of fluids that morning to reach a state of true desperation. Her willingness to set herself up for this backfired a little because we filmed a bondage video immediately prior to the desperation one, during which Amber spent some time alone tied to a chair while a second camera was used the film the other actress. It is here, while unattended and unable to get free, that Amber becomes aware of just how badly she needs to pee. It is clear from her body language and pained expressions that she is seriously bursting for a pee. This is reinforced when she admits as much and asks for production to move along briskly, warning that she might not make it to the desperation video if we don't.

By the time the permission to pee video was underway, Amber was going out of her mind trying to hold her pee, and Lily did not help at all by making her wait unnecessarily. The girls took turns in each allowing the other to pee into a small cup, then having to cut off the flow and hold it for some minutes longer. Lily herself was getting pretty desperate by this time, but her desire for relief came nowhere near the level of Amber's desperation. After enduring peeing into a small cut and stopping four times, Amber could no longer control herself, and on her next turn, overflowed the cup. The excess was not just a little, it was a veritable waterfall which just kept on coming. Laughing, probably with the immense relief, Amber continued to fill the cup repeatedly and pour it into the measuring container, peeing on the floor between times. This was Amber at the most desperate we ever saw her, or at least the most productive in the sheer volume of pee she released that morning.

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,573.9 MB

Lola Lynn, Amber Wells, Lily Anna
Ten Amorette & Carissa Montgomery

Lola Lynn, Amber Wells, Lily Anna, Ten Amorette & Carissa Montgomery: Girls Night Out Remastered
Girls Night Out Remastered
Time: 13 minutes 54 seconds
The footage from both cameras was imported from the original recordings and then treated to all the tricks I know to improve the picture, making the output from the two cameras match as closely as possible. This is a new edit, and it is likely that my choices for the camera angles are different from the original. The native aspect ratio is 4x3 of course, but with a little sharpening and the addition of noise (helps to preserve information), the upscaled picture is not at all bad. All told, it has taken over a day of work to massage this video into its present form, so I hope you enjoy it anew. Original description: It's a girls night out at the club, and after dancing and drinking, they need to use the ladies. The nightclub has only one toilet for men and one for women, breaking numerous regulations, but it's a popular place and the patrons put up with it. This particular evening, however, a girl is already in the bathroom and she has been there sometime, feeling ill. She refuses to come out, and in no time at all a long line is forming outside the door. The waiting girls fidget and complain, periodically hammering on the door in an attempt to get the occupant to come out. They soon resort to trying the door to the men's room, but they find this either occupied or locked. They have no choice but to go on waiting. A bouncer comes down the stairs to make sure everything is alright, and the waiting girls complain to him about the situation. He tries the men's room door and finds that it is indeed locked; he promises to return soon with a key so that the desperate girls can go in there instead. The minutes pass and the girl in the ladies bathroom still doesn't emerge, and the bouncer does not return with a key. The girls are approaching bursting point, and despite their best efforts to avoid humiliating themselves they start having accidents in their pretty evening dresses.

1920x1080 pixels - bitrate 6 Mbps - MP4: 646.3 MB
Lily Anna, Amber Wells, Rachael
Lola Lynn & Carissa Montgomery

Lily, Amber, Rachael, Lola & Carissa: Holding Contest 7 Remastered (MP4)
Holding Contest 7 Remastered (MP4)
Time: 90 minutes
set images    
This March 2011 video has been re-imported from the original tapes, re-edited and exported at 1280x960 pixels at a bitrate of 5 Mbps. The result is a vastly improved picture (plus a lot bigger since the original was only 640x480 pixels) and a clearer soundtrack. Owing to the total running time of 91 minutes and consequent large size, the movie has been split into two parts: Part 1 includes all 5 models and shows the three who give up the fight and pee in their jeans; Part 2 shows only the finalists, Lola and Carissa, as they battle it out to bursting point and then pee into the graduated cylinders. If your interest is in one part more than the other, you have the option to buy that only. If you buy the entire thing, both parts will appear in your download folder in the B2B Store, not a single file - please do not download these parts simultaneously because OpenCart is very inefficient at handling large files and you may crash the server if the RAM is exhausted.

Original description:
Five girls join in our seventh holding content, all with drinks in their hands and all wearing jeans which will show any leaks and wet spots. They share stories about desperation events that have happened in their lives as they drink and wait for that full bladder feeling to kick in. An hour into the proceedings, they are all made to stand up. When they unbutton and unzip their jeans to ease the pressure on their abdomens, they are soon told to zip them back up again. Several of them show off tummy bulges as their bladders really start to swell. There is a lot of gasping and moaning, crossing of legs and holding of crotches. There is even a brief visit from Bruno who deliberately asks if he can use the bathroom, eliciting squeals of annoyance from the girls. He takes great delight in flushing the toilet afterwards and popping back in to see how everyone is doing as he washes his hands in the kitchen sink, subjecting the girls to the sound of running water! Things are getting serious for the ladies now and, one after another, they approach their limits. The three who yield first to their desperation have to wet their jeans and then depart, losing their shot at a $100 bonus for holding it the longest. The lure of that bonus keeps the two finalists holding on for more than 2 hours until they are both about to explode! (The contest actually lasted for 2 hours and 15 minutes).

Amber Wells & Lily Anna
Amber Wells & Lily Anna: Put Through Her Paces Remastered (MP4)
Put Through Her Paces Remastered (MP4)
Time: 41 minutes 04 seconds
Originally 31m 41s, this was Amber's very first Bound2Burst video. The version released in 2010 was edited to maintain the flow of action, but there were almost an extra 10 minutes which demonstrate how difficult Amber found it to pee in front of a camera, and to some extent in front of Lily (who can also have trouble with this herself). Amber valiantly tried to put on a show, but she frequently had to just stop and chat to Lily, often in whispers, as she tried to unlock her muscles to pee. When this occurs, one has to make the decision to either maintain the premise of the video or to just come clean and show what really happened. In this version, you witness it all.

Original description: Amber's official audition. Instead of the usual routine, Lily was the one to put her through her paces, drinking water as she tried on one outfit after another and getting steadily more and more desperate. Lily talks about Amber being her referral, and this is actually true, so Lily was genuinely a little anxious that Amber should be able to perform. She demonstrated her abilities as a strict task mistress as Amber's squirming got worse and worse, making the poor girl hold it until the boss arrived to begin filming a scenario with her. Amber is frantically pee dancing by the time Dave arrives, but then, to her alarm, he announces that he has a few things to do before he starts filming her for a scenario. Amber is distraught, but once again Lily steps in and tells her not to be so weak, insisting that she keep holding it. While absolutely bursting at this stage, Amber actually had to stop pee dancing to trigger the release, but once she did, it was one hell of a flood.

1920x1080 pixels - bitrate 6 Mbps - MP4: 1,910.4 MB

Amber Wells & Lily Anna
Amber Wells & Lily Anna: The Architect's Apprentice Remastered (MP4)
The Architect's Apprentice Remastered (MP4)
Time: 29 minutes 40 seconds
Originally 25m 52s, this is another video where Amber had some difficulty at the moment of payoff. She did manage to deal with it fairly quickly, but the interesting thing to watch here is Lily's skill in covering for her by keeping the story going. None of what happens was scripted (it was provided to the girls as just a premise), and Lily manages to turn in a highly credible performance as a somewhat irascible architect who has taken on this inept novice, with all the dialogue her own. In truth, her acting and ad-lib skills were impressive, and perhaps under-appreciated at the time.

Original description: Lily plays the role of a well-known architect who is impatiently waiting for her apprentice to arrive. Lily's firm has been hired because she is the best, and the man contracting her has just won a lot of money and wants his home re-designed and expanded. The new intern, Amber, is a bit clueless and often late, so when she does arrive, Lily tears her off a strip, and scolds her for not bringing a proper surveyor's tape measure. The meek Amber, who has been caught up in traffic, really needs to pee but she is intimidated by Lily, not least because her boss is currently annoyed with her, so she refrains from mentioning her situation. Lily puts Amber to work, but the girl keeps making mistakes because she is so badly distracted by her full bladder. As they move from room to room with Lily assessing the structure and suggesting changes, Amber is doing her best not to wet herself. Amber's face runs the gauntlet of expressions from professionalism when facing her boss to distress and panic when her boss is not looking. Things get worse when Lily asks Amber to inspect the loft, forcing the girl to stand on a ladder where wiggling her legs is far from easy. As she descends the ladder, Amber finally has to admit to her desperate condition, but instead of offering sympathy, Lily reprimands her again, pointing that the bathroom is out of commission and telling Amber she will simply have to hold it. Amber manages to keep herself under control until Lily leads her down into the cold basement of the house. The chilly air and the steadily-increasing pressure on Amber's poor bladder finally overwhelms her self-control and she has an accident while Lily is reviewing the property owner's notes. She sends Amber away, telling her to go home and change and meet back at the office where she will be reprimanded.

1920x1080 pixels - bitrate 6 Mbps - MP4: 1,375.1 MB
Amber Wells & Lily Anna
Amber Wells & Lily Anna: Only One Can Go Remastered (MP4)
Only One Can Go Remastered (MP4)
Time: 13 minutes 39 seconds
Originally 14m 5s, this one is slightly shorter than the original, benefitting from some tighter editing. Filmed entirely outdoors, the lighting was good and the video stands up well to enlargement. It's also a movie from Amber's first shoot where she was able to pee without a delay, having broken through that barrier earlier in the day. It looks great because she really soaked the back of the jeans.

Original description: Lily and Amber are on their way to a garden centre and have lost their way. They both urgently need to pee but they can't find any convenience stores or gas stations. Finally, unable to hold it much longer, Lily asks Amber to pull onto a quiet road so that they can go into the woods to relieve themselves. Amber says no way, that she couldn't possibly pee in the woods, and insists that Lily continues holding on. Lily says she really can't wait and finally talks Amber into turning onto a quiet road. Wiggling their legs to suppress the urge to pee, they find a track and turn down there. Lily hops out and minces her way into the trees in her high-heeled boots; Amber reluctantly follows. Once away from the road, Lily quickly tugs down her jeans and starts to pee. Amber is appalled but is bursting by now, and as Lily finishes going, Amber starts to wet her jeans. It looks like that trip to the garden centre will have to be postponed.

1920x1080 pixels - bitrate 6 Mbps - MP4: 637.3 MB
Amber Wells & Lily Anna
Amber Wells & Lily Anna: We Both Have To Go Remastered (MP4)
We Both Have To Go Remastered (MP4)
Time: 7 minutes 22 seconds
Originally 6m 58s, this new version includes an extra scene which is an outtake where Amber sits on the toilet for the first time and can't release. She looks annoyed with herself and a little sheepish as she says, "Sorry." The successful version follows immediately afterwards, where she pees for a long time, making it clear that she really did need to go.

Original description: Lily and Amber arrive home after having a good time out, both desperate to use the bathroom. They run and push one another to see who will get there first. To their dismay, the bathroom is already occupied by their housemate, and their second bathroom is out of commission, so the girls have no choice but to stand there and hold it. They squirm, bend their knees, cross their legs, doing everything they can to avoid wetting themselves. At last, the housemate emerges from the bathroom, but Lily and Amber almost get stuck in the narrow doorway as they both try to get in there at the same time. Lily wins and poor Amber has to stand in the doorway while her friend empties her full bladder, trying not to lose control of her own. (Amber needed to pee badly, but when she sat on the toilet, it took her about fifteen seconds to release the flow. Once it starts, it goes on for a long time. While she is peeing, Lily joins her and teases her about having stage fright. The girls had fun with this simple scenario. It was also the last movie of the day and they had been doing a lot of holding, so they certainly needed to empty out their full bladders).

1920x1080 pixels - bitrate 6 Mbps - MP4: 341.6 MB

Amber Wells & Lily Anna
Best Of Amber & Lily Remastered: Volume 1 (MP4)
Best Of Amber & Lily Remastered: Volume 1 (MP4)
Total time: 91 minutes 45 seconds
Introduction: Remastering older videos from scratch to make them bigger and better than they were before provides the perfect opportunity to reveal more about what often happens with desperation videos. This set is focused primarily on Amber peeing and Lily playing her foil (another volume later will focus on Lily's desperation performances), and some of them reveal how difficult Amber found it to release her pee even when she was seriously desperation to go. To quote her, "I can only do this if I get myself to the point where I'm bursting." As with all remasters these days, the 640x480-pixel videos are re-edited for the original tapes, sharpened, colorized and generally enhanced to make them suitable for release at the same size as 1920x1080-pixel HD movies, with black bars down the sides to preserve the picture's 4x3 aspect ratio.
  1. Put Through Her Paces Remastered
  2. The Architect's Apprentice Remastered
  3. Only One Can Go Remastered
  4. We Both Have To Go Remastered
Jasmine St James & Amber Wells
Before the Holding Contest
Before the Holding Contest
Time: 11 minutes 29 seconds)
Amber and Jasmine are planning to take part in a holding contest and they have both been drinking rather a lot of fluids in preparation. Before getting to the contest, however, they have to participate in a bondage video. Jasmine, who used to be able to hold it for hours, now finds it more difficult to control her bladder (remember, we really broke through her inhibitions in Jasmine Set 11), and part way through the bondage shoot she began wiggling her legs quite unconsciously, betraying that she needed to pee pretty badly. By the time we reached the end of the shoot Jasmine was desperate and declared that she couldn't do the holding contest without relieving herself first, otherwise it would be a very short content. Amber agreed that she could go (Amber has phenomenal control) but delayed her for a while. This video shows about a minute from the bondage story where Jasmine's leg wiggling begins, and then when cold watcher is thrown over her legs making her need to go significantly worse. The remainder of the video is where Jasmine is pee dancing and Amber is delaying her until she finally has to squat down and pee in front of both Amber and the cameraman.
Jasmine St James & Amber Wells
Holding Contest: Amber & Jasmine
Holding Contest: Amber & Jasmine Remastered (MP4)
Time: 36 minutes 58 seconds
Amber and Jasmine challenge each other to a holding contest. At the start, Amber already needs to pee but Jasmine has recently relieved herself because she could not hold on (see "Before the Holding Contest"). However, since her session where we filmed her peeing six times in one day (Jasmine Set 11), Jasmine finds that she builds up into a state of desperation far faster than she used to do. She remarked: "You've trained my bladder and now I have to keep peeing!" How very inconvenient. She and Amber start out sitting and drinking, tormenting one another, each confident that she will win the contest. About half way through, the urge to pee hits Jasmine like a freight train and she is clearly very desperate. Amber, whose bladder has continued filling throughout, is now squirming very noticeable, a look of concentration passing frequently across her face. Who is going to be the winner? It looks like it may be a close thing.

Jasmine St James & Amber Wells
Amber & Jasmine Set
Amber & Jasmine Set
Before the Holding Contest
Holding Contest: Amber & Jasmine
Total time: 48 minutes
Amber Wells & Lily Anna
Both Waiting For the Bathroom
Both Waiting For the Bathroom
Lily and Amber have both arrived home from work dying to pee, but their house mate is in the bathroom getting ready to go out for the evening, and it's the only bathroom in the house. The girls have to sit and wait for him to emerge. They don't want to make too much fuss because he is also their landlord and he charges them both a low rent, so they try to hang on without repeatedly knocking on the door. Both girls are desperate to go and they wiggle and gasp as they struggle to wait. Finally, unable to hold it any longer, Lily wets herself. Amber looks on aghast, hoping this will not happen to her too. Lily decides to got and change her clothes, leaving Amber alone to squirm. (In fact, Amber was seriously muscle locked and could not pee, despite having a full bladder. Lily even put Amber across her lap and spanked her to apply a lot of pressure to Amber's bladder (she loves being spanked), but even this did not work. In the end, Amber continued holding it and we went on to immediately film "Lily's Payback").
Amber Wells & Lily Anna
Lily's Payback
Lily's Payback
Time: 16 minutes 32 seconds)
Five years earlier, Amber was the principal witness in a court case, her evidence sending Lily to prisoner for five years for embezellment. Recently released, Lily wants revenge. She has broken into Amber's house early in the morning, and having allowed Amber to put on a dressing gown, Lily has tied her hand together behind her back and walks her from bedroom to kitchen. Here, she ties Amber to a chair, promising to make her stay a very interesting one. Amber explains that she always needs to pee when she gets up in the morning, but Lily wants to make her suffer and refuses to let her go. Lily helps herself to breakfast and then sits on Amber's lap to eat him, squashing poor Amber's full bladder in the process. Amber continues to plead for the use of the bathroom, so in the end Lily releases her from the chair and walks her to the bathroom, hands still tied, and offers to pull down Amber's panties for her. Amber is reluctant but she needs to pee so badly that she agrees. Lily lifts the dressing gown, pulls down Amber's panties and lets her sit on the toilet to relieve herself.

Amber Wells & Lily Anna
Lily & Amber: Set 6
Lily & Amber: Set 6
Both Waiting For the Bathroom
Lily's Payback
Total time: 41 minutes
Amber Wells & Lily Anna
Desperate Start to the Day
Desperate Start to the Day
Time: 18 minutes 08 seconds
Lily and Amber both have a 2-3 hour drive to reach Bound2Burst and they are always instructed to drink plenty of liquid and not pee on the way. Invariably, our models turn up desperate to pee. This time, we got Lily and Amber to change into tight jeans (always good for applying additional pressure to a full bladder) and asked them to stand in front of the camera and hold it as long as they could. While struggling to wait, they talk about desperation events in their lives, just to make their test of endurance that much more difficult. As you might expect, the video concludes with two wetting accidents and some rather damp jeans.
Amber Wells & Lily Anna
Lily versus Amber
Lily versus Amber
Time: 32 minutes 36 seconds
Lily and Amber, together again after a long break, compete against one another to see who can hold her pee the longest. The girls start out feeling pretty desperate to go, an urge that becomes serious soon enough as they make each other drink liquid. The girls set each other little challenges to make holding their pee that much harder until they are both urgently squirming in desperation. When they lose control, a lot of pee hits the floor and the girls have to grab towels to mop up the ever spreading puddle. (This clip is filmed in one take with only two minor adjustments to the camera. For the most part, Lily and Amber performed alone so the content is comprised entirely of their own ideas).

Amber Wells & Lily Anna
Angry Passenger
Angry Passenger
Time: 7 minutes 55 seconds
Amber has had a bad experience on a flight home from the west coast, in particular dealing with an extremely rude air stewardess named Lily. Feeling that the woman needs to be taught a lesson, Amber has snatched her from the airport and driven her out into the country. Here, she marches the frightened Lily into the woods and handcuffs her to a tree branch. Lily explains that she is dying to pee but Amber doesn't care. She leaves the woman to struggle not to wet herself, something Lily can't avoid doing for long.
Amber Wells & Lily Anna
Amber Wells & Lily Anna: Set 5
Amber Wells & Lily Anna: Set 5
Desperate Start to the Day
Lily versus Amber
Angry Passenger
Total time: 58 minutes
Amber Has No Way Out
Amber Has No Way Out (13m 43s)
Amber was working late at her office when a man breaks into the building. She is the only employee on the premises, so the man takes her cell phone and locks her in her office, telling her that someone will find her in the morning. Amber says she can't spend the night in her office, and asks what she would do if she needed to use the bathroom. Her captor doesn't seem to care. He closes the door and locks it. Amber immediately tries her computer, planning to send an e-mail to get help, but the computer will not power up. Later, Amber does indeed need to pee. She really doesn't want to have an accident but at the same time there is no way for her to get out and reach the bathroom. She waits as long as she possibly can, but finally she has no choice but to lift her dress, pull down her panties and pee on the floor.

Amber's Roadside Emergency
Amber's Roadside Emergency (11m 05s)
It's a hot summer day and Amber's car has overheated and stopped on the roadside. She knows that all she has to do is wait for the engine to cool and then the car will start again, allowing her to get it to a service station where coolant can be added. Unfortunately, the engine is taking a long time to cool and Amber desperately needs to visit the ladies room. Struggling with a painfully-full bladder, Amber wiggles and gasps as she tries not to lose control and soak her car seat. Unable to sit there any longer, she gets out of the car, thinking about peeing on the roadside, but there really is too much traffic. To her alarm, a car slows and a man asks if she needs help. She explains that she is waiting for Triple-A and he departs. Had he stayed around, she would have had a terrible time trying to conceal her desperation. Amber climbs back into her car to avoid the same situation happening again. She wiggles her legs and pulls on the hem of her dress, absolutely dying to go. At last, unable to take any more, Amber gets out of the car again and this time staggers in her high heels into the woods. She goes in as far as she can to conceal herself from passing drivers, but now it's an emergency because her bladder feels like it's going to burst. She quickly lifts her dress, pulls down her pantyhose and panties and releases a powerful jet of pee, her face showing both concern that she might be seen and an immense relief as the pressure on her bladder eases. Amber returns to her car and is finally able to relax.

Have You Ever Been to Winnipeg? (10m 57s)
Amber has been seeing a therapist to work out some anxiety issues. What she does not realize is that her therapist is taking advantage of her. In a previous session where she was subject to his powers of suggestion, he planted the phrase "Have you ever been to Winnipeg" into her subconscious, and wherever she hears it she feels compelled to sit down and cannot stand up until she hears the phrase again. When Amber arrives for her session and says she needs to dash in to use the bathroom before they start, her therapist asks the question, triggering her response to sit. Desperate to pee, Amber cannot understand why she cannot make herself get up and visit the bathroom. Her therapist is reviewing her case notes and seems unwilling to help her with her current dilemma. Amber is horrified when her therapist receives a text message which, he says, requires him to take some immediate action. He leaves poor Amber sitting outside the house and dying to pee, her bladder now screaming for relief. Before the therapist returns, Amber is forced to wet her panties and skirt and then continue sitting in it.
Amber: Set 4
Amber: Set 4
Amber's Roadside Emergency
Have You Ever Been to Winnipeg?
Total time: 21 minutes

Amber's Exam Accident
Amber's Exam Accident
Time: 13 minutes 32 seconds)
Amber is sitting a special mathematics examination at a Test Centre for mature students. She is the only candidate sitting the exam this day because she is sitting a special version of it one day after candidates in the rest of the country took the test. The length of the test is three hours, and as Amber takes her seat, the invigilator tells her to begin. All goes well until about the half way point of the test when Amber starts to feel the urge to pee. She crosses her legs and holds it as she continues work on her paper. By the time she is more than two hours into the test, Amber's bladder has become very full and she is badly distracted by the discomfort. Finally, when desperate to go, she asks the invigilator if she can quickly run to the restroom to relieve herself. He tells her that it is against the rules, and that she should already know this. When she tries to appeal to his sense of compassion, he says that under exceptional circumstances the invigilator can accompany a candidate to the bathroom to guard against cheating, but since he is male that is not possible in this instance. Amber simply must grin and bear it and carries on working. With just fifteen minutes left in the exam, Amber gets up from her desk and attempts to leave the room to visit the ladies room. When stopped, she protests that she is desperate and must go! The invigilator denies her and persuades her to sit back down and resume working. Amber does her best but she is now bursting. In a final attempt to avoid disgracing herself, she gets up to leave again, only to have the invigilator stop her for a second time. Unable to hold it any longer, Amber wets herself in front of him.
Elevator Desperation 2
Elevator Desperation 2
Time: 24 minutes 2 seconds
The second candidate, Amber, is treated to lunch and drinks by the department head, preparing her in very much the same way that he did Jasmine. Once back at Speekman's and inside the elevator, ascending to the fourth floor where Amber will be interviewed by the selection panel, the equipment breaks down again, exactly as before with Jasmine. This can't be a coincidence. It is as if the department head has set everything up to tst all the candidates to see how well the handle the pressure of being stuck in an elevator with a stranger and finding themselves desperate to pee. Amber, who is clearly quite shy, does her best to hide her acute desperation, at first only betraying overt signs of desperation when her companion's back is turned for a few moments. As the minutes pass and hee bladder grows steadily fuller, however, Amber's composure starts to slip and she can not longer stand still. She tries crossing her legs, squatting down, and concentrating hard with her arms are tightly folded. It all helps a little, but the pressure is mounting and she know she can't wait much longer. At last, she loses control and wets herself in front of her potential future boss. Her humiliation is acute and she is now convinced she will never get the job. The department head assures her that this accident will not affect her chances, but she clearly doesn't believe him.
Amber Waits As Long As She Can
Amber Waits As Long As She Can
Time: 22 minutes 08 seconds
Amber is back with us and desperate to pee. She was asked to hold it as long as she could soon after she arrived for the shoot, and said that she already needed to go rather badly. She quickly changed and filming began, with Amber recounting some desperation events from real life. She talks while coping with a full bladder, and has to sip water because needing to pee makes her thirsty. Amber also wanted to wear our school girl uniform (she had seen it in the site when worn by Taylor and Dixie), so naturally we agreed. Amber likes school girl uniforms and, as many of you know, enjoys being spanked (her own website of some 6 years standing is Punished Brats). Amber was soon pee dancing as she struggled to control her bladder, a struggle which involved some sitting down and tightly crossing legs. It was only a matter of time before the urge to go became too great and she had to give in and wet herself, despite being asks to hold on while the cameraman was out of the room on an urgent errand. She even turned her white socks yellow. This is one school girl who has thoroughly disgraced herself and will certainly needs to be punished for wetting all over the floor. The trouble is, she would only enjoy it!

Mortifying Mishap
Mortifying Mishap
Time: 14 minutes 17 seconds
Amber is bringing a fairly new male friend to meet Susan, a long-time friend of hers, intent on doing a little match-making. Amber herself cannot stick around for long because she is an air hostess who has to get to work on an international flight. She believes her friends will hit it off, but when it turns out that Susan is not at home, Amber finds herself in an awkward situation - she can't just drive off and leave her new friend standing on Susan's doorstep without an introduction, and she doesn't have time to drive him home before going to work. She also needs to pee but is determined not to betray this fact to her companion, not least because it is very embarrassing. Amber tries knocking on the door at the rear of the house and even the garage door, but Susan clearly is not there. Amber curses herself for not having her cellphone with her, and it seems her friend didn't bring his either. They stand on the front porch for a while, wondering what to do, when the guy suddenly realizes he has the phone in his back pocket. Amber gratefully takes it and calls Susan to find out where she is. Susan, it seems, is out running errands and won't be back for at least another fifteen minutes. This is worrying news for Amber who is now bursting to pee. She explains the situation, doing her best to look calm and collected, but as the minutes creep by she can't help fidgeting as her desperation becomes very serious indeed. Not knowing what else to do, Amber tries to hold on until Susan returns, trying not to look like she is dying for the bathroom, but in her attempt to maintain her composure, she doesn't take all the steps necessary to hold herself. Suddenly, she starts to wet herself. She looks mortified but she simply can't stop going. A wet patch appears on the front of her skirt - there is no hiding it from her friend. Humiliated, poor Amber says they had better leave.
Amber Wells & Lily Anna
Give Me Your Clothes 2
Give Me Your Clothes 2
Time: 16 minutes 05 seconds
Amber has just arrived home from work when she is assailed by a woman wearing only bra and panties. The woman says she is an escaped convict and that she needs clothes, so she demands Amber's clothes. As Amber undresses, the convict dresses herself, then tells Amber she will have to be locked in a room to prevent her calling the police. Amber says she needs to visit the bathroom, but the convict says "Do I look like I care?" before locking Amber in her office. Amber paces frantically up and down trying not to wet her panties. She then has a flash of inspiration - she may not have a phone in her office but she does have access to e-mail. She sends her husband an emergency message asking him to come home to help her. She wiggles and crosses her legs for a while longer until his reply comes in. He is on his way. It's now just a matter of whether or not Amber can hold it until he gets home. Somehow, she manages to cork up her , and the instant the door is unlocked, she dashes into the bathroom for a very long and very relieving pee.
Amber Wells & Lily Anna
The Loan Officer
The Loan Officer
Time: 12 minutes 53 seconds
Lily has just got home from her job at the bank where she spends most of her day declining applications for loans. She is about to discover that she has turned down just one customer too many, because she has barely put down her bag, intending to pay a visit to the bathroom to empty her full bladder, when the disgruntled customer appears brandishing a pistol. She forces Lily to log in to the bank's system and approve her loan. Lily sits squirming in desperation as she tries to hold back a lot of pee, and when she makes an attempt to run to the bathroom, the customer stops her and makes her sit down again. When Lily tries getting up for a second time, she is made to stand in the middle of the dining room as they wait for the system to process and approve the loan. Lily keeps trying to negotiate a visit to the bathroom, but she is told: "I'm going to make you suffer, like you make all your customers suffer." Lily's desperation overcomes her and she starts to lose control, just a few drops at first, then a squirt, and finally a massive flood as she is forced to stand there and wet herself.

Amber Wells & Lily Anna
Crime Scene Desperation
Crime Scene Desperation
Time: 17 minutes 05 seconds
A crime falls on a law enforcement jurisdictional boundary and requires a police officer from each division to stand guard and maintain the integrity of the crime scene. The officers are given strict instructions not to leave the scene unguarded lest evidence be compromised; they must stay in place until forensics has processed all the rooms. Unfortunately, the forensics team is badly backed up and it is taking them a long time to get to this particular scene. In the meantime, the officers on guard both feel the call of nature and try to use the bathroom. Before they can do so, the lead detective on the case stops them and explains that the bathroom is also off-limits until forensics has finished with it. The women have to try to hold it, but as more time passes their bladders reach capacity and they both wet their uniforms. One of them even takes off her boots to empty them out, just as the lead detective arrives to tell them that the forensics team has arrived. He is furious that the officers have contaminated this area of the crime scene.
Amber Wells & Lily Anna
Stranded Outside & Desperate
Stranded Outside & Desperate
Time: 8 minutes 44 seconds
Lily turns up at a friend's house desperate to pee but no one appears to be in. A few minutes later, Amber arrives, also sporting a full bladder, and she doesn't have a key either. The girls ponder what to do as they struggle to hold themselves, then decide to try getting in through a window. They take a step ladder and Amber climbs it to work on opening a window, but the effort makes her lose control and she wets her jeans. This starts Lily leaking too. Amber's loss of control is by far the worse and in a matter of seconds her jeans are completely soaked. A behind the scenes sequence is included at the end where the camera follows the girls into the bathroom where they peel off their wet jeans and show us their wet panties. The movie is short because it was filmed with the temperature at 20F (-6C) and Amber's pee-soaked jeans were fast becoming extremely cold on her legs.
Amber Wells & Lily Anna
In Urgent Need of a Bathroom
In Urgent Need of a Bathroom
Time: 11 minutes 06 seconds
Lily and Amber have arrived at the home of their respective dates, all dressed up and ready to party. The first thing they need to do is use the bathroom, but unfortunately one of the men is in the shower. The girls sit in the living room and hold on, but they badly need to go and knock on the bathroom door to hurry things along. The sound of a running shower is excruciating and they can't stay there for long, so they return to the living room and pee dance around as they continue to hold it. At last, the bathroom is free and both women dash in to use the toilet. Lily goes first and Amber has to continue holding it until it is her turn. (The interplay here is similar to We Both Have To Go. When both girls dash into the bathroom, Lily uses the toilet first and Amber is forced to stand and hold it a little longer).

Amber Wells & Lily Anna
Lily Can't Wait
Lily Can't Wait
Time: 4 minutes 32 seconds
Lily and Amber arrived in the same car withonly one of the two needing to pee. Poor Lily. Amber asks her if she can hold it a while until she herself needs to go too, but the look on Lily's face says it all. This brief introductory movie is simply Lily wetting her jeans before she enters the house. (After arriving in such a desperate state for her first shoot, Amber did not drink so much on this trip, whereas Lily, who has a smaller bladder and needs to pee far more often, was obviously in trouble when she turned up. She had been holding on a while, and as a result her release was initially difficult. Amber seemed to find her companion's situation amusing, and admitted that it's a lot more fun when it happens to Lily!).
Frosty Accident
Frosty Accident
Time: 7 minutes 15 seconds
Amber arrived with a full bladder, so we put her to work straight away in this "locked out" situation. She tries the front door, then makes her way around the house trying a window and the back door, both without success. She cannot hurry because she is walking on icy snow. Finding everything locked, she tries to think what to do next, but the combination of a full bladder and intense cold makes her lose control; she wets her jeans. She makes her way back to the front door and leans against it in despair as her wet jeans start to freeze to her legs. (This movie might have been a little longer but the cold was evil. Amber really couldn't hold on, and it was not fair to keep her outside in wet jeans any longer than necessary.
Best Candidate
Best Candidate
Time: 14 minutes 40 seconds
Amber desperately needs a new job with better pay, and she is the last candidate waiting to be interviewed that afternoon. Unfortunately for her, things seem to be running late with the preceding candidate, keeping Amber waiting past her scheduled interview time. Things are even worse because she is also desperate to pee, and now worries that she will not be able to perform well in the interview. She asks one of the staff where to find the ladies and is informed that the one on this floor is out of order, and that she will need to visit the one on the floor above. When she asks for directions, it soon becomes clear that a visit to the bathroom would take perhaps ten minutes. What if the interview panel summoned her while she was gone. Would they skip her interview and select one of the other candidates? Amber decides that she can't take the risk and persuades herself to hold on. As her desperation to pee increases in leaps and bounds, Amber almost gives in and starts to leave to visit the bathroom, then changes her mind. She simply dare not go. Her determination can only go so far is controlling her tired bladder muscles however, and before anyone comes to get her, she has a huge accident in her skirt and tights.

Alone With Amber
Alone With Amber
Time: 14 minutes 16 seconds
Amber takes the reigns in this one on one with the viewer. She talks about how she feels as she stands there with just a camera for company, and admits to how she uses the need to pee as motivation for doing tedious chores. She runs the gamut of things a woman does when she is desperate to pee, and here and there she admits to what is going through her mind as she struggles to hold on a little bit longer. (Amber is back in that stunning blue dress and shoes. It clings to her wonderful figure so well that, even from a distance, one can see the bulge of her abdomen where her bladder is full. At times, she looks shy, almost embarrassed, by her condition. A camera was set up and running in the bathroom in case she chose that option to end the movie, which indeed she did).
Amber Wells & Lily Anna
Reporting to the Principal
Reporting to the Principal
Time: 23 minutes 33 seconds
Amber has been in a fight on the sports field, attacking a girl who threw Amber's sneakers into a passing truck. The teacher has sent the girl to see the Principal. Amber is no stranger to the Principal's office, and the Principal is far from happy to see her yet again. Amber is being reprimanded and threatened with expulsion, but all the poor, shoesless girl can think about is how much she needs to use the bathroom. She asks for permission to go, but the Principal refuses, telling the girl to stand still while she makes up her mind what to do with her. Alas, poor Amber cannot stand still; she contorts her legs into various positions to help her hold back the flood, and several times she tries to persuade the Principal to let her visit the bathroom before it is too late. Unfortunately for her, the Principal merely seems this as another of Amber's ruses to get herself out of the office, so she continues to refuse the girl's request. The result is inevitable; Amber wets herself on the Principal's floor. She manages to stem the flow, and complies when she is handed a kitchen roll and told to clear up her mess. She has no sooner done so when she starts to wet herself some more. Once again she is made to clean it up, and is then told to get out of the office.
Amber Wells & Lily Anna
Pulled Over
Pulled Over
Time: 13 minutes 38 seconds
Lily finds herself being pulled over by a cop (Amber) who, it seems, has run her license plate and discovered that Lily has outstanding parking tickets, When she checks her license, the cop discovers that Lily's license is forged. Amber makes Lily step out of the vehicle and pats her down as she recites her Miranda rights. Lily is then handcuffed and placed in the back of the police vehicle, belted in for safety. En route to the police station the officer has to stop on other business, leaving Lily in the back of the car still handcuffed and belted in. After a while, Lily feels her bladder growing uncomfortably full, and soon she is struggling in desperation as she struggles not to wet herself inside the car. By the time the police officer returns, Lily is bursting. They resume the journey to the police station, but before they have gone any distance at all, Lily insists in a panicky voice that she can't hold it any longer. The officer stops and gets her out of the vehicle, but while she is attempting to unlock the handcuffs, Lily loses control and wets herself beside the vehicle.

Amber Wells & Lily Anna
Bursting Secretaries
Bursting Secretaries
Time: 8 minutes 58 seconds
Lily and Amber have just arrived home from work. Their commute home was long and they are both sporting very full bladders. They just start to argue over who is going to use the bathroom first when the notice an intruder in their kitchen, and he is armed. They raise their hands, the urge to pee suddenly even more intense. The intruder tells them to remain where they are, but in no time at all both women are pleading for the use of the bathroom. Their request is denied, and they are forced to stay where they are and hold it. Lily is so desperate that she soon starts to wet herself, and this sets Amber off as a huge gush flows between her legs and onto the floor. After wetting themselves, the girls must then suffer the humiliation of mopping up their own mess.
Amber Wells & Lily Anna
An Inconvenient Urge
An Inconvenient Urge
Time: 4 minutes 27 seconds
Lily and Amber have been abducted and taken to a remote house. We join them as they make an escape attempt, hands locked behind their backs in handcuffs. Rope has been secured to the chain separately the bracelets and tied around their waists to further restrict their movements. They run off into the woods away from their captor, but after going a little way and stopping behind a tree to check that they are not being followed, Lily admits that she needs to pee. Amber asks: "Shall I undo your jeans and pull them down for you? I don't want you to wet yourself in your pants." She obliges, and with hands behind her back, Lily squats and empties her bladder, accidentally peeing on her shoe as she lets it go. Afterwards, Amber reluctantly helps Lily pull up her jeans and re-buttons them for her before the two women resume their flight.
Writer's Block
Writer's Block
Time: 14 minutes 20 seconds
Amber is an author who repeatedly misses book deadlines, costing her publisher a lot of money in wasted publicity and printer's fees for late delivery. As a last resort, her editor has placed her in an office where she has no internet connection and no telephone, leaving her free of distractions so that she can get on and finish the final chapter of the book. The editor promises to meet her basic needs like food and bathroom breaks, but when it comes down to it and Amber asks for a few minutes to use the bathroom, the editor refuses to believe that this is not just a ruse for Amber to sneak out. When she admits that she only has a few pages left to go, he tells her to finish the book and then she can visit the bathroom. Amber is indignant and bangs on the door, complaining about the violation of her basic human rights. Ultimately, she has no choice but to resume writing, but by now her desperation to pee is so intense that she can barely concentrate. When a final hammering on the door elicits no response from the editor, Amber does the only thing she can do under the circumstances - she pees into a vase (this is filmed from approximately 1 metre (3-4 feet). When she has finished, Amber places the vase on top of the filing cabinet and continues working on the last pages of her book.

Amber's Early
Amber's Early
Time: 4 minutes 15 seconds
Amber's first shoot with Bound2Burst. As with all are models, they are asked to drink plenty before they arrives so that they are ready for us to start filming. Amber took this suggestion very much to heart and drank a lot en route, with the consequence that she was bursting to pee long before she arrived. She turned up early because her full bladder made her drive faster and faster, arriving so frantically desperate that there was no time to plan anything. A camera was switched on and filmed Amber getting out of her car and learning that Lily, with whom she would be working that day, was still some distance away. Absolutely unable to hold it, Amber stood there and soaked her jeans with a minute-long pee.

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