Sarah Brooke Set 2 (4 movies - 44 minutes)

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Sarah Brooke Set 2 (4 movies - 44 minutes)

Postby Bound2Burst » 05 Apr 2017, 11:40

Sarah's Dilemma (20 minutes 46 seconds)
Just for fun, we gave Sarah loads of water to drink, got her to change into a pair of jeans, then locked her wrists in straps, attaching these via a short chain to a collar around her neck so that she could not reach the undo or pull down the jeans. She was then given instructions not to pee herself until she was given permission, which was naturally withheld, but she had to have something to strive for. Sarah starts off her restrained endurance test outside where the air is cold and patches of snow are still on the ground, conditions not at all conducive for holding pee in a full bladder. Sarah squirms and gasps as the urge to release gets stronger, so she walks around the house and finally ends up inside. She is still encouraged to wait, but clearly she is running out of time. Finally, despite being told not to go, Sarah wet her jeans. As punishment, she had to stay in the restraints and hence her wet jeans, at least for a while.

B2B Store: $8.99 ... ct_id=2071

Teaser: ... railer.wmv

Do As You're Told (11 minutes 44 seconds)
We decided to play with the master slave theme a bit further, when Sarah is compelled to do everything her master tells her. At the door, she is asking him to unlock it because she needs the bathroom, but he is ordering her to wait. She meekly replies, "Yes, master." Once inside, he orders her to sit in a lounger for a while, stand in front of him and continue holding her pee, and definitely will not let her go and visit the bathroom. Sarah's clearly in agony now, her bladder so full she can hardly stand upright. Still, her master will not let her pee. What's the poor girl to do, other than obey his instructions. As soon as he tells her she can move to an area where she can wet herself, Sara doesn't waste a moment. Pee is filmed streaming down the backs of her legs. (What must it be like in a real master-slave relationship where one of the partners has a fetish like this one? I've often wondered).

B2B Store: $6.99 ... ct_id=2072

Teaser: ... railer.wmv

Sarah Can't Make It (4 minutes 44 seconds)
Sarah is driving home from work absolutely bursting to pee. She's almost there; just a few more minutes. When she arrives, she starts to panic in her hurry to get out of the car. She hobbles to the front door, only to discover that she can't find her house key and she can't get in. Sarah screws up her face with the effort of holding her pee, bending her legs as she fights the urge to go. There's nothing else for it! She hobbles across the lawn out of sight of the road, lifts her skirt, pulls down her panties and squats, releasing a long stream of pee. She visibly relaxed as the pressure on her bladder subsides.

B2B Store: $3.99 ... ct_id=2073

Teaser: ... railer.wmv

Sarah's Naked Wait (7 minutes 10 seconds)
After going through a lot of liquid, Sarah finally got down to our only bondage movie of the day where she spent about half an hour secured with duct tape (the real stuff) and she could not get out. By the time she was cut loose, she reported that she was so close to pissing herself, so she was asked to strip and move through to the only area with a wooden floor, and then hold it until the towels arrived to stop her pee running onto the carpet. The person collecting those towels took rather a long time to bring them, leaving Sarah in a state of panic because she was convinced she could not hold on until the towels arrived. Luckily for her, she did manage to hold out, but only just, then the flood began. (There's no bondage in this one; it's just the mechanism which got Sarah into this rather desperate state).

B2B Store: $4.99 ... ct_id=2074

Teaser: ... railer.wmv

Sarah Brooke Set 2 (44 minutes)
Sarah's Dilemma
Do As You're Told
Sarah Can't Make It
Sarah's Naked Wait

B2B Store: $21.99 ... ct_id=2075
Sarah Brooke Set 2 image
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