Capacities page
Posted: 06 Feb 2017, 17:29
Owing to the popularity of this theme, a page has been created containing all the measurement movies (there may be a few older ones under different titles and these will be added as I find them). The page can be accessed from the B2B front page - button called "Capacities". This replaced the "Enhanced" button, which is the same as "Revisiting Old Times" in the top menu.
Selecting an order for the videos was a little tricky, but I ultimately opted to arrange them by model (first name). When more than one model appears in the video, the name of the model who is appears first in the list is used to position the title on the page.
Selecting an order for the videos was a little tricky, but I ultimately opted to arrange them by model (first name). When more than one model appears in the video, the name of the model who is appears first in the list is used to position the title on the page.