Idea for a new scenario

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Idea for a new scenario

Postby thereaverofdarkness » 18 Dec 2017, 20:13

I had an idea for a desperation scenario.

A comes in to donate blood for her relative B who needs it very much. In order to ensure she can give blood with low resistance, she has drank plenty of water. The donation process takes a long time and she really has to pee, but she refuses to disrupt the donation process because of how much B needs her blood. The ending really just depends on the model and what happens.

I've donated blood plenty of times and it is not uncommon for me to become desperate during the process. As a blood donor, I find this scenario particularly exciting. It would be more difficult to film, however. I'm not sure how you'd acquire a medical room to film this in, but I thought of a few cheap workarounds:
Any white room can do, just take most of the furniture out and hang up a medical poster or two.
You can get a clear plastic tube from a pet supplies store, they have them for fish tanks and stuff.
You could run some stage blood through the tube, which would appear to be hooked up to a fake needle.


I'm really impressed overall by the content on this site! You have really good lighting, good scenarios, but best of all, all of the models are really good at making a convincing scene! However I think it could improve a bit by having more variety of scenery and types of scenarios leading up to the situation.

Great work! I'm definitely going to have to buy something here when I have some funds left over.
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Joined: 18 Dec 2017, 16:37

Re: Idea for a new scenario

Postby Bound2Burst » 19 Dec 2017, 10:17

Welcome to the forum, and thank you for the scenario suggestion. The problem with it is that the card processors will not allow anything to do with blood, even fake blood. In this, the banks call the shots, and could have my payment processor penalized for offering it.

The variety of background scenery and props is something I have wrestled with over the years. I have at times made fairly elaborate sets, and quite a few simple ones. It doesn't seem like a lot of work but it can be quite expensive and time consuming to do. With sales in the industry lower than they used to be, I have opted for much simpler videos which cost less to produce. Fortunately, most people are just interested in the girl's desperation and peeing; the rest is somewhat incidental.

As for a greater variety in scenarios, I am always open to suggestions. I have filmed 1,500 desperation/pee situations, and of course many scenarios have been repeated multiple times. There are only so many ideas one can implement within the confines of where one can film. By all means continue to make suggestions, but avoid anything situated in public - that has become far too dangerous to do.
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Re: Idea for a new scenario

Postby thereaverofdarkness » 27 Dec 2017, 16:49

I don't like public anyway.

Yeah I understand how difficult it can be to make a fancy set. I'll try to think of easier ideas, and I'll let you know if I come up with anything good.

It's a shame someone is policing your content. That's one of the worst quality inhibitors of Youtube, seems that mindset bleeds out into the rest of the web as well. They're afraid someone might see something they dislike, and in getting so wrapped up in their fear, they are priming their audience to have that very reaction they are afraid of. It's ironic and shortsighted if you ask me.
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Joined: 18 Dec 2017, 16:37

Re: Idea for a new scenario

Postby Bound2Burst » 28 Dec 2017, 12:38

Great, thank you.

The public restriction is self imposed. It's so dangerous to be out there filming these days. People will cellphones are obsessed with filming everything they see. I also find people are apt to complain about a camera running anywhere near them, and as for a girl peeing herself where others can see, forget it. We'd have a much better time in life if people could mind their own business instead of butting into everything and passing judgment, especially when many of them don't have the wit or understanding to judge.
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