A Happy Accident
Posted: 12 Nov 2018, 13:00
That is a provocative title to use on a pee desperation site. It is somewhat relevant, however. I have been searching through some old drives (I currently have 15) which have been boxed for years in order to pull out the original recordings and remaster some of this older content for re-release. On one of those drives, I found a folder titled Desperate Jayne movies. Sure enough, it contained dozens of Jayne's own movies which I had edited for her ready for publication. I have picked out four of the more explicit ones she made and, in a few cases, fixed their faults (there's one where the light was a bright yellow). They are going to appear on the membership site this week. They will stay there for a little over a month is anyone is interested in them. The titles are "Odds & Evens 2 & 3", where Jayne actually strips; "Sensual Pee Dance" and "Wetting & Orgasm".