An apology and progress

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An apology and progress

Postby Bound2Burst » 19 Apr 2020, 09:32

Er um. In my over-zealous attempt to control access to the new store, I accidentally left the manual approval of new customers switched on for longer than intended, resulting in many sign ups that were left in a pending state. I am sorry about that. I have enabled access for new customers now. For customers living in banned countries who have a good purchasing history, please drop me a line at and I will grant access to the store on a case by case basis.

We are progressing with moving movies over to the new store (about 370 so far). Almost all of Cadence's and Jasmine's movies are in place, as are many compilations (Just Jeans, Just Skirts, Just Made It) and holding contests. Most new releases from this year are in the new store (perhaps all at this point), and we'll keep working on moving older content. You will find pages becoming less populated in the old store, and I am leaving a note at the top of the relevant pages to inform buyers of the location of the new store.

Everything in the new store is in MP4 format. Some of them are getting a facelift and scaled up to 1920x1080 pixels, though many of the older ones will remain at 1280x720 pixels.

Again, I apologize for the inconvenience I have caused with blocking sign ins to the new store. Please always feel free to contact me if you run into problems like this; most of the time, it's just my blinding incompetence that underlies the issue :)
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Re: An apology and progress

Postby Bound2Burst » 23 Apr 2020, 10:43

I had to put the sign in restriction back. Don't you just hate scammers and criminals. For anyone who has bought from me in the past, just create an account and I will activate it, and from then on it will be exactly the same as it is now. For new customers, you will have to undergo a basic check (location, history of spamming, and other indications of suspect behaviour). Most will come through with no problem, but I will be catching some of the scammers.
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Posts: 1845
Joined: 10 Nov 2010, 10:37

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