Cadence - solo shoot next Thursday

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Cadence - solo shoot next Thursday

Postby Bound2Burst » 13 Jun 2020, 10:23

If you'd like a custom, please get in touch. She won't be back again until late July, which is also likely to be the next time we see Jasmine.

Vonka's shoot was dominated by bondage customs, with only one desperation custom, which is why there is only one new movie from her. To a large degree, I have to rely on customs for the moment because of the disruption I am experiencing affecting my income. My bondage store went off-line after Dreamhost decided to move the operation to a new server, without consultation. It will probably stay that way because they have also upgraded to a new operating system that seems incompatible with early versions of OpenCart. So, sooner than expected, I have to get started on building a new store for that site too. It's just as well B2B is almost completely done.

The other financially-limiting factor is that I can only hire a few models without hugely increasing my risk of exposure to COVID-19, even if others were prepared to travel. Given my health and age, it might easily be fatal for me.
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Re: Cadence - solo shoot next Thursday

Postby MPee3 » 14 Jun 2020, 14:30

Your health comes first. Stay safe.
Posts: 92
Joined: 18 Nov 2010, 16:17

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