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Going to High Definition in 2012

PostPosted: 19 Dec 2011, 11:03
by Bound2Burst
A new camera is on its way which is capable of recording in high definition (HDV). In January, recordings will begin in high def., and for a while both high def. and standard quality versions of movies will be available. If there are no problems with the high def. versions, we'll eventually transition to these only.

At the moment, I have no idea how much bigger the files will be, but they will inevitably be larger. This also means prices will increase to compensate - each time you buy a movie via Files Forever, we are charged a download fee of around $1 for each 400 MB. This is likely to be the magnitude of the increase in most cases.

The size increase may also impact the availability of movie sets if the collected (zipped) file sizes exceed 2 GB, the Files Forever limit for a single file. I will experiment with various quality levels to try to reach an acceptable balance between picture clarity and file size. I shall post more information when I have more information.

Re: Going to High Definition in 2012

PostPosted: 19 Dec 2011, 13:53
by pcwp
Cool can't wait for these, and theres been a few requests for HD over the years ;)

Removal of sets might be disappointing though, hopefully you find some sort of solution for it :(

Any idea on what the format of these videos will be? .wmv/.mov/.mp4 ect?

Re: Going to High Definition in 2012

PostPosted: 19 Dec 2011, 15:36
by Bound2Burst
I shall have to maintain the WMV format because that accounts for over 90% of sales (many PC buyers just go with the default which is a shame, but there we are); I suspect other formats will yield better final quality. The second format will probably be Quicktime but I can't be certain yet - I may be switching software so that will influence the output options and quality.