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Bound2Burst Archive: Remastered & Enhanced Videos with 4:3 Apect Ratio
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Bound2Burst Archive: Remastered & Enhanced Videos with 4x3 Aspect Ratio

This page is devoted to movies filmed between 2006 and 2011. Each movies has been re-imported from the original tapes, upscaled to 1472x1080 and remastered. We are currently transitioning these archive movies to a new website called Bound2Burst Archive ( This is to free up space on the main Bound2Burst server. To make purchases from the archive, it will be necessary to open a new store account. Thank you for your understanding.

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Caught in the Act Remastered
Caught in the Act Remastered
Time: 20 minutes 23 seconds
Tabitha is a burglar who needs to pee while loading her bag with valuables, but just as she decides to use the bathroom she hears a key in the front door. Someone is home! She quickly goes down to the basement and hides in a cupboard where she stands struggling to control her full bladder. Unfortunately for her, the house owner has heard her and makes her come out of the cupboard with her hands in the air. Tabitha does her best to stand there a comply with the man's wishes, but at the same time she is bursting for a pee. She asks for permission to use the bathroom but the owner refuses, telling her to stand still while he calls the cops. Tabitha keeps pleading to use the bathroom but each time her request is declined. In the end, as you might expect, she wets her jeans all over the guy's basement floor.

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Tabitha & Sienna
Occupied Remastered
Occupied Remastered
Time: 4 minutes 56 seconds
Sienna has arrived home bursting for a pee to find the bathroom door locked. Inside the bathroom, her house mate Tabitha is taking a bath and is listening to music via ear-pods. Unable to hear her desperate friend's pleas for access, she continued her luxurious soaking while Sienna is in danger of soaking her panties. In the end, Tabitha emerges just in time and Sienna pees into the toilet through her panties!

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Doctor's Appointment Remastered
Doctor's Appointment Remastered
Time: 16 minutes 53 seconds
Tabitha arrives at the clinic for her doctor's appointment ten minutes early and settles down to wait. Since she has a little time to spare, she pops along to the ladies room, only to find it occupied. After standing outside the door for a minute, she returns to the waiting room and reads a magazine. The time for her appointment comes and goes, and now her need for the bathroom has intensified. She tries the ladies room again, only to find it occupied once more. She grits her teeth and goes back to the waiting room, no longer able to relax as she reads and sends text messages. More time passes and she asks the receptionist if the doctor is running late. He says that she is the next person on the list and can go in as soon as the current patient leaves. Growing really desperate to pee now, Tabitha goes back to the restrooms only to find the door to the ladies is still locked. She taps lightly on the door but no one answers. Back in the waiting room, she mentions to the receptionist that the ladies has apparently been occupied for more than half an hour. A check is made and it seems there really is someone in the ladies. Tabitha tries waiting a little longer but now she is very desperate to pee. She goes to the reception desk and tries to set up another appointment, but before this can be set, the phone rings and the receptionist answers it, leaving Tabitha standing before him in a frantic state. Unable to control her bladder any longer Tabitha wets her jeans before picking up her bag and departing, embarrassed and humiliated.

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Time To Go 5 Remastered
Time To Go 5 Remastered
Time: 24 minutes 13 seconds
It's Tabitha's turn to try releasing her pee into a small cup and cutting off the flow when the cup is full. She then has to wait for five minutes before releasing another cupful. This stopping and starting plays havoc with the mind and the muscles, and there are some agonized groans from Tabitha each time she has to stop. As usual, the peeing sequences are mostly filmed in close up.

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Trying to Cork It Up Remastered
Trying to Cork It Up Remastered
Time: 11 minutes 01 seconds
Tabitha arrives home with her husband in a frantic hurry for the bathroom. She is horrified to find workmen are still in there working on the plumbing, so she is compelled to hold it. She tells her husband to go and talk to them and ask them to leave, but instead he asks them how much longer they expect to be. It seems there is a little more work to do before the system is working again, so in the meantime Tabitha will just have to hold it. She tries pacing, watching TV and texting, much of the time pressing a hand hard into her crotch to hold back the flood. As she gets close to having an accident, she goes to peek around the bathroom door to see how things are progressing, but there is still no hope of gaining relief for her aching bladder. So very desperate, Tabitha wets herself in the kitchen, and is in the act of mopping up her mess when her husband comes through to say the workmen are leaving. She orders him to take them out the other way so that they will not see that she has wet herself.

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Tabitha & Sienna
Desperate For Work Remastered
Desperate For Work Remastered
Time: 24 minutes 06 seconds
The girls on their way to work at Bound2Burst. As per their standing instructions, they do their best to time things so that they arrive with full bladders, but not so desperate that there isn't time to make the first movie. Barring delays in traffic, they usually manage to make it without an accident in the vehicle or a squat on the roadside, but today Tabitha has forgotten her GPS units and they are lost. Anxious not to lose control of their bladders before reaching their destination, they struggle to hold on as they drive around and look for familiar landmarks. Rapidly approaching their limits, they finally find the correct road, only to find a truck blocking the way. They have to wait a little longer, and literally run to the front door when their arrive at Mr. North's residence. Unfortunately, he doesn't seem to be around and the girls are left struggling to hold themselves as they wait for him to turn up. (Additional comment: It seemed like a fun idea. The only problem was that the girls had already arrived with full bladders, only to be told that they were going back out on the road for another half an hour. Their eyes widened, and while various gasps and moans punctuated their protests, they argreed to see if they can give a repeat performance. The camera runs continuously inside the vehicle, so you witness the situation as it unfolds).

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The Novice Remastered
The Novice Remastered
Time: 14 minutes 13 seconds
Playing the role of a novice detective only just promoted, Tabitha is participating in her first raid. She has been told to wait for the signal to move in, and to be ready because things inside the house might get ugly. Left alone, Tabitha plays with the handcuffs, locking her wrist to a tree branch. When the call comes to move in a little sooner than she expected, Tabitha grabs for the key to her handcuffs and drops it. The key is out of her reach. When her superior officer returns after the raid, he is furious with her for playing about; her absence meant that one of the perps got away. As punishment, he says he will leave Tabitha handcuffed to the tree until the team has finished going over the house. Tabitha explains that she needs to pee, but her boss is in no mood to care. Tabitha is compelled to stand there, squirming in desperation until she can't hold on any longer. She then lifts her skirt and empties her bladder, releasing a huge amount of pee. Now she is stuck in this humiliating predicament until someone comes to free her.

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Tabitha Remastered: Volume 4
Tabitha Remastered: Volume 4
Total time: 1 hour 56 minutes

  1. Caught in the Act Remastered
  2. Occupied Remastered
  3. Doctor's Appointment Remastered
  4. Time To Go 5 Remastered
  5. Trying to Cork It Up Remastered
  6. Desperate For Work Remastered
  7. The Novice Remastered

Amber Wells & Lily Anna
Hold It Or You're Fired Remastered
Hold It Or You're Fired Remastered
Time: 15 minutes 28 seconds
Here we have Lily as the tyrannical and unsympathetic boss who is annoyed with her employee for running late on an important deadline. She threatens to dismiss Amber and replace her with an intern unless she gets the paperwork finished in time for a meeting with some very important clients. Amber's attempts to hurry off to the bathroom to empty her full bladder are repeatedly thwarted by Lily until the inevitable happens - Amber wets herself in front of her boss. Because the deadline is looming, Lily still refuses to let her employee visit the bathroom to clean herself up, and insists that she carry on with her work. the smirk playing around her lips at the end suggests that Amber is almost losing her composure as she says of Lily" She is the worst boss ever!"

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Jayne: You Need A Strong Bladder Remastered
You Need A Strong Bladder Remastered
Time: 21 minutes 12 seconds
Jayne is applying for a job as manager of a commercial kitchen, a demanding job where one cannot always take a break when one needs it - to go to the bathroom for example. Clearly, one needs a strong bladder to work here! During the interview, the owner is called away to deal with a crisis and Jayne is left sitting in a corner of the kitchen, being ignored by the hectic staff. She makes several attempts to attract someone's attention to find out where the bathroom is, because she has been sitting there with a full bladder for a while now and badly needs to pee. The owner briefly returns to apologize for keeping her waiting (literally), and Jayne seizes the opportunity to ask for the bathroom. She is informed that this is the problem he is dealing with. A customer has blocked everything up, so Jayne is left to continue holding it while the crisis is managed. She does her best to maintain control but she is absolutely bursting. Unable to prevent it, Jayne pisses herself where she sits, hoping that no one has noticed. The video concludes with Jayne removing her skirt and pantyhose to show off her wet panties.

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Jayne: Sitting Pretty Remastered
Sitting Pretty Remastered
Time: 12 minutes 10 seconds
Jayne brought along a leather corset for filming, and it looked great with those super-tight blue jeans we bought for her a few months ago. In need of a little bondage, we sat her up on a platform outside the house and secured her wrists, one to each tree, and left her there. Jayne's Dilemmas - Sitting Pretty Some of the time she was alone with stationary cameras catching her struggles and protests about the state of her bladder. She calls out that she is going to wet her jeans, and asks us not to make her wet her panties. As you might expect, no one comes to her rescue, although the cameraman is around to capture her last minutes of desperation before she wets herself, producing a powerful stream that spilled over the edge of the platform, glistening in the late afternoon sunshine. After that, Jayne just had to sit there in her wet jeans until someone released her from her bonds, something which took a surprisingly long time to happen.

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Jayne: Full Bladder Incentive Remastered
Full Bladder Incentive Remastered
Time: 21 minutes 12 seconds
What better incentive could a girl have to escape from bondage than the urgent need to use the toilet. We duct-taped Jayne to a chair while her bladder was already full, so she was in a bit of a hurry right from the start. The bathroom was only 10 feet away, but there was no way for her to get there without breaking free. She knew there was absolutely no way she could pee on the carpet, so she had no choice but to hold it as long as she could.

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Entranced Remastered
Entranced Remastered
Time: 14 minutes 58 seconds
Jayne arrives at a friend's house in a big hurry to use the bathroom, but when her friend uses a key word on her, she suddenly loses the will to control her own actions. He tells her that she cannot go to the bathroom, and despite saying that she really needs to pee, Jayne has no choice but to stay out of the bathroom and just hold it. She sits and squirms in desperation as her friend explains that she is under post-hypnotic suggestion, a left over from a magic act she participated in a few weeks before. Her friend even takes her into the bathroom to stand in front of the toilet, but she still can't use it. Jayne pee dances and she tries not to wet her jeans and boots, but her situation is becoming dire. Back outside, she sits down again, still fighting the urge to urinate in her panties, but it is getting too much to bear. When her friend still declines to free her from her mental block, Jayne loses control and gives her jeans and boots a thorough soaking. Only then does he release her, but before she can go inside to clean up, he decides to use the key word again and asks Jayne to take off her boots and jeans so that he can see her wet panties.

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Jayne: Official Business Remastered
Official Business Remastered
Time: 13 minutes 51 seconds
A home owner has applied for a home improvement grant, and an official duly arrives to check out the validity of his request. The official seems a little restless as she walks around inspecting the items listed for repair in the application, but she doesn't say anything. The news she has for home owner is largely negative, however, which leaves him feeling a little antisocial, so that by the time the official asks if she can make use of his bathroom, he is not disposed to let her. Without making a fuss, as if her need is not really that bad, the official continues her job, although now her squirming is rather more noticeable. While down on the lawn to get a view of the supposedly damaged roof she loses control and wets herself, but does not make any reference to it. Instead, she tries to remain professional and continue doing her job. Only at the end when the home owner suggests that she might like to clean herself up before leaving does she seem to concede that she's had an accident.

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Bound With A Full Bladder
Bound With A Full Bladder
Time: 10 minutes 22 seconds
Jayne comes looking for directions, only to encounter someone who would much rather she stayed around. To make sure she does, he ties her up out in the woods, leaving her to struggle to get free. The ropes are tight and she can't get loose, and worse still, her bladder is very, very full. When her captor returns, she says that she needs to use the bathroom, but he has no interest in untying her. Leaving her bound, Jayne desperately tries not to lose control, but eventually the inevitable happens and Jayne pisses her jeans. Pee is seen streaming from between her legs, and when she rolls over the front pf her thighs are soaked. Now she has to sit in the woodland in pee-soaked pants and hope that the local wildlife does not start to take an interest in her.

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Jayne: Vampire's Dilemma Remastered
Vampire's Dilemma Remastered
Time: 7 minutes 55 seconds
A video filmed for Jayne back in 2009. She wanted to have some fun with the idea of a vampires waking up early because she is desperate to pee, but sunlight prevents her getting to the portabog. She does her best but contact with the sunlight burns so badly, there is simply no way through. She finally has to wet her panties, and oh my, what a flood. The crisis over, the vampire returns to her hideaway top await the hours of darkness.

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Jayne Remastered: Volume 13
Jayne Remastered: Volume 13
Total time: 97 minutes

  1. You Need A Strong Bladder Remastered
  2. Sitting Pretty Remastered
  3. Full Bladder Incentive Remastered
  4. Entranced Remastered
  5. Official Business Remastered
  6. Bound With A Full Bladder
  7. Vampire's Dilemma Remastered

Beverly Bacci
Beverly Bacci: She Forgot Her Key Card Remastered
She Forgot Her Key Card Remastered
Time: 6 minutes 31 seconds
On her way to work, Beverly suddenly realizes she left her key card at home, so she calls ahead to security, asking them to buzz her in when she arrives because she urgently needs to use the bathroom. When she gets to the side door of the office block and waves up at the security camera, however, the door remains locked. Beverly paces up and down in desperation, trying not to wet herself as she waits to be noticed and admitted to the building. She tries calling the number for security again, but this time it goes to voicemail. With nowhere to go and a bursting bladder, poor Beverly is unable to hold it and has a serious accident right outside the door. She can't go into the building now, even if security does not her; she must go home first to shower and change her clothes, especially her panties and skirt. (Pee scene filmed from two angles).

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Beverly Bacci
Beverly Bacci: Victim of Circumstances Remastered
Victim of Circumstances Remastered
Time: 20 minutes 50 seconds
Beverly is a receptionist/booking clerk for a restaurant. Apart from calls from potential customers making table reservations, she also deals with walk-ins. On this afternoon, one of those walk-ins presents her with a big problem - he plans to keep an eye on her while his partner robs the safe upstairs. This way, the thieves ensure that business continues as usual during the robbery and no one tips off the police. There is just one little snag - Beverly has been so busy she has been putting off a visit to the ladies room, and now she really needs to go. She asks for permission to relieve herself, even offering to let the man accompany her, but he tells her she must stay put and deal with phone calls, promising to let her go when he is ready to leave. Beverly continues fielding phone calls, trying to sound normal despite the urgent squirming of her full bladder. Her struggles grow more pronounced as she starts to panic; she is desperate to pee and knows that she won't be able to hold it in for much longer. She pleads with the man to let her go but he remains steadfast, and she has no choice but to go on sitting at her desk and trying not to wet herself. Finally, the pressure is too great and Beverly loses control, making a huge puddle on the flood beneath her seat. (Pee scene filmed from two angles).

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Beverly Bacci
Beverly Bacci: The Locked Door Remastered
The Locked Door Remastered
Time: 14 minutes 42 seconds
everly arrives home desperate to pee and finds that the workman she has engaged is occupying the only bathroom. Made to hold her full bladder, she squirms and moans, intermittently pounding on the bathroom door and pleading with the man to hurry up. He tells her he won't be long, but Beverly is going frantic. Trying to concentrate on work she sits in her swivel chair, legs crossed, heels tapping, gasping with the strain of holding on just a little longer. She tries the bathroom door again, a pee accident now imminent. Suddenly, Beverly starts to wet herself, her red pants soaking up nearly all her pee. Relieved but annoyed, she goes into her office and sits in her chair. No sooner has she done so when the toilet flushes and the workman emerges. An angry Beverly thanks him for nothing and tells him he can clean up the mess she made.

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Beverly Bacci
Robbed Remastered
Robbed Remastered
Time: 17 minutes 27 seconds
Beverly is arriving home with a bursting bladder. Before she can get out of her car, she is held up and robbed. The thief makes her handcuff herself to the steering wheel. Struggling not to wet on her dress, not to mention the car seat, Beverly tries to reach her cellphone to call for help. As her desperation increases she even considers urinating into an orange juice bottle, but it's a difficult thing to do, especially with one's hands cuffed to a steering wheel. With her bladder ready to explode Beverly is running out of time to find a try solution to her problem.

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Beverly Bacci
Beverly Bacci: Power of Suggestion Remastered
Power of Suggestion Remastered
Time: 17 minutes 57 seconds
It is the morning after Beverly went to a show and was hypnotized on stage. What she doesn't know is that the power of suggestion has not been entirely removed, and that her boyfriend has a key trigger word that will make her feel a desperate urge to pee. Unfortunately for Beverly, every time she runs to the bathroom, the urge to go vanishes. How is she going to empty her full bladder before it bursts? This was Beverly’s first movie of the day, and as usual she arrived full to bursting point, but had a lot of trouble letting go. We finally discovered the secret of getting her to perform at her best. What it comes down to is that no one can be in the room with her at the time; just the camera. Then, it really is a case of "here comes the flood!"

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Beverly Bacci
Fountains Remastered
Fountains Remastered
Time: 22 minutes 00 seconds
It was time to really make use of that new fountain with its loud, trickling water sounds. This plays havoc on girls whose bladder is full. Wearing her favourite denims, Bev started the movie by standing next to the fountain, but she looked tense and concerned almost at once. After standing still next to the flowing water for a few minutes, Bev wanted to move away from the fountain. Can't imagine why! We took a little stroll around the house, in no particular hurry, but Bev soon found herself back within earshot of that wretched fountain. We got her to recount her manicurist desperation story which really didn't help, and finally, she asked David to leave so that she could perform without him watching. She's so sensitive for a heavy-duty chick!! When he prevaricated, she said, "Come on! I'm dying here!" Tempting to make her wait a little longer, but anyone who has stood close to Bev when she's a tiny bit tense knows what that right hook is capable of, so she got her wish. For a minute, we had two fountains in the garden, and Bev was happy again. Well, sort of.

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Beverly Bacci
Beverly Bacci: Desperate Travel Agent Remastered
Desperate Travel Agent Remastered
Time: 15 minutes 59 seconds
Beverly works for a very small travel agency; it's just her and her colleague Paul, plus a part-time secretary who works up on the next floor. Stuck on the phone with a client and really feeling the urge to use the bathroom, Beverly is horrified when Paul pokes his head into her office to say that he is just off to lunch, and that she can watch the shop in his absence. Bev tries to stop him leaving without letting the customer on the other end of the phone realize what is going on, and fails hopelessly. Beverly tries to last the hour until Paul returns, taking call after call and becoming increasingly rude to her customers. She even calls the secretary and asks for her to come down and take over for five minutes while Beverly runs to the bathroom, but the secretary refuses on the grounds that she does not know what to do. Beverly is naturally furious because she is now close to bursting. As the phone calls continue, Beverly does her best to maintain her composure, but before her colleague returns from his lunch break, she has a catastrophic accident in her skirt. Pee streams onto the floor between her feet as she tries to hold a normal conversation over the phone with the latest customer. When Paul returns, there will be hell to pay for this.

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Beverly Bacci
Beverly Remastered: Volume 2
Beverly Remastered: Volume 2
Total time: 1 hour 55 minutes

  1. She Forgot Her Key Card Remastered
  2. Victim of Circumstances Remastered
  3. The Locked Door Remastered
  4. Robbed Remastered
  5. Power of Suggestion Remastered
  6. Fountains Remastered
  7. Desperate Travel Agent Remastered

Jynx: Bursting Business Girl Remastered
Bursting Business Girl Remastered
Time: 23 minutes 55 seconds
to pee. The store has no public restrooms, so Jynx is compelled to drive on. She makes several stops at promising looking places to use a bathroom, but one establishment is locked, and in the other, the bathroom is out of order. Bursting now, Jynx looks for a spot to relieve herself. She leaps out of the car and hurries along a track until she thinks she is out of sight of the road. She is about to lift her skirt and pull down her panties and pantyhose when she loses control and wets herself. All she can do is stand there and let it go. After she has emptied her bladder, she removes her hose to make herself slightly more comfortable before climbing back into the car to finish her journey.

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Jynx: Public Humiliation Remastered
Public Humiliation Remastered
Time: 30 minutes 24 seconds
Jynx wets her jeans in public. We watch Jynx driving and walking around in public in her tight jeans and boots, longing to empty a full bladder. In preparation for filming, Jynx had to cope with an uncomfortable bladder for three hours - 1.5 hours driving to us, half an hour getting her to top up on liquid (35 fl oz. of coffee and a bottle of water) followed by a forty-minute drive and twenty more minutes walking around in a state of desperation. As Jynx says herself: "I've been holding it for three hours and it's really starting to hurt. My pants feel really tight. Since it was my first time, I decided to make it impossible for me to hold it." During filming, when Jynx was absolutely bursting and ready to let it all go in her jeans, we had to keep waiting while people walked by. In the end, we had to move to the edge of the parking lot before Jynx's bladder actually exploded! Oh my, she was so desperate. And even after she was final able to release, she had to face the prospect of driving home in wet jeans. Along the way, we had to buy fuel for the car, and someone else kindly pumps the gas to spare Jynx the potential humiliation of displaying her wet jeans in public, again.

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Jynx (with Cyndie)
Jynx (with Cyndie): Out of Time Remastered
Out of Time Remastered
Time: 24 minutes 24 seconds
This was a day when Jynx in particular had consumed a lot of liquid. Even at the start of this one, she was bursting for a pee, and struggled to hide the fact to begin with. As time passed and Cyndie drove to various places, including a filling station and a post office, Jynx’s extreme desire to piss grew to a point of acute urgency. She was beginning to panic that she might actually lose control in Cyndie’s car. As we continue on, it turns out that Cyndie is now desperate to pee as well, motivating her to look for a place where they could get out and relieve themselves. Jynx keeps pleading with her friend to hurry up, and at one point even contemplates getting out of the car and squatting down, regardless of who may be around. At last, they come across boss a municipal building. It looks empty so they drive around the back and park close to a number of yellow buses. They get out and finally get to pee, Jynx through her underwear in a curtain of urine. This moment was earned a little more than is apparent, because they had to perform this scene twice owing to moving out of line of sight with the camera, and we called back to the car to do it again. While not ideal, the second take was a lot better than the first.

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Jynx Holding In Jeans Remastered
Jynx Holding In Jeans Remastered
Time: 25 minutes 14 seconds
Jynx, wearing a pair of tight jeans, is just holding it while drinking water and chatting about past desperation incidents. She squirms as she tries to resist the urge to release. There is no structure to this video other than watching Jynx's desperation and trying to delay her until her final struggle to unlock her muscles and relieve the pressure on her very full bladder. It was the first one of the day, always the most difficult.

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Jynx: The Model Remastered
The Model Remastered
Time: 17 minutes 42 seconds
Jynx goes through the ordeal that all photographic models have to endure from time to time. The photographer is paying a lot of money to the model for photographs and every minute counts. Little wonder he does not want the model going off to the bathroom when she needs to pee. Ever the professional, Jynx tries to hold it until the end of the photo shoot, even though her bladder is now very full and making her abdomen bulge. When she is asked to pose with her legs apart for several minutes, the strain on her muscles becomes too great and very soon after she loses control of herself. She is shocked when the photographer says they will just Carry on, with her posing in her wet clothes. This version is interspersed with some of the photos taken on the day.

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Jynx Remastered
Jynx Remastered
Total time: 2 hours 1 minute

  1. Bursting Business Girl Remastered
  2. Public Humiliation Remastered
  3. Out of Time Remastered
  4. Jynx Holding In Jeans Remastered
  5. The Model Remastered

Jayne (with MiMi)
Jayne (with MiMi): You Can't Leave Me Here Remastered (MP4)
You Can't Leave Me Here Remastered (MP4)
Time: 27 minutes 22 seconds
Jayne's boyfriend decides he is going to run some errands without her and handcuffs her to the car seat. In his absence, Jayne starts to feel the urge to pee, an urge which grows abruptly, making her squirm in an effort to hold it. When she feels she can't wait much longer, Jayne starts phoning her boyfriend to come back and free her before she has an accident in the car. He says he is busy and will be a while, and that she should just hold on. Jayne is frantic now, trying not to wet her jeans and the car seat, but her bladder is so full that she really can't maintain control any longer. She pees herself, having a massive accident in her jeans and all over the seat. Now all she can do is sit in it and wait for the boyfriend to come back and release her.

This new version contains a lot of behind the scenes footage, at the start where Jayne has to wait while desperate for the coast to be clear before "proper" filming begins, and at the end after she is driven back to base and MiMi has the keys to her cuffs and chain. Of course, MiMi really doesn't want to free Jayne, and would rather make her continue sitting in the car in her pee-soaked pants.

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Jayne (with MiMi)
Jayne (with MiMi): Snowball Fight Remastered (MP4)
Snowball Fight Remastered (MP4)
Time: 22 minutes 39 seconds
In the first 13 minutes, we watch Jayne wiggling and crossing her legs as she holds a full bladder, waiting for MiMi to finish getting ready so that filming the snowball fight can begin. When MiMi does finally appear, she says she does not need to pee yet, and stands drinking water to keep Jayne waiting even longer. At last, in freezing temperatures, the girls throw snowballs at one another until they both end up pissing in their jeans, Jayne more catastrophically than MiMi owing to her greater desperation.

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Jayne, Lily Anna & Tina: Spreadeagled Remastered (MP4)
Spreadeagled Remastered (MP4)
Time: 30 minutes 23 seconds
Jayne, after drinking wine and water to get herself desperate to pee, ties herself to the deck at the back of the house (with a little help with the friends of course!) so that she can't cross her legs or hold her crotch. She has to rely on her sphincter muscle to keep herself jeans and panties dry. How long does she manage to hold in the contents of her 3-pint-capacity bladder (measured during the movie "Full Capacity") before her jeans get a thorough soaking.

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Jayne (with Lola Lynn, Tabitha, Danielle, et al.)
Jayne: Dicing With Desperation Remastered (MP4)
Dicing With Desperation Remastered (MP4)
Time: 21 minutes 28 seconds
For the final movie of the Line At The Ladies shoots, we sat all the models around a table in the garden, gave them each a cup and a pair of die, and started the game. The first player throws the die and tries to get the number set by the referee. If she fails, she must drink a cup of water, pass the cup and die to the next player and tell her which number she must throw. If the player throws the correct number, of throws snake eyes, she gets to leave the table and visit the bathroom; if not, she drinks a cup of water and continues playing. The game continues until the last one holding it at the table is the winner. (Jayne only appears in this video briefly, but it is time it got remastered).

1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,261.7 MB
Jayne: Run To The Store Remastered (MP4)
Run To The Store Remastered (MP4)
Time: 18 minutes 48 seconds
Imagine a situation where a model has consumed lots of liquid in preparation for her next Bound2Burst movie, she is in the bathroom putting the finishing touches to her make-up, and the cameraman informs her that, because it has been a busy weekend, all the camera tapes have been used. The one running in the camera is the last one. Since there is more filming to be done, there is nothing for it but to make a quick run to the store. Jayne already has a full bladder since she is expecting to start the next movie in a few mins. Naturally, we take her along for the ride! During the middle ten mins of this movie, Jayne is left alone in the parking lot with the camera running. We see her struggling to hold on to her full bladder. She is clearly desperate and is unlikely to be able to hold on for the planned movie, but that doesn't stop her trying. This is a nice movie with loads of desperation, but I have to be honest with you: When Jayne does lose control, not all of it is captured on film. After getting out of the vehicle in near darkness, some idiot of a cameraman tripped over and dropped the camera which turned itself off on impact. Jayne, in a desperate rush for the bathroom, was unaware that this had happened. I'm not sure she could have held it for a re-take in any case. By the time the camera was operating again, she was already wetting her jeans at the door to the house. You do get a good look at Jayne's wet jeans after the event. Sorry about this, because she did really produce a flood.

1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,105.3 MB
Jayne: Stuck Zipper 7 Remastered (MP4)
Stuck Zipper 7 Remastered (MP4)
Time: 18 minutes 28 seconds
The last stuck zipper video with Jayne. This time, she uses a pair of pliers to break the tab off the zipper to make sure she can't take off her jeans. She pee dances as she struggles to keep her full bladder in check, but in the end, trapped in her jeans, she has no choice but to soak them. In conclusion, she takes a pair of scissors and cuts away her wet jeans, showing off her red, somewhat damp panties.

1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,086.0 MB

Jayne: Packing While Needing To Pee Remastered (MP4)
Packing While Needing To Pee Remastered (MP4)
Time: 15 minutes 29 seconds
The time draws near for Jayne to depart, but first she has some modelling clothes to package so that they may be sent on to her in her new home. There is just one snag of course: We asked Jayne to pack her boxes while she needed to pee. Jayne being Jayne, she agreed readily enough. She tapes up boxes and sorts through the piles of clothing for her own items, packing them away as her pee-dancing grows steadily more obvious. The outcome of all this struggling is a foregone conclusion, but Jayne has agreed not to give in before she really has to let it all go. Her situation is not helped by the fact that she drank plenty of liquid before she began packing, and waited until she could really feel the urge to pee before even going down to the basement.

1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 909.8 MB
Jayne Remastered: Volume 12 (MP4)
Jayne Remastered: Volume 12 (MP4)
Total time: 2 hours 33 minutes

  1. You Can't Leave Me Here Remastered
  2. Snowball Fight Remastered
  3. Spreadeagled Remastered
  4. Dicing With Desperation Remastered
  5. Run To The Store Remastered
  6. Stuck Zipper 7 Remastered
  7. Packing While Needing To Pee Remastered
Jayne and Ten Amorette
Holding Contest 6 (2K upscaled)
Holding Contest 6 (2K upscaled)
Time: 65 minutes 08 seconds
This video has been upscaled from the original camera data to 1080 pixels in the vertical (the previous upgrade stopped at 720 pixels), and 1472 pixels in the horizontal, thus retained its 4x3 aspect ratio. Back in these still early days, lighting was not handled well, and a mix of sunlight and artificial light cause a few problems for the cameras, leading to different color pallets and deep shadows at times. Overall, the quality is pretty good. Everything filmed was included in this version.

Original description:
Jayne returns for her second Bound2Burst holding contest. This time, she is being challenged by Rachael to see who has the greatest holding capacity, not to mention who can hold for the longest period of time. It's a warm autumn afternoon, pleasant enough for the girls to spend a little time outside in their underwear. They drink and squirm, ever mindful of the graduated measuring cylinders on the table behind them which will show us whose bladder holds the moment when the moment of release arrives for each of them. Having started out with uncomfortably full bladders, they consume water, wine and tea, and manage to hold on for approximately an hour, until they are ready to explode. They have a strong incentive to wait as long as possible - there is a big bonus for the winner.

1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 3,110.3 MB

Carissa Montgomery
Carissa Montgomery: Time To Go 4 Remastered (MP4)
Time To Go 4 Remastered (MP4)
Time: 22 minutes 52 seconds
Carissa took on a "time to go" challenge, where she starts with a full bladder and can only pee into a tiny cup once every five minutes, then must cut off the flow and hold it until the next release. This gets harder to do with each release, the effort of stopping putting quite a strain on the muscles. Carissa keeps going until she starts to find she can't stop peeing after filling the cup. Somehow, she makes herself wait again, only to lose control again after the next time.

1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,344.0 MB
Carissa Montgomery & Ten Amorette
Carissa Montgomery & Ten Amorette: Holding Contest 9 Remastered (MP4)
Holding Contest 9 Remastered (MP4)
Time: 60 minutes 07 seconds
In Holding Contest 7, Carissa and Rachael were the two finalists, so it seemed only right to bring them back together for another holding contest, just the two of them this time. On this occasion, they got to empty their bladders before starting, and both women consumed the same amount of liquid (at least until things were well advanced). Carissa becomes visibly uncomfortable in less than an hour and is clearly in trouble. Rachael is squirming too, but she seems more in control. As the minutes creep by, Carissa's discomfort becomes rapidly more obvious; her expressions speak volumes as she realizes she will not be able to hold out as long as she did in her previous contest. For some reason, the 60 fluid ounces of liquid she has consumed have passed right through her and her bladder is all but bursting. Will her competitive nature force her to keep fighting to hold it rather than let Rachael win?

Part 1: 30 minutes 04 second - 1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,767.9 MB
Part 2: 30 minutes 03 second - 1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,767.7 MB
Carissa Montgomery, Lily Anna & Tina
Carissa Montgomery, Lily Anna & Tina: Permission To Pee 4 (2024 Remaster) (MP4)
Permission To Pee 4 (2024 Remaster) (MP4)
Time: 35 minutes 27 seconds
Now we have three girls competing with one another as the either give or withhold permission for their competitors to pee. Things are more complicated now because permission must be given by two before the third one can pee, and of course any girl can issue an instruction to drink more. As time passes, the level of squirming increases and the ability to cut off the flow becomes increasingly erratic. The dynamics of a permission to pee situation is certainly different when three models are present instead of two. Lily hosts this movie (there is no narration from the cameraman) since she has participated in the very first of these with Amber (see the first Permission to Pee video). Each girl comes to the front when she pees into the cup (although Lily does so less than Carissa and Tina), and these sequences are mostly filmed in close-up).

1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 2,084.2 MB

Carissa Montgomery
Carissa Montgomery: Carissa Holds It For Hours 2011 Remastered (MP4)
Carissa Holds It For Hours 2011 Remastered (MP4)
Time: 1 hour 51 minutes
Carissa's first video where she tests her limits by holding it for hours. Carissa fills the first hour with many desperation stories as she works her way through several bottle of water and rather a lot of coffee. She starts to quieten down after that as her desire to pee grows. Along the way, Carissa spills coffee on her top during the movie and takes it off (clothes removal was planned, but this served as the trigger to get started). Over a period of about 10 minutes, Carissa removes other items of clothing as her desperation increases until she is squirming and pee dancing in nothing but her thigh high stockings. She is clearly becoming very desperate to pee - the change in her expression and general demeanor makes this abundantly clear. When Carissa finally reaches bursting point, she jumps up, grabs the glass tube and pees directly into it, releasing at high speed an impressive 940 milliliters or 31.8 fluid ounces.

Part 1: 37 minutes 26 seconds - 1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 2,200.2 MB
Part 2: 37 minutes 24 seconds - 1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 2,199.1 MB
Part 3: 36 minutes 21 seconds - 1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 2,137.0 MB
Carissa Montgomery
Carissa Montgomery: Bursting In Handcuffs Remastered (MP4)
Bursting In Handcuffs Remastered (MP4)
Time: 14 minutes 29 seconds
Carissa is being held captive in a basement, handcuffed to a metal ring on the ceiling so that she cannot sit down, or reach her jeans and panties. This is a problem because she urgently needs to pee. She calls out to her captors to come down and help her, but no one responds. Carissa crosses her legs and bends at the waist as far as the handcuffs will allow, longing to reach the button and zipper on her jeans, to pull them down and get rid of the terrible pressure in her bulging bladder, but there is just no way to reach. She does her best to hold it, hoping someone will show up before it is too late. Running out of time, Carissa pleads for help again and again, but to no avail. Unable to control herself any longer, she pisses in her jeans, totally soaking them and her boots. Now she must stand there in a different kind of discomfort.

1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 851.2 MB
Carissa Montgomery, Lily Anna, Tina & Madison
Carissa Montgomery, Lily Anna, Tina & Madison: Pee Panic (2024 Remaster) (MP4)
Pee Panic (2024 Remaster) (MP4)
Time: 6 minutes 24 seconds
All four women work together at the same company and car pool to save money. Today, however, they all left work in a bit of a hurry and did not take the time to pay a visit to the bathroom before climbing into the car and heading for Lily's house. By the time they arrive, they are all bursting to pee and rush into the house, each clamoring to reach the bathroom first. Lily, who unlocks the front door, is first in, leaving her three companions standing in the corridor squirming in desperation while she relieves herself. Tina is so close to losing control and wetting her panties that she urgently dances around, struggling to hold on. When Lily finally emerges, Tina dashes in, jiggling her body up and down in a mad panic as she lifts her skirt and tugs down her panties, barely planting her butt on the toilet before she starts to pee. Outside the door, Carissa and Madison are loudly complaining about their desperate condition.

1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 374.1 MB

Carissa Montgomery
Carissa Montgomery: Doorstep Desperation Remastered (MP4)
Doorstep Desperation Remastered (MP4)
Time: 7 minutes 39 seconds
Carissa has turned up at her ex-boyfriend's house to collect her stuff, but he has guests and refuses to let her in, knowing that she would only bad-mouth him, so he shuts the door in her face. It's very cold outside, but that is not Carissa's only problem - she is dying to pee and bangs on the door, pleading for the use of the bathroom. When her ex won't let her in, she shouts at him through the window telling him how serious her situation is, but to no avail. Carissa paces up and down and performs a frantic pee dance hoping the ex will relent, but he just leaves her out there with no place to go. Unable to hold on any longer, Carissa wets her jeans, completely soaking them. They immediately begin to steam as she stands there wondering what to do. Seeing no other option, she starts walking back up the snow-covered drive to where she parked her car, her jeans now growing cold and almost freezing to her legs. (Concludes with a behind the scenes sequence).

1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 448.0 MB
Carissa Montgomery
Carissa Remastered 2024 (MP4)
Carissa Remastered 2024 (MP4)
Total time: 4 hours 27 minutes

  1. Time To Go 4 Remastered
  2. Holding Contest 9 Remastered
  3. Permission To Pee 4 (2024 Remaster)
  4. Carissa Holds It For Hours 2011 Remastered
  5. Bursting In Handcuffs Remastered
  6. Pee Panic (2024 Remaster)
  7. Doorstep Desperation Remastered

Lola Lynn
Lola Lynn: The Investigation Remastered
The Investigation Remastered
Time: 13 minutes 43 seconds
Lola has spent some hours tied to a chair as a criminal takes refuge in her home. When he is finally ready to depart, he leaves her tied up but hands her a cell phone so that she can call for help. As soon as she is alone, Lola peels the duct tape from her mouth and dials 911. Anxious to use the bathroom, she squirms as she waits for help to arrive. Arrive it does in the form of Detective Stevens who identifies the scene as fitting the modus operandi of a criminal the police have been seeking for some time. Lola asks to be released because she is desperate to pee, but Stevens explains that he can't touch anything before the forensics team arrives. Lola pleads with him, saying she would do anything to be let out, but Stevens is adamant that she must stay where she is until the scene can be processed. Stevens looks around the house, Lola sits wiggling her legs as best she can, but the way she is secured prevents her crossing her legs or holding herself. There is nothing she can do to assist her tired bladder muscles. She calls Stevens back into the room and begs him to change his mind about letting her go, but he tells her she will have to wait, despite her protestations that she has already been tied to the chair for hours. Stevens resumes his inspection of other rooms in the house, leaving Lola to continue struggling as her desperation becomes acute. Reaching the limit of her endurance, Lola wets herself, and it goes on for a long time, demonstrating just how full her bladder had been. Now she faces further humiliation as Stevens announces that the forensics team has finally arrived.

1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 806.2 MB

Tabitha: Left Helpless Remastered
Left Helpless Remastered
Time: 15 minutes 14 seconds
Tabitha has been left bound and gagged and left on the floor by the decorator after complaining one too many times. She struggles to free herself because she has been there a while and her bladder is full, and if she doesn't escape soon, she will piss her jeans. Secured with zip ties makes escape almost impossible, and her partner will not be home for hours yet. There just isn’t a way out of this one without the embarrassment of wetting her pants.

1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 895.9 MB

Beverly Bacci
Beverly Bacci: Ransom Remastered
Ransom Remastered
Time: 18 minutes 03 seconds
Beverley is being held for ransom. She is tied up and gagged, and not allowed to use the bathroom. She desperately needs to pee and struggles to hold it, hoping the ransom will be paid and she will be freed in time. As she reaches her limit, she realizes that she is not going to make it and has no choice but to piss herself, then lay in her own puddle. The video concludes with Beverly telling the story of how practicing peeing her jeans before a shoot cost her a cellphone.

1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,059.9 MB


Carissa Montgomery and Cheyenne Jewell
Carissa Montgomery and Cheyenne Jewell: Holding Contest 11 (2024 Remaster)
Holding Contest 11 (2024 Remaster (MP4)
Time: 2 hours 16 minutes
Both Cheyenne and Carissa started out determined to emerge the winner from this contest. They both drank exactly the same amount of liquid (76 fluid ounces). Carissa has been through earlier holding contests ( Holding Contest 7 and Holding Contest 9) but this was Cheyenne’s first. Both girls fought hard to win, making this contest more intense than any of its predecessors. The holding time exceeded 3 hours for both models (not all of this was recorded). About an hour and a half into the contest, both models begin fidgeting dramatically as they battle against the urge to pee. Somehow, they manage to get themselves under control. As the time passed and the duration of the contest exceeded any previously filmed at Bound2Burst, neither one is willing to back down. Eventually, when at burst ing point, they both pee into a cylinder and we compare capacities. This video is in 4x3 aspect ratio and was upscaled using Topaz AI software.

Part 1: 45 minutes 03 seconds - 1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 2,311.4 MB
Part 2: 44 minutes 55 seconds - 1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 2,304.6 MB
Part 3: 446 minutes 09 seconds - 1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 2,370.3 MB


Cheyenne Jewell
Cheyenne Jewell: Cheyenne's Time To Go Remastered
Cheyenne's Time To Go Remastered (MP4)
Time: 24 minutes 48 seconds
Cheyenne participates in the game of needing to pee but only releasing a small amount into a tiny cup every five minutes until the pressure becomes so great that she loses control. When she does lose it, the jet of pee is very powerful and goes on and on.

1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,458.1 MB


Beverly Bacci & Sasha
Beverly Bacci & Sasha: The Game Show Presenter Remastered (MP4)
The Game Show Presenter Remastered (MP4)
Time: 35 minutes 30 seconds
An extended and revamped version of the original from 2007. Beverly is a presenter live on air who drinks a little too much water and finds herself in an increasingly desperate situation. Her performance as a presenter grows increasingly disjointed as her bladder become critically full and a huge distraction. She is waiting for her fellow presenter Sasha to show up and take over the live programme, but Sasha is running late and Beverly simply cannot wait. In total embarrassment, she is compelled to squat down on set and piss herself. She pees for a long time, showing just how full her bladder had become. It was one of those rare occasions when Beverly was able to pee in front of the cameraman!

1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 592.2 MB

Beverly Bacci & Sasha
Beverly Bacci & Sasha: After the Bank Heist Remastered (MP4)
After the Bank Heist Remastered (MP4)
Time: 14 minutes 07 seconds
This remastered version is 3 minutes longer than the original. Beverley and Sasha are bank tellers working the Saturday morning shift. They are alone in the bank when it is robbed, and the thieves leave them trussed up together in the staff kitchen. The movie begins when the girls have already been tied up for three hours and each is very preoccupied by her full bladder. Unable to free themselves from their bondage, and aware that they may not be rescued before Monday morning, they know the only way they will gain relief from their torment is to piss themselves in bondage, and then sit in their wet skirts.

1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,037.4 MB
Beverly Bacci & Sasha
Beverly & Sasha Remastered Set (MP4)
Beverly & Sasha Remastered Set (MP4)
Total time: 49 minutes 37 seconds
This set of movies has been remastered from the original footage, then upscaled with Topaz Video AI software from 720x480 pixels to 1472x1080 pixels.

  1. The Game Show Presenter Remastered
  2. After the Bank Heist Remastered
Audrey: So Embarrassing Remastered (MP4)
So Embarrassing Remastered (MP4)
Time: 11 minutes 01 seconds
Audrey is working late at the office, alone apart from the security guard who does his rounds once every hour. When a man breaks in to steal from the office safe, he takes Audrey downstairs to a fire exit and handcuffs her to the door handle. He says someone will find her there after he has made good his escape. Audrey declares that she is dying for the restroom, but the thief is not inclined to believe her. He is soon gone, leaving Audrey to stand there struggling not to wet herself, aware that at some point the security guard will find her and help her. The last thing she wants is for him to happen upon her when she has had a peeing accident, so she desperately tries to hold it, praying that he will do his next round before her full bladder explodes. Audrey does her best, but her muscles cannot take any more and pee starts to run down her legs. Soon it is coming in a long stream, racing now her calve and her foot and puddling on the floor around her feet. She is forlorn as she surveys the damage, but her despair turns to horror as she hears the security guard coming.

1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 592.2 MB

Audrey: Meet Audrey Remastered (MP4)
Meet Audrey Remastered (MP4)
Time: 16 minutes 36 seconds
Audrey changes outfits several times, but she still seems a little nervous, or perhaps jittery is the right word, owing to her full bladder. Audrey is a woman who finds it hard to concentrate when she needs to pee pretty badly, more so than most of the other models. This has its own appeal as she tries to balance her desire to run away and relieve herself with the need to stand there and put on a show for the camera. At this point in the day, Audrey was very well hydrated so the the interval between emptying her bladder and feeling the urge to go again was short. She started out on this one already badly feeling the pressure. Her trip home was somewhat eventful too, with two emergency stops on the highway. I can only imagine what she was muttering under her breath at the time!

1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,037.4 MB
Audrey: Audrey Waits As Long As She Can Remastered (MP4)
Audrey Waits As Long As She Can Remastered (MP4)
Time: 24 minutes 07 seconds
After her frantic arrival, Audrey drank several bottles of water and then launched into a bondage scenario. By the time that was done, she was dying to empty her bladder again. She was asked to simply wait as long as she could. This situation is quite like her frequent predicaments in real life, where every time she gets on a train she feels the urge to go, but they are just local trains with no facilities, and the wait can sometimes be as long as 40 minutes. There have been a number of close calls. So far, what happens at the end of this movie has never occurred in public, but one day it surely must. Audrey talks about one of her close calls while travelling as she stands and sits, crosses and uncrosses her legs, holds herself and frequently gasps with the strain of controlling her protesting bladder. It would be fun sitting opposite her in a train carriage and watching her fighting this battle with witnesses.

1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,508.4 MB
Audrey: Audrey Is Made To Hold It Remastered (MP4)
Audrey Is Made To Hold It Remastered (MP4)
Time: 16 minutes 26 seconds
Audrey arrives home in a hurry for the bathroom, only to discover an intruder in her home. He is not at all happy that she has arrived home early, and makes her sit at the kitchen table while he considers what to do about her. She fidgets and crosses her legs, explaining that she is desperate to relieve herself, but the intruder doesn't want to let her out of his sight, so he makes her to hold it. Audrey grows steadily more frantic as the minutes crawl painfully by, fearing that she will soon wet herself if this man will not let her use the bathroom. She keeps pleading with him until he finally relents to get some peace and quiet, but only on condition that he enters the bathroom with her. Audrey is mortified by the prospect, but she has to pee so badly that she has no choice but to agree to his terms.

1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,027.8 MB

Audrey: Getting Herself Desperate Remastered (MP4)
Getting Herself Desperate Remastered (MP4)
Time: 21 minutes 13 seconds
We join Audrey as she drinks water in preparation to act out a desperation scenario. While we are waiting, she talks about her real-life desperation, how the urge to go almost invariably hits her as soon as she gets on public transportation where access to a bathroom is not possible. When she feels sufficiently desperate to go, she plays out the familiar role of a woman arriving home in need of the bathroom, only to find that she does not have her door key with her. She searches in her vehicle to see if the keys have fallen out on the floor, but no luck. Standing outside the door, the bathroom just a few steps away but out of reach, she phones a friend and asks her to bring over a spare key, but while she is on the phone she loses control and wets herself. Audrey's tan-coloured tights show the streaks of pee dramatically as she stands gazing down despondently and wondering what to do next.

1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,326.6 MB
Audrey: Audrey Just Makes It Remastered (MP4)
Audrey Just Makes It Remastered (MP4)
Time: 4 minutes 04 seconds
Towards the end of a bondage video, Audrey badly needs to pee. We watch her free herself and hurry to the bathroom, just getting there in time before she lost control.

1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 254.2 MB
Audrey: Desperate Captive Remastered (MP4)
Desperate Captive Remastered (MP4)
Time: 19 minutes 05 seconds
Audrey is being held prisoner in a basement. She is tightly bound to a chair with rope around her ankles, knees, hips and chest. Her wrists are secured by multiple coils of rope and she is cleave gagged. Audrey has been tied to a chair for hours and there is no escape. Her captor descends the stairs to pull off her gag to give her some water, but while she is pleading with him to let her go, a phone rings upstairs and he leaves her ungagged for a few minutes. Audrey struggles to hold on, calling out because she is getting very close to losing control. After a while, her captor returns and gags her again. This movie explores the very real situation a women would find herself in if she were taken and kept hostage - she would eventually need to use the bathroom. Audrey plays out this role, pleading with her captor to let her go, but he doesn't help her and simply leaves her to suffer. In the end, Audrey is compelled to wet herself, and since she can't part her legs it jets up between her thighs and spreads across the front of the jeans. A postscript sequence shows the back of Audrey's jeans after she has been freed. Some behind the scenes footage is also included.

1472x1080 pixels - MP4:1,193.4 MB

Audrey Remastered (MP4)
Audrey Remastered (MP4)
Total time: 1 hour 52 minutes
This set of movies has been remastered from the original footage, then upscaled with Topaz Video AI software from the original 720x480 pixels to 1472x1080 pixels.

  1. So Embarrassing Remastered
  2. Meet Audrey Remastered
  3. Audrey Waits As Long As She Can Remastered
  4. Audrey Is Made To Hold It Remastered
  5. Getting Herself Desperate Remastered
  6. Audrey Just Makes It Remastered
  7. Desperate Captive Remastered
Autumn Bodell
Autumn Bodell: Bursting Bank Manager Remastered (MP4)
Bursting Bank Manager Remastered (MP4)
Time: 21 minutes 48 seconds
Autumn is an Assistant Bank Manager who gets up in the early morning to use the bathroom, only to find an intruder waiting for her. It transpires that he needs her to log in to the bank's computers and transfer money to his Swiss bank account. He has thoughtfully brought along his own laptop for her to use. Autumn stalls, fearing the consequences of giving in to this man's demands, but at the same time she is bursting to pee and he won't let her use the bathroom until the transaction is complete. Unfortunately, each step in the process is on a timer which means long waits between code entries. During this time, Autumn pee-dances and squirms, sits on her foot, paces up and down, crosses her legs, doing everything she can think of to help her hold it until she is allowed to use the bathroom. The process takes so long, however, that her muscles give way and pee literally explodes out of her all over the kitchen floor. Before he leaves, the intruder locks the still naked Autumn in the basement to prevent her reaching a phone to call for help before he has made good his escape.

1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,091.5 MB
Autumn Bodell
Autumn Bodell: Problem With the Plumbing Remastered (MP4)
Problem With the Plumbing Remastered (MP4)
Time: 14 minutes 37 seconds
Autumn arrives home after a long day of waitressing. She is tired and she is bursting to pee. She finds her boyfriend (who is a plumber) relaxing in the kitchen, and asks him if he has finished work on the bathroom. He says not quite and seems reluctant to get back to it. When Autumn starts to get annoyed, he returns to his work, leaving her holding on waiting for him to finish. She makes tea as she is waiting for access to the bathroom, anything to take her mind off her predicament, but things are becoming serious and she goes along to the bathroom to find out how much longer the boyfriend is going to be before reconnecting whatever it is he needs to reconnect. He tells her he is almost done, and Autumn goes back to her cup of tea, drinking it in spite of herself. Suddenly, her desperation is too great and, even while pacing up and down, she starts to wet herself. She can't stem the flow, so she completely soaks her legs and tights as she pees on the floor. Annoyed now, she shouts out to the boyfriend and tells him to take his time.

1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 731.3 MB

Autumn Bodell
Autumn Bodell: Public Bathroom Phobia Remastered (MP4)
Public Bathroom Phobia Remastered (MP4)
Time: 16 minutes 32 seconds
Autumn is a secretary on her first day at a new company. The boss is very kind and accommodating, making sure she is settling in alright and has everything she needs. Autumn chooses this moment to confess to him that she has a phobia about using public toilets, and that she will need to go home at lunch time to use her own bathroom. The boss is rather surprised by her statement and wonders why she did not bring up this issue during her interview. He tells Autumn that, as a new employee, she will have the 1-2 pm lunch spot, and that long-time employees get to take the 12-1 slot. She says that's fine and gets back to work. A few hours later, the boss brings Autumn a cup of coffee, a kind gesture but one not entirely welcomed by a woman whose bladder is starting to feel uncomfortable. Time passes and Autumn grows desperate to pee, but there is no way she is going to use the ladies room at the office. At 20 minutes before one, the boss explains that he is going out to a meeting, and that Autumn must hold the fort until the rest of the staff return from lunch. The girl is now very desperate to pee and asks if she could leave early, but the boss explains again that the offices must be covered during the lunch period, and that as the new girl she must stay put until she is relieved. Autumn counts the minutes until one o'clock, but then to her mounting alarm, the other members of staff don't return. She paces and wiggles her legs, fighting the urge to pee, but she is now bursting. At 1:15 she is still alone, and unable to hold it any longer she wets herself beside her desk. She has barely finished when the other staff return. Autumn leaves in embarrassment, saying that she can't do this any more.

1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 827.3 MB
Autumn Bodell
Autumn Bodell: Locked in a Bank Vault Remastered (MP4)
Locked in a Bank Vault Remastered (MP4)
Time: 9 minutes 54 seconds
Autumn is a bank employee who has gone into the vault with a customer, only to have the door accidentally close on them. The door is on a time lock that will not open for hours, and no one knows they are trapped inside the vault. In such circumstances, it is hardly surprising that the urge to pee would assert itself after a while. We join the action where both Autumn and the customer need to use the bathroom, but only Autumn is too desperate to hold it. She tries to hold on discretely at first, but her desperation increases in leaps and bounds until she is forced to keep crossing her legs and squat down to press her heel against her crotch. She wets herself just moments before the vault door opens, and even manages to look embarrassed about her accident.

1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 495.5 MB
Autumn Bodell
Autumn Bodell: Stranded at the Fair Remastered (MP4)
Stranded at the Fair Remastered (MP4)
Time: 8 minutes 32 seconds
Autumn has spent a nice afternoon at the fair, but for the last hour or so she has needed to pee. The line for the ladies is enormous and just never gets any shorter. Had she joined the line early on, she might have been able to hold it for long enough to get into a stall, but now it's much too late for that. She will have to drive home, holding it until she can reach her own bathroom. But, horror of horrors, her truck will not start. She calls her boyfriend to come and collect her, but after half an hour he still has not tuened up and Autumn is truly desperate to pee. We pick up this story as Autumn calls her boyfriend back to see where he has got to, then watch her pace and squirm as she is forced to carry on waiting for him to show up. When he still doesn't arrive, she calls him again, her manner now fraught as she fights the urge to wet her jeans. She paces back and forth, but she soon reaches the point where she cannot hold it any longer and her boyfriend is still nowhere in sight. Autumn stands beside her truck and wets herself, then moves around to the far side of the vehicle to get out of sight of the other fair-goers.

1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 427.5 MB

Autumn Bodell
Autumn Bodell: Housemate in the Shower Remastered (MP4)
Housemate in the Shower Remastered (MP4)
Time: 17 minutes 41 seconds
Autumn arrives home with a full bladder, intended to dive straight into the bathroom and relieve herself. To her dismay, her housemate (male) is showering, so now she will have to wait a bit longer. She paces around the house, bending her knees, sitting on her heel, gasping as waves of desperation threaten to overwhelm her. She tries to hurry her housemate up but it seems he is in no rush, quite happy to leave her struggling not to wet herself. Her pacing and squirming becomes more frantic as the minutes pass and she gets closer and closer to having an accident. She makes one final bid to hurry her housemate along, but before he emerges from the bathroom, Autumn is forced to wet herself. (Autumn is wearing fishnets and a little black dress for this one, and when she pees it literally forms a curtain between her legs).

1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 884.7 MB
Autumn Bodell
Autumn Bodell: An Accident For an Accident Remastered (MP4)
An Accident For an Accident Remastered (MP4)
Time: 22 minutes 13 seconds
Autumn has caused a traffic accident by running into the back of another car. She is uninsured and visits the home of the man whose car she hit to try to persuade him not to involve his insurance company, but to let her pay for the cost of repairs in installments. He is not particularly interested in this, but he does propose another solution. Soon after her arrival, Autumn begins asking for the use of the bathroom because she needs to pee. The guy tells her that he will write off her entire debt to him if she is prepared to stay and not use the bathroom for at least 30 minutes. Autumn says she is desperate to go but the guy is adamant and will accept no other way of settling the issue. Since she doesn't have the money, Autumn reluctantly agrees to hold it, but maintains that she can't wait for half an hour. The guy insists so she does her best, crossing and wiggling her legs, pacing and crossing her legs, squatting down to press her heel into her crotch, everything she can think of to help her hold it. She tries to persuade the guy to let her go since he bladder feels like it is about to explode, but he still refuses. Autumn holds it as long as she can, but before the half-hour is up, her muscles give way and she makes a huge mess on the floor, peeing on her new boots as well.

1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,111.6 MB
Autumn Bodell
Autumn Bodell: New Bound2Burst Secretary Remastered (MP4)
New Bound2Burst Secretary Remastered (MP4)
Time: 18 minutes 17 seconds
Autumn has been interviewed for the job of handling Bound2Burst's calls and correspondence, and so far her performance looks very promises. There is still one hurdle to jump, however - she must man the telephones while coping with a full bladder, without leaving her post. She is told to stay put hold it until the boss returns. Desperate to get the job, as well as desperate to pee, Autumn sits and squirms in her chair as she takes calls are tries not to wet herself. Her mounting anxiety is clear in her expression and body language as the time passes and the boss does not return. Approaching bursting point, Autumn does everything she can think of to hold it, without behaving in an unladylike manner (she has been told there are hidden cameras watching her), but she is close to exploding and can hardly concentrate on the phone calls that just keep coming. When Autumn loses control, she spurts between her legs several times before the real flood begins, and when it does start, it goes on for more than a minute. Her bladder had to be so close to bursting before the pressure to empty it overwhelmed it. Even though Autumn could not wait until the boss came back, she made such a valiant attempt that she got the job anyway.

1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 914.9 MB

Autumn Bodell
Autumn Remastered (MP4)
Autumn Remastered (MP4)
Total time: 2 hours 9 minutes
This set of movies has been remastered from the original footage, then upscaled with Topaz Video AI software from the original 720x480 pixels to 1472x1080 pixels.

  1. Bursting Bank Manager Remastered
  2. Problem With the Plumbing Remastered
  3. Public Bathroom Phobia Remastered
  4. Locked in a Bank Vault Remastered
  5. Stranded at the Fair Remastered
  6. Housemate in the Shower Remastered
  7. An Accident For an Accident Remastered
  8. New Bound2Burst Secretary Remastered
Danielle & Beverly
Danielle & Beverly: Simon Says Remastered (MP4)
Simon Says Remastered (MP4)
Time: 39 minutes 26 seconds
Danielle and Beverly play the two widows of a deceased bigamist Simon Sayers. They are at the lawyer's office to find out who will inherit his fortune. Married to Simon first, Danielle believes she is the rightful heiress but Simon has one last surprise for the two loves of his life. His entire estate is to go to only one of them, the recipient to be decided by a contest to see which of the women can drink liquid at fifteen-minute intervals and hold her pee the longest. The women are flabbergasted by this development, and very reluctantly agree to participate. If they want a shot at getting the estate, they really don’t have a choice. As the pressure begins to build up and frustrations mount, the two women snipe mercilessly at one another, each one struggling to be the victor and walk away with everything. Even when it seems that a winner has emerged, Simon has devised a final sting in the tail that keeps the game of Simon Says running a little longer. This version is substantially longer than the original, including a number of scenes showing Beverly's difficulty peeing in front of a camera... and a cameraman!

1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,973.6 MB
Danielle & Beverly
Danielle & Beverly: Simon Says Again Remastered (MP4)
Simon Says Again Remastered (MP4)
Time: 22 minutes 09 seconds
The long-awaited re-match between two women who stand to inherit the estate of pee fetishist Simon. The girls are again faced with trying to out-hold one another in order to win. Beverly is the more desperate this time and loses to Danielle, much to her annoyance. Unwilling to let it go at that, Beverly decides to grab Danielle and tie her up in the trunk of her car, making her drink water and waiting until she pisses her jeans. It doesn’t solve her problems, but as an act of revenge, it feels really good. The video concludes with the two girls together, just to show there are no hard feelings.

1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,108.2 MB

Danielle & Beverly
Simon Says Set Remastered (MP4)
Simon Says Set Remastered (MP4)
Total time: 61 minutes 35 seconds
This set of movies has been remastered from the original footage, then upscaled with Topaz Video AI software from the original 720x480 pixels to 1440x1080 pixels.

  1. Simon Says Remastered
  2. Simon Says Again Remastered
Tabitha: Bursting During Detention (MP4)
Bursting During Detention (MP4)
Time: 14 minutes 15 seconds
Tabitha has been a bad student and has been kept behind after school in detention to work on an overdue essay. She makes so many excuses to get out of doing her work that the professor does not believe her when she says that she is desperate to use the bathroom. Convinced that this is nothing more than a ploy, he makes her sit there and continue with her work. Tabitha squirms and complains under her breath, and asks several times to be allowed to go before it is too late. The professor leaves her alone for a while, and as tempting as it is for her to run to the bathroom, Tabitha, already in enough trouble, decides not to go. She does not know what to do, however, because she is bursting and afraid that she might actually wet her panties in front of her teacher. When the professor returns, she makes another attempt to convince him of her urgent situation, but he still refuses to release her from detention, even for a minute. Finally, Tabitha is at her bursting point and gets up from her desk, insisting that she must be allowed to visit the bathroom now! When the professor says no, she stands there and wets her panties, peeing on his classroom floor. Now she is in more trouble than ever.

1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 713.4 MB
Tabitha: The Planning Inspector Remastered (MP4)
The Planning Inspector Remastered (MP4)
Time: 27 minutes 42 seconds
Tabitha is a planning inspector who has received a report that Mr. North has been building a structure on his property without first seeking permission from the local council. The inspector gives him a lot of grief for building a shoddy and unsafe deck, annoying him so much that when she admits that she is in dire need of a visit to the bathroom, he refuses to let her go. Tabitha soldiers on with her job, struggling to control herself until the inspection is over. Despite several more requests for the use of a bathroom, she is compelled to keep holding it. When the inspection is finally concluded, she starts towards her vehicle but does not get far before the flood gates open. Tabitha was so desperate for this one that the camera recorded the sound of her pissing herself from several meters away, and the back of her skirt gets much wetter than is usually with a skirt wetting. She said it herself - her bladder was literally about to explode!

1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,377.9 MB

Tabitha: Wonder Woman & Supergirl Remastered (MP4)
Wonder Woman & Supergirl Remastered (MP4)
Time: 30 minutes 03 seconds
Wonder Woman and Supergirl have not been busy of late, and Supergirl is extremely bored. Wonder Woman reprimands her and ends up snared by her own lasso of truth just before she can make a dash to the bathroom. Supergirl makes Wonder Woman stand with her legs apart until she is made to piss herself. At this inopportune moment, a caller reports that Veronica Cale has been spotted entering a nearby warehouse. Supergirl wants to rush off, but Wonder Woman has to change her panties first. So embarrassing. In the warehouse, the super heroes overpower Veronica and handcuff her to a table, even though the woman claims that she is desperate to pee. It is not long before Veronica pisses herself and vows revenge on her captors. She manages to wriggle free of one of the cuffs, and is ready when Wonder Woman and Supergirl return for her. She immobilizes the girls with a suppression field and makes them stand there until Supergirl pees in her outfit. She threatens to call the press to take photos of the pair looking so ridiculous. How would the duo holds their heads up in public after such humiliation? (This was a custom movie and was very difficult to film, especially with three women who needed to pee all the time. They frequently forgot their lines and improvised, sending the plot along tangents from which it would never recover. But hey, it’s all just good fun anyway.

1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,503.2 MB
Tabitha: The Frantic Secretary Remastered (MP4)
The Frantic Secretary Remastered (MP4)
Time: 34 minutes 42 seconds
Tabitha is a busy secretary who is burst ing for a pee, but she can’t find enough time to visit the bathroom to relieve herself. Her boss is attending an important meeting and keeps calling for information which he requires sent via faxes and e-mail, so she dare not leave the office. She calls for a colleague to ask if they could cover for her, just for two minutes, but the colleague says she can’t. Tabitha even asks her boss to arrange for someone to help her out during one of his calls, but he doesn't have time to worry about her predicament. He keeps Tabitha working continuously while she squirms and struggles not to lose control of her full bladder. In the end, she mutters to herself that this is what he gets for being so selfish, and parting her legs, she pees on the office carpet.

1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,736.4 MB
Tabitha: The Desperate Interview Remastered (MP4)
The Desperate Interview Remastered (MP4)
Time: 27 minutes 56 seconds
Poor Tabitha is late for an interview. She has been sick and is flustered because she knows she is giving a bad impression. The trouble is, she's dying to pee, but she doesn't feel she can ask for the use of the bathroom after keeping her potential employer waiting for an extra twenty minutes. She therefore sits and squirms, trying to pay attention to the questions she is asked and doing her best to construct sensible answers. Alas, she becomes increasingly distracted as the interview progresses, and at one point when the interviewer leaves her to deal with another matter, she just can't wait any longer and sits on the edge of her seat so that she can discretely pee on the floor.

1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,397.9 MB

Tabitha: The Receptionist Remastered (MP4)
The Receptionist Remastered (MP4)
Time: 13 minutes 50 seconds
abitha works as a receptionist for a company where everything they sell is colored red. They can only afford one receptionist at a time and she has instructions never to leave the front desk or the telephones unattended. On occasion, this is obviously going to be a problem when she needs a visit to the ladies room and cannot wait until her working day ends. Well, today is just such a day. Despite negotiating with her boss for a few minutes' break, Tabitha is compelled to remain at her station no matter what. As the time passes, her desperation rises to an urgent pitch until the inevitable happens, just fifteen minutes before her shift comes to an end. (Tabitha looked good in red, so it was decided to make use of a pair of shorts that Lola and Madison have both worn. The boots were left over from Tabitha's role as Supergirl, and completed the red ensemble. They did get rather full of pee this time and will need to be retired. Tabitha took the shorts home with her).

1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 692.9 MB
Tabitha: Tabitha Holds It For Hours Remastered (MP4)
Tabitha Holds It For Hours Remastered (MP4)
Time: 88 minutes 14 seconds
Tabitha tries her hand at holding it from empty until she is bursting to pee, and then trying to hold it a bit longer. She drank two bottles of water and 1.5 glasses of Martini to fill herself up, a lot of liquid for someone so tiny in stature. An hour into filming, Tabitha went for a short walk outside and was clearly in trouble. It is at this point that the questioning begins - Tabitha had to answer questions correctly or take off an article of clothing for each wrong answer. After about fifteen minutes of fielding questions, a few of which she got right despite the difficulty of the questions and her highly distracted state, she ends up completely naked, and remains so until the end of the movie. Tabitha is a small girl (her U.S. jeans size is 1 compared to Jayne's 7) so it is little wonder that she has a small bladder and has to pee often. While she could not hold it for more than about 80 minutes, by the end of this time, she was truly frantic to go, a condition made abundantly clear by her distracted behavior. She spent the last 15 minutes of the movie squirming with her hand jammed into her crotch in a display of desperation as only Tabitha can do it. When she emptied out, however, she peed less than 500 ml. Just five minutes later she needed to go again and pees almost as much as the first time. (Supplied in 2 parts).

Part 1: 1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 2,200.0 MB

Part 2: 1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 2,212.1 MB
Tabitha Remastered: Volume 3 (MP4)
Tabitha Remastered: Volume 3 (MP4)
Total time: 3 hours 56 minutes
This set of movies has been remastered from the original footage, then upscaled with Topaz Video AI software from the original 720x480 pixels to 1472x1080 pixels.

  1. Bursting During Detention Remastered
  2. The Planning Inspector Remastered
  3. Wonder Woman & Supergirl Remastered
  4. The Frantic Secretary Remastered
  5. The Desperate Interview Remastered
  6. The Receptionist Remastered
  7. Tabitha Holds It For Hours Remastered

Danielle: Extreme Desperation Remastered (MP4)
Extreme Desperation Remastered (MP4)
Time: 20 minutes 49 seconds
Intended as a story where a couple are going out for lunch and the male contrives ways to make his girlfriend hold on to a full bladder, this movie quickly turned into a real race against time for Danielle. Already wanting to pee when we started out, her desperation was acute before we even reached the location where we planned to do most of the filming. The story called for Danielle and her friend to leave the vehicle and walk around for a while, but when the moment came, Danielle said that she didn't want to walk around because she needed to pee "really, really, really badly." Rather than turn back, however, we continued traveling away from home in order to get enough video for the movie. Danielle kept trying to persuade the driver to "just stop -- anywhere!" -- so that she could get out and relieve herself, but we kept going. In fact, there really wasn't anywhere suitable for her to go anyway - there was a lot of traffic and the roadside either inaccessible or populated by houses. We finally turned around and drove home. Danielle's exclamations of frustration became steadily more frantic as she fought to hold on. She even threatened to let it go on the seat, she was so incredibly desperate. She squirmed and gasped and continued to beg for the driver to stop and let her out, but of course he didn't. In the end, she barely made it.

1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 963.8 MB
Danielle: First Pee Of The Day Remastered (MP4)
First Pee Of The Day Remastered (MP4)
Time: 17 minutes 16 seconds
Danielle needs her first pee of the day, but her partner is in the only bathroom with a bad stomach. To take her mind off needing to go so badly, Danielle starts cleaning up the kitchen. She squirms as the urge to pee gets worse and worse, and finally she returns to the bathroom door. Her partner is still in there! Bursting now, she pounds on the door, demanding that he let her in. He refuses, and Danielle has reached the point where she can't hold it any longer. She loses control, and soon a long puddle of pee snakes across the floor.

1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 797.9 MB
Danielle: I Don't Want To Wet My New Jeans Remastered (MP4)
I Don't Want To Wet My New Jeans Remastered (MP4)
Time: 26 minutes 51 seconds
Danielle arrived for her shoot with a full bladder, assuming she would be doing a 20-30 film. She learned instead that the first movie of the day was to be a long one taking several hours to film. Pleading that she couldn't hold on for that long, we decided that, rather than waste the opportunity, that she should be tied up in the basement until she wet her jeans. This led to a discussion about the jeans and shoes being both new and expensive, and Danielle wanted to know if she could change first. Since the jeans looked good on her, we persuaded her to go down to the basement dressed just as she was.Once she was secured to a pole, she was told that, if she could wait for 20 minutes, she would be freed and allowed to use the toilet so that she would not have to wet her new jeans and shoes. She began wetting her jeans several times during this period but managed to stem the flow. In the end, alas, she lost control with just a few more minutes to wait.

1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,243.0 MB

Danielle: She Needs To Pee Remastered (MP4)
She Needs To Pee Remastered (MP4)
Time: 13 minutes 00 seconds
Ever been to a party where the house is just too hot, noisy and full of smoke, and you carry your drink outside to get away from it all? Then a nice looking girl comes out to join you and says she has been waiting for the bathroom but the line never gets any shorter. She needs to pee, and she asks you if you would mind if she let it go right in front of you. Most of us have probably had a fantasy like this at one time or another, so Danielle and I decided to play out the scenario on the back deck. She's very good at party chat, and it sounds cute delivered in her European accent. You even get a look up her dress and see her pantyhose and shoe close-up as she lets it all go.

1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 601.5 MB
Danielle: Elegant Desperation Remastered (MP4)
Elegant Desperation Remastered (MP4)
Time: 18 minutes 48 seconds
We put Danielle, already struggling with a full bladder, in a figure-hugging dress, laid her on the bed and asked her to hold it as long as she could. When she reached the point where she felt she could not wait any longer, Danielle enters the bathroom, lifts her dress and pull down her pantyhose (she was not wearing panties because the dress was too tight for that). The intention was that she would sit on the toilet for a long time and continue to wait, but she became so desperate while waiting that, as soon as she sat down on the toilet, she had to let it go.

1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 869.9 MB
Danielle: OCD Remastered (MP4)
OCD Remastered (MP4)
Time: 9 minutes 31 seconds
Danielle is an obsessively clean person. Cleaning the house several times a day is a compulsion. After a visit from some friends, she finds the lavatory dirty and wants to clean it before relieving herself. Weary of her obsessive behavior, her husband has hidden all the cleaning products in the house and tells her that if she wants to go, she will have to sit on the dirty toilet. As the urge to clean and the urge to urinate battle for supremacy, her husband offers her a rather unique solution to her problem.

1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 440.3 MB

Danielle: I've Got To Stop Remastered (MP4)
I've Got To Stop Remastered (MP4)
Time: 26 minutes 19 seconds
Danielle was driving and sitting in the vehicle for about an hour and a half for this movie, although a lot of that was not filmed. The movie follows her through waiting in a parking lot while Dave goes shopping, swigging water from a bottle and getting herself desperation to pee. When she starts driving again, she is anxious to find somewhere to stop and empty her bladder. There are so few places to get off the road where it's not obviously private property, and Danielle has to wait longer than anticipated. She starts to look around very anxiously as she searches for somewhere to stop. We finally do locate a rare pull-in on the side of the road and Danielle hops out and runs bare-foot into the woods. She doesn't go in very far and is still visible from the highway when she lifts her skirt and releases through her panties. It's a powerful jet, reflecting her desperate to pee condition.

1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,218.7 MB
Danielle Remastered (MP4)
Danielle Remastered (MP4)
Total time: 2 hours 12 minutes
This set of movies has been remastered from the original footage, then upscaled with Topaz Video Enhance AI software from the original 720x480 pixels to 1472x1080 pixels.

  1. Extreme Desperation Remastered
  2. First Pee Of The Day Remastered
  3. I Don't Want To Wet My New Jeans Remastered
  4. She Needs To Pee Remastered
  5. Elegant Desperation Remastered
  6. OCD Remastered
  7. I've Got To Stop Remastered

Tabithae: Stopped by a Cop Remastered (MP4)
Stopped by a Cop Remastered (MP4)
Time: 30 minutes 08 seconds
This video has been remastered from the original recording, then enhanced and upscaled.

Tabitha is speeding to get home as quickly as possible because she is desperate to pee. Suddenly, she hears the whoop-whoop of a police siren. She doesn't stop because she is very close to home and extremely anxious to reach the bathroom. The cop follows her as she pulls into her garage and blocks her escape. The cop asks to see Tabitha's driving credentials, refusing to let her go into the house to use the toilet on the premise that she may have a weapon in there. He points out that the license plate is missing from the back of her vehicle, and that the insurance paperwork she has handed him is out of date. The cop orders Tabitha out of the vehicle and handcuffs her, telling her to stay put while he checks out her license and other documents. Tabitha pleads with him to let her use the bathroom, but he orders her to stay beside her vehicle. There follows a long delay during which Tabitha paces and squirms, struggling not to wet her skirt and panties. The cop seems to be taking a very long time, and she starts to complain. When the cop finally returns he says that he believes she has stolen the vehicle and that she is going to be arrested. Tabitha is outraged as he explains that he has called for back-up and a female police officer to take her in. Again, she begs to be allowed to visit the bathroom, but the cop won't let her go. (At the end of the video, we chat to Tabitha and she strips down to her underwear).

1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,395.2 MB
Jayne: Driving Lesson Remastered (MP4)
Driving Lesson Remastered (MP4)
Time: 24 minutes 18 seconds
Jayne is running late for a driving lesson, and it is her last one before she takes her driving test, for the third time. Jayne finally arrives looking flustered, having missed the bus. She also needs to pee but there is not time for her to find a bathroom now, her lesson time is already half gone. Jayne drives with obvious difficulty, struggling with a full bladder. She makes numerous mistakes and can't remember the answers to some of the road safety questions, so her prospects of getting a drivers license are not looking good. To make her situation even worse, she reaches a point where she can't hold her pee any more, hastily climbs out of the car and stand there pissing her jeans. Needless-to-say, the instructor does not want her back in his car after that.

1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,125.2 MB
Jayne: Peeing On A Swing Remastered (MP4)
Peeing On A Swing Remastered (MP4)
Time: 27 minutes 57 seconds
We accompany Jayne for several hours one afternoon as she drinks liquids and allows her bladder to fill until she is bursting to pee. She starts out at home drinking coffee, then we see her at a restaurant having lunch and drinking tea and water. Next, we have some shopping to do at a supermarket. During her time in there, however, Jayne's desperation becomes acute and she is compelled to leave. Back at the vehicle, she switches on her own camera to explain her predicament; essentially, she was on the verge of pissing herself at the checkout counter. Now she has to wait for the cameraman to return, and she's bursting. Instead of moving on to another location, Jayne expresses the urgency of her need to pee, so further driving is aborted and the cameraman pulls over to the edge of the parking area. Jayne plucks up the courage to get out and walk to a playing field where Jayne sits on a wall for a few minutes, waiting for the coast to be clear. She is clearly in distress and barely able to hold it. Nearly wetting herself, she crosses to some swings and sits on one of them. She simply has to pee, and clearly embarrassed, she wets her pants, making a rather large puddle on the ground. Afraid that someone might notice what she has done, Jayne hurries back to the vehicle where we find her actually blushing.

1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,294.3 MB

Jayne: Stuck Zipper 4 Remastered (MP4)
Stuck Zipper 4 Remastered (MP4)
Time: 21 minutes 06 seconds
We were planning to film a stuck zipper scenario out in the woods, but Jayne left it too late and started out with a bladder already very full. She tries her best to hold on until we can sort out the details of what we will be doing, but she is clearly getting into a seriously desperate state. We have barely even started the scenario when she loses control and pisses her jeans, completely soaking them. We switch to a behind the scenes style video in order to salvage the event, and follow Jayne on the long walk back to the house in her wet jeans, hoping she does not meet any hikers on the way.

1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 976.5 MB
Jayne: How Dare You Resign, Miss Jones Remastered (MP4)
How Dare You Resign, Miss Jones Remastered (MP4)
Time: 9 minutes 54 seconds
After resigning her post as secretary with insufficient notice and making her boss is really annoyed with her, he decides to make her hold it one last time before she finally departs for good. What better way to get his own back on a secretary who simply cannot stop pissing herself than to handcuff her to the outside of a portable toilet, making her stand there with a nearly-bursting bladder with a lavatory just a few feet away. For Miss Jones, this is the end of a truly terrible week as she loses control of her bladder once more. Her panties have scarcely been dry at all!

1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 457.9 MB
Jayne: Chores Before She Can Pee Remastered (MP4)
Chores Before She Can Pee Remastered (MP4)
Time: 28 minutes 23 seconds
Jayne was encouraged to drink rather a lot of liquid and then given a series of chores to perform before she is allowed to use the bathroom. The movie, with no edits, and follows Jayne as she works her way through her chores. The first one is to walk with a book balanced on her head, and every time it falls off she has to drink half a bottle of water. After that, we move on to watering the garden with a hose pipe (all that gushing water!) and shoveling up earth and stones into a wheel barrow. The tasks get steadily harder as Jayne's bladder grows harder too. Will she make it to the end of the her chores and get to the bathroom in time? It's extremely unlikely, given where she is!

1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,305.9 MB

Jayne: The Witness Remastered (MP4)
The Witness Remastered (MP4)
Time: 18 minutes 48 seconds
Jayne has received a subpoena to give evidence in a trial where she is the key witness to her former boss, John Farrell, embezzling funds from his employees' pension fund. Just as she is starting out for the court house, a man working for Farrell stops her and makes her go back inside her house. She is compelled to sit in her unfinished office for a while until her captor asks her to cook him some lunch. She clears up the kitchen and then microwaves a ready-made meal. At this point, Jayne asks if she might use the bathroom, but when her captor says that he will come into the bathroom with her, she changes her mind. Jayne is obviously uncomfortable but makes not further requests for a visit to the bathroom. Her captor is tired and wants to rest, so he takes Jayne to the bedroom and handcuffs her to one of the bed posts, leaving her to spend the night like this. By early morning, Jayne is really desperate to pee and calls for help. Her captor finally relents and lets her go into the bathroom alone, but when he catches her trying to climb out of the window, he marches her back to her office and makes her handcuff herself to the chair. He then leaves to get himself some breakfast, leaving Jayne alone. Unable to wait any longer, Jayne lifts her skirt and pees on the floor. Afterwards, she peels off her wet panties and throws them down next to the wet patch on the carpet. The video concludes with a behind the scenes chat with Jayne.

1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 865.8 MB
Jayne: Christmas With Jayne Remastered (MP4)
Christmas With Jayne Remastered (MP4)
Time: 12 minutes 59 seconds
It's Christmas, and Santa's little elf has come to visit. Jayne, dressed in a vintage, red velvet corset, garter belt (suspender belt), stockings and heels, sits in front of a Christmas tree and chats to you. She shows you the blue dress she peed on in Still Life, and wraps it in red paper. For the rest of this movie, you get to watch Jayne squirming around because she seriously needs to pee. Since we can't let her go on the carpet, we finally accompany her to the bathroom where she pees through her panties.

1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 599.9 MB
Jayne Remastered: Volume 11 (MP4)
Jayne Remastered: Volume 11 (MP4)
Total time: 2 hours 23 minutes
This set of movies has been remastered from the original footage, then upscaled with Topaz Video Enhance AI software from the original 720x480 pixels to 1472x1080 pixels.

  1. Driving Lesson Remastered
  2. Peeing On A Swing Remastered
  3. Stuck Zipper 4 Remastered
  4. How Dare You Resign, Miss Jones Remastered
  5. Chores Before She Can Pee Remastered
  6. The Witness Remastered
  7. Christmas With Jayne Remastered

Lola Lynn (with Nyxon & Jayne)
Lola Lynn (with Nyxon & Jayne): Tickle Me Until I Pee Remastered (MP4)
Tickle Me Until I Pee Remastered (MP4)
Time: 16 minutes 30 seconds
Lola is secured to a spreader and her friend Nyxon is preparing to tickle her. We made sure that Lola had a full bladder before she was cuffed and her legs were tied apart so that she could not cross them. Nyxon tells her that she is going to Tickle Lola until she pees her jeans, and to make matters worse, she has a little helper. Jayne appears several times during the movie to apply a little extra tickling. Poor Lola doesn't stand a chance.

1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 763.9 MB
Lola Lynn (with Tina Lee Comet)
Lola Lynn (with Tina Lee Comet): Permission To Pee 3 Remastered (MP4)
Permission To Pee 3 Remastered (MP4)
Time: 44 minutes 22 seconds
Lola and Tina Lee are placed in that now familiar situation where they start out needing to pee rather badly, but can only release it in small amounts into tiny white cups. The two women take some delight in tormenting one another by making the other wait, or instructing her to drink more water. Of course, starting and cutting off the flow after just a few seconds is immensely difficult to do, especially for anyone who has never tried doing this before. The pressure mounts, literally as the minutes pass and the muscles tire, and soon holding it at all is almost impossible. The movie is not edited at all so you get to watch the desperation mounting in real time. This was Lola and Tina Lee's first desperation movie together. Tina Lee was not able to gauge herself at all since she had never done anything like this before. As the climax of the movie approaches, things take a turn for the worse for Tina Lee because of what happens to Lola, and she becomes extraordinarily desperate to pee. Watching her panic rise as she is made to keep holding certainly delivers the goods in this video. As usual with this series of videos, the peeing sequences are mostly filmed in close-up. A little by-the-way: the girls are dressed like secretaries because they had just finished a bondage session during which both of them felt the urge to pee, but they chose to hold it in preparation for filming this.

1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 2,054.4 MB
Lola Lynn
Lola Lynn: Bathroom Denied Remastered (MP4)
Bathroom Denied Remastered (MP4)
Time: 10 minutes 28 seconds
Lola is visiting her friend Janice, but upon arrival she finds Janice is out and encounters her unfriendly house mate instead. He tells Lola she will have to wait for Janice's return and shuts the door in her face. Lola sits back in her vehicle for a while, but now she needs to pee. She knocks on the door again and asks for the use of the bathroom. The house mate says no, he is busy, and Lola will just have to wait for Janice. Furious now, Lola runs around the side of the house, intent on peeing in the garden, but then she hears movement through the window just above her and runs back to her trunk, now truly desperate to empty her bladder. She struggles to hold on, and in a last attempt to do something about her condition, he returns to the door and knocks for a third time. Janice's house mate is even more unfriendly this time and still refuses to let Lola in to use the bathroom. Absolutely bursting now, Lola squirms by her trunk for a minute, then makes a mad dash for the garden again. It's too late - she starts to wet herself as she runs. She stops around the side of the house, and does not even both trying to lift her skirt because she is already drenched in pee. Swearing, Lola decides to forget Janice and just go home. She shakes her legs before climbing into her trunk, and pee showers from her fishnet tights.

1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 485.1 MB

Lola Lynn
Lola Lynn: Clean Up Remastered (MP4)
Clean Up Remastered (MP4)
Time: 14 minutes 29 seconds
Time and time again, Dave has to clean up after all these women who come to his house and pee on his floor. Well, no more. This time, Lola Lynn is given the job of cleaning up the basement after she and Tabitha wet themselves down there. The only problem for Lola is that she needs to pee again, but Dave will not let her use the bathroom until she has finished cleaning up. This involves putting Tabitha's dress through a wash cycle, and mopping the pee-stains off the concrete. Lola tries to control her bladder until the job is done, but with the sound of the washing machine filling with water, and the sloshing sounds made when she dips her mop into the bucket, it proves a little too much and she pisses her jeans. Dave still won't let her stop working, and orders her to take off her wet jeans and place these in the washing machine too. There is even some question about the top Lola is wearing - did she splash any pee on it. To be on the safe side, Dave asks her to take that off too. Now she has to finish mopping the floor wearing nothing but a bra.

1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 669.9 MB
Lola Lynn (with Tina Lee Comet)
Lola Lynn (with Tina Lee Comet): Holding Contest 8 Remastered (MP4)
Holding Contest 8 Remastered (MP4)
Time: 65 minutes 39 seconds
This is the video where Tina Lee made her debut as a desperation model, and indeed in the world of peeing save for one clip performed for another producer. She goes up against Lola, a long-time professional, in a holding contest. You might not rate her chances too highly, but she is a very determined girl. The body language of each model is markedly different, with Tina Lee bringing her own methods of coping with extreme desperation to the movie. They both manage to last for over an hour, but there has to be a winner.

1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 3,039.5 MB
Lola Lynn
Lola Lynn: Almost Wetting Herself Remastered (MP4)
Almost Wetting Herself Remastered (MP4)
Time: 20 minutes 21 seconds
Every now and again, we get a model pretty desperate to pee and then give her the task of driving herself around, knowing full well she is unlikely to find a public restroom or even a suitable roadside spot to stop and relieve herself. The idea with this movie was to do a remake of "Errand With a Full Bladder", but with only one brief telephone conversation at the beginning to set up the premise. Instead of sticking to town areas, however, we got Lola to drive out into the boonies and try various roadside places/businesses which would serve the purpose of places she was visiting in her work capacity. She did find a few places to pull in and take a look, but there was no chance of a ladies at either of them. It was six in the evening and they were locking up premises, which made doubly sure Lola would not be able to find a bathroom. She was getting very desperate by this time and starting to worry about what she was going to do, since there really was no place for her to pee. Lola was asked not to lose it in the car, and said she had no intention of peeing on the seat, which meant she just had to hold it all the way back to the house before she could go. As it turned out, she only just made it and peed a lot.

1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 943.0 MB

Lola Lynn
Lola Lynn: Get Up And Go Remastered (MP4)
Get Up And Go Remastered (MP4)
Time: 10 minutes 04 seconds
Lola is naked throughout this movie. It is the most realistic scenario we have been able to do where a woman jumps out of bed in the morning, desperate to pee, only to find the bathroom occupied. She goes back and forth between the locked toilet door and her bed, pee dancing and squirming to help her hold it until she can get in to relieve her aching bladder. This involves lying on top of the bed covers and squirming around, hand between thighs. Lola makes three attempts to get into the bathroom and is on the verge of wetting the bed when the toilet finally flushes and the door opens. She makes a mad dash for the bathroom and plonks herself down on the toilet where she pees for a long, relieving time.

1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 466.3 MB
Lola Lynn
Lola Lynn: Lola Lynn Remastered: Volume 5 (MP4)
Lola Lynn Remastered: Volume 5 (MP4)
Total time: 3 hours 2 minutes
This set of movies has been remastered from the original footage, then upscaled with Topaz Video Enhance AI software from the original 720x480 pixels to 1472x1080 pixels.

  1. Tickle Me Until I Pee Remastered
  2. Permission To Pee 3 Remastered
  3. Bathroom Denied Remastered
  4. Clean Up Remastered
  5. Holding Contest 8 Remastered
  6. Almost Wetting Herself Remastered
  7. Get Up And Go Remastered

Beverly Bacci
Beverly Bacci: The League of Desperate Ladies 2 Remastered (MP4)
The League of Desperate Ladies 2 Remastered (MP4)
Time: 19 minutes 20 seconds
Beverly is the second lady from the League to take up the challenge to hold her pee for three hours, drinking liquids along the way. Confident that she will make it, Beverly drinks water freely, but as the time passes she grows increasingly uncomfortable and needs something to take her mind off her predicament. She begins alphabetizing her client's video collection. How far does she get with it before more pressing matters sap her powers of organization? The last few minutes of this movie show Beverly in the bathroom, giving the viewer what she calls a freebie. Despite the massive emptying out in the main part of the movie, she still has a lot more pee in her bladder. She stands in the bath with dress raised and lets it go through her panties... just for you.

1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 894.9 MB
Danielle: The League of Desperate Ladies 4 Remastered (MP4)
The League of Desperate Ladies 4 Remastered (MP4)
Time: 26 minutes 32 seconds
Continuing the series of movies where girls from an agency called The League of Desperate Ladies send out their best holders to clients who will pay handsomely to watch a woman squirming in desperation as she tries to drink liquid and not lose control of her bladder for three hours.Danielle is supremely confident of her ability to hold it when she arrives, and maintains a defiant air even as she becomes enormously desperate to pee. Like Jayne before her, Danielle accuses the client of tampering with the clock to make her wait longer than the prescribed time. With just minutes remaining on the clock, Danielle says she is not going to tolerate cheating and rises to leave. On the door step, she wets her skirt, pantyhose and shoes. In her hurry, she has forgotten her coat, and when the client returns from retrieving it for her, he finds Danielle wetting herself again. When she empties out her shoes before departing, rather a lot of pee spills out.

1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,228.0 MB
Jayne, Lola Lynn & Nyxon
Jayne, Lola Lynn & Nyxon: The League Of Desperate Ladies 6 Remastered (MP4)
The League Of Desperate Ladies 6 Remastered (MP4)
Time: 21 minutes 45 seconds
Company CEO Jayne is back and this time she has brought some help. She is determined that this client will not keep the agency's fee this time. With three women participating this time, surely one of them must be able to last the requisite three hours? There is a lot of struggling from Nyxon early on because she simply does not have the stamina to hold it and soon disgraces herself. After soaking up some of her own puddle with paper towels, she departs. And then there were two... two of the biggest holders in the business, and they are both still drinking water! Jayne makes a valiant effort to hold it, but even she is finally overcome with sheer desperation and loses control, gushing pee all over her boots. This leaves only Lola. As she nears the three hour limit, Lola paces and squirms, moans and holds herself with her fingers, struggling to make it those last few minutes. She makes it and makes a mad dash for the bathroom. (Lola's bathroom scene is missing).

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,005.6 MB

Sienna Aldridge
Sienna Aldridge: The League of Desperate Ladies 7 Remastered (MP4)
The League of Desperate Ladies 7 Remastered (MP4)
Time: 32 minutes 10 seconds
The League of Desperate Ladies series resumes with Sienna as the new recruit in the agency. Like her predecessors, she arrives confident that she will last the three hours without wetting herself and claim the $1,000 fee the agency charges when their employee is successful. The rules have changed a little: instead of the client being able to ask the desperate lady to drink unlimited amounts of water, he can only ask her to drink two bottles in the first hour and one in each of the subsequent 2 hours. Sienna's confidence runs away with her and she drinks all four in the first 30 minutes. The result is some very serious desperation for Miss Aldridge as she becomes increasingly fidgety and distracted by her predicament.

1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,488.9 MB
Carissa Montgomery
Carissa Montgomery: The League of Desperate Ladies 9 Remastered (MP4)
The League of Desperate Ladies 9 Remastered (MP4)
Time: 18 minutes 03 seconds
Returning to the theme of the league of desperate ladies, Carissa does her best to earn that huge fee by holding her pee for three hours. She starts out confident that she can do it, as many before her did, but it is not long before she is squirming, her legs never still and her expression pained as her desperation to empty her rapidly filling bladder grows worse and worse until she is ready to explode. Her situation is not helped by the fact that her client can tell her to drink more liquid at any time, so she drinks while urgently pee dancing, trying not to wet her white panties. Longer before the three hours have elapsed, Carissa is climbing the wall in sheer desperation. Her body language speaks volumes about how frantic she is, and her bulging abdomen makes it clear that her bladder is approaching maximum capacity. As with all earlier contenders, Carissa cannot hold it and wets herself, forfeiting her fee. Unexpectedly, the client says he will make a partial payment if she will take off all her clothes, so rather than go away empty handed, she agrees. Carissa stands in her rather large puddle of pee while she poses naked.

1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 835.3 MB
Beverly, Danielle, Jayne, Lola, Nyxon, Sienna & Carissa
The League Of Desperate Ladies Remastered Set (MP4)
The League Of Desperate Ladies Remastered Set (MP4)
Total time: 1 hour 57 minutes
This set of movies has been remastered from the original footage, then upscaled with Topaz Video Enhance AI software from the original 720x480 pixels to 1472x1080 pixels.

  1. The League of Desperate Ladies 2 Remastered
  2. The League of Desperate Ladies 4 Remastered
  3. The League Of Desperate Ladies 6 Remastered
  4. The League of Desperate Ladies 7 Remastered
  5. The League of Desperate Ladies 9 Remastered

Tabitha: The Naked Realtor Remastered (MP4)
The Naked Realtor Remastered (MP4)
Time: 30 minutes 15 seconds
Tabitha reprises her role as the real estate agent. Things are not going so well for her; sales are hard to make, and no sales means no commission. Ironically, Tabitha is doing so badly that she is in danger of losing her own home to foreclosure. She is therefore delighted when a client from several years earlier expresses an interesting in buying a property she has shown him before, which is now back on the market. She assures the client that the property has been fixed up and he will be delighted with it. She herself wants to get there as soon as possible because she needs to pee, and wants to get that out of the way as soon as possible. When they arrive, however, it soon becomes apparent that the property has not been improved at all, and in many ways it is in a worse state than before. The client is ready to pull out, but the desperate realtor will do anything to keep his interest. Realizing that she really is desperate to make a sale, the client says he will reconsider if Tabitha will show him around the property again, but this time naked. Tabitha is mortified by this suggestion and protests vehemently, but when the client threatens to leave without buying, she reluctantly complies with his wishes. By now, her bladder is full and she needs to visit the bathroom, but the client tells her that he wants her to hold it throughout the tour. Tabitha pee dances her way around the house, even climbing the steps to the roof space, her need to pee growing more and more acute. The client takes his time considering the property while Tabitha continues to pee dance and plead for the use of the bathroom. Delayed too long, she finally loses control of her bladder and pee streams down between her legs, much to her embarrassment.

1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,401.5 MB
Tabitha: Holding Cell Remastered (MP4)
Holding Cell Remastered (MP4)
Time: 12 minutes 29 seconds
Tabitha has been a bad girl. She has urinated on the street right in front of a police cruiser and has landed up in jail in a holding cell that has no facilities. The policeman who speaks to her in the opening scene is not convinced that she needs to pee, and that they will wait for the bloodwork to come back before taking action. Tabitha is left alone in the cell to pace back and forth and pee dance, trying to suppress the urge to pee again. As time passes and the cop does not return, Tabitha becomes increasingly desperate to go, holding herself as she squirms and struggles to wait. Finally, she has no choice but to wet her jeans - pulling them down is not an option with CCTV.

1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 577.2 MB
Tabitha: Late Home Remastered (MP4)
Late Home Remastered (MP4)
Time: 15 minutes 22 seconds
Tabitha has been out on the town once too often, and her partner is tired of her never calling to say she will be late. He decides that it's time she was taught a lesson in being more responsible and ties her up, leaving her lying on the bed like this where she will stay until she has learned her lesson. Tabitha calls out that she needs to pee but no one comes to help her. She holds on as long as possible then gives the bed a thorough wetting, giggling and saying that it isn't her fault.

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 711.3 MB

Tabitha (with Lola Lynn)
Tabitha (with Lola Lynn): The Bargain Remastered (MP4)
The Bargain Remastered (MP4)
Time: 31 minutes 48 seconds
Tabitha owes Lola a lot of money but she cannot afford to pay it back. Lola offers to write off half of Tabitha's debt if she will agree to being tied to a bed and tickled. Tabitha is surprised but agrees, saying that she had first better visit the bathroom. Lola refuses to let her relieve herself, and despite further protests, Tabitha finally agrees to being tied up while needing to pee. Once the tickling begins, Tabitha discovers that the only way to stop Lola tickling her is to allow the woman to remove an article of her clothing. Each time she needs a break from her torment, Tabitha has to lose another garment, each of which has to be cut away because of her bonds. As the tickling continues, Tabitha's bladder grows fuller and fuller and she struggles hard not to wet the bed. By the time she is left wearing nothing by a thong, Tabitha is bursting for relief, but still Lola will not stop tickling her or untie her. At last, there is no holding it any longer and Tabitha wets her thong and the bed sheet. Only now will Lola allow her to go free to clean herself up. The movie concludes with Tabitha peeling off her wet thong and heading for the bathroom.

1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,471.9 MB
Tabitha: Just Holding Again Remastered (MP4)
Just Holding Again Remastered (MP4)
Time: 13 minutes 51 seconds
The original Just Holding movie (ordered as a custom) proved very popular, so it seemed like a good idea to put Tabitha back on the spot, and in a short skirt again. She's more playful in this one, which is her natural disposition.

1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 641.0 MB
Tabitha: Desperation Difficulties Remastered (MP4)
Desperation Difficulties Remastered (MP4)
Time: 15 minutes 20 seconds
It's another one of those bondage movies where the model ends up feeling the urge to pee while in a compromising position. Here, Tabitha is firmly bound to a chair, the filming of a bondage video officially over and she would like to make a visit to the bathroom. She apparently forgot where she was for a moment! The two devilish henchmen who put her in this situation seem reluctant to grant her freedom, and one of them even goes to the lengths of dragging her chair to a safe area in case she loses control of her bladder while still tied up. Tabitha complains as the critical moment approaches, then, oops! She wets her panties (which are bikini bottoms that contain most of the damage, at least until she bounces up and down and squashes it out onto the chair and floor). Since there is no urgency to release her now, the lads decide to head out for a while and leave Tabitha still tied up and sitting in her soaking-wet panties.

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 710.2 MB

Tabitha: I Can't Wait Much Longer Remastered (MP4)
I Can't Wait Much Longer Remastered (MP4)
Time: 22 minutes 43 seconds
Tabitha boyfriend has left her tied to a chair (her wrists secured by inescapable zip ties) with only her bluetooth to stay in touch with him. She has been sitting there for quite some time waiting for him to come home, but he seems to be getting delayed at every turn. It has been so long that Tabitha's bladder has filled and is now distended to the point where she can't wait much longer. She pleads with her boyfriend to hurry home, becoming irritable as the urge to pee escalates. She declares that she is ready to explode, and soon afterwards, she wets herself. Pee streams through her underwear and onto the seat of the chair. Unwilling to sit in all this mess, Tabitha slides herself off the chair and squats down in front of it, her wrists still secured. She will simply have to stay there in her wet panties until someone arrives to free her.

1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,051.9 MB
Tabitha Remastered: Volume 2 (MP4)
Tabitha Remastered: Volume 2 (MP4)
Total time: 2 hours 22 minutes
This set of movies has been remastered from the original footage, then upscaled with Topaz Video Enhance AI software from the original 720x480 pixels to 1472x1080 pixels.

  1. The Naked Realtor Remastered
  2. Holding Cell Remastered
  3. Late Home Remastered
  4. The Bargain Remastered
  5. Just Holding Again Remastered
  6. Desperation Difficulties Remastered
  7. I Can't Wait Much Longer Remastered

Jayne: Lady In Red Remastered (MP4)
Lady In Red Remastered (MP4)
Time: 17 minutes 56 seconds
When interviewing Jayne about some real-life desperation experiences, it seemed only appropriate that (a) she should wear that lovely red dress from All Dressed Up, and (b) she should need to pee while she was recounting her stories. This sequence was filmed early on Sunday morning. Jayne got up and dressed without visiting the bathroom, so she was holding pee from the entire night. In other words, she is bursting! She started out in control of herself as the interview got underway, but her resolve weakened as the urge to go intensified still further. At the end of the movie, we witness Jayne wetting the red dress for a second time, plus a beatific smile of pure relief.

1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 830.5 MB
Jayne (with MiMi & Ariel)
Jayne: Late For The Exam Remastered (MP4)
Late For The Exam Remastered (MP4)
Time: 16 minutes 33 seconds
MiMi and Jayne have to sit a special exam invigilated by Ariel. The girls arrive late and MiMi badly needs to pee. She asks to be allowed to go before she starts on the exam, but the invigilator refuses to allow this since she was late arriving. Mimi fidgets as she tries to hold on, but there is no hope of lasting the duration of the exam - three long hours! Thirty mins into the exam, MiMi loses control and makes a big puddle on the floor. As MiMi clears up her wetting accident with paper towels, Jayne is laughing at her while at the same time copying answers from MiMi's test paper. Catching her in the act of cheating, Ariel reprimands Jayne. Since the girl also finds MiMi's accident so funny, Ariel decides that she should be forced to drink water as she continued with her test just to see how it feels to be desperate while trying to work. Naturally, Jayne soon needs to visit the bathroom too. When her pleas for permission to go are ignored, Jayne struggles to wait as long as she can. Full of water, she just can't last the course and loses control of her bladder before the test is over. Now she too has to mop up the mess she has made. (This video was highly over-exposed, and is the reason I've avoided reprocessing it for some time. This is my best attempt to correct the picture).

1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 766.1 MB
Jayne: She Can't Close Her Legs Remastered (MP4)
She Can't Close Her Legs Remastered (MP4)
Time: 17 minutes 02 seconds
Jayne is being held captive. After a long night tied to a chair, she badly needs to pee. Her captor is in no hurry to untie her and let her use the bathroom. In fact, he is busy and has some things to attend to before releasing her for breakfast and that much needed bladder relief. Jayne must continue waiting, trying to control her frantic urge to pee. This is far from easy because her legs have been tied apart and she can't squeeze her thighs together or cross her legs. Delayed too long, she finally wets her panties. Filmed with three cameras, we have a full body shot, a head and shoulders shot, and a view between Jayne's thighs to capture the flood when it occurs.

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 787.8 MB

Jayne: Stuck Seatbelt 2 Remastered (MP4)
Stuck Seatbelt 2 Remastered (MP4)
Time: 9 minutes 59 seconds
Jayne arrives at a friend house bursting to pee, but when she tries to get out of the car, she discovers her seatbelt has jammed. She phones her friend to come out of the house to help her, but no one answers - it seems that he isn't home! Jayne wrestles desperately with the release mechanism for the belt, but she can't free it. Unable to hold it any longer, she has no choice other than to hang her bottom out of the car and pee through her jeans. We have a chat to Jayne after the story is complete.

1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 462.5 MB
Jayne: Wait While You Work Remastered (MP4)
Wait While You Work Remastered (MP4)
Time: 10 minutes 14 seconds
We give Jayne the job of stacking wood. The only problem for her is that she needs to pee, but she must finish wood stacking before she can use the bathroom. Given that her bladder was rather full when we started her out on this task, it's hardly surprising that she couldn't hold it until the task was complete.

1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 473.0 MB
Jayne: Holding It In A Red Dress Remastered (MP4)
Holding It In A Red Dress Remastered (MP4)
Time: 16 minutes 41 seconds
At Bound2Burst, we always make sure a model needs to pee rather badly before we start filming a scenario. This injects a certain urgency into the proceedings, and always ensures that her body language reflects her situation. Jayne's Dilemmas - Holding It In a Red Dress Sometimes, we keep the girls waiting a little too long and they start to worry that they won't be able to hold it long enough to play out the situation we have in mind for them. An old hand at this now, and used to our evil ways, Jayne was convinced she was being set up, especially since cameras were running, but she did her best to hold on, just in case it was for real. She does a lot of pacing and squirming and moaning as she tries to keep her sphincter closed, but she has had a lot of liquid, and is even drinking wine which does help at all with muscular control. It isn't long before we see her losing control, coincidentally just moments before we are ready to start filming the scenario. Strange how that happens, isn't it? (The extra minutes in this version show Jayne and Dave chatting while taking photos).

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 772.2 MB

Jayne: Reporter 2 - Surveillance Remastered (MP4)
Reporter 2: Surveillance Remastered (MP4)
Time: 11 minutes 48 seconds
Jane Smith is back for some more investigative reporting. This time, she and her long-suffering camera man Bob are supposed to be capturing on film the meeting between a drug supplier and his buyer in an old junk yard. Jayne talks Bob into accompanying her, but Bob has a date for the evening and is unwilling to stay later than six o'clock. Thinking she will talk him round, Jayne buys a couple of large coffees to help them get through a long day of surveillance. At six, Bob leaves Jayne to it, much to her annoyance. Unfortunately, left on her own, Jayne falls asleep and does not surface until sunrise the next day. By then, the coffee has well and truly worked its way through her, and she wakes with an achingly-full bladder. She sees that a meeting is actually taking place, and does her best to take photographs of the exchange. She quickly calls Bob, telling him to get there as fast as possible to capture the event on film. Unable to hold it any longer, Jayne is forced to climb into the back of the vehicle and pee into the empty coffee cups. She is frantic because she is missing the action, but she simply has no choice but to empty her bursting bladder first, or wet her clothes and the car seat.

1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 543.2 MB
Jayne Remastered: Volume 10 (MP4)
Jayne Remastered: Volume 10 (MP4)
Total time: 100 minutes 13 seconds
This set of movies has been remastered from the original footage, then upscaled with Topaz Video Enhance AI software from the original 720x480 pixels to 1472x1080 pixels.

  1. Lady In Red Remastered
  2. Late For The Exam Remastered
  3. She Can't Close Her Legs Remastered
  4. Stuck Seatbelt 2 Remastered
  5. Wait While You Work Remastered
  6. Holding It In A Red Dress Remastered
  7. Reporter 2: Surveillance Remastered

Amber Wells
Amber Wells: Amber Holds It For Hours Remastered
Amber Holds It For Hours Remastered (MP4)
Time: 2 hours 15 minutes
Supplied in two parts owing to an overall file size of 6.25 GB. Both parts are included in your purchase. This 4:3 video has been upscaled using Topaz Video Enhance AI

Amber has a philosophy with desperation: "I'm going to hold it until I'm bursting." She applies this philosophy whole-heartedly by holding it for a period in excess of 2 hours while drinking more than 50 fluid ounces (1.5 litres) of liquid. Amber is both eloquent and a little shy as she talks about the joy she experiences when being spanked, and how this desire for punishment and mild torture extends to holding her pee - she often sets herself chores to do when she needs the bathroom and makes herself wait until she has finished before she allows herself to gain relief. She also talks about desperate situations she has found herself in over the years, and also tells us how her bladder is feeling at various stages during this long movie. She changes outfits seven times as her desperation grows steadily more intense, her wiggling legs and distracted expression speaking volumes about the condition. We learn a lot about Amber as she holds it for us, and her final struggle to wait just a little bit longer is touching.

1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 6.25 GB

Taylor: I Have To Go Pee So Bad Remastered (MP4)
I Have To Go Pee So Bad Remastered (MP4)
Time: 9 minutes 24 seconds
Some minutes before she arrived, she sent a text message saying that she bursting for a pee, and suggested that we ready for her arrival! As soon as she gets out of her car, Taylor vocalizes how desperate she is to go while bending her knees, crossing her legs, holding her crotch, doing everything she can to delay release. She doesn't last for long and gives the jeans a huge soaking. Finally able to relax, Taylor retrieves all of her bags from her car and we watch her carrying them into the house still wearing those badly-soaked jeans.

1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 441.4 MB
Taylor: Meet Taylor Remastered (MP4)
Meet Taylor Remastered (MP4)
Time: 32 minutes 39 seconds
Taylor chats to us as she drinks liquids and tries on different outfits, some of which she is filmed wearing in later clips. She tells some stories of her personal desperation experiences, all the while getting increasingly more uncomfortable as her bladder expands (the bulge is clearly visible is several close-up shots). She seizes every opportunity to sit down and cross her legs, especially when changing in and out of tights or stockings, actions which involve a lot of bending and hence squashing her full bladder. Taylor's fidgeting grows markedly more pronounced as we move towards the half-hour mark, and both her tense expressions and gasping serve to stress how badly she now needs to pee. Taylor's struggles to wait just a little but longer, and when she loses control, she pees all over cardboard and tights she dropped on the floor; in her profound relief, she is oblivious to it all.

1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,535.6 MB

Taylor: She's at Full Capacity 2022 Remaster (MP4)
She's at Full Capacity 2022 Remaster (MP4)
Time: 7 minutes 14 seconds
The behind the scenes sequences are embedded into the story, showing how events unfolded.
Legal secretary Taylor has arrived at a client's house, a folder full of paperwork in her hand. She is absolutely bursting to pee and can barely wait to get into the house to use the bathroom. She knocks on the door, pee dancing as she waits for an answer. The her acute distress, no one seems to be at home. Her bladder filled to capacity and right on the brink of wetting herself, she can't think what else to do except to go around to the back of the house and squat down in the man's garden to empty her tortured bladder before it explodes. She dare not pull down her tights and panties in case someone is inside the house and they can see her, so she compromises by lifting her skirt, squatting and letting it all go. The jet of pee between her legs is incredibly powerful, hissing loudly through her underwear and almost spraying her right shoe. She continues to empty her bladder for more than a minute, her expressions reflecting her immense relief. With wet panties and tights, she adjusts her skirt, goes back to retrieve her document bag and returns to her car; she must now go home to shower and change before coming back to see her client for a second time.

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 340.8 MB
Taylor: Escaping With a Full Bladder Remastered (MP4)
Escaping With a Full Bladder Remastered (MP4)
Time: 7 minutes 39 seconds
An extra minute or so was added from the bondage video which immediately preceded this, giving some content to Taylor's desperation.
Taylor is a flight attendant who has been taken from the airport, tied up and gagged and deposited in the middle of nowhere. Having been bound for hours, she's bursting for a pee. Left alone, she manages to free herself and finds that her car is still here. Determined to escape before her assailant returns, she runs towards the vehicle, but before she can climb in and drive away, the man reappears and stops her. Standing beside the car, desperate to pee, Taylor struggles to control herself but can't. She just can't and pee soon starts running down her legs, soaking the back of her tight skirt and into her boots. Rather than take her with him again, especially in this messy state, the bad guy tells her to run away. Taylor runs up the road, the wet patch on the back of her skirt clearly visible.

1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 359.4 MB
Taylor: Dance of Desperation Remastered (MP4)
Dance of Desperation Remastered (MP4)
Time: 6 minutes 51 seconds
A classic locked door scenario, where Taylor arrives home dying to pee and can't get in. She runs back to her car to look for her missing keys, then dashes back to the door, but she can't hold it any longer. We didn't allow enough time for this one before Taylor lost control, but then, that's what we always aim to achieve!

1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 321.4 MB

Taylor: I'm Going First Remastered (with Codi) (MP4)
I'm Going First Remastered (with Codi) (MP4)
Time: 2 minutes 48 seconds
Taylor phoned ahead to give estimates of her time of arrival, explaining that she was bursting and would not be able to hold it once she got out of the car in the rain. When they pulled up, her friend Codi jumped out of the vehicle first and made a dash for the bathroom, leaving Taylor on the doorstep already starting to wet herself. Communications were a little garbled and the situation did not play out quite as planned; it would have been better had Codi shut the door on Taylor and left her hammering on it. The women clearly had fun with this, especially Codi who simply could not stop laughing because she never seen her friend wet herself before.

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 129.6 MB
Taylor: Sign the Papers Remastered (MP4)
Sign the Papers Remastered (MP4)
Time: 26 minutes 39 seconds
Taylor has cheated her business partner out of his share of the business, and he is now demanding that she sign over the controlling interest to him. Taylor badly she needs the bathroom, but her ex-partner refuses to let her go until she has signed. Taylor continues to hold out, using a surprising array of techniques in order to avoid wetting herself, reluctant to sign away control of the business. Even when she loses control for a few seconds and pee runs down her legs, she still refuses to cooperate. She finally moves the action to the toilet where she seems to finally empty out (you get a frontal glimpse as she stands up and wipes herself). However, when she returns to the kitchen to finally sign the papers, she unexpectedly straddles the bowl she earlier placed on the floor and releases quite a respectable amount of pee. She obviously had been holding a lot.

1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,233.8 MB
Taylor: Taylor's Frantic Desperation Dance Remastered (MP4)
Taylor's Frantic Desperation Dance Remastered (MP4)
Time: 12 minutes 25 seconds
Having dressed Taylor in some very sexy lingerie, we set about the usual task of getting her desperate to use the bathroom. She drank a lot of water during the opening session where we filmed content for the Beauties in Bondage store (33391), where Codi kindly played the baddie. This took a little longer than planned, so by the time Taylor had touched up her makeup (always a difficult task in the bathroom when the bladder is full), she was already feeling a powerful urge for relief. She starts out with an almost shy hello then proceeds to talk about the desperate drive she has just experienced on her way to the shoot, as well as recounting several more brief anecdotes. It is clear from her constant wiggling around that she is already bursting. Her fidgeting quickly becomes more frantic still as the urge to go hits her hard, a performance that looks rather stunning in lingerie. She wets the panties with obvious relief a few minutes later. Taylor talks about her "big, big puddle" as she wipes her stockinged feet.

1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 359.4 MB

Taylor: A Friend in Need Remastered (with Codi) (MP4)
A Friend in Need Remastered (with Codi) (MP4)
Time: 7 minutes 39 seconds
Taylor as she dashes into the house in a panic for the bathroom, only to find the door locked. She is frantic to pee and dances outside the bathroom, adopting some familiar as well as some more unusual holding positions. At one point, she crawls along the floor on hands and knees, then sits outside the door with legs crunched up to help her hold it. Really to explode and getting no answer, Taylor finally dashes back outside and stands on the porch, legs apart, and wets herself. Initially, we see this from the back view when she has her skirt lifted and pee is streaming through her panties, but before she finishes, the POV switches and we watch a sparkling cascade falling between Taylor's silhouetted legs. In the background, Codi, having emerges from the bathroom, walks by and stops to watch, covering her mouth to suppress her laughter. After more than a minute of emptying out, Taylor re-enters the house, finds the bathroom open and goes inside to strip off her wet clothes and shower.

1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 354.6 MB
Taylor Remastered: Volume 2 (MP4)
Taylor Remastered: Volume 2 (MP4)
Total time: 1 hour 53 minutes
This set of movies has been remastered from the original footage, then upscaled with Topaz Video Enhance AI software from the original 720x480 pixels to 1472x1080 pixels.

  1. I Have To Go Pee So Bad Remastered
  2. Meet Taylor Remastered
  3. She's at Full Capacity 2022 Remaster
  4. Escaping With a Full Bladder Remastered
  5. Dance of Desperation Remastered
  6. I'm Going First Remastered (with Codi)
  7. Sign the Papers Remastered
  8. Taylor's Frantic Desperation Dance Remastered
  9. A Friend in Need Remastered (with Codi)
Jayne: Full On Arrival Remastered (MP4)
Full On Arrival Remastered (MP4)
Time: 23 minutes 25 seconds
We collect Jayne after her 2-hour trip on the bus from New York. She really needs to pee, but unfortunately for her there are some errands to run before we head for home. Jayne struggles to hold it throughout the slow journey, and then, at the house, enters the bathroom to pull her jeans and panties down to use the toilet. Alas, the cameraman has to set up the camera to film her, then he decides to add a second camera (just a ruse to delay her), and all the while she has to hold it. By the time everything is running and the cameraman walks away, she literally drops onto the toilet and starts to gush almost at once. Oh my, was she ever desperate to let that out.

1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,462.9 MB

Jayne: On Our Way Home Remastered (MP4)
On Our Way Home Remastered (MP4)
Time: 26 minutes 20 seconds
MiMi and Jayne have been our clubbing half the night. Too wasted to go home, they spend the last few hours of the night at a friend's house. They wake with hangovers and drink tea and water to rehydrate themselves. They then call for a taxi to take them home. Now in the back of the taxi, the girls are still wearing their dresses from the previous night. They are both feeling the pressure on their filling bladders, and ask the cab driver to stop somewhere. Naturally, there is nowhere easy to pull off the road, and no public facilities available. We watch the girls growing more and more desperate for relief, squirming around, crossing and recrossing their legs, and pleading with the driver to find them somewhere. At one point, the driver does pull over and Jayne hops out, intending to relieve herself on the roadside. At the last moment, she loses her nerve and gets back into the taxi, her bladder almost bursting now. The journey resumes, but the situation for both girls is becoming dire. They are frantically struggling to wait until they get home, but it's looking less and less like they're going to make it. Finally, unable to hold on any more, they both have to go in the back of the cab, much to the driver's annoyance. (I have shied away from remastering this one for a while because the last ten minutes are over-exposed, and it has not proved possible to fix this completely, even by changing color space).

1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,647.6 MB
Jayne: Full Capacity 2022 Remaster (MP4)
Full Capacity 2022 Remaster (MP4)
Time: 27 minutes 30 seconds
This is the one that began the whole bladder capacity trend on Bound2Burst, before the days of the custom which led to the purchase of the graduated scientific cylinders in regular use today. The objective in "Full Capacity" was never that serious, though many have taken it so and speculated somewhat larger amounts than Jayne actually peed. This version has been upscaled and is clearer than the 2016 remaster, should finally set the record straight. It's all very informal: Jayne had to hold her pee, which drinking, as we ran some errands which included a trip to the hardware store to purchase a graduated jug to measure how much she peed when she finally got to go. On the return journey, we actually encountered a Full Capacity and Jayne became very anxious - by this time she was wickedly desperate and worried that he would not be able to hold on until we got back to the house. She managed it, just, and released a loud torrent of pee into the jug at the earliest opportunity. While the jug was graduated, it was only coarsely so and the graduations were far from clear on video. At the end of the movie, a still of the jug just after purchase is included which just shows the 3-pint graduation. The jug is tilted at an angle, but with a little simple geometry one can work out the curve of where the liquid would be were the jug the upright. The label on the jug serves as a good marker to compare with the second still which shows the jug filled with Jayne's pee, and makes it possible to see that she really did release 1,400 millilitres, plus a little spilled on the floor.

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,718.7 MB
Jayne: Stuck Zipper 5 Remastered (MP4)
Stuck Zipper 5 Remastered (MP4)
Time: 6 minutes 26 seconds
Jayne is on her way back from a walk, bursting to pee, and in a big hurry. She's almost home and relief in the bathroom seems only moments away, but then her companion who has a surprise for her and wants her to cover her eyes with her hands. Jayne asks if she can have her surprise after she has been to the bathroom, but she is told no, so she does as requested. Quickly, her companion squirts super glue (crazy glue) onto the waist button of her jeans. When she touches the button, her finger sticks to it and she can no longer pull down her pants. Frantic to empty her bladder, she has no choice but to stand there and wet her jeans. We definitely had some fun with this one, not least trying to get Jayne out of those soaking wet jeans afterwards.

1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 394.4 MB

Jayne: No One Is Answering Remastered (MP4)
No One Is Answering Remastered (MP4)
Time: 10 minutes 55 seconds
This video has an introduction which is not directly relevant to the scenario that follows, but Jayne is wearing the same outfit throughout. She chats about a holding contest she lost until she badly needs to pee, then we move to the storyline. It's also Christmas time, so the sequence filmed outside was in very cold conditions, which made Jayne want to pee even more. The scenario: Jayne has turned up unexpectedly and is desperate to use the bathroom, but no one will answer the door to her. She stands on the step knocking and squirming until she starts to wet herself - just a few drips at first, then a jet of pee sprays down between her legs as she loses control for a few seconds. Soon after this, the door is opened and she rushes to the bathroom to finish emptying her full bladder. Since her panties and tights are already wet, she doesn't bother pulling them down. After she has finished, however, she does peel off her underwear in preparation to cleaning herself up. She also throws the cameraman out of the bathroom before taking a shower.

1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 669.0 MB
Jayne: It's Not Her Day Remastered (MP4)
It's Not Her Day Remastered (MP4)
Time: 21 minutes 26 seconds
Jayne has been working late and gets home as it's turning dark outside. We join her as she enter the house, talking on her cellphone as she unlocks the front door and steps inside... only to encounter a burglar who switches on the light. It really isn't her day. The burglar secures Jayne in the basement and chains her up, leaving her helpless despite her meek protestation that she needs to use the bathroom. The burglar merely laughs at her predicament and departs with the household valuables. Unable to free herself, Jayne tries to control her full bladder by executing a continuous pee dance, hoping one of her house mates will arrive home and get her out of this fix before she wets herself. When it seems someone has arrived and is using the bathroom upstairs, Jayne grows frantic. She badly needs to pee, but the person above can't seem to hear her pleas for help. Unable to hold it any longer, Jayne loses control and a brief jet of pee squirts onto the floor. She manages to stem the flow for a short time, but then she completely wets herself, creating a large puddle on the floor at her feet. Still receiving no assistance, Jayne is compelled to go on standing there in her wet panties and tights.

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,313.7 MB
Jayne: Wash & Go Remastered (MP4)
Wash & Go Remastered (MP4)
Time: 21 minutes 28 seconds
Jayne has just finished her dinner and had plenty to drink, and she needs to pee. She is asked to wash the dishes without a visit to the bathroom, and somewhat reluctantly, she agrees. As soon as she puts her hands in water, the desire to pee intensifies. Jayne squirmed as she continues washing dishes and putting them away, allowing her bladder to fill until she was literally bursting. Now she is really in trouble, and despite her best efforts, she wets herself before she can finish doing the dishes, all over the kitchen floor. There are some close ups of her wet legs.

1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,315.3 MB

Jayne Remastered: Volume 9 (MP4)
Jayne Remastered: Volume 9 (MP4)
Total time: 2 hours 17 minutes
This set of movies have all been remastered from the original footage, then upscaled with Topaz Video Enhance AI software from the original 720x480 pixels to 1472x1080 pixels.

  1. Full On Arrival Remastered
  2. On Our Way Home Remastered
  3. Full Capacity 2022 Remaster
  4. Stuck Zipper 5 Remastered
  5. No One Is Answering Remastered
  6. It's Not Her Day Remastered
  7. Wash & Go Remastered
Amber: Traffic Jam 2022 Remaster (MP4)
Traffic Jam 2022 Remaster (MP4)
Time: 27 minutes 02 seconds
One of the few car movies where we actually drove a long way to a location, this time in search of a real traffic jam. It took a significant amount of time to achieve, and as it turned out, the result was worth it. On her only shoot with us, Amber built up to some very urgent desperation and spent a lot of time worrying about her full bladder. She had to keep holding it as we searched for suitable conditions, and taking the wrong turn at one point and getting stuck on an Interstate increased the pressure still further. It took about twenty-five minutes to correct the error, and at times there would doubt that she would be able to hold on until we actually got ourself into a traffic jam. About half of the run time is devoted to behind the scenes material, following Amber's dilemma in detail.

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,271.4 MB
Amber Wells & Lily Anna
Amber Wells & Lily Anna: Permission To Pee 2022 Remaster (MP4)
Permission To Pee 2022 Remaster (MP4)
Time: 33 minutes 32 seconds
This is the first permission to pee style video, so the format was, as yet, untested. Amber, always concerned that she might not be able to perform, consumed large quantities of fluids that morning to reach a state of true desperation. Her willingness to set herself up for this backfired a little because we filmed a bondage video immediately prior to the desperation one, during which Amber spent some time alone tied to a chair while a second camera was used the film the other actress. It is here, while unattended and unable to get free, that Amber becomes aware of just how badly she needs to pee. It is clear from her body language and pained expressions that she is seriously bursting for a pee. This is reinforced when she admits as much and asks for production to move along briskly, warning that she might not make it to the desperation video if we don't.

By the time the permission to pee video was underway, Amber was going out of her mind trying to hold her pee, and Lily did not help at all by making her wait unnecessarily. The girls took turns in each allowing the other to pee into a small cup, then having to cut off the flow and hold it for some minutes longer. Lily herself was getting pretty desperate by this time, but her desire for relief came nowhere near the level of Amber's desperation. After enduring peeing into a small cut and stopping four times, Amber could no longer control herself, and on her next turn, overflowed the cup. The excess was not just a little, it was a veritable waterfall which just kept on coming. Laughing, probably with the immense relief, Amber continued to fill the cup repeatedly and pour it into the measuring container, peeing on the floor between times. This was Amber at the most desperate we ever saw her, or at least the most productive in the sheer volume of pee she released that morning.

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,573.9 MB

Ten Amorette (Rachael)
Ten Amorette (Rachael): Airport Run 2022 Remaster (MP4)
Airport Run 2022 Remaster (MP4)
Time: 34 minutes 50 seconds
A woman going to the airport to catch a plane and start her vacation, and actually make the drive to a real airport. It was going to use up most of the day, but we went ahead with reckless abandon and did it anyway. Location filming is always a challenge, especially these days when even showing members of the public in the background as anonymous people is a big no-no. We got lucky insofar as we picked a time when no one was in the waiting area outside the airport, so not one else was filmed. Because of the long drive, and the fact that Ten had tanked up with liquids (bearing in mind that she has a large bladder capacity), she became seriously desperate during the drive. You can see it on her face, the real anxiety, wondering if she would be able to wait until she reached the airport where we planned she would have her accident, or if she would lose control before we got there. She did actually make it, but it was a close thing. By the time we arrived in front of the departure gates, Ten was truly bursting and couldn't hold it any longer. She pissed through her panties and, in tears, told the driver to take her home.

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,632.5 MB
Amber, Amber Wells, Lily Anna and Ten Amorette
Three Classic Remasters (MP4)
Three Classic Remasters (MP4)
Total time: 95 minutes 24 seconds
This set of movies, originally recorded during the period 2008-2010, have all been enhanced or remastered before, but this time the original footage has been treated with Topaz Video Enhance AI software, upscaling from the original 720x480 pixels to 1472x1080 pixels. All three of these were enormously popular in their time, and have continued to sell to this day. It seemed worth giving them one more airing while presenting them at their very best.

  1. Amber: Traffic Jam 2022 Remaster
  2. Amber Wells & Lily AnnaPermission To Pee 2022 Remaster
  3. Ten Amorette (Rachael): Airport Run 2022 Remaster
Amber: I Really Have to Pee 2022 Remaster
I Really Have to Pee 2022 Remaster (MP4)
Time: 19 minutes 25 seconds
Amber is being held prisoner. As we join the action, she is being carried into a basement where duct tape is used to secure her wrists to a pole, above her head. Amber protests that she needs to pee, but her captor does not care. He wraps duct tape around her ankles to keep her still. When she repeats her need for a bathroom, he begins rubbing a hand on her abdomen, adding further pressure to her full bladder. Desperate for relief, Amber finally loses control and wets her jeans and panties, much to her captor's amusement and satisfaction.

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 910.2 MB

Amber: Desperate Delays 2022 Remaster
Desperate Delays 2022 Remaster (MP4)
Time: 15 minutes 02 seconds
Amber is looking through DVDs because she is in the mood to watch TV. However, she is desperate to pee, and before she can make her selection, she jumps up and dashes towards the bathroom. At this inopportune moment, the phone rings, and Amber foolishly goes to answer it. It is a land-line phone with a cord, so now she is stuck in the kitchen, pee dancing and squirming and right on the verge of wetting herself. She finally manages to bring the conversation to a close and makes another dash for the bathroom, her bladder now ready to explode. Before she can get there, however, a knock comes on the front door. Good manners dictate that Amber answer it, even though she is extremely close to wetting herself. It is a man asking directions. Amber does her best to help but she is so distracted now that she is not making much sense. As the conversation drags on, Amber starts to lose control and several jets of pee hit the linoleum. Still talking as if nothing has happened, Amber fights to hold the rest of her pee until the man leaves. She just manages to do so, but then wets herself, soaking her suade boots in the process.
Amber 2022 Remasters (MP4)
Amber 2022 Remasters (MP4)
Total time: 62 minutes
This set of movies, originally recorded during the period 2008-2010, have all been enhanced or remastered before, but this time the original footage has been treated with Topaz Video Enhance AI software, upscaling from the original 720x480 pixels to 1472x1080 pixels.

  1. Traffic Jam 2022 Remaster
  2. I Really Need To Pee 2022 Remaster
  3. Desperate Delays 2022 Remaster
Madison & Maria
Madison & Maria: M & M Remastered (MP4)
M & M Remastered (MP4)
Time: 21 minutes 50 seconds
This was the first pee desperation shoot for both Madison and Maria. It includes behind the scenes material that highlights how difficult it can be to pee in one's clothes while being filmed by someone who is almost a stranger, especially for the first time. We learn from this movie that Madison has a very small bladder and that she needs to pee frequently. She is, she confesses, always having to stop on the roadside and relieve herself, especially on interstates where there is absolutely nowhere to pee for miles and miles. She got in touch the day after working with us to say that, because of filling up with liquids during the shoot, she had a very difficult drive home which involved some protracted desperation and a little bit of wetting on the car seat. Maria did not fare much better.

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,027.1 MB

Madison & Maria
Madison & Maria: Sidewalk Cafe Remastered (MP4)
Sidewalk Cafe Remastered (MP4)
Time: 17 minutes 16 seconds
Two women meet for lunch at a new establishment called The Sidewalk Cafe. One is working, the other unemployed. Madison arrives first and is seated at her table when the movie opens. She needs to pee, but has been informed by the cafe staff that the ladies is out of order owing to a blocked lavatory that flooded the floor. Workmen are attending to the problem, and in the meanwhile she has to sit and hold it. When Maria shows up, it transpires that she hurried to rendezvous with her friend and has neglected to use the bathroom, so the pair of them sit struggling to wait as they chat about jobs, the menu, wine, and so on. The girls both order quiche and salad, and a glass of wine each. They sip at the wine and try to concentrate on their meals, but their desperation is very distracting. They ask both the cafe owner and the waitress when the bathroom will be free, and keep getting told that it will be just a few more minutes. Ready to burst by this time, the girls are faced with the very real prospect of wetting themselves in a public place. The video runs on a little at the end, allowing one to hear what is said off-camera.

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 813.1 MB
Madison & Maria
Madison & Maria: Stopped By A Cop 2 Remastered (MP4)
Stopped By A Cop 2 Remastered (MP4)
Time: 18 minutes 37 seconds
Madison and Maria make their Bound2Burst debut as the two naughty girls who are driving home after a night out. Backstory: Madison is speeding because both she and Maria seriously need to pee, and can't wait to get to a friend's house to relieve themselves. Of course, there's always a cop around when you don't need one and he follows them to their destination. The Movie: - opens with the cop pulling up alongside the girls' vehicle and making them step out. Convinced that they have been drinking, he takes their drivers licenses to run a check, leaving the girls standing there struggling not to lose control of their full bladders. Alas, neither Madison nor Maria can maintain control and wet themselves before the cop returns. Madison has only released some of her pee and still needs to go, so she remains distressed. The cop comes back to inform them that they have several outstanding violations, and that he is going to take them in. He tells Maria to handcuff Madison, then he handcuffs Maria. He then goes to call for a female officer to come and collect them, leaving the girls shivering in their party dresses outside their vehicle. Unable to wait any longer, Madison wets herself for a second time. The story part of this clip is about 11.5 minutes; the remaining time is behind the scenes where the girls go into the house still handcuffed, their panties and legs wet. Maria is freed and given the job of releasing Madison from her cuffs, a task that takes a surprisingly long time!

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 873.3 MB
Madison & Maria
Madison & Maria: Roadside Relief Remastered (MP4)
Roadside Relief Remastered (MP4)
Time: 11 minutes 17 seconds
Madison and Maria are on their way to a friend's house in the country. Maria is dying to pee, and when she can't hold on any longer, Madison has to pull over and let her out before she wets her jeans. Maria pulls down her jeans and you get to watch her empty her bladder, the stream of urine clearly visible. Back on the road, and soon Madison needs to go to. They arrive at their destination, but unable to hold it until she gets inside, Madison runs into the woods, pulls down her jeans and pees, a look of huge relief on her face as she lets it all go.

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 529.3 MB

Madison & Maria
Madison & Maria: Burglary Practice Remastered (MP4)
Burglary Practice Remastered (MP4)
Time: 22 minutes 06 seconds
Madison and Maria start out discussing a recent spate of burglaries in the area where the burglars have left home owners bound and gagged after robbing them. Concerned that this might happen to them, the girls wonder how easy it might be for them to escape from their bonds if this fate were to befall them. Maria ties Madison to a chair, gags her and leaves her for several hours while she pops into work. Madison already needs to pee when her friend leaves her. Furious, she sits struggling to hold it until Maria returns. Things don't go well for Madison because Maria, finding that her friend has been unable to escape, decides it might be fun to take off Madison's shoes and tickle her feet. Madison goes frantic, demanding to be freed before she wets herself. But Maria seems in no hurry to help. Additional comments: It was a toss-up as to who would end up tied to the chair. Madison needed to pee the worst, so she became the inevitable choice. You can see at the start of the movie that she is already wiggling her legs in a rather urgent manner, and it was a nice touch when Maria tied Madison's legs in the crossed position. It does look really good too, especially with Madison's fantastic legs.

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,039.1 MB
Madison & Maria
Madison & Maria: Two Incompetent Secretaries Remastered (MP4)
Two Incompetent Secretaries Remastered (MP4)
Time: 32 minutes 13 seconds
This video contains all the behind the scenes material in chronological order. It highlights just how chaotic these shoots can be. The main problem was that Madison did not manage to grasp the concept of playing a secretary who needs to pee, and believed that it was a contest between her and Maria to see who could pee first. While all this is going on, Maria is getting really desperate to pee and wants to get on with the storyline, and she keeps asking when she can go. With the storyline in tatters, we just go with whatever happens.

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 849.0 MB
Madison & Maria
Madison & Maria Remastered (MP4)
Madison & Maria Remastered (MP4)
Total time: 2 hour 03 minutes
The 4x3 aspect ratio of the original recordings has been preserved. The remastering process includes the use of AI enhancement software which completely transforms the original 720x480-pixel footage, massively improving the definition and upscaling the videos by 225% to 1080p. These enhanced sequences are then edited together to create the finished products.

  1. M & M Remastered
  2. Sidewalk Cafe Remastered
  3. Stopped By A Cop 2 Remastered
  4. Roadside Relief Remastered
  5. Burglary Practice Remastered
  6. Two Incompetent Secretaries Remastered

Emily: Finishing School Remastered (MP4)
Finishing School Remastered (MP4)
Time: 28 minutes 39 seconds
Emily is a student at a finishing school for young ladies, where they learn deportment and social graces. Part of the training includes the ability to control oneself when unexpectedly desperate to pee, mindful that the company one is in may not approve of her running off to the bathroom at what may be a crucial moment. Emily is instructed to drink plenty of water until she needs to pee, and is then told to hide her growing desperation as she participates in a conversation with her partner, presumed to be in a social setting. Emily is made to wait for some considerable time and finds herself growing increasingly worried that she will not pass this part of the course if she cannot maintain control. She starts to squirm, crossing her legs and rubbing her thighs, all signs that she is bursting for a pee. Her instructor has noticed her behavior and warns that she needs to maintain control and deportment at all times, but Emily is just too desperate. Her training goes out of the window as she stands up and grabs at the dress, longing to pull it all the way up and tug down her panties, but she can't! Suddenly, she feels herself yield under pressing and pee streams down her legs, right there in front of the instructor. It looks like Emily will not graduate from the program this year.

1920x1080 pixels (aspect ratio 4x3) - MP4: 1,340.9 MB
Emily: Accidents Will Happen Remastered (MP4)
Accidents Will Happen Remastered (MP4)
Time: 18 minutes 02 seconds
Emily and her significant other are to attend a charity dinner to which they were invited in thanks for contributions they have made. The bathroom is occupied and Emily would really like to empty her bladder before hitting the road. Alas, they are running late and Emily has no choice but to try holding it until they reach their destination. Growing really desperate during the drive, Emily wants to find somewhere discrete to pull over where she can lift her skirt, pull down her panties and pantyhose to gain relief, but there just doesn't seem to be anywhere. The conversation between the couple becomes increasingly strained as Emily gets closer and closer to wetting herself, and her patience wears thin. The couple get hopelessly lost, and even end up on a road that comes to an end in the middle of nowhere. Emily turns the car around and starts driving back, but by now she is absolutely bursting and can't hold her pee any longer. She stops the car and climbs out, looking around to make sure she is unobserved. Even this delay is too long and she loses control as she stands there. Pee streams down her legs, covering her shoes and even making her skirt wet. Now she will have to drive in wet clothing until she gets home.

1920x1080 pixels (picture aspect ratio is 4x3) - MP4: 849.0 MB
Emily: Another Secretary In Trouble Remastered (MP4)
Another Secretary In Trouble Remastered (MP4)
Time: 21 minutes 01 seconds
Someone has taken over the offices where Emily works. She has been secured to a chair with zipties and duct tape has been used to gag her, making sure she cannot call out for her. It was unfortunate that the thieves broke in when they did, because Emily, who had been holding a full bladder while working, had finally decided to get up and visit the bathroom when they grabbed her and tied her up. Now she is desperate for relief but unable to do anything about it. She can't even unbutton her jeans to ease the pressure on her swollen bladder. She crosses her legs and squirms on her seat, hoping she can hold it until someone finds her, but as time passes and no one comes, Emily finally realizes that she is about to wet herself. She struggles to contain herself, but it's no good, the pressure is too great. Suddenly, pee erupts through her jeans. She scoots her butt to the edge of the chair so that most of it will land on the floor, but even so, her jeans get very wet. Now she will have to sit there in wet jeans and panties until someone rescues her, and it might be hours.

1920x1080 pixels (picture aspect ratio is 4x3) - MP4: 1,030.6 MB

Emily: Stakeout Remastered (MP4)
Stakeout Remastered (MP4)
Time: 14 minutes 27 seconds
Emily is on a stakeout and should not leave her post until a replacement arrives to take over from her. She informs the boss that she needs to use the bathroom, but she is told she will have to wait for another hour before the relief shift arrives. Emily worries that she won't be able to wait that long, but she does her best. Part way through the hour, however, it becomes clear to her that she will never make it, and informs the boss that she has to leave to find a bathroom. The boss is not pleased, but Emily is so desperate that she doesn't care. She drives and looks for any place that might offer relief, but she just can't find anywhere. Finally, she has to pull over and jump out. She runs around looking for somewhere discrete to pee, but there just isn't anywhere. It's too late anyway: She starts to wet herself, and in a matter of seconds, pee is soaking through the back of her jeans. There's no point in fighting it any longer, and Emily just stands there until her bladder is empty. Her jeans are soaked, and she will have to sit in them as she drives home, but it's better than trying to drive any further with a bursting bladder.

1920x1080 pixels (picture aspect ratio is 4x3) - MP4: 679.9 MB
Emily Remastered: Volume 2 (MP4)
Emily Remastered: Volume 2 (MP4)
Total time: 82 minutes 09 seconds
The 4x3 aspect ratio of the original recordings has been preserved. The remastering process includes the use of AI enhancement software which completely transforms the original 720x480-pixel footage, massively improving the definition and upscaling the videos by 225% to 1080p. These enhanced sequences are then edited together to create the finished products.

  1. Finishing School Remastered
  2. Accidents Will Happen Remastered
  3. Another Secretary In Trouble Remastered
  4. Stakeout Remastered

Lola Lynn
Lola Lynn: Caught Stealing Remastered (MP4)
Caught Stealing Remastered (MP4)
Time: 20 minutes 14 seconds
Lola has been detained after being caught stealing from accounts where she works. The security guard is keeping her in the building's dining area while they await the arrival of the police. Lola claims she badly needs to pee but her guard does not believe that her situation is genuine. Lola paces and sits, squirming and protesting as her desperation worsens. She pleads with the guard to let her go but he continues to refuse. Lola's desperation is clear to see, and when she loses control, torrents of pee gush down her legs with so much pressure that the back of the skirt is soaked. Lola takes off the skirt at the end to show how much damage she had actually done to it, surprising even herself.

1920x1080 pixels (aspect ratio 4x3) - MP4: 950.1 MB
Lola Lynn
Lola Lynn: Locked Ladies Room Remastered (MP4)
Locked Ladies Room Remastered (MP4)
Time: 6 minutes 20 seconds
Lola has been shopping at the mall and has delayed a visit to the bathroom until she is desperate to pee. She hurries to use the ladies room, only to find the door locked. Just her luck; someone is in there. She knocks on the door to let the person know she is waiting but receives no response. Lola begins to pace, crossing her legs as she struggles to maintain control. As her desperation becomes more critical, she decides to try the mens room as a last resort, only to find that locked too. There is no sign to say the toilets are closed so surely both rooms must be occupied. Lola is growing frantic and hammers on the door to the ladies room, pleading to be let in. But it's too late. She loses control of her bladder and wets her jeans. The video concludes with a behind the scenes sequence.

1920x1080 pixels (picture aspect ratio is 4x3) - MP4: 297.3 MB
Lola Lynn
Lola Lynn: Unable To Wait Remastered (MP4)
Unable To Wait Remastered (MP4)
Time: 4 minutes 53 seconds
Wearing a petticoat-cum-nightdress after showering, Lola has got as far as pulling on pantyhose and heels ready to finish dressing for the hair salon movie. She is in a panic because she is bursting to pee and knows she isn't going to be able to wait long enough. In fact, she can barely hold it at all! We take the camera downstairs where clothes are now arrayed on racks and ask her to look through to see what she would like to wear. She performs a pee dance, grabbing herself, gasping and moaning as she tries to concentrate on selecting an outfit. It's no good; she just control herself, especially in the cold basement, and we are soon confronted with yet another puddle. Lola peels off the pantyhose to show off her wet panties.

1920x1080 pixels (picture aspect ratio is 4x3) - MP4: 228.4 MB

Lola Lynn
Lola Lynn: Salon Desperation Remastered (MP4)
Salon Desperation Remastered (MP4)
Time: 25 minutes 28 seconds
Lola and Nyxon are in a salon to have their hair done. The salon owner, Bruno is working on Lola's hair, but Nyxon is still waiting for Bradley, her stylist, to turn up. Her mood is not improved by the need to pee, and looking somewhat annoyed, she sits squirming in her seat as she waits for attention. They can't use the salon's bathroom because, as Bruno explains, "a big beefy guy came in and blocked them up!" The women have to listen to him bemoaning his boyfriend's behavior, and they become steadily more agitated as Lola too experiences an urge to pee. Growing desperate for relief, Nyxon tries going out to look for public restrooms on the strip mall where the salon is located, but after a few minutes she returns to report that everything is closed. She has no choice but to go on waiting. Ordinarily, she would leave, but this is her last chance to have her hair done before catching a flight early the next morning to start a vacation. Unable to endure much more holding, Nyxon goes to take a look at the salon's blocked toilets to see if there is any way she can go. In her absence, Lola reaches her limit, and standing up with the intention of leaving, she loses control and pees all over the floor. Nyxon returns, and seeing what Lola is doing, she too loses control and the girls make a huge puddle on the floor. Nyxon pees for at least a minute, and holds a conversation with Lola while she empties her bladder. The girls then leave a furious Bruno to clean up after them.

1920x1080 pixels (aspect ratio is 4x3) - MP4: 1,196.7 MB
Lola Lynn
Lola Lynn: Lola's Predicament Remastered (MP4)
Lola's Predicament Remastered (MP4)
Time: 7 minutes 13 seconds
Lola arrives home in a hurry because she needs to pee, accidentally locking herself out of her truck. She hammers on the door in an effort to make her husband hear before it is too late but there is no answer. Lola does her best to hold on, but her desperation soon overpowers her muscles and she wets her jeans on the doorstep. Just after this, her husband opens the door, bleary-eyed, claiming that he has only just woken up. Annoyed with him, Lola peels off her wet jeans and hands them to him, instructing him to get them washed while she goes to shower.

1920x1080 pixels (picture aspect ratio is 4x3) - MP4: 338.1 MB
Lola Lynn
Lola Lynn: Do Not Use Remastered (MP4)
Do Not Use Remastered (MP4)
Time: 14 minutes 05 seconds
Lola arrives home in a great hurry to visit the bathroom, but when she dashes in there, she discovers a notice taped to the toilet lid: DO NOT USE. The workmen had promised her faithfully that all the plumbing in the bathroom would be sorted out before she arrived home. Fighting a serious urge to pee, she hurries to the phone to call the company performing renovation work on her home. She learns that one of the workmen is still on the premises inspecting the well, so Lola hurried around the outside of the house to find him. He is inspecting the well cover, and explains to her that the pump did not restart after the water was switched back on, and that the toilet may have to be removed in order to get her new bath in. Lola really doesn't want to admit that she is bursting to pee, and does her best to help the man sort things out so that the water supply can be restored. At the very least, she would like him to leave so that she can dash into the woods before she has an accident in her jeans and panties.

1920x1080 pixels (picture aspect ratio is 4x3) - MP4: 663.4 MB

Lola Lynn
Lola Lynn: It's Going To Be Close Remastered (MP4)
It's Going To Be Close Remastered (MP4)
Time: 9 minutes 02 seconds
Lola goes for a short drive with a very full bladder, trying to make it back to the house in time to use the toilet this time. You can see from the gloom outside the car that this was late in the day. Lola's bladder muscles were very tired, so this last film had to be pretty short since it was her own car and she really didn't wan't to lose control on the seat (we had no plastic bag with us). She only drove for about 7-8 minutes for the round trip because she had been asked to try to make it to the bathroom, and this time to actually use the toilet! On arrival, she fumbled the keys outside the front door and it seemed doubtful that she would be able to hold on long enough. Ironically, when she reached the bathroom, she experienced a brief reprieve from her desperation, but it really did only last a few seconds before the next muscle contraction compelled her to tug panties and pantyhose down and sit on the toilet. Then came the flood! Poor Lola left a short time later, thoroughly exhausted, and, we suspect, still very hydrated. How many stops did she have to make on the four-hour drive home?

1920x1080 pixels (picture aspect ratio is 4x3) - MP4: 424.9 MB
Lola Lynn
Lola Lynn: Final Flood Of The Day enhanced (MP4)
Final Flood Of The Day enhanced (MP4)
Time: 12 minutes 25 seconds
The original recording of this video could not be located. The 2009 Quicktime version was used as the basis for upscaling. The results are acceptable but not as good as the rest of the set.

This was an end of the day movie for Lola. She had endured hours of extreme desperation during A Policewoman's Lot and The Magician, and she was tired. In particular, her bladder muscles were tired so that holding on was very difficult for her. That's the main reason this movie only lasts for 12 minutes. Lola is dressed looking like a secretary because she tells us a little about her former profession and the scrapes that she has got herself into from time to time. She is not especially coherent because she is so distracted by her need to pee, but she puts up a valiant fight until the dam bursts.

1920x1080 pixels (picture aspect ratio is 4x3) - MP4: 582.7 MB
Lola Lynn
Lola Lynn Remastered: Volume 4 (MP4)
Lola Lynn Remastered: Volume 4 (MP4)
Total time: 99 minutes 40 seconds
The 4x3 aspect ratio of the original recordings has been preserved. The remastering includes the use of AI enhancement software which completely transforms the original 720x480-pixel footage, massively improving the definition and upscaling the video by 225% to 1080p.

  1. Caught Stealing Remastered
  2. Locked Ladies Room Remastered
  3. Unable To Wait Remastered
  4. Lola's Predicament Remastered
  5. Salon Desperation Remastered
  6. Do Not Use Remastered
  7. It's Going To Be Close Remastered
  8. Final Flood Of The Day enhanced

Lily Anna
Lily Anna: Seriously Bursting Remastered (MP4)
Seriously Bursting Remastered (MP4)
Time: 25 minutes 59 seconds
This is the one where Lily was coaxed into drinking plenty of liquid before setting out on a few errands. On the way back, rather than heading home, she is directed onto roads she doesn't know and is soon completely lost (she had no GPS with her). By this time, her bladder is full and she is very anxious to find somewhere to pee. With the cameraman making suggestions which just keep leading her into areas where she can't get out and relieve herself, Lily grows increasingly desperate and visibly starts to panic at the prospect of wetting herself in her car. After several erroneous turns while leading to areas where there are houses nearby, Lily's driving starts to become erratic. The cameraman finally gives her directions to a fairly quiet stretch of road where she could get out and pee. When she arrives there, Lily exits the vehicle and promptly wets her pants and boots. It takes some time because there is a lot of pee. Afterwards, she places a plastic bag on her seat to sit on, and wants to travel back as a passenger, not wishing to drive in her soaked condition.

1920x1080 pixels (aspect ratio 4x3) - MP4: 1,225.5 MB
Lily Anna
Lily Anna: Audition For A Holding Contest Remastered (MP4)
Audition For A Holding Contest Remastered (MP4)
Time: 24 minutes 56 seconds
With a view to asking Lily to go head to head with Rachael in a holding contest, it seemed wise to test Lily's capacity to see if she would even stand a chance against her opponent. Lily sits, stands, and even lies on the floor a few times as she holds it to reach maximum capacity... or so it feels. She takes off her dress to let us see her in just her bra and panties, and she also pulls down the panties to pee into the jug. This is filmed only in profile. Lily measures her output and is a little dismayed that it wasn't more. Literally 10 minutes later, she goes a little more and adds it to the measuring tube (not permitted in a contest, but it was interesting to see how much more she could add after such a short time). This one turned out a lot like Measuring Lola, in that the urge to go was extreme but the quantity produced was less than one would expect to see. Sometimes the bladder spasms hard even before it has expanded close to its limit. This was also the first movie of the day, so no fatigue was involved and Lily was probably not yet as hydrated as she was in Seriously Bursting where the stream lasted over a minute! Timing is everything, it would seem.

1920x1080 pixels (picture aspect ratio is 4x3) - MP4: 1,165.7 MB
Lily Anna
Lily Anna: Private Dancer Remastered (MP4)
Private Dancer Remastered (MP4)
Time: 11 minutes 40 seconds
Lily and her team have just finished work at a party, and she has come to the organizer to collect her pay. She also asks if she can use the bathroom before leaving - she has been so busy all evening she has not made the time to go. The organizer surprises her by offering to double her fee if she will perform a private dance, just for him. Needing the money, Lily agrees, but first reiterates her need for the bathroom. The organizer says he will increase her payment still further if she will dance while holding a full bladder. Lily looks concerned, but the lure of the money is too great and she agrees. She begins the dance, peeling off her clothes as she goes. By the time she is dancing in nothing but panties and stockings, she is extremely desperate to pee. She loses control and wets her panties, which is of course exactly what the organizer wanted to have happen.

1920x1080 pixels (picture aspect ratio is 4x3) - MP4: 546.9 MB

Lily Anna
Lily Anna: Peeing In A Cup Remastered (MP4)
Peeing In A Cup Remastered (MP4)
Time: 28 minutes 41 seconds
We took Lily out on location to film her desperate to pee in a parking lot where she is supposedly waiting for her boyfriend to collect her. There are no public restrooms nearby and Lily is bursting. However, things went wrong when a guy arrived and parked right next to us and sat in his car listening to music. Unwilling to wet her trousers with him sitting there, Lily found herself in a bit of a dilemma - she simply HAD to pee but there was nowhere to go! In the end, she did the only thing possible - she pulled down her pants and peed in a soda cup, the contents of which she had consumed earlier (hence her full bladder). The camera records the stream and shows Lily's pussy as she is going. She concludes by emptying the pee onto the tarmac just before driving off.

1920x1080 pixels (picture aspect ratio is 4x3) - MP4: 1,346.5 MB
Lily Anna
Lily Anna: Story Time Remastered (MP4)
Story Time Remastered (MP4)
Time: 26 minutes 21 seconds
Lily arrived a little late for her shoot and with a full bladder, very anxious to pee as soon as possible. However, she was asked to read a story from the Bound2Burst library. We wanted Lily to read this while desperate to pee herself, giving the story an added frisson. The story is a fairly long one, spanning 6 single-spaced pages of text, and Lily was not at all sure she could hold it until she reached the end of the story, but she promised to try. It is hard to imagine anything more distracting than reading a story about a woman who is desperate to pee when desperate to pee oneself. It certainly made Lily very conscious of her predicament. She battled the urge to release as long as humanly possible, but she did end up wetting her jeans before completing the story. Ever the professional, she continued reading until she had finished.

1920x1080 pixels (picture aspect ratio is 4x3) - MP4: 1,240.9 MB
Lily Anna
Lily Anna: The Gynecologist Remastered (MP4)
The Gynecologist Remastered (MP4)
Time: 16 minutes 24 seconds
Lily has a delicate medical problem that requires the attention of a gynecologist. She has been asked to arrive for her exam with a full bladder. The movie opens with her sitting in the waiting room struggling not to wet herself. At last, the doctor calls her in and instructs her to go behind the screen and remove all her clothes. Embarrassed, Lily asks if she can at least keep her underwear on, but the doctor says it would be difficult to exam her through panties. We see Lily disrobe behind the screen and then lay on the examination table waiting for attention, squirming because her bladder is extremely full. Before the gynecologist can examine her, however, he is called away for an urgent consult, leaving the women lying on the table trying not to lose control. He is gone so long that she does exactly that, returning just after her humiliating accident. He tells Lily to get cleaned up and make another appointment.

1920x1080 pixels (picture aspect ratio is 4x3) - MP4: 769.1 MB

Lily Anna
Lily Anna: Construction Site Desperation Remastered (MP4)
Construction Site Desperation Remastered (MP4)
Time: 15 minutes 33 seconds
Lily is a secretary on a construction site. Armed men have entered the premises and left her bound and gagged in one of the equipment sheds (thoughtfully leaving her with a source of heat). Lily struggles to get free, worried that she will lose her job, but even more worried because she is getting desperate to pee and does not want to wet herself - the thought of her rescuer finding her like that is just too appalling! Naturally, she is unable to hold it, and when she lets go, the pee running across her thigh is captures by two cameras, interchanging between the two viewpoints. The roar of the propane heater dominates the first few seconds of the soundtrack but is much reduced as we begin to hear Lily's internal monologue about her predicament and her growing need to pee. While Lily was able to pee while bound, she was not able to release all of it. At the end, when she is free, Lily stands with her legs apart and lets the rest go, and there is plenty of it.

1920x1080 pixels (picture aspect ratio is 4x3) - MP4: 726.8 MB
Lily Anna
Lily Anna Remastered (MP4)
Lily Anna Remastered (MP4)
Total time: 2 hours 30 minutes
The 4x3 aspect ratio of the original recordings has been preserved. The remastering includes the use of AI enhancement software which completely transforms the original 720x480-pixel footage, massively improving the definition and upscaling the videos by nearly 300%.

  1. Seriously Bursting Remastered
  2. Audition For A Holding Contest Remastered
  3. Private Dancer Remastered
  4. Peeing In A Cup Remastered
  5. Story Time Remastered
  6. The Gynecologist Remastered
  7. Construction Site Desperation Remastered

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