Severe desperation and wetting with the Ex

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Severe desperation and wetting with the Ex

Postby WetmansPlace » 03 Oct 2016, 18:50

My Ex of course knew all about my interest in wetting, pee and golden showers. Sometimes at my request she would wet herself as I watched...but still not the same as seeing a genuine wetting accident. My ex didn't drive so she depended on a co-worker to take her to work and bring her home. One morning as she was about leave and head home she started towards the bathroom to pee before leaving for home...But suddenly she heard her ride say she was leaving and in a hurry. She didn't want to miss her ride and it was only about a 20 minute ride home so she figured she could wait. It was payday and what she didn't count on was her ride had to make several short stops on the way home to pay a few bills and do other things. Before she knew it her 20 minute ride took almost an hour and by the time she got home her bladder was about to explode.

I worked 3rd shift and was sound asleep in bed. When My ex got to the door she had to go so bad she couldn't find her keys. Her banging on the door woke me from a deep sleep and I went to the door and unlocked it. She almost knocked me down coming through the door. She knew she would never make it to the bathroom so she ran to the center of the room...spread her legs, and began peeing a river through her pants. The puddle on the floor quickly became a lake as it spread out in all directions.
By the time she was finished her pants were 100% soaked with pee. She peeled them off and left them in the middle of her puddle on the floor. She went and took a shower before heading to bed leaving me to clean up the aftermath of her accident. This was probably the largest wetting accident I ever witnessed in person.

Posts: 8
Joined: 03 Oct 2016, 13:21
Location: USA East Coast

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