Movie batches

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Movie batches

Postby Bound2Burst » 12 Apr 2017, 08:57

Years ago, movies were released in batches using PayPal to collect payment. It was a very manual process and not one that survived into later delivery systems. However, my somewhat slow realization that batches of movies can be sold in the store without the need to zip them together and create enormous downloads, I am re-establishing those old deals, and working forward to some newer ones. As you will see from the first offer, The prices are way better for batch purchases than individual sales, something that is fine for older material. It works exactly like movie sets which, I should mention here, I am now dropping. This technique used to encourage more purchases but there is little interest in this now, and it constrains me to release movies in groups which is not always convenient. As a result, new movies will appear singly and separated by a number of days.

Other types of batches will be created, not only themed ones like holding contests, but batches of popular movies released together for a discount featuring a number of different models.

You should also note that the storewide discount is being revised slightly to avoid customers amassing too many batch offers and getting even more off. That's fine if you're buying at least three batches, but not for less. Sorry, but I can't sell this stuff for virtually nothing.

So here we are with the first batch.

Holding Contests 2-5

Contest 2: Jayne & MiMi - 73 minutes
Contest 3: Danielle & Beverly - 40 minutes
Contest 4: Tabitha & Sienna - 70 minutes
Contest 5: Jynx & Cyndie - 82 minutes

Total time: 4 hours 25 minutes

For more information on these titles, visit the Holding Contests page:

To purchase these titles together for $15.99 at the B2B Store: ... ct_id=2077
Holding Contests 2-5
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